Florida Historical Quarterly Volume 78 Number 2 Florida Historical Quarterly, Volume Article 1 78, Number 2 1999 Florida Historical Quarterly, Volume 78, Number 2 Florida Historical Society [email protected] Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/fhq University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Full Issue is brought to you for free and open access by STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Florida Historical Quarterly by an authorized editor of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Society, Florida Historical (1999) "Florida Historical Quarterly, Volume 78, Number 2," Florida Historical Quarterly: Vol. 78 : No. 2 , Article 1. Available at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/fhq/vol78/iss2/1 Society: Florida Historical Quarterly, Volume 78, Number 2 Published by STARS, 1999 1 Florida Historical Quarterly, Vol. 78 [1999], No. 2, Art. 1 COVER Wo rk crew construct two ho me for ligh thouse keep rs on Ancl o le Key , 1887. Pho­ tograph courle y oj the ationaLA n hives and Reco-rd Serv ire, Washington, D. C. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/fhq/vol78/iss2/1 2 Society: Florida Historical Quarterly, Volume 78, Number 2 THE FLORIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY THE HI TORICAL SOCIETY OF FLORIDA, ] 856 THE FLORIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, SLlcce sor, 1902 THE FLORID HISTORI CAL S CIETY, incorp o rat d , 1905 O FFICE RS W. S. "Bill" Coker, pTesident da Coat William , pre ident-elect Theodore VanItalli e, vice-president Patricia Bartlett, secretary Marinus H. LaTour, immediate past president Lewis . Wynne, executive director DI RE TORS N Al'\lCY B UCKALEW THOMAS GRArlAM StuaTl St. A ugttstine PETER A. COWDREY D AVID J CKSO Tallahassee Cocoa ERNE T DIBBLE ANDRA J OH 0 Largo Pensacola ALMA CLYDE FIELD J LlAl P LEAS TS Indianola Caine ville J O E FERN; DEZ R OBERT SNYDER Orlando Tampa D ON LD GABY BARBARA SUMWAL Ormond Beach Useppa Lo I E GOPHER R OBERT TAYLOR Okeechobee Fort Pierce LINDSEY WILLIAM Punta Gorda The Flo rida Historical Socie ty supplies the Quarterty to its m e mbe rs. Annua l m e m­ be r hip i 40; fam il y me mbe rship is 50; library m e mbership is $55; a contributing m e mbe rship is $200; a nd a corp o rate m e m bership is 500. In additio n , a tud nt m e m­ bership is 30, but proof of urr n t sta tus must be furnished. AJ I corr spo nd n e re lating to m e mbe r hip a nd subscriptio ns sho uld be add ress to D r. Lewis . Wynn , Executive Dire tor, Flo rida Historical Society, 1320 Hig hla nd ve nue, Me lbo urne, FL 32935. Te le phone: (407) 254-9855. Inquir ies concerning back numbe rs of the Quarterly sho uld also be director to Dr. W nne. Published by STARS, 1999 3 Florida Historical Quarterly, Vol. 78 [1999], No. 2, Art. 1 One 'FloriJa Historical Quarterly FLO~DA HISTO!yCAL ~~ 0 IIiIII- (: I E '1 Y• Volume LXXVIII, Number 2 Fall 1999 The Florida Histo'rical Quarterly (ISS 0015-411 3) is published quarterly by the Flor­ ida Hi torical Society, 1320 Highland Avenue, M Ibourne, FL 32935, and is printed by E.O. Painter Printing Co., D Leon Spring , FL. Second-cla s po tage paid at Tampa, FL, and at additional mailing offic . POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Florida Historical Quarterly, 1320 Highland Avenue, Melbourne, FL 32935. Copyright 1998 by the Florida Historical ociety, Melbourne, Florida. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/fhq/vol78/iss2/1 4 Society: Florida Historical Quarterly, Volume 78, Number 2 THE FLORIDA HISTORICAL QUARTERLY Kari Frederickson, Editor Samuel Proctor, Editor Erneritus Nancy Rauscher, Editorial Assistant Imar DaCunha, Graduate Assistant EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Raymond O. Arsenault, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg William S. Coker, Univ r ity of West Florida David R. Colburn, University of Florida Jame B. Crooks, University of North Florida James Cusick, Univ r ity of Florida Kathleen Deagan, University of Florida Wayne Flynt, Auburn University Michael V. Gannon, University of Florida Maxine D. Jones, Florida State University Harry A. Ker ey, Jr., Florida Atlantic University Jane Lander , Vanderbilt Univ rsity Eugene Lyon, Flagler College John K. Mahon, Univer ity of Florida Raymond A. Mohl, University of Alabama at Birmingham Gary R. Mormino, Univ rsity of South Florida Theda Perdue, University of North Carolina Gerald E. Poyo, St. Mary' Univer ity Jo M. Richard on, Florida State Univer ity William W. Roger , Florida State Univ r ity Dani 1 L. Schafer, U niv r ity of North Florida Corr pond nc concerning ontribution, books for review, and all editorial matter hould be addressed to the Edito r, Florida H i tm-ical Quarterl)\ Departm ot of History, niver ity of Central Fl orida, Orlando, FL 328] 6-1350. Th Quarterly i intere ted in articles and docum nts pertaining to th e hi ·tory of Florida. Sou r e, 'lyle, footno te form , originali ty of material and interpretati o n, cl ari ty of thought, and int rest o f reader are con idered . All copy ho uld b dou­ ble spa d and abo ut 25 pages o r 6,000 wo rds. Footnot ar to be numbered c n- ecutive ly in the t t. Do umeotati o n hould conform to The Chicago Manual oj Style. THE THOR SHO LD S BMIT AN ORlC I AL D A PHOTO OPY, RETA! r CA COpy FOR E URITY. Author ar also as ked to ubmit ani I on a di kett in IBM Wo rdPerfect 5. 1. The Florida Hi torical ociety and the edito r of th Florida H istorical Quarterly accept n re pon ibility fo r statem n ts mad or o pin­ ion held by authors. Th Quarterly revi w book dealing with all a pe ts of Florida history. Books to be r viewed should be nt to the editor togeth er with price and information on how they may b ordered. Published by STARS, 1999 5 Florida Historical Quarterly, Vol. 78 [1999], No. 2, Art. 1 Table of Contents LCOTE KEyS LIGHTHOU : G IDI G LIGHT TO SAFE ANCHORAGE Geoffrey Mohlman 159 UNMASKED: THE AUTHOR OF NARRATIVE OF A VOYAGE TO THE SPA ISH MAIN IN THE SHIP "Two FRIENDS" Patrick W Doyle 189 GIVEAWAY FORTS: TERRITORIAL FORTS AND THE SETfLEME T F FLORIDA Ernest F Dibble 207 BOOK REVIEWS .. ............. ................ .... ............ .... ........................ .... 234 BOOK NOTES ....... .. .. .. ............................... .............. ....... ... .. .. .. ........ 264 HISTORY NEWS ....... ............. .. ....... ............... .......... ····················· ···· 269 DIRECTORS MEETING MI UTE ...................... .............. ... .. ............ 274 A GIFT OF HI TORY ...................... .. .............. ... ........... .................... 289 REC 'VED UCF LIBRAR Y JAN 0 7 2000 S RIALS https://stars.library.ucf.edu/fhq/vol78/iss2/1 6 Society: Florida Historical Quarterly, Volume 78, Number 2 BOOK REVIEWS , OME TO My lLANO": L ETTE R OF J Ll D IELS MOSELEY FROM THE FLORIDA FR NT IER, 1882-1886, dited by Julia W inifred Mo e ley a nd B tty P owers Cri lip reviewed by James M. Denham TRANCE r PARAD I E: IMPACT A 0 MANA EME I' OF OJ -I DICE 0 SP , [ 'S I FLORlO , edited by D a nie l Simb rloff, Do n . S h mitz, and Tom C. Brown reviewed &)1 Dennis L. Scarnecchia THE E D RJ SEMINOLES: FROM ALu ATOR WRE TLl NC TO E OTOURI M, b Patsy We t reviewed by Patricia R. Wickman OL MBU THE 0 Jow: A LIFE REEXAMI ED , by M il es H . D avid on reviewed &)1 Jerry H. Bentley "FEAR Goo NO WALK H MBLY": TH ' ACRJ ULTURAL J O RNAL OFJAME MALLORY, 1843-] 877, edite d by Crady McWhin y, Warn r O . MooreJr., a nd Ro b ert F. Pace reviewed by Harriet E. A mos Doss L EE 0 H1 E ERALS IN WAR 10 MEMORY, by Cary W . Gallagh er reviewed by S. WaU,er BLanton REL CTANT W IT E E: CHILDRE ' VOL E FROM THE CfVlL WAR, by Emmy E . Werner reviewed by Anthony j. Iacono THE REc TR CTIO PRE ID E I' , by Brooks D . imp o n reviewed by Ari Hoogenboorn REB ILDI C Z10 : THE RELIGIOUS RE ONSTRU 1'10 OF THE SOUTH, 1863-1 77, by D a ni I W. loweJl reviewed by EdwaTd J. Cashin DEMO RACY BETRAYED: THE WILMINGTO RA E RI I' OF 1898 0 IT LECACY, edit- d by David . ecel ki a nd Timo thy B. Tyson reviewed by l rvin D. olomon THE WAR F 1 9 : T HE ITEO T TES A 0 CUBA I HI TO RY D HI TORIO RAPHY, by Louis . PerezjI". reviewed by Antonio RaJaeLde La Cava BLAC K 0 WHIT: BLAC K WRITERS 0 WHAT IT MEAN TO BE WH ITE, edit d by David R. Roediger; a nd MAKINC WHITE E : THE C LTURE OF SECREC 1'10 I I THE SOUTH, 1 90-1940, by Grac Elizabeth H aJe reviewed by Jacl~ E. Davis AFABRJC OF D EFEAT: THE POLlTICS OF 0 TH CAROLl A M1LLHANO , 1910-1948, by Brya nt Simon reviewed by Mi helle Brattain FROM SELMA TO ORROW: THE LIFE 0 D EATH OF VIOLA LI ZZO, by Mary tatio n reviewed &y tephen Grant Meyer Published by STARS, 1999 7 Florida Historical Quarterly, Vol. 78 [1999], No. 2, Art. 1 Anclote Keys Lighthouse: Guiding Light To Safe Anchorage by GEOFFREY MOHLMAN ighthou . Th term conjures mixed image -from the L romantic to the horrific-of solitude, den e fog, blood-thirsty gho ts king revenge, gold-hungry pirat , r liabili ty, safety, ki s­ ing lov r ilhouetted by a beautiful un t, or of a light keep r fighting the frigid raging wat r of th North Atlantic in a se m­ ingly futile attempt to save a hipwrecked damsel.
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