NN31811.127 INSTITOOT VOUK CULTUURTECHNIEK EN WATERHUISHOUDING INSTITUTE FOR LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENT RESEARCH P.O. BOX 35, WAGENINGEN, THE NETHERLANDS Buried channel aquifers and present open drainage system of East Gelderland, the Netherlands J. J. de Vries and E. van Rees Veilinga Verspreide overdrukken Miscellaneous Reprints Uit: Geologie en Mijnbouw 127 From: 51 (1), 1972 Nog te verkriigen Verspreide Overdrukken: 26. VISSER, W. C. 1965. Een zelfregistrerende water­ Still available Miscallaneous Reprmts: standsmeTer voor verscn111enae meeropdrachten. 27. POST, C. J. VAN DER, en J.C. VAN LEEUWEN. 1965. Vergelijking van enkele grondbewerkingswerktuigen (Summary: Camparisen of various soil cultivation 5. VISSER, W. C. 1962. Wie beeinflusst das Speiche­ methode;); MEYS, M. Q. VAN DER, en C. J. VAN DER rungsvermögen den Dränab~tand (Summary: How POST. 1965. Wortelontwikkeling bij herfsttomaten does moisture starage capecity influence drain spa­ (Summary: Root development of autumn tomatoes). cing). 28. BIJKERK, C. en J. PIETERS. 1965. Techniek en econo­ 6. SCHOTHORST, C. J. 1963. Herontginningsresultaten mie van het onderhoud van enkele Drentse water­ onder de loep (Summary: Opinion of farmers on schappen (Summary: Technica! and economical as­ the effect of improving cut-over high moor peat pects of the maintenance of open watercourses). soils). 29. WIEBING, R. 1965. Het grondverbeteringsproefveld 7. WIND, G. P. en D. J. PATIJE. 1963. De opbrengsten te De Krim (Ov.). op de proefboerderij voor machinale bodemverbete­ 31. TOUSSAINT, C. G. en D. HETIINGA. 1966. Effect ring te Borgercompagnie in 1962 (Summary: The van rijenafstond en beregening bij zomertarwe op yields of on experimental farm soil impravement on zandgrond (Summary: Effects of row spacing and cut-over high moor peat soils). sprinkling irrigation of spring wheat on sandy soils). 8. Verbetering van Ploatgronden. 1963. WIND, G. P. 32. POST, C. J. VAN DER, en J.C. VAN LEEUWEN. 1966. Het theoretisch te verwachten effect van plaatgrond­ De waterlozing in glasgebieden (Summary: Water verbetering. HIDDING, A. P. Resultaten van het ver­ discharge in glasshouse regions). diepen van de doorwortelbare zone van plaatgron­ 33. HAAN, F. A. M. DE, en G. P. WIND. 1966. Bodem­ den. verdichting als gevolg van de wijze van uitvoering 9. DUIN, R. H. A. VAN. 1963. Problemen van platte­ van grondverbeteringswerkzaamheden. landsinrichting. 34. WEERD, B. VAN DER, en W. C. VISSER. 1966. Een 10. WIEBING, R. en G. P. WIND. 1964; Verbetering van apparaat voor het meten van draindebieten onder veenkoloniale grond. water en enkele op deze meting steunende resul­ 11. BIERHUIZEN, J. F. 1964. Growth and water use of taten. vegetobles in a greenhouse. 35. GELDEREN, C. VAN. 1966. Bepaling en gebruik van 12. VISSER, W. C. 1964. Formulae for the ecological re­ de minimale gemiddelde kavelafstand (Summary: action of erop yields. Determination and use of the minimum mean lot 13. VISSER, W. C. 1964. Cropping pattern and water re­ distance). lotions. 36. BIJKERK, C. 1966. Landinrichting in gebieden met 18. VISSER, W. C. 1964. De stikstofvorming in de grond verouderde structuur (Summary: Physical planning en de ontwatering (Summary: The formation of ni­ of agricultural areas with on out-of-date structure). trogen in the soil and the depth of yield drainage). 37. VISSER, W. C. 1966. De wijdte van de perforatiesJeu­ 20. SLATYER, R. 0. and J. F. BIERHUIZEN. 1964. A dif­ ven in plastiek drainbuizen in verband met opdrij­ ferentiel psychrometer for continuous measurements ven. of transpiration. 38. SCHOTHORST, C. J. 1966. Klink van veengrond na 21. HIDDING, A. P. 1965. Resultaten van een aantal be­ diepere ontwatering. zandingsproeven. 39. VISSER, W. C. 1966. Ober die Weiterentwicklung der 22. TOUSSAINT, C. G. 1965. Het effect V'an water en Auffassungen hinsichtlich der Dränung van Obstan­ stikstof op al dan niet met chloorcholinchloride be· lagen in den Niederlanden. spoten wintertarwe. 40. FLACH, A. J. en J. PIETERS. 1966. Veranderingen in 23. HIDDING, A. P. 1965. Untersuchungen zur Beein­ de wandruwheidsfactor van open waterlopen tijdens flussing schwerer Tonböden durch kulturtechnische heT groeise1zoen. Masznahmen. 41. SPIJK, P. 1967. Invloed van de situering van boerde­ 24. BERG, C. VAN DEN, en l. J. LOCHT. 1965. Overzicht rijen op de investeringen in openbare nutsvoorzie­ van het economisch onderzoek in de cultuurtechniek. ningen (Summary: The effect of the settiement pat­ 25. VISSER, W. C. 1965. A methad of determining evapo­ tarn of farm buildings on the investments in utility transpiration in soil monoliths. works). Zie achterkaft See back cover GEOLOGIE EN MIJNBOUW VOLUME 51 (1), p .. 45-52 1972 BURIED CHANNEL AOUIFERS AND PRESENT OPEN DRAINAGE SYSTEM OF EAST GELDERLAND, THE NETHERLANDS 1 2 J.J. DE VRIES ) and E. VAN REES VELLINGA ) ABSTRACT formations that were known to occur in this region. The buried channel aquifers are of great im­ In the eastern part of the province of Gelderland, two portance for the water supply of municipalities and buried valley systems have been traced. Orte system is filled industries. · with fluvioglacial deposits dating from the Saalian lee Age, the other with preglacial fluvial sediments which are remarkable The age and course of these old valley systems in rich in vulcanic minerals. relation to the geomorphologic developments of the Both systems have a course which is almost perpendicular area is discussed in this paper. to the present drainage system. This change in stream direction is explained by postglacial reptacement of the main drainage channel in the area, teetonic movement perpendi­ cular to the old channels, and postglacial filling of the old GENERAL GEOLOGY OF THE AREA channels with wind blown sand. From a geological point of view, two different areas may he distinguished in Eastern Gelderland: the INTRODUCTION East Netherlands plateau and the Pleistocene basin (see fig. 2). In the eastern part of Gelderland Pleistocene The East Netherlands plateau extends from the buried valleys occur. The presence of an old buried German frontier to the line Groenlo-Aalten. Here channel system near Winterwijk and Aalten was thick layèrs of marine clays and clayey sands of mentioned by F a b e r (1960) and is shown in fig. 1. mainly Oligocene and Miocene age are found at the From the results of more recent investigatiom by land surface or at shallow depth. At many places W a 1 ter (1965), Cs on ka (1965), Romein these Tertiary deposits are covered by a thin layer of (1967) and de Ridder (1966) the course and wind-blown sands. Locally, however, coarse, gravel­ depth of the valley system have been traced. hearing layers of fluvial Middle-Pleistocene (Sterk­ Another buried valley system . was traeed west of sel/Enschede Formation) and fluvioglacial origin, as the former {de Ridder, 1966; and Ernst, de wellas boulder clay (Drente Formation), occur. R i d d e r and d e V r i e s, 1970). The channels of In westerly direction the Tertiary deposits dip this system are filled with very coarse sand. The rather abruptly under the Pleistocene basin. The heavy mineral content of these channel deposits transition from the plateau to the Pleistocene basin is differs significantly from the composition of the marked by a terrace . escarpmènt along the line 1 Groenlo-Aalten which at several places · reaches an ) Institute of Earth Sciences, Free University, Amsterdam. 2 ) Institute for Land and Water Management Research, elevation of several meters. Wageningen. The Pleistocene basin is filled with predominantly ~ ti SEP. 1973 46 -1- -1- -1- + ~ preglacial channels + +++++. younger channels "f.-"f.--f-. )(')(. ')(.')(. Fig. 1 Preglacial and younger buried channels in East Gelderland (after Faber, 1960). gravel-hearing coarse sands of fluvial and fluvioglacial hardly be traced. Near ·Dinxperlo where the older origin, alternated by locally occurring boulder clay, system passes the German frontier, it reaches a depth fine sands and clayey deposits of the Eemian (Saale­ of more than 100 meters below land surface or more Weichsel Interglacial). The youngest of these layers than 70 m below sea level. In northeasterly direction · belong the the Kreftenheye Formation, the fluvio­ the channel becomes less deep and near the river glacial and boulder clay are indicative of the Drente Berkel the bottorn comes v'ery near to the land Formation; their total thickness is from 20 to 40 Surface. This deeply eroded valley has been gradually meters. Windblown sands of the Twente Formation filled with coarse and gravel-hearing fluvio-glacial (Weichselian) cover these coarse sediments and vary deposits, as shown in the geological section north of in thickness from 0 to 10 meters. Bredevoort (fig. 3, section A-A'). Most likely this former drainage system was a tributary of the preglacial or glacial Rhine which was BURIED CHANNELS OF THE deeply incised as a result of the drop of the sea level BAST-NETHERLANDS PLATEAU with the advancing land ice during the Saalian. Underlying the present valley of the river IJ ssel ~ Buried channels are found carved in the Tertiary · (running, some 10 to 15 km west of the region deposits of the plateau as well as in the Tertiary discussed), relics of this Saalian Rhine have been deposits underlying the coarse sediments of the found to a depth of more than 70 meters below sea Pleistocene basin. The valley system of the plateau level. Probably this deeply • carved Rhine valley runs from the north and northeast towards Dinxperlo extended south-eastward meeting the present Rhine in the south (fig. 2) and agrees with the direction of valley near Wesel in Germany (Th o rri é, 1954). the preglacial valleys given on Faber's map (fig. 1). The old valley system seems to have developed The younger systems given on Faber's map seem to along the boundaries of tlie geological formations be more shallow and less pronounced and could which were apparently the zones of least resistance in 47 •? ,~ - --~-- ------- ,I I z .· .
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