C.No GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU PROSPECTUS FOR ADMISSION TO PARAMEDICAL DEGREE COURSES 2020-2021 SESSION (As per G.O.(D) No.757, Health and Family Welfare (PME-1) Department,. Dated: 27-08-2020 and as amended from time to time) B.PHARM. B.P.T. B.ASLP B.Sc. (NURSING) B.Sc. RADIOGRAPHY AND IMAGING TECHNOLOGY B.Sc. RADIO THERAPY TECHNOLOGY B.Sc. CARDIO-PULMONARY PERFUSION TECHNOLOGY B.Sc. MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY B.Sc. OPERATION THEATRE & ANAESTHESIA TECHNOLOGY B.Sc. CARDIAC TECHNOLOGY B.Sc. CRITICAL CARE TECHNOLOGY B.Sc. DIALYSIS TECHNOLOGY B.Sc. PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT B.Sc. ACCIDENT & EMERGENCY CARE TECHNOLOGY B.Sc. RESPIRATORY THERAPY B. OPTOM B.O.T LAST DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF FILLED IN ONLINE APPLICATION 17-10-2020 UPTO 5.00 P.M. S E L E C T SELECTION COMMITTEEI O DIRECTORATE OF MEDICALN EDUCATION C # 162, E.V.R. PERIYAR HIGH ROAD, KILPAUK,O CHENNAI - 600 010. M Phone No : 044-28361674M I Helpline Numbers: 9884224648/9884224649/9884224745/9884224746T T Website: www.tnhealth.tn.gov.in / www.tnmedicalselection.orgE E Rs. 400/- -2- IMPORTANT DATES Date of Notification : 01-10-2020 Commencement of sale of online application / : 01-10-2020 from 10.00 a.m. download of online application Last date for sale of online application / : 15-10-2020 upto 05.00 p.m. download of online application Last date for receipt of the online application : 17-10-2020 upto 05.00 p.m. The Secretary, Address to which the filled in online application Selection Committee, : along with enclosures are to be sent No.162, E.V.R. Periyar High Road, Kilpauk, Chennai – 10. Expected date for declaration of Merit through : Will be intimated later official website Tentative Allotment of seats : Will be intimated later. The time as mentioned in the Last date of admission : allotment order of the candidate. IMPORTANT INFORMATION The Online submission of Application form for admission to Paramedical Degree courses 2020-2021 session in Tamil Nadu Government Medical Colleges, Government seats in Self-Financing Medical Colleges affiliated to The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R Medical University can be accessed from the following websites www.tnhealth.tn.gov.in/www.tnmedicalselection.org jäœehL muR kU¤Jt fšÿçfŸ k‰W« jäœehL lh¡l®. v«.í.M®. kU¤Jt gšfiy¡fHf¤jhš m§Ñfhu« brŒa¥g£l Raã kU¤Jt fšÿfëš cŸs muR XJ¡Ñ£L Ïl§fëš kU¤Jt« rh®ªj g£l¥go¥òfëš 2020-2021 M« fšé M©oš nrUtj‰fhf M‹iyåš é©z¥Ã¡f nk‰f©l tiy¤js§fë‹ _y« bgwyh«. -3- Any change or modification and relevant information pertaining to this admission process will be made available on the websites nr®¡if brašKiw bjhl®ghd kh‰w§fŸ k‰W« mJ bjhl®òila jftšfŸ www.tnhealth.tn.gov.in/ www.tnmedicalselection.org tiy¤js§fëš »il¡F«. The candidates are instructed to visit the websites frequently for updates from the date of online application till the end of admission process without fail. Selection committee will not be responsible for consequences resulting due to non-diligent follow-up of notices, notification and publications appearing on the websites regarding admission to all Paramedical Degree Courses for 2020-2021 session. M‹iy‹ é©z¥g¤Â‹ bjhl¡f ehŸ Kjš nr®¡if brašKiw KotilÍ« tiu nk‰fhQ« tiy¤js§fis mo¡fo gh®itæl é©z¥gjhu®fŸ m¿ÎW¤j¥gL»wh®fŸ.2020-2021 M« fšé M©oš kU¤Jt« rh®ªj g£l¥go¥Ãš nrUtJ bjhl®ghf tiy¤js§fëš m›t¥nghJ btëæl¥gL« m¿é¥òfŸ k‰W« btëpLfis gh®itæl jtWtjhš V‰gL« éisÎfS¡F nj®Î¡FG bghW¥ng‰fhJ. Candidates are advised to read the prospectus carefully before filling the online application and ensure that no mandatory column is left blank. In the event of rejection of the online application form, no correspondence/ request for re-consideration will be entertained. é©z¥gjhu®fŸ M‹iy‹ é©z¥g¤ij ãu¥òtj‰F K‹ jftš bjhF¥ng£il ftdkhf¥ go¡fΫ, vªj égu§fisÍ« fhèahf élhkš gh®¤J¡ bfhŸs m¿ÎW¤j¥gL»wh®fŸ. M‹iy‹ é©z¥g got¤ij ãuhfç¡F« ãfœéš kWgçÓyid¡F vªjbthU fojK« / nfhç¡ifÍ« V‰f¥glkh£lhJ. -4- CONTENTS S.NO PARTICULARS CLAUSE NO I GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1 II ELIGIBILITY 2-8 III PROCEDURE FOR FILLING & SUBMISSION OF 9-10 ONLINE APPLICATION IV MERIT LIST 11-13 V ONLINE COUNSELLING PROCEDURE 14-26 VI METHOD OF SELECTION & ADMISSION 27 VII CATEGORIES OF SEATS 28 VIII SPECIAL CATEGORIES 29 IX DURATION OF COURSE 30 X FEE DETAILS & INSTRUCTIONS 31-40 XI COMMUNICATION 41-44 ANNEXURE I to IX -5- I. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:- 1. a. Candidates seeking admission to all Paramedical Degree courses should submit the online filled in application form along with necessary enclosures should reach to the following address on or before 05.00 Pm on 17-10-2020. kU¤Jt« rh®ªj g£l¥ go¥Ãš nru éU«ò« é©z¥gjhu®fŸ ó®¤Â brŒa¥g£l M‹iy‹ é©z¥g got¤ijÍ« njitahd rh‹¿jœfë‹ efšfisÍ« ÑœfhQ« Kftçia 17-10-2020 khiy 5.00 kâ mšyJ mj‰F K‹ br‹wila nt©L«. The Secretary, brayhs®, Selection Committee, nj®Î¡FG, No.162, E.V.R. Periyar High Road, v©.162, <.bt.uh. bgçah® Kilpauk, Chennai – 10. beLŠrhiy, Ñœ¥gh¡f«, br‹id-10. b. The candidates shall ensure that the filled in online application form with all particulars and enclosures should be reached to the Selection Committee within the date and time specified. Online filled in applications received by Speed Post/Courier or any other means after the last date & time will not be accepted. ó®¤Â brŒa¥g£l M‹iy‹ é©z¥g§fŸ k‰W« mrš rh‹¿jœfë‹ efšfŸ F¿¥Ã£l nj k‰W« neu¤Â‰FŸ nj®Î¡ FGé‰F tªjiltij é©z¥gjhu®fŸ cW brŒa nt©L«. filÁ nj¡F¥ ÃwF °Õ£ ngh°£ / Tça® mšyJ ntW vªj têfëY« bgw¥g£l M‹iy‹ é©z¥g§fŸ V‰W¡ bfhŸs¥gl kh£lhJ. c. The Selection Committee shall not be responsible for any delay in the receipt or for the loss in transit of online application form etc. vªjbthU jhkj¤Â‰F« mšyJ M‹iy‹ é©z¥g got¤Â‹ gçkh‰w¤Âš V‰g£l ÏH¥ò¡F« nj®Î¡ FG bghW¥ng‰fhJ. d. Request for extension of time for submission of documents called for, after the specified date and time will not be entertained. F¿¥Ã£l nj k‰W« neu¤Â‰F ÃwF, Mtz§fis¢ rk®¥Ã¥gj‰fhd neu¤ij Ú£o¥gj‰fhd nfhç¡if V‰W¡ bfhŸs¥gl kh£lhJ. -6- e. Any supporting documents / online application received after due date will not be entertained. vªjbthU Jiz Mtz§fS« / M‹iy‹ é©z¥gK« F¿¥Ã£l nj¡F¥ ÃwF V‰W¡ bfhŸs¥gl kh£lhJ. f. Candidates seeking admission under Special Category for the Paramedical Degree Courses (Children of Ex-Servicemen Orthopaedically Physically Disabled,) shall submit the prescribed format (Annexure-I & Annexure-II (A)& (B) along with an additional fee of Rs.100/- by means of a Demand Draft or via Bank Portal for each special category. kU¤Jt« rh®ªj g£l¥go¥òfëš Áw¥ò Ãçé‹ Ñœ nr®¡if bgw éU«ò« é©z¥gjhu®fŸ (K‹dhŸ gilÅu®fë‹ FHªijfŸ k‰W« clš CdK‰nwh®) ã®zæ¡f¥g£l got¤Âš rk®¥Ã¡f nt©L«. (Ïiz¥ò-I k‰W« Ïiz¥ò-II(A)&(B). mjDl‹ TLjš f£lzkhf %.100/-I tiunthiy _ykhfnth mšyJ M‹iy‹ t§» nrit _ykhfnth brY¤j nt©L«. g. If the required certificate for special category are not enclosed the candidate will not be considered under special category. But they are eligible for general category only. Áw¥ò ÃçédU¡fhd ã®zæ¡f¥g£l got¤ij Ïiz¡fhé£lhš é©z¥gjhu®fŸ Áw¥ò Ãçé‹ Ñœ fUj¥glkh£lh®fŸ. mt®fŸ bghJ¥ Ãçé‹ Ñœ k£Lnk fUj¥gLth®fŸ. h. Candidates can track their online applications on the websites by entering their online application number (or) +2/Equivalent Examination Reg. No. of first appearance with the year. é©z¥gjhu®fŸ j§fsJ M‹iy‹ é©z¥g§fŸ nj®Î¡ FGé‰F tªjilªJŸsjh vd j§fsJ M‹iy‹ é©z¥g v© (mšyJ) +2 / rkkhd nj®é‹ gÂÎ v© _y« tiy¤js§fëš gh®¤J bjçªJ bfhŸsyh«. II. ELIGIBILITY:- 2. The candidate should be a citizen of India and Nativity of Tamil Nadu. é©z¥gjhu®fŸ ϪÂa FokfdhfΫ, jäœeh£il Ãw¥Ãlkhf¡ bfh©L ÏU¡f nt©L«. -7- 3. NATIVITY:- a) Candidates belonging to other States cannot claim nativity of Tamil Nadu Ãw khãy§fis¢ nr®ªj é©z¥gjhu®fŸ jäHf¤ij Ãw¥Ãlkhf¡ nfhu KoahJ. b) Candidates who are Native of Tamil Nadu and who have studied 6th standard to 12th standard in schools of Tamil Nadu need not submit their “Nativity Certificate”. jäœeh£il Ãw¥Ãlkhf¡ bfh©lt®fŸ k‰W« jäHf¤Â‹ gŸëfëš 6 M« tF¥ò Kjš 12 M« tF¥ò tiu go¤jt®fŸ j§fŸ “Ãw¥Ãl¢ rh‹¿jiH” rk®¥Ã¡f nt©oašiy. c) Permanent Residence Certificate in Lieu of Nativity Certificate will not be accepted. Ãw¥Ãl rh‹¿jG¡F gÂyhf ãiyahd FoÏU¥Ãl rh‹¿jœ V‰W¡ bfhŸs¥glhJ. d) Candidates who are Native of Tamil Nadu, but studied from 6th Standard to 12th standard outside Tamil Nadu either partly or completely in one or more states should produce the Nativity Certificate of the candidate and true copies of their parent’s certificates such as SSLC /10th /12th /Transfer Certificate and Ration Card / Passport to substantiate their place of birth in Tamil Nadu, to ensure the relationship between the parent and candidate.
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