vkink izca/ku funs’kky; DIRECTORATE OF DISASTER MANAGEMENT योजना एवं अनुभाग PLANNING & STATISTICAL SECTION vkink izca/ku ij cqfu;knh lkaf[k;dh २०१९-२० BASIC STATISTICS ON DISASTER MANAGEMENT 2019-20 1. Sanction Strength in the department and filled posts and its present status as on 31.03.2020. 2. Island-wise Statistical Outline 2019-20. Sanction Strength in the department and filled posts and its present status as on 31.03.2020 PROFORMA-I Grade Total Posts filled OBC/Tribal/Physically Handicapped out of Col. 2 & Col.3 Sanctioned OBC TRIBAL Physically Posts Handicapped 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Group A 02 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 Group B (G) 06 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 Group B (NG) 04 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 Group C 10 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 TSM 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Total 22 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 Census of Govt. Employee under A&N Administration as on 31.03.2020 PROFORMA-II Category of Total Number of Total Number of Total Number of employees Grand staff Employees Industrial Staff working on contract/daily rated total Col. included in col. 2,3,&4 basis 4 + 10. Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Group A 01 00 01 00 00 00 Contract DRM Contract DRM Group B (G) 06 00 06 00 00 00 01 25 00 07 33 Group B (NG) 01 02 03 00 00 00 Group C 01 02 03 00 00 00 TSM Total 09 04 13 00 00 00 01 25 00 07 33 46 Island-wise Statistical Outline 2019-20 Sl. Name of the Islands Nature of No. of No. of relief No. of No. of No. of Others if No. Disaster shelters Godown employees earthqua Relief any occurred identified with posted kes centers speficy) (specify capacity Male Female occurred identified location) identified (>5) (specify) N & M Andaman District 1 Narcondum Island 2 East Island 3 Land Fall Island 4 North Andaman Island 5 Smith Island 6 Stewart Island 7 Curlew Island 8 Aves Island 9 Middle Andaman Island 10 Long Island 11 North passage Island 12 Strait Island 13 Baratang Island 14 Interview Island A B E Others pl. specify C D – – – South Andaman District – – 1 Havelock Island 2 Neil Island 3 South Andaman Island NIL NIL NIL 4 Rutland Island 5 North Sentinel Island ANNEXURE ANNEXURE ANNEXURE 6 Little Andaman Island ANNEXURE ANNEXURE 7 Flat Bay Others pl. specify Nicobar District 1 Car Nicobar Island 2 Chowra Island 3 Teressa Island 4 Katchal Island 5 Nancowry Island 6 Kamorta Island- 7 Tilangchong Island 8 Puliomillow Island 9 Little Nicobar Island 10 Great Nicobar Island Others pl. specify ANNEXURE – A LIST OF IDENTIFIED RELIEF SHELTERS IN ANI South Andaman District: LIST OF RELIEF SHELTERS Port Blair Sl Name of the Villagers comprised in the Identified building for relief camp No Tehsil 1. Govindnagar PanchayatGhar, School 2. Junglighat Rabindra Bangla Vidyalaya 3. Aberdeen Village Model School 4. Aberdeen Bazaar 5. Phoenix Bay Delanipur School 6. Delanipur Delanipur School 7. Haddo Community Hall & School 8. Goodwill Estate Nayagaon School 9. Carbyn's Cove 10. Nayagaon 11. Dudh Line 12. South Point South Point School 13. Shadipur Shadipur School 14. Dollygunj PanchayatGhar, School 15. School Line School Line School 16. Lamba Line Community School 17. Minnie Bay School 18. Bimblitan School 19. Teylarabad School 20. Garacharma School 21. Prothrapur PanchayatGhar, Bathubasti School 22. Austinabad Prothrapur School 23. Brichgunj School 24. Calicut Community Hall, School 25. Beodnabad Beodnabad School 26. Rangachang Beodnabad School 27. Chidiyatapu Guest House, School 28. Rutland School 29. Shyam Nagar School 30. Radhanagar School, Guest House 31. Lakshmanpur Neil Kendra School 32. Ramnagar Ram Nagar School 33. Sitapur 34. Sippighat PanchayatGhar, School Ferrargunj Sl Name of the Villagers Identified building for relief camp No comprisedin the Tehsil 1 Caddlegunj PS Aniket and PS Caddlegunj 2 Aniket 3 Stewartgunj PanchayatGhar, School 4 Govindapuram 5 Manjeri PS Manjeri 6 Guptapara Community Hall, Guptapara 7 Nayasahar PS Nayasahar 8 Mangultan& Part of Guptapara GSS Manglutan and MS Manglutan 9 Wandoor (North) MS Wandoor and Community Hall 10 Maymyo 11 Hasmatabad 12 Wandoor PS New Wandoor and East Wandoor 13 Chouldari AE's Office, HumphryGunj 14 Craikabad GSSS Port Mout and PS Port Mout and ZillaParishad, Vivekananda School 15 Badmashpahar 16 Port Mout GSSS Port Mout and PS Port Mout and ZillaParishad, Vivekananda School 17 Tushnabad GSS Tushnabad and Community Hall 18 Hobdipur PS Hobdipur 19 Manpur GSS Manpur and Community Hall, Manpur 20 Collinpur PS Collinpur and Community Hall Manpur 21 Temple Myo GSS Manpur and Community Hall, Herbertabad 22 Herbertabad MS Herbertabad and Community Hall, Herbertabad 23 Tirur PS Tirur 24 Muslim Basthi MS Ograbraj and Community 25 Ograbraj Hall Ograbraj 26 Mithakhari PS Mithakhari 27 Dundas Point PS Dundus Point 28 Namunaghar GSSS Namunaghar 29 Ferrargunj GSSS Ferrargunj 30 Mile Tilak GSSS Mile Tilak 31 Jirkatang MS Jirkatang 32 North Bay North Bay Primary School 33 Mount Harriet North Bay Primary School 34 Hope Town PS Hope Town and Vitala Public school 35 Bambooflat Bambooflat School 36 Shore Point Shore Point School 37 Kadakchang Kanyapuram School 38 Kanyapuram Kanyapuram School 39 Mathura Govt. PS Mathura 40 Wimberlygunj Wimberlygunj School and PanchayatGhar 41 Mannarghat Govt SS Malapuram 42 Malapuram Govt SS Malapuram 43 Wright Myo Govt SS Malapuram 44 Shoal Bay Shoal Bay School Little Andaman Sl Name of the Villagers comprised in the Identified building for relief camp No Tehsil 1 Netaji Nagar Red Oil Palm Mill Complex 2 Rama Krishnapur Ramakrishnapur School, Mini 3 Rabindara Nagar Stadium 4 Vivekanandapuram 5 Hut Bay, Part of Netaji Nagar GMSS Hut Bay N&M Andaman Diglipur Sl Name of the Villagers comprised in the Identified building for relief camp No Tehsil 1 Shyam Nagar M School, P School 2 Radhanagar P.School 3 Swaraj Gram SS School 4 Milan Gram P.School 5 Lakshmipur M School 6 Deshabandhugram P.School 7 Madhupur M School, P School 8 RabindraPalli P.School 9 Krishnapuri 10 Sita Nagar M School, P School 11 Khudirampur P.School 12 Diglipur SS School, M. School, S. School 13 Subhashgram SS School, M. School, S. School 14 Ramakrishnagram P.School, M. School, Vivekananda School 15 Vidyasagarpalli P.School 16 Keralapuram S. School 17 Aerial Bay P. School 18 SagarDweep P. School 19 Durgapur P. School 20 Kalipur P. School 21 Shibpur S. School 22 Kishorinagar S. School 23 Mohanpur S. School, P. School 24 Paranghara P. School 25 Nabagram M. School, P. School 26 Madhyamgram P. School 27 Nischintapur P. School 28 Kalighat SS School, P. School 29 JagannathDera P. School 30 Ramnagar S. School, P. School 31 PalionNallah (Forest Area) P. School 32 Kalapahar (Forest Area) P. School 33 Horibay (Forest Area) P. School 34 Austin II (Forest Area) P. School 35 Paschimsagar (Forest Area) M. School 36 Talbagan (Forest Area) P. School Mayabunder Sl Name of the Villagers comprised in the Identified building for relief camp No Tehsil 1 Mayabunder GPS Mayabunder 2 Borang GPS Borang 3 PokhaDera GMSS Pokhadera 4 Rampur MGGC Mayabunder 5 Danapur GPS Dhanapur 6 Karmatang GSS Karmatang 7 Lucknow GPS Lucknow 8 Devpur GSS Webi 9 Webi 10 Hansipuri GPS Hanspuri 11 Chainpur GSS Chainpur 12 Pudumadurai GMS Pudumadurai 13 Tugapur GMS Tugapur-6, GPS Tugapur-8 14 Pahalgaon GSS Pahalgaon 15 Prafullya Nagar GSS Govindapur 16 Govindapur 17 Paresh Nagar GPS Kamalpur 18 Hari Nagar GMS Billiground 19 Duke Nagar GPS LaxmiNallah 20 Jaipur GPS Korangnallah 21 Kamalapur GPS Pinakinagar 22 Swadesh Nagar GPS Pitcher Nallah, GPS Thoraktang 23 Shantipur GPS Shantipur Rangat Sl No Name of the Villagers comprised in the Tehsil Identified building for relief camp 1 Dharampur Govt SS School, CFO Nallah 2 Ramachandranagar 3 Tiruvanchikkulam 4 Sivapuram Shivpuram School 5 Padmanabhapuram 6 Panchawati Govt. PS Panchawati 7 Amkunj GSSS Nimbutala 8 Nimbutala 9 Rangat GSSS Rangat 10 Rampur GMS Parnashala 11 Parnasala 12 Mithila GSSS Sabari 13 Sitapur 14 Sabari GPS Sabari 15 Bharatpur 16 Vishnupur 17 Long Island GSSS Long Island 18 Shyamkund GPS ShyamKund 19 Bangaon 20 Lakshmanpur GPS Lakshmanpur 21 Urmilapur 22 Kalsi 23 Shaktigarh School 24 Koushalya Nagar GSS Kaushalyanagar 25 Yeratiljig Kadamtala School 26 Kadamtala 27 Shantanu 28 Uttara School 29 Bakultala Bakultala School 30 Bijoygarh Adajig School 31 Udaygarh 32 Sundargarh Nilambur School 33 Kanchangarh 34 Nilambur 35 Abhaygarh Adajig School 36 Nayagarh 37 Adajig 38 Roglachang Nilambur School 39 Wrafter's Creek 40 Rajatgarh NICOBAR DISTRICT Car Nicobar Island S.No Dept. name/Agency Name/Main centre 1 C.W.C Ground (HQ) 2 B.J.R. Stadium Tamaloo 3 G.M.S. Tamaloo 4 G.S.S. Kinyuka 5 EHL Complex, Chukchukcha 6 GSSS, Lapathy 7 GPS, Jayanthi 8 GSSS , Sawai 9 GSS ,Kakana 10 Sai Sports Complex, Big Lapathy 11 Plain field at Arong 12 GSS, Mus 13 Football ground, Mus 14 BJR Hospital TERESSA ISLAND S.No Dept. name/Agency Name/Main centre 1 Teressa Island 1. GSS Bengali 2 GPS Kalasi 3 GPS Chuchmachi 4 GPS Alurong 5 GPS Enam 6 GMS Minyuk CHOWRA ISLAND S.No Dept. Name/Agency Name/Main centre 1 GMS Kuitasuk, Chowra KATCHAL ISLAND S.No Dept. name/Agency Name/Main centre 1 GMS Upper Katchal 2 GSSS Mildera-II 3 GMS Mildera- I 4 GPS E-Wall 5 GPS MRN 6 GPS Beachdera 7 GPS Japan Tikry NANCOWRY ISLAND S.No Dept. name/Agency Name/Main centre 1. GSSS Champin 2 GPS Tapong&Altheak 3 GPS Hitui KAMORTA ISLAND S.No Dept.
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