THE ANN ARBOR REGISTER VOL XX NO. 47. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1394. WHOLE NO. 1039 Thanksgiving for the Poor. A 'Iod< I. WHILE CALLING YOUR ATTENTION THE DECEMBER JURORS. The Charitable Union desires, as in- There are many fine stores of all TO OUR past years, to distribute Thanksgiving kinds in Ann Arbor. None of these 8I1OKT MEETING OF THE COMMON dinners to the poor of the city and so-however, excell the elegant shoe store COUNCIL.. licits for this purpose contributions of of Jacobs & Allmand, in the new Wash- vegetables, fruits, groceries and poul- ington Block on East Washington-st- FALL AND WINTER STOCK The City of Ann Arbor—Chicken Thieves try or, if preferred, of money. All To begin with, the show window is one OaujEht-The Faniouw Heberlein Vow of the largest and most tastefully ar. OF •ert to be In Ann Arbor—Oivo to the such gifts should be sent on Tuesday, Foor lor Thanksgiving—The James Nov. 27th. to Mrs. Parker's, 24 East ranged in the city. The two large dis- C Blalue, of Bulgaria—Burned Out. Ann-st. There is also need, before the play frames are always artistically dec- winter is fairly upon us, of clothing for orated with elegant samples of all the The following is the list of jurors most fastidious could desire. Inside, and drawn last Friday forenoon, for the De- dist ribution. Garments may at any Another Suits time be left in the box under the stairs the first thing to attract the attention cember term of the circuit court. They of the visitor, is the general appearance are ordered to report for duty on Tues- in the basement of Harris Hall.—M. W. D'Ooge, secretary. of the interior, which is especially at- day, Dec. 4th: tractive, made so by the tasty arrange- Great Ann Arbor City— Chlckeu Thieves. ment of goods. In the center are two let ward—Wra. W. Watt6. Overcoats large inviting settees, upon which one There was a great excitement in the We wish to impress upon your mind the fact that we carry a super- 3d " —Eugene Oesterlin. south east part of the county last can enjoy himself or herself until just 3d " — Wm. A. Clark. the right fit and style has been selected ior quality of ready-to-wear Clothing. Every man in Washtenaw Wednesday. A number of farmers had County, no matter what his occupation, will find it to his interesl 4th " —Henry B. Dodsley. been missing chickens and sheep for from the large stock. To the right, Fur " " —Wm. Walsh. just after you enter, is arranged a fine to examine our immense stock of suits and overcoats for fall and some time. Last week deputy sheriffs winter. 5th " —Walter L. Taylor. Phelps, of Willis, and Gott, of Whit- display of the very latest novelties out " " —Elliott Williams. tacker, arrested several whom they sus- in gents' patent leathers. Their "razor Ages t0 6th " — James B. Angell. pected. In the trial before Justice toe" and "five-button cloth top'' shoes Opening! IN CHILDREN'S SUITS, i & Carrj Ann Arbor Town—Henry Braun. Bishop, the Grundy brothers turned are beauties. You could not find any- Augusta—Jonathan Wardle. states evidence and were let off. The thing more elegant or attractive, even THE LITTLE GIANT, THE COLUMBUS and the B. 0, E. Bridgewater—Wm. Avery. Carmel brothers and a negro were sent if you should go to Paris itself. Just Dexter—Emerson Howard. back of this line may be found the (Best on Earth) Double-Breasted Coats. Pants made double seat to Detroit House of Correction for 90 and knee. We call special attention to our all wool combination Freedom—Matthew Schaible. days. The father of the Carmel boys is firm's stock of gents' "enamel," with Lima—Frank Leach. the popular "Yale toe." These, too, Suits, Double-Breasted, two pairs of Pants and Hat to match at in jail waiting trial in the circuit court are considered "very popular," and are $3.75. Lodi—John P. Lutz. for receiving stolen property. The Last of the Sea- Lyndon—John McKernan. pleasing all who see them. On the Our Men's $7.00 All Wool Suits, Our Men's $8.00 All Wool Suits Manchester—Joseph Kramer. The Michigan Alumnus. shelves in the rear of these on the same and our Men's $10 All Wool Suits are world beaters. We believe we Northfleld—Philip Daffy. The second number of the Michigan side can be seen a splendid assortment son. stand head and shoulders above all competition both in variety and Pittsfleld—Hiram H. Webb. Alumnus, enlarged and improved, has of gents' 'calf" and "cordovan"shoes. value. We invite the comparison. Why not make it ? Salem—Wm. Naylor. made its appearance. Tais new mag- This new firm has put in nothing but Saline—David Simmons. azine seems to have struck a popular the very best line of goods. Their Ssio—George A prill. ciiord. To be able to enlarge the size • 'calf" and cordovans" are of the very Ripson & Newland Fur Co' Sharon—Anthony L. Halden. and make other improvements is some- best stock obtainable and at the same WADHAMS. RYAN & REULE Superior—John Shankland. thing unusual for the second number time they are right "up to date" in entire line will be on sale a 28 S. MAIN STREET. Sylvan—Fred Kalinbaoh. of a college publication. The last num- style. They keep gents' "calf" shoes Webster—John Conlin. ber contains several valuable arti- in the popular "Razor toe," "Brighton THE STORE, York—E. D. Warner. cles. The football situation, by G. 15. toe," "St. Louis toe," and "Globe toe" pine Goods Ypsilanti Town—David Owen. style, and can suit you in a moderate Dygart, University correspondence, E. priced outfit and at the same time fit " City—Frank Stowell. J. Ottaway, University Musical Socie- you out in stylish footwear. In the Tuesday and Wednes- " " —George Richel. ty; At the University, and the Annual rear, on the same side of the store, is a WASHINGTON BLOCK. Report of President Angell, are the The < o in in ii Council. mammouth supply of Goodyear's glove- principal articles in this issue. This fitting rubbers for gentlemen. While day, Nov. 27-28. The Thomas Concert Monday night magazine is one that shoull be support- Etchings—Remnant Frames. A new and elegant was a strong attraction to a number of the price is low the quality of these ed by every former student of the Uni- rubber goods is the very highest. To line of Frames just received at Blake's, 13 E. WASHINGTON ST. aldermen and, as a result, but a short versity. This Fur Sale will be conduct session was held. In the absence of the left, just after you enter, the first A Noted Lecturer. ed by Mr. Geo. Newland, fo president Wines, Aid. Mart n was thing to attract the attention is the many years of Newland & called upon to preside. One of the The Inland league will have a noted large assortment of rubbers for ladies' first matters that came up was a peti- lecturer to address it next Monday wear. They keep a splendid assort- Company, Detroit, Mich, It's A Bad Habit tion from a large majority of the butch, night. We refer to the Hon. Elia S. ment of Goodyear's glove-fitting rub- who is well-known in Ann Ar For a man or woman to get into the way of not looking about ers in the city asking that no one be Yovtcheff, of Bulgaria, Mr. Yovtcheffis bers. The assortment is always kept bor and vicinity, and who guar and ascertaining what is going on all around them.—They fre- allowed to peddle meat in the city with, one of the most prominent men in his sufficiently large to enable any custo- antees absolute perfection anc quently lose good hard-earned dollars by not learning to buy in out first paying a license. The matter native country, having held high offi- mer to find a pair of rubbers to fit any the best market—the cheapest market— was referred to the ordinance commit- cial position in the national govern- style of shoe she may wear. Nex satisfaction in every garmen tee. H. Cornwell was granted the pri. ment. As'a keen statesman, a deep comes a splendid assortment of ladies' sold. Tilege of laying a sewer from his resi- thinker, and a brilliant speaker, he has Missess' and children's shoes. Every won a reputation second to none in his thing that is stylish in "French kid,' This makes the fourth Fui J. D. STIMSON & SON, GROCERS, dence to the main sewer at his own ex- 1 pense. The report of the special water native country. He is usually spoken "dongola kid" and "vici kid,' may be Opening held by us. That the of 24 South State Street, keep the best groceries in the city and committee was taken from the table of as the James G. Blaine, of Bulgaria. found here. These goods are all manu ladies appreciate the advant want people to know that at their store is the place to get fine and referred to the regular water com- He will speak before the Inland facturcd especially for Messrs. Jacobs age of these sales is proved by goods and at the same time save each week a few of those hard- mute of the council. Aid. Brown of- League next Monday night upon a sub- & Allmand, and are of the very bes their great success—the large earned dollars.
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