gas saving dawn & lisa art made tips P. 4 dish out for use P. 7 advice P. 16 HOMECOMING 2009 SPECIAL The Tower (see centerfold) www.kean.edu/~thetower Kean University’s stUDENT NEWSPAPER Volume 10 • Issue 3 Nov. 18-Dec. 15, 2009 Esposito Regrets Low Student Vote BY JOSEPH TINGLE ing students who voted in this year’s elec- tion is tough. One Kean student, a senior He lost the race, but Kean University graphic design major, said, “I didn’t vote Professor Frank Esposito, who ran for because I don’t really care. I know that’s Lieutenant Governor alongside Indepen- not necessarily a good thing.” dent candidate Chris Daggett, said he In the pre-election interview, Esposito hopes students now see how important it offered some explanation as to why turn- is to vote. out might be low. Distinguished Professor Esposito, who “Both political parties have failed,” he has been teaching in the History depart- said. “They’re not raising the issues.” ment for 39 years, said that students need to recognize the choice to vote or not to vote can directly affect their lives. Which officials are in office can mean a lot about what jobs are available, government debt, and education costs, he said. Food where and when you want it. Plus, Homecoming 2009! “I was surprised by the relative apathy of Kean students,” Dr. Esposito commented after the election. “Your future economic well being depends on your awareness Spring Promises More Food Options of what’s going on and the exercise of your vote.” BY CASEY MURPHY Kean University Theatre Major Rachelle Election turn-out was dismally sparse Distinguished Professor Frank Esposito of Kean Dorce thinks the food cart is the perfect earlier this month as less than a fourth University, who ran as an independent in this year’s Hungry students who have no time to idea for students who have a lot of classes of New Jersey’s voting population, just Gubernatorial Election sit and eat now have another option for back to back. 18 percent of New Jersey’s eligible vot- food on-the-go. Right outside the Univer- “I like the idea because it’s food on the ers, ousted unpopular Democratic billion- “PeoPle between the ages sity Center, across from the clock tower, is go, especially if you don’t have time to sit aire Jon Corzine in favor of a former US a new food cart that sells seasonal snacks, and eat,” Dorce said. “You can have a hot Attorney and Bush administration ap- of 18 and 29 only made uP chips, hot dogs, and drinks. dog for the walk.” pointee, Chris Christie. According to sta- 8 Percent of new Jersey’s By 11 a.m., when the cart opens, there Delia Verdecia agreed, adding that most tistics available at politico.com, voters is usually a small stream of people lining times students do not have enough time aged 18 to 29 only made up 8 percent of voter turn-out” up to buy snacks in between their classes. in between classes to wait in line or sit the turn out. “It’s like steady,” commented Gourmet down to eat their food. Dr. Esposito hoped that students would His statement is validated by a Star Foods staffer Towanna. “11:30 is a down “I’m gonna say (I have) five minutes, turn out for this election, citing New Jer- Ledger exit poll, which claims that only time, 12 it picks up.” and that’s like you walking and eating,” sey’s dismal standings in higher education 11 percent of New Jersey’s voters believed This new addition, which is open most Verdecia said. against the rest of the 50 states as reason Christie and Corzine ran clean campaigns. days from 11 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., will not A possible issue is that the food cart enough. More money for higher education These kinds of elections, according to Es- be around for much longer. According to only accepts cash. Luckily, however, the was one of his ticket’s platforms. posito, are hard for voters to care about. Kean University Public Relations Repre- food isn’t pricy. A cup of coffee only costs “Higher education isn’t a priority for Throughout the campaign, Daggett and sentative Paul Dinero the car will be put 75 cents, chips are $1, and a hot dog goes Corzine,” he said. Esposito were praised by their support- away for the winter after temperatures fall for $2. But students didn’t get the memo. ers as being candidates willing to focus on below 55 degrees. Another new (Continued on page 5) Around the Kean University campus, find- relevant issues as (Continued on page 5) THE COLOR OF YOUR FOOD AND WHY IT MATTERS (see pg. 11) INQUIRING PHOTOGRAPHER: What's so addictive about Facebook? BY KELLY PENNISI Jason Cilento Juan Metrio Malcom Hubbard Theo Odoemene Sophomore, Theatre Education. Senior, Mathematical Science. Freshman, Criminal Justice. Junior, Physical Therapy. Photos: Pennisi Kelly “Being able to keep in touch with “You can communicate with every- “It’s an easy way to talk to everybody “I like looking at the the status people people in high school and see what body.” with facebook chat.” leave and playing games.” they’re doing now.” Rachel’s Rave 3 Art Made for Use 7 Women’s & Men’s Sport 12-15 Get Your Books For Free? 5 Editorial & View 10 A Word to the Wise 16 Dissidia: Final Fantasy 6 Health & Fitness 11 NCAA Football: John & Jay's Picks 16 2 Nov. 18-Dec. 15, 2009 | The Tower Kean Promotes Wordsmiths Author Jayanti Tamm Says Writing Helped Save Her Life BY MELISSA JEWELS sented by Dr. Diane Bloom and “Writing BY MELISSA JEWELS Memoir of Growing Up Cult” was the for Publication” presented by Dr. Susan completion of therapy,” Tamm said. Even though students write all the time, Polirstok. Both presentations were spon- If anyone understands the impor- Tamm studied fiction and playwrit- it is an underappreciated skill. sored by the College of Education. tance of writing, it is Jayanti Tamm, ing and graduated from American Uni- To help students and faculty under- An “Open Mic” event at the Carriage author of the memoir “Cartwheels in a versity in Washington, DC with her stand, appreciate, and celebrate the art House in Liberty Hall invited students, Sari: A Memoir of Growing Up Cult.” MFA in Creative Writing. She is cur- of writing, the Kean University Writing faculty, and staff to read their own works Her book, a memoir, tells the story rently teaching writing as an English Project hosted “Mapping the Frontiers of of writing such as short stories or poetry of her life in a cult from birth until professor at Ocean County College. Writing,” a day specially dedicated to the or any other readings that had inspired she was kicked out at the age of 25 by She is also working on a novel that National Day on Writing on October 20. them. The College of Composition Pro- cult leader Guru Sri Chinmoy after she does not relate to her life. She recently “Writing is hard,” said Lisa Sisler, gram sponsored this event. adjunct professor in the English Depart- To conclude the day, author Jayanti ment. “However, the more time you spend Tamm presented her memoir “Cartwheels “I’ve kePt a Journal sInce doing it, you get better at it, and the in a Sari” where she spoke of her life in a I was about fIve.” reward is the writing itself and a day de- cult and how writing literally saved her. voted to writing is special.” (See related article, Page 3.) Established by the National Council of Dr. Linda Best, chair of the Department made several unsuccessful attempts to Teachers of English (NCTE), the National of English and director of Kean’s Writ- leave. Released in April, the book is Day on Writing is a day dedicated to pro- ing Project, was thrilled at how the day published by Harmony and now avail- viding awareness of all types of writing. turned out. able wherever books are sold. Such writing pertains to stories, poems, “Over 300 participants spent time with In the book, Tamm details her life in blogs, emails, recipes, and even artwork us on October 20—that is an exceptional a cult that included constant feelings and audio/video. turn out in my mind, one that would not of guilt. As a young child, Tamm was In honor of the National Day on Writ- have been possible without the event plan- made to feel as if she was the reason Author Jayanti Tamm ing, Kean held several events throughout ning that my assistant Erica Holan, and why the Guru suffered and had nega- the day in the CAS and on the grounds of our academic specialist, Nadia Lahens, tive feelings due to the bad karma celebrated the National Day of Writ- Liberty Hall on Morris Avenue. carried out,” said Best. created by her behavior. The Guru’s ing on October 20 at Kean University, In the CAS, a paper “writing wall” was The Kean University Writing Project is karma philosophy convinced Tamm where she spoke to a group about her displayed on the windows of the CAS first an approved site of the National Writing that she was responsible for anything memoir. floor. Students, faculty, and staff were able Project (www.nwp.com). Kean is one of that went wrong. To cope with her own “I think the concept of a Writing Day to write a short message or signature to over 200 National Writing Project sites negative feelings and doubts about the is fantastic since writing has literally celebrate free-format writing.
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