Weather Distribution Today Fair today, variable eloudl- 17,675 sen; high, 40i. MoiUy fair RED BANK tonlfbt; low, SOi. Fair Tomor- row; Mgb, 40i. See weather I Independent Daily (, (j MONDAY THROUGH/MDAY-lSTU7t J page 2. SH I -0010 limed atliy. Monday urouxb Friday. Bseood Clut Portag* 35c PER WEEK VOL. 83, NO. 181 Fill u R>d Bank ud at Additional MUUnx oaicta. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1961 7c PER COPY BY CARRIER PAGE ONE Levitt Proposal SouthAfricaWalkout On Lot Size Seen Strengthening Hits Opposition The Commonwealth Engelhardt Firm Denies Arrest 3 in 1959 Break Hikes Any Conflict of Interest Loan Office Holdup Influence In MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — An' official of Engel- Africa, Asia hardt, Engelhardt, Leggett and 'Cornell, educational MIDDLETOWN — The armed cated Duliba and Dorman, police consultants, told The Register last night that he sees robbery of the Household Finance reported. Co. office in the Middletown Both Mickla and Duliba served LONDON (AP) — South "no conflict of interest" in the fact that his firm is Shopping Center in June, 1959, prison terms in Georgia for rob-Africa's walkout from the representing the Matawan Board of Education and at came back into the news yester- bery, police said. British Commonwealth was the same time Levitt and day with the arrest by local de- Duliba, police said, served four ectives of three Perth Amboy years while Mickla served two een today as a big boost Son's, Inc. So, Now He len. years. o the commonwealth's in- Dr. Nicholas Engelhardt, Needs a Cat MEET IN CAMBODIA—Prince Souvanna Phouma, left, former Laos premier, and Two of the men were arraigned Police said Mickla and Dorman fluence in Africa and Asia. last night and placed under $1,- have confessed to their part in partner in the company, Gen. Phoumi Nosavan of the Vientiane government in Laoi, pose at meeting in the RIDGEWeOD (AP) — An 8- W0 bail pending action of the the robbery and also implicated Britons generally ac- said that his firm had rep- yea r-oU businessman has prince's villa at Phnom Penh, Cambodia. They reached agreement on a jix-point irand Jury. The third is being Duliba. cepted the break as inevitable while South Africa adhered rigid- resented Levitt "for mSny years" reached (he point where he program for ending the Laoi crisis. (APWirephoto) held under $5,000 bail for arraign- Duliba denies he was involved. before It signed a contract with must either sell or surrender. ment today. All three are married. Mickla ly to white supremacy. But they held hope for a change in policy the local school board.' Donald Gilbert of 70 Glen- They were identified as Carl has three children. that would lead the African na. "Actually," he said, "I feel wood Rd., has 21 mice and it Is Mickla, 26, of 551 Compton Ave., After Mickla confessed yester- day, the other two were picked tion back to the multiracial fam- the fact that we represent both apparent that he'll have more ieorge R. Duliba, 610 Corthind up at work. ily of nations that replaced the will be a benefit to both. any day now. He wrote this Won't Lift Accreditation St., and Earl R. Dorman, 450 Capt. Raymond T. Walling, De- Empire. Levitt plans to construct a letter to Lederle Laboratories Convery Blvd., all Perth Amboy. tective Lt, Joseph McCarthy and housing development here —and at Pearl River, N. Y. Mickla pleaded guilty in the South Africa's Prime Minister Fear of Direct Action in College Dispute Spiked Detective Sgt. Robert Letts made one of the points of argument in "I have been raising mice. 21 - month - old, $240.50 robbery, Hendrik F. Verwoerd, outwardly preliminary negotiations h,is been while Dorman waived prelimin- the arrests. nonchalant but reported private- Would you like to buy some is rather "an expression of con- tions" after thorough study and tile question of school aid by4- | ? I'm saving money for WEST LONG BRANCH — 'Re- ary hearing on arraigncment. ly saddened, remained '.n London m ce ports of possible loss of accredi- fidence by other educators." then provides "adequate time" the builder. my college education. to take part in the closing ses- tation as a direct result of the Give Time to Comply for the institution to comply, he At Closing Time P. S. Please answer fast be- 24 Rooms First Offer faculty-administration dispute at The executive secretary said explained. Police said two men entered Business Unit cause we just had 10 more At a recent meeting JaOween Monmouth College were his group seeks "a continuous re- the finance office about 5 p m. babies today." Dr. Jones said that students Levitt officials and members of squelched last night by the ex- lationship" with its members. Mickla told police he was To Stay in Bloc Lederle said th/ty couldn't use reportedly worried about loss of Endorses the local Planning Board, the ecutive secretary of the accredit- The association makes "sugges- armed with a .38-calibre auto- the mice. accreditation this year because LONDON (AP)-Prlme Min- bulider offered to construct and ing association. of the dispute are misinformed. matic and announced that "this ister Hendrlck F. Verwoerd donate to the township a 24- Asked last night if Donald is a holdup." Dr. F. Taylor Jones of the He said there was no possi Rail Plan said today South Africa will room school, provided the town- had a scientific interest in the The pair ordered Raymond Middle States Association of Col- bility that Middle States would MIDDLETOWN — The board stay in the Sterling Bloc and ahdp downgrades its lot size — mice, his mother sighed: Zwigard, then office manager, leges and Secondary Schools told suddenly withdraw its accredi- of directors of the Middletown hopes to keep trade and de- from 100x150 to 75x100 feet. "Donald's only Interest was and Miss Nancy Okelew of Keans- in making a fast buck." The Register that the accredita- tation. Chamber of Commerce voted yes- fense ties with Britain despite Several board members have burg, a clerk, to lie on the floor. tion rumors were unfounded. However, Dr. Jones admitted terday to endorse the "Palmer withdrawal from the common- indicated disapproval of the of- They were bound by tape and Other developments relative to that any vote of no confidence Plan" for improvement of rai wealth. fer of 24 classrooms, on grounds the telephone ripped from the the critical report released Mon- in the administration by the fac- transportation between New Jer- He announced yesterday that tWs number would be "total- wall. Off-Duty Cop day by the American Association ulty would be considered by his sey and New York. South Africa wUI quit the com- ly inadequate," and the board The bandits made their es- of University Professors in Wash- association as "a symptom of The plan is being advanced by monwealth May 31 rather than Itself at a meeting last night in- cape in a car allegedly driven 1 ington were: trouble." Dwight R. G. Palmer, state high- tolerate criticism of its white formally rejected the proposal Slain Foiling by Duliba, police reported. 1. An appeal by Alan N. Dr. Jones had previously said way commissioner. supremacy policies by common- to downgrade lot size to 75x100. Police said Duliba admitted The chamber is also distribut- wealth partners. Dr. Engelhardt told The Regis- Schooiunaker, student council (See COLLEGE, Pg. 2) he owned the gun used in the rob- president, for an end to the ad ing petitions asking the railroads ter that Levitt this week has in-Two Bandits bery. to provide improved rail service, creased the offer of school con- verse publicity to the. college A tattoo "LOVE 13" on Mick- sions of the Commonwealth Min- NEWARK (AP) - 63-year-oIi over a "private matter. including more train stops at the (See lEvrrr, Pg. ?) off-duty policeman was shot t Revoked List la's hand led to the arrest of local railroad station. isters' Conference. South Afri- 2. The announcement by the the trio, police said. ca's membership does not of- death last night when he thwart- local AAUP chapter that it wUI The business unit, with the aid According tc police, a custom- of the township, is formulating ficially end until the nation be-, ed an attempted tavern sticku; atempt to stave off any vote of Driver Gets er who left as the two bandits plans for providing more parkin] comes a republic May 31. Union Beach by exchanging gunfire with tw confidence or censnre at today's entered the office noticed that faculty meeting. space at the station. Aides said Verwoerd would al- bandits. one man had the tattoo on the so attend Queen Elizabeth's fare- 3. A denial by Dr. Frederick |205 Fine In other business, the chambe fingers of his left hand. well reception for the visiting Gets Okay Patrolman Joseph C. Hagcl °' M.. Raubfnger, state commission- RED BANK-Louls F. Petru announced that its new head- Police said a tip had been re- ministers. But gloom over Ver- 92 Grafton Ave., was hit by thre er of education, that his organi- zelli, 31. of Holmdel Rd., Eve- quarters will open today. It is ceived from Perth Amboy that woerd's action pervaded a party bullets and pronounced dead on zation will "interject ourselves rett, yesterday was fined $205 for located in a portion of the Harry For School Alan N. Schoonmakcr MicKla had a tattoo similar to the the'queen-gave last night for arrival at Martland Medical Cen- into a family quarrel." his second conviction within six Kearney Real Estate Agency, one described by the customer.
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