Winthrop University Digital Commons @ Winthrop University The oJ hnsonian 1940-1949 The oJ hnsonian 5-4-1945 The ohnsoniJ an May 4, 1945 Winthrop University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/thejohnsonian1940s Recommended Citation Winthrop University, "The oJ hnsonian May 4, 1945" (1945). The Johnsonian 1940-1949. 115. https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/thejohnsonian1940s/115 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The oJ hnsonian at Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oJ hnsonian 1940-1949 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THIS WEEK: Tj: Staff NEXT WEEK: Senior* Named . SGA Officers to Graduate . Helen Installed . May Day, Traubel in Artist Series Junior-Senior Held ... Miss Russell Honored The JHOCK HILLd. SOUTH CAROLHTA . FRIDAY, MAY 4. IMS man 228 Seniors To Receive Diplomas May 20 Senior Week Includes Galloway And Marshall T.J.' Executives Make Plans New Minors Movie, Chapel, Daisy To Edit The Johnsonian; For Home Newspaper Staff Enlarged Ec Majors Chain, Stunts, Vespers Smyly Kinard Releases Green, Harper, Layton, Miss Cragwall Advises Boykin, Welsh, Ledbet- Final Graduation Plans; Journalism, Business Senior "TJ" Due May 18 ter, McCormick Chosen Harley To Courses to Be Offered Marcia Galloway, junior from Two hundred twenty-eight Clinton, and Claire Marshall, Minors in journalism and in .seniors will receive'Bachelor junior from Rock Hill, have Head ¥' business will be offered home of Science or Bachelor of Arts been named editor and man- ticonomica majors beginning degrees, and 44 students two- aging editor of The Johnson- iiext September, according to year commerce certificates at ian for the coming year by the Cafeteria Miss Sarah H. Cragwall, head graduation May 20, according editorial board of the paper. of the home economics depart- to a statement this week Miss Galloway succeeds Es- Helen Harley, rising senior from ment. from Registrar John G. Kelly. ther MacLeod of Greenwood Orangeburg, will head the Senate Courses making the home eco- Plans for the commencement ex- cafeteria next year, with Nelle Ir- nomics major-journalism minor ercises to be held Sunday after- as editor. aire, in the junior year, nutrition, Katheririe Bland and Elizabeth by, rising senior from Woodruff, as noon, May 20, at 2:30, include the Housing, economic problems of the graduating address by Dr. John Conley, both of Johnston, have assistant chairman and Whitney Home, human development, the been renamed as business man- Lawrence, rising junior from An- McSween of Montreat, N. C., for- news and the history of journal- rnerpresident of Tusculum college, agers. Elizabeth Boykin, Sumter, derson, will serve as business ism; in the senior year, home man- Greenville, Tenn. Dr. McSween succeeds Frances Doyle of George' manager, according to Anne Reel, agement (actual residence in a v/as also president of Presbyterian town as circulation manager. Cafeteria chairman. model home), problems of the college, Clinton, and served as pas- Mary Neal Harper of Florence Steering committee . members Pictured above are the four heads of The Johnsonian for first "family, publicity, reporting and tor of the Presbyterian church of was elected news •niitor. will include Anne Reel, Nancy semester next year. Le't to right, they are Claire Marshall, Young, Betty Kay Wood and Alida Rock Hill, managing editor: Elizabeth Conley, Johnston, and editorial writing. Chester. Stevenson. Graduation exercises will cli- Editorial associates are Lou Katherine Bland, Johnston, co-business managers, and Mar- The buying committee is to be Courses making the home max the week of traditional senior Green, Hartsville, "Campusin* the cia Galloway, Clinton, editor. headed by Lois Daue and Eleanor nomics major-business minor com- MISS LEILA RUSSELL activities which begin Sunday, Campus"; Jean Layton, Clinton, Breeden; food preparation will be bination are, in the junior year, May 13, with senior vespers led by "Outside These Gates," and Oc- supervised by Jane Gardiner and elementary nutrition, introduction Dorothy Kirkley in the amphithea- tavia Welsh, Charleston, "Campus Hallie Clarkson. Chairman Merle to business, marketing, account- tre. The Rev. R. Bryce Herbert of Town Hall." Bethea will be in charge of the 'Cat' Eve Nicholson To ing, business advertising and per- Portrait Of Sumter will be the guest . Betty Jo Ledbetter of Greenville, serving and Mary Elizabeth Dil- sonal use typing. In the senior sports editor; Barbara Burns from lard will head the salad committee year, the courses are home man- Featuring class songs and the Edisto Island is assistant sports ed- Tables will be under the super- Reign Over May Court agement house residence, ecor Miss Russell senior class will by Toni Jones, itor. Bartlene McCormick from vision of Becky Kennedy and Bar- ic problems of the home, problems Winthrop's 1945 May Day exercis- senior chapel will be held in the Mullins is to be society editor, and bara Watkins, and menus will be of the family, psychology of moti College auditorium Monday, May BULLETIN es will be presented tomorrow aft- Mary Lay Ewing from Johnston is planned by Lake Hendricks. vation, propaganda and consumer ToBeShown 14, at 12 o'clock, under the direc- to write "Togs 'n' Trappings." Nancy Wilson, Helen Loftis, ernoon at 4:45 in the amphitheater, movement, public speaking and Th# Sena!* cafeteria will be followed at 8:30 by the traditional tion of Mary Lou Stubblefleld, Reporters are Ann Doar, Kings- berta Lane and Esther Bell will M business English. A special program in honor of Hilma Floyd and Smyly Kinard. open May Day. *T S. at • Junior-Senior reception and dance tree; Marian Baker, Pageland; Sy- serve as cooks. Position* Offarad Miss Leila A. Russell, Winthrop Newly elected members of Senior o'clock to aerve iupp«r. ac- in Johnson hall. bil Drakeford, Camden, and Betty The purpose of the combined Alumnae secretary for 28 years, Order will be announced and the Davis, Laurens. cording to Anna Rael. chair- Catherine Eve Nicholson of courses is to equip Winthrop stu- who announced her retirement traditional senior gift will be pre- The reserve reporters, chosen man of the Senate Cafeteria Edgefield will reign over the May dents for positions open to home from office this spring, is to be sented to the College. from the freshman edition staff, in- Sprunt Shows Court and will be crowned May economics graduates with train- given Saturday afternoon. May 19, The dedication of Senior Steps clude Jean Jones, Greenwood; Queen by her maid of honor, Dor- ing in writing and business. in Johnson hall. Featured on the Hilda Proctor, Rock Hill; Frances to the class of '46 will take place othy Smith of Rutherfordton, N. C. Positions open to home econom- program will be the presentation Griffin, Andeison; Jean Dunn Southern Bird immediately after senior chapel. Senior attendants are Faye ics majors with journalism minors of a portrait of Miss Russell to the Sumter; Margaret Gall, Batesburg; A picnic supper for all seniors Agency For Shannon of Greenwood, Virginia are offered on women's magazines, College. Catherine Roo?, Vale, N. C.; Geor- will be given by the College at the Life In Movie Bright Carter, Anderson; Anne El- society sections of newspapers or gia Ann Sims, Orangeburg; Mary It is understood that Miss Ruth Shack Tuesday, May 15. liott of Columbia and Frances in the publicity departments of in- Jane Archer, Kingston, Ontario, Alexander Sprunt, Jr., Southern Veterans Will Williams, assistant alumnae sec- The movie for seniors and their Sloan, Columbia. Juniors are Ga- stitutions benefiting the home. retary and president of the South Canada; "Jackie" McMillan, Den- representative of the National Au- brielle Gaillard, Eutawville; Lillie junior sisters, scheduled for 7:30 Carolnia Education association, is mark; Margaret Railings, Page- dubon society, said "Conservation Give Tests Here McCabe, Columbia; Sarah Suggs, Wednesday night, May 16, will be land; bara Simons, Summerville; kind of war" when he spoke in to succeed Miss Russell as Alum- followed by a treasure hunt to Anderson, and Marjorie Floyd of nae secretary. Dot Lindsay, Chester, and Jane assembly yesterday on wildlife of Special examinations for the pur- Floyd Dale. Writer's Club, which seniors are invited. the South. His lecture was illus- Winthrop Graduate Gardiner, Florence. pose of fixing criterion scores for Court Attends Queen Stunt night will be held Friday, Martha Cox, Rock Hill, and trated with a motion picture in Miss Russell, who has been May 18, in Johnson hall, under the Elizabeth McDaniel, Beaufort, are natural color showing birds in subject-matter examinations Claire Maxwell. Florence; Petsa Journal Form Alumnae secretary since 1919, is a direction of Jeanne Marshall and to be reserve staff reporters, ac- Florida, Louisiana and Texas sanc- requested by the Veterans Testing Stathopoulos, Rock Hill; Elizabeth Winthrop graduate, having fin- (Continued on page 6) cording to the editorial board. tuaries. service will be given to Winthrop Conley, Johnston, and Ruth Per- 'Scribblers' ished when Winthrop was still a Advertising Staff The Audubon society maintains ry, Union, sophomores, and Han- part of the Columbia Theological students during exam weeks, ac- nah Kendall of Florence, Margaret New advertising solicitors are reservations to protect wildlife in The Scribblers, an organization of seminary in Columbia.
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