University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 8-23-1967 Kabul Times (August 23, 1967, vol. 6, no. 126) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (August 23, 1967, vol. 6, no. 126)" (1967). Kabul Times. 1545. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1545 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ., , . ,v ", " , . ,I , , , I , '. , "" . i 'J' \ "r ) . PAGE 4 II ';.:...i:.i;2...~~;.:.:t;~':.,+',.~'"::':"~--,.-"-,.:."i,~~~7~ ~Z:;,::",,:,,..:.._~ ..:......,..,;._..:..--,---.:....~_~-,-_,....,..... .. --.:....~·_~".-:-:_...,......:.,:-;--'--:'-~"....,.,...'i\ic:¥fii7~..;:.'-":~,f~~"...~. ,, '" }' I •• J\ Ii • ~ :I,~" ~ ~ .tV:~. \ t .\ I , III \ 1 1 '(. I ,eI , I' cl '/ , . ' B. f I ..,MA:OWNEG:lJN A~5:i' ~ .. ~ " , 0, Home rle s. ' ~l: .t.!'b ~lf§.:Ii1MBi\SSl! ~' ~, :':.,'> 'J ,- ' .~,r - KABUL, Aug. '22. (Bakht",).- " ,• ,QR'~T Of. CR~.KS' 'E'S' . .~ ,.. 'rhe chief of the UOlted Natlon3 LOi'lOON:, Aug. 22, ,(Routcl).- L ~~ -: Development Programme in Af· Vnltcd States tifficlals ,~ye'slcrd3Y i~tan, di.~riiisscd· mlic~incgun H'~" 'I' \"'~ - Arsenne' Shahbn,.. a .midnight· ~~.. ~4" 1.. '" ./~as · ,''\0' ;.!r ("";'1, rio! 'p' Specla en , V;:'JtiS!lce IMinister Dr. Mo· raid aD their embassy here as tile ·;t,Piitilfr~f.' Et;Inioii .:X-lh, 4111", " 1',1 " ) p " ,'\(' l~ ""J.,d EhsilO Taraki Stjn'day \v\)rk ,of cranks ana left'aU'iovesli. ,,. ,I ,1" 1 ' •\ I r,~~don iOn;,n~ .. 'lr,1't ~ ,I\. I I'll; v,., ,. ~'~l" ,I' I ':'•• ~ It,.t.,;i.· In hiS OfflC: ' ! 'to the British pOlice. < • I "1'1 ' I .j. I >I .J\I'.'\ " ,( " It'(iJ/i'lj 'I I') .f i ~'I1The IPdl~ce. " " ", ,, , J, I! 1\ ~~. "~" ); swung '"fti action mi- )j 11,'. ,~ , II'" .l~,~ /, 'I "'ll~.\\ 1" ""I",.~· , '" . nules MI~r II,flist-nlOvlng white car J, , I' 'f', p~st ~ ~. 1~~Uu.~ W~~~I~~q¢1itrA~~~~!;;2~,11967 1 ~;~~• .'!. "KANDAHAR, Aug 22. (Bakh· meed the emilassy ,spraYing ,• ,'I I )", ( " .,/' I .. 'l (A'SAD 31,'. i346 ~.H ....SD.._;;;;.........._ tl\r).-Kandahar· exp<lrted bullet I through the hugc plAl~ glass ,. J.-, ,,, J.. '. • 111 J. PRICE AF. 3 !lIit4. ..•5,9,55 kg)?,f· fruit last month, IVm~o 'S and dools. /'N . i",1'1'-'''''I;y'!:·:.~:'.;~:;;'''.. ~1: ·' ~'~'M":TO 0" ""'-:"4'"'9' '.,';' ,~',I I" ,'f..l..'j'':'r ~d;l 'iUR~~ k~i' 11~t\,'c ·ff!; ;>Itif i I • " ,~'" t ' ~ App nIs were """1 ':!. ,,... •• " 1 I flashed to all police •,- • '", ' \' P, ..., M 1 ' I 'I "\i'?:' , 1 slatlon~ to check 10caL extremist ' Jiit,6;Z'ARE SHARIF, Aug. 22, "<llllical organisallon$. Spent car- ~;I~~ I Th~nt"Di-aw~ f/lp (ai!l<litilr) -==-~ new 252 kw die- Imlgc cases and. crudely w'"len se::tt.~cttic ~,I~f TQM,~R:RIOW' :~IL Budg~ generator is now In leaflefs .scattered in the area went , /JA5H I Record UN d~ration-t raiSIng the city's sup- for cxpelt examination. , , , '. ,I! ~ I' • "J'- ply 962 kw An embassy spokesman t r UNITED NATIONS, Aug 23, to (Reuter),-Secretary.General U '" he mailer lS In tn. hands of the (Bakht~'rl.­ 'KABUL, Aug. 22, Sport;Oo1w~ Thant yesterday askell the Ge' BlllIsh pollce for u routine tnV~SI1­ oj Parades, :1'0 'jt,<IAZARE SHARIF, Aug 22, Monamnlad YasIn Nasimi, (lire<­ \ nerlll Assombly to approve a gatton. From- our side the matter tor of the audlovi~ual'materlal~ IJn'ted NatIOns budget of (BlI,lihtar).-LeveIIing and maca­ IS closed." F~8tivities department of .Kabul University, .Mark 3 'Days Of,' S14 I.6J 9.300 for 1968 aamlSlDg of 8 kin of the 20 km report~r9 Embassy officials told is also to serve as preSident of the OUl' Owii~ Reii~rtei.. , -, he f,gure, a record hlllh lor road 'linkiI!ll Mazare SharIf WIth they hail never heard of the ·'revo· ny parhamentary relatIOns section Afghanistan was prcparlng tod!lY' tor' three clays of festivity the or.gan1satlon, repr~sentsT Shadian village have been com· \utlonary solldartty movement." the ,an m the Justice Ministry. malkIng the 49th ann~versliry of Afgliarlliffa'n's ~e.:emergence as IOcrellse of more than $12 pleted The Balkh public works signature on fbe leaflets. mil. depa,rtment, In cooperatIon of II fully Independent na~ioh" The celebrations will begllJ with a lion ur almost 10 per cent avel a comparable amount COl' this the people-of the area. began .\ speech by Ills Majesty the King at 7:30-a.m tomorrow In the .- work on road 20 days ago Chamani Huzorl In Kabul. year News In Brief The mam slOgle reasbn £01 WorUI the Increase' IS a request for ., TEHRAN, Aug. 22. (Reuter).- " After th~. speec.h, ~hl.ch WIll be relayed by RadIO AfghaniS­ KANDAHAR, Aug 22, (Bakh. CAPE KENNEDY, Aug. 22, Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevl ) 254 more staff membel s. bri)'fg­ thr) ~The Kandahar Wool In­ tan, HIS Majesty WIll revIew A milttary parade. whieh wlll pass I~g the UN total to 8.102 accord· (Reuter).-The United States of Irlln left for Washington \ through Wazlr Akbar Khan Watt, the street to which Jade Mai.' c1ustrtes CIl has started produc. WIll launch its second biologl- Monday for talks .wlth U.S, Pre' I11g lo th(' budget e!=;ttmates pub. wand runs from the Pamlr Cmerna area I"hed yeste, day tlon of cal pets by machlOe Ten cal research satellite on Sep· sident Johnson on defence aId evenmg~, tor~ mach~nes are now at work and Tn the afternoon, ,sports events, wnh Af 30 per hour Other causes of the' proposed tember 7, It was announced and the MIddle East crisis. With wrestling nnd bockey reDlus waiting In Cfise of any trouble with the sectIOn employs 20 persons Monday III gl~r budget are an expansion Next velll the factory WIll have trom Jndin and football teams from taxI drivers, complaints may be of programmes In the ecqnoll)lc The No tlonar Aeronautics and DOUALA, Aug. 22, (Reuter) Pnl;lstnn nnd the Soviet UmbO tak- mi'ldc 10 the pollce by calling 20159. 10 more machines Spa,e AdmInIstration saId the and socl.I1 field, Inelude an ~x­ -Bia£ran forces have again 'ng pAri. wtll be held In 24041 01 23288 pendnure of $150.000 fOI the I satellIte, Blosatelhte 2. would th~ 25.000 seal Ghazl StadIum Tcnt d The plant produced 200.000 metres bombed Kano Airport m an at· UN Confel'ence on T, ade lind <;.arry 13 departments to determl. tack on Jet fighters recently de· peg-gelS trom GhDJ, Ghazni and ( t'(ClIled Jash'n programme on fI! woollens and blankets last ne the effect of the space pnvi Development In New Deihl next hvered there, Radio Blafra an­ Pakth18. Will compete with mlht;JrY pagt' 7) F'ehluary year The company was form' d ronment on vanQu&, life proce~­ nounced Monday. leam ThurSday, Salurday, and Mon- --""--------.----- 24 vears ago With a capital of ses dunng three crays In orbIt The radIO Said several federal day u!temoons on 'he Chamaol Pirz-da V,·SI·tS Af :1.000.000. BONN, Aug 22, (AP) -Chan' planes were damaged Huzon field U"I cellor Kurt Georg Kiesmger Ring 21122 In • tllday allernoon high schOOl and BELGRADE Aug 22. (Reu- said Monday he told President univ~rslty Cairo For Ta:)'ks Johnson there WIll be "no cuts stUdents wllI hold a "I tel) -PresIdent Tlto Mondw MOSCOW, Aug 22, (Tass)-­ parade and perform gymnastics Case 01 Trouble leturned to hiS adnatlc resld­ worth mentIOnIng" In the str­ A trade delegatloD of the Re· CAIRO, Aug· 23. (OPA) -Pak. eDgth of West Germany's 461 000. Concerts Will be held each even. All government offices will en~e on~ the Island of Bnonl a ~ pubhc of Smgapore arrived m mg In the many camps set up along Istanl Foreign Mmlslcr ShRrlfuddm man Bundeswehr Moscow Sunday The delegatI''" ~ her~ be closed for Jashen Thurs· tCI SIX days of talks With Aral1 Solia Letonika is a member of the 30- strong troupe of Soviet acrobats who will the ChamaOl HUlon by Afghan Plrzada arrived Tuesday from His Majesty the King on the reviewing stand at last year's indepeDdence anniver· It'.Iders m Callo Damascuss "If there are to be cuts al all," mcludes representatives of var­ Beirut on an offiCial four-day VISII day, Friday and Saturday. perform in the Kabul Nandarey and Sahne Bahari Chaman during JasheD. confl~ren­ mUSH'lons From 9 10 II each even­ :~ Klesmger told a news sary mllltary parade. ' .lI,d Baghdad , IOUS government institutIOns Ing elllertall1crs of Ihe cultural de­ 3:s part 01 hiS currenl tour or Arab In ease of any emergency ce, "they WIll be made In full and trading fIrms and bIg bu' partmem o! the Ministry of Infor­ cOunlries or wa.ter or power failure consultatIOn With our allies." the best source to contact Is smessmen malion Dnd Culture will perform In Plrzada was carrymg a personal / Klesmger s81d Johnson told The delegatIOn IS led by pel', the ministry's club message from PakistanI Prestdent PRINCE NADER OPENS the police departmcnt, phone him that cuts In the Bundeswehr 21122 Italian Courts manent secretary of the Board Ayub Khan 10 UAR PreSident Ga­ Home Briefs World Trade Information Centre would make It more dIffIcult to Thc ceDtral post office, In­ of Economic Development of Entertamers from the Soviet mal Abdc:l NO!'iiser KABUL, Aug 23, (Bakhtar) -The (( onrlnllecl pagc' " accesSible to thousands of over- pOI I termInal the H S.
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