Ursinus College Digital Commons @ Ursinus College Ursinus Weekly Newspaper Newspapers 10-3-1968 The rsinU us Weekly, October 3, 1968 Judy Schneider Ursinus College Alan Gold Ursinus College Jonathan Weaver Ursinus College Frederick Jacob Ursinus College Byron Jackson Ursinus College See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly Part of the Cultural History Commons, Higher Education Commons, Liberal Studies Commons, Social History Commons, and the United States History Commons Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits oy u. Recommended Citation Schneider, Judy; Gold, Alan; Weaver, Jonathan; Jacob, Frederick; Jackson, Byron; Crane, Cris; Picconi, John S.; and Miller, Thomas, "The rU sinus Weekly, October 3, 1968" (1968). Ursinus Weekly Newspaper. 163. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/163 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ursinus Weekly Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Authors Judy Schneider, Alan Gold, Jonathan Weaver, Frederick Jacob, Byron Jackson, Cris Crane, John S. Picconi, and Thomas Miller This book is available at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/163 Ursi.!u.3 l!~lle,'p uiLrary, \ COL:..EC':'ION Volume LXVIII THURSDA Y, OCTOBER 3, 1968 Foul'teen .Join Faculty; 227 Freshmen Begin Studies; Dept. Beads Named . ror Philos. IE Economics 3 Foreign Students Included by ALAN GOLD spent seven years as a research as­ by JONATHAN WEAVER degree candidates. dents are Rupak Bajracharya of sociate at Illinois, his responsibili­ From an average size group of The new students bring with Kathmandu, epal, Selby era of Fourteen instructors have been ties there including teaching, re­ 1,100 applicants, 326 new students them some $56,000 in financial Melsetter, Rhodesia, and Tadayoshi recently named to positions on the search, and extension work. have registered at Ursinus this grants. This figure includes the Oda of Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Ursinus College faculty. year. proceeds from four National Merit Japan. Dr. William Bedford Williamson He is editor of "Food Goals, Fu­ ture and Structural Changes and Largely accounting for this num­ Scholarships, seven Ursinus College Rupak is a freshman engineer­ has joined the faculty as professor ber is the class of 1972 with its 227 Centennial Scholarships, and sev­ ing major. He hopes to complete of Philosophy and head of the De­ Agricultural Policy," a volume to be published by the Iowa State members, of whom 144 are men, eral Educational Opportunity his 3-2 engineering course at either partment of Philosophy and Relig­ and 133 are women. Another 24 of Grants. the University of Pennsylvania, or ion. University Press this year. He has also been editor of "Farm Pol­ the new students have transferred Foreign Students Lehigh University, and go into me­ Dr. Williamson comes to Ursinus to Ursinus. There are eight re-ad­ All but 33 of the new students chanical engineering. Rupak, who from Cheyney State College where icy Forum," a quarterly magazine since 1962. missions, 11 special and part-time come from either Pennsylvania or is both accomplished and articu- he was professor of Philosophy students and seven evening school New Jersey. Among these 33 stu- late in English, said that he was since 1962. He received his bache­ Visiting Professors influenced to come to Ursinus by lor's degree from Temple Univer­ Dr. Bal Mokand Anand, since his brother who is a friend of the sity, his master's degree from Le­ 1964 chairman of the physics de­ Barretts of Easton, Pennsylvania, high University, and his doctorate partment at Panjab University, In­ alumni of the college. (Ed.D., Philosophy of Education) dia, is serving as visiting professor The thing which most attracted from Temple. of physics at Ursinus during this Rupak to Ursinus was its size academic year. which he feels allows a better re­ He is assisting in the absence of lationship among students and fac­ Dr. Evan S. Snyder, who is on a ulty members. He also enjoys the 9-month leave of absence under a freedom of college life here, and Science Faculty Fellowship award­ the acceptance of the responsibility ed him by the National Science which it puts upon the student. Foundation. Dr. Snyder is doing His primary dislike is contending research in "high energy physics" with the traffic noise which engulfs at the Forrestal Laboratories, his Main St. dormitory. The major Princeton University. difference he finds here is in the Dr. Anand received his B.S. de­ treatment of female students. He gree in 1926 at the Government believes the girls here are smarter College in Lahore, India; his M.S. than those in Nepal, and finds that degree from the same college in they are treated as equals here, 1928; and his Ph.D. degree in 1953 which is in direct opposition to Dr. William Bedford Williamson, from Bristol University, England, their treatment in his country. new head of the Philosophy and where, as a Government of India Selby Nera is also an engineer­ Religion department. Research Scholar, he worked for Pictured abo\'e are Tadayoshi Oda of Japan, and Rupak Bajracharya of ing 3-2 student. He hopes to com­ epal, two of the Freshman foreign students. An ordained minister, Dr. Wil­ three years with Nobel Prize-win­ plete his education at either M.LT. liamson earned degrees from the ning Professor C. F. Powell. or the University of Pennsylvania, Temple University School of The­ With the exception of his three­ and go into electrical engineering. ology and the Lutheran Theological year study in England, he has been Professors Recognized He too was influenced by alumni of Seminary in Philadelphia. He was on the physics faculty of Panjab Ursinus, who taught at the mis­ ordained as a Minister of the Epis­ University since 1934. In recent sionary school which he attended. copal Church on May 20, 1950, in years, in addition to his teaching Selby likes the friendliness the Diocese of Bethlehem, after duties, he has been Investigator-in­ For Teaching Excellence which students have shown him, nine years of service in the Meth­ charge of the "K-Mesons Scheme" Dr. William F. Philip, professor of music, Dr. E. Vernon Lewis and the rock bands he has a chance odist Church as pastor and U. S. financed by the Indian Govern­ associate professor of mathematics, and Dr. Gayle A. Byerly, assistant to hear. His only dislike was the Army Chaplain. ment's Department of Atomic En­ professor of English, were named at Commencement Exercises in June weal'ing of his sign during fresh­ Dr. Williamson served on the ergy. to receive the 1968 Lindback Awards "for excellence in teaching." man orientation. As evidence of how well he has adapted to life Army Chaplain School staff and At Ursinus Dr. Anand's courses The a wards are made possible by Heltferich as one "who demon­ here, the interview with him had faculty. He was instructor in In­ include Modern Physics, Electricity a yearly grant from the Christian strates enthusiasm for her work to be curtailed so that he could ternational relations at Lehigh and Magnetism, Alternating Cur­ R. and Mary F. Lindback Founda­ and confesses to being a happy catch the bus to the first L F. party. University from 1948-52; assistant rents, and seminars m Mathemati­ tion. The donors, both deceased, member of the Ursinus faculty, Tadayoshi Oda is a sociology professor of social sciences from cal Physics. established the fund "to help young pleased with the type of students major. He plans to do as many as 1960-61, at West Chester State Col­ Dr. Philip E. Williams, since 1957 students through scholarships and she has found here." three years at the University of lege; chairman of social studies at professor of English at North Ja­ to help the teaching profession Dr. Heltferich pointed out that Pennsylvania, and go into social Harcum Junior College from 1961- pan University, Sendai, Japan, will through increasing professor's sal­ Dr. Lewis had been chosen by the work in Japan. He was referred to 62; and recently lectured at Tem­ be visiting professor of English at aries." ple University as an adjunct pro­ Ursinus this year. 1968 graduating class as their fac­ Ursinus by his father, who visited fessor of Philosophy of Education, The visiting professor is teach­ Twofold Purpose of Grant ulty adviser dul'ing their freshman the United States 3 years ago. He a post he has held since 1964. ing courses in Western and non­ Each year's grant is applied year and that the class has renewed still has some difficulty with the Dr. Williamson l'eceived an hon­ Western literature with special at­ equally to these two purposes, the this choice each succeeding year at language, but finds campus life orary Doctor of Divinity degree tention to the literature of Japan, half retained for student aid being Ursinus. generally enjoyable. from National University in Wash­ and courses in American literature added to the Lindback Scholarship ington, D. C., in 1953. He is also and modern poetry in which he ma­ which now totals $13,000 at Ursin­ the author of two books and num­ jored at the University of Pennsyl­ us College. Income from this per­ erous articles on religion, educa­ vania, where he received his Ph.D. manent fund is awarded each year Joint Effort Concert tion, and philosophy. degree in 1964. to a worthy student who is desig­ New Economics Head Dr. Williams, an ordained minis­ nated as "Lindback Scholar" of the Dr.
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