UTAH -VERMONT KEYY December 1952: 1450 Kc; 250 1 Kw -D, 250 W-N)

UTAH -VERMONT KEYY December 1952: 1450 Kc; 250 1 Kw -D, 250 W-N)

w. '(CP KSL May 6, 1922: 1160 kc; 50 kw. Bcst UTAH -VERMONT KEYY December 1952: 1450 kc; 250 1 kw -D, 250 w-N). Box K. (84601). 373 -2174. House (84111). 355 -4641. KSL Inc. (acq 6.24). Mid -Utah Bcstg Co. See Bonneville International Stns. Helen Bullen, pres; Reed Bullen, gen mgr; Rep: Sandeberg -Glenn. Net: CBS. Rep: Metro Radio Sls. W. W. Kirkland, coml mgr; Gery Evans, prog dir; D. S. Grow, pres; Dave Weiser, gen mgr; Arch L. Madsen, pres; Joseph A. Kjar, VP & Kerry Lease, news dir; David M. Henry, chief engr. William Barth, coml mgr; Charles Sherrill, prog gen mgr; Raymond Fritsch, nati sls mgr; Joseph dir & prom mgr. T. Meier, prog dir; Robert 0. Pusey, prom dir; MOAB (801) Grand county KIXX Nov 24, 1947: 1400 kc; 250 w. Box Q. Ted Capener, news dir; M. J. Jones, audio supvr; KURA Oct 7, 1957: 1450 kc; 1 kw -D, 250 w- (84601). 373 -3336. Western Broadcasting Inc. Vince M. Clayton, chief engr. N. Box 1636 (84532). ALpine 3 -5001. Moab Net: MBS. Rep: Western States Radio Empire; KSL -FM Jan. 7, 1947: 100.3 mc; 13 kw- horiz, Bcstg & TV Corp. Feltis /Dove /Croghan; Bob Hix. 1.2 kw -vert. (CP 11.5 kw vert). Ant 3,650 ft. Net: ABC, IMN. Rep: Petry. Kent Dana, pres & gen mgr; Gene Henderson, Prog sep from KSL. Stereo. G. U. Foote, pres & gen mgr; Dixie L. Barker, coml mgr & prom mgr; Dwayne Case, prog dir; KSL -TV affil. coml mgr & prog dir; T. Dee Tranter, prom mgr Frank Becker, news dir; Francis Boyer, chief engr. KSOP Feb 1, 1955: 1370 kc; 1 kw -D. Box & news dir; Royce Hinningson, chief engr. KOVO 1939: 960 kc; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N, DA -N. 15588. (84115). 484-4435. KSOP Inc. (acq 1.1- 651 West 1600 South. (84601). 373 -8550. KOVO 66). MURRAY (801) Salt Lake county Inc. (acq 10- 1 -56). Rep: Alan Torbet; Art Moore. Spec progs: C &W KMOR 1948: 1230 kc; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. Box Net: ABC; IMN. 100 %. 7383, Salt Lake City. (84107). 266 -4418. Oral Ashley Robison, pres; Glenn C. Shaw, VP & M. H. Hilton, pres & gen mgr; Henry Hilton, J. Wilkinson. gen mgr; Russell Grange, coml mgr; Melba corn! mgr; Keith Williams, prog dir; Paul Bragg, Net: Diamond. Rep. Gill- Perna; J. A. Lucas. Clayton, copy dir; Glenn K. Shaw, chief engr. stn mgr; Larry Hunter, news dir; Lyle 0. Wahl - Spec progs: C &W 24 hrs wkly. KFMC -FM not on air-target date Jan. 1, 1968: quist, chief engr. Oral J. Wilkinson, pres; James R. Richey, VP & 96.1 mc; 37 kw horiz. 1.85 kw vert. Ant 2620 ft. KSOP-FM Dec 10, 1964: 104.3 mc; 25 kw. gen mgr; Robert Young, coml mgr; William Same licensee as KOVO. Stereo. Ant minus 195 ft. Prog sep from KSOP. Stereo. Cobble, prog dir; James Pritchard, chief engr. KSXX May 13, 1960: 630 kc; 1 kw -D, DA. RICHFIELD (801) Sevier county 364 S. State. (84111). ELgin 5 -6233. Star Bcstg OGDEN (801) Weber county KSVC 1947: 980 kc; 5 kw -D. Box 570. (84701). Co. (acq 12.1 -63). KANN September 1961: 1090 kc; 1 kw -D. Box 896 -4456. Sevier Valley Bcstg Co. Net: NBC. 1616. (84401). 394 -3438. Darrell J. Iverson (acq Net: ABC; IMN. Rep: Petry. Spec progs: C &W Starley D. Bush, pres & gen mgr; Paul R. 2- 20 -64). 12 hrs wkly. Droubay, coml mgr; Joe Redburn, prog dir; Sam Darrell J. Iverson, owner & gen mgr; Kent Homer Bandley, pres; James G. Clawson, gen Moll, news dir; Lynn Smith, chief engr. Iverson, stn mgr; Lee Jorgensen, prog dir; Ed mgr & prom mgr; James D. Brown, prog dir; Joe °KUER (FM) June 6, 1960: 90.1 mc; 1.1 kw. Black, news dir; Muriel Weese, prom mgr; Mike Gentry, news dir. Ant 2,950 ft. 116 Kingsbury Hall, U. of Utah. Collett, chief engr. (84112). 322 -6625. U. of Utah. KBOC(FM) Aug. 21, 1964: 101.9 mc; 96.3 kw. ST. GEORGE (801) Washington county Spec progs: Sp 1/2 hr wkly. Ant 39 ft. 2323 Washington Blvd. (84401). 392- KDXU July 3, 1957: 1450 kc; 1 kw. Box K. Rex L. Campbell, gen mgr; Gene Pack, prog 7723. Clifford E. Peterson. Stereo. (84770). ORchard 3 -3579. Roy C. Winkelmann dir; Don E. Smith, chief engr. Clifford E. Peterson, -pres, gen mgr & chief (acq 10- 1.58). KWHO Nov 15, 1955: 860 kc; 1 kw -D. 510- engr. Roy C. Winkelmann, owner -mgr; Ellen Winkel - 512 E. 2d S. (84102). 322 -5819. Radio Station KLO 1924: 1430 kc; 5 kw, DA -1. Box 1499. mann, prog dir; Jim Copley, news dir; Ray Car- KWHO (acq 6- 4 -56). (84402). EXport 4.5721. Utah Radio Inc. (acq 10- penter. chief engr. Rep: Sandeberg -Glenn. Spec progs: Sp 1/2 hr; 1-63). See Glasmann Stns and Nwspr. Ger 11/2 hrs, both wkly. Net: ABC; IMN. SALT LAKE CITY (801) Salt Lake county Reese C. Anderson, pres & gen mgr; James E. Cecil Heftel, pres; Mark Darney, gen mgr; KALL 1945: 910 kc; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N, DA -2. Kirk, coml mgr; Thomas T. Hewett, prog dir; Kim Ward, coml mgr; Hugh Barr, prog dir; Len 312 E. South Temple. (84111). 364 -3561. TWX Virginia A. Hughes, prom mgr; Raymond F. Nash, Allen, news dir; Wayne Moss, chief engr. 910 -925 -5819. Salt Lake City Bcstg Co. See news dir; Gordon R. Smith, chief engr. KSVN Jan 1, 1946: 730 kc; 1 kw -D. Box 107. Glasmann Stns and Nwspr. KWHO -FM July 31, 1965: 93.3 mc; 37 kw. Ant (84401). 394 -3476. North American Bcstg Co. Net: ABC; IMN. Rep: Petry. minus 93 ft. Dups KWHO 13%. Stereo. Rep: Young; Feltis /Dove /Croghan; Hix. Spec George C. Hatch, pres; Homer K. Peterson, KWIC Nov 16, 1956: 1550 kc, 10 kw -D. 5065 progs: Sp 3 hrs wkly. exec VP; Bruce Miller, stn mgr; Bennie L. Wil- W. 2100 S. (84120). 299.1487. Sugarhouse La Vor R. Wood, pres; John C. Terrill, gen liams, prog dir; Will Lucas, prom mgr; Florien Bcstg Co. mgr; Ed Rogers, news dir. Wineriter, news dir; Rex L. Vance, chief engr. Dale R. Curtis, pres; Tom Ivory, gen mgr; KALL 1, KVOG April 1948: 1490 kc; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. -FM Not on air -target date Jan. 1968. Jack Adamson, corn! mgr; Paul Coburn, prog dir; Box 325. (84402). EXport 2 -7535. United Bcstg Same licensee as KALL. Gerald Steorts, news dir; Karl Huffman, chief engr. Co. KUTV (TV) affil. Net: Diamond. Rep: Grant Webb. Spec prog: KCPX 1923: 1320 kc; 5 kw, DA -1. 130 Social SPANISH FORK (801) Utah county Sp 2 hrs wkly. Hall Ave. (84111). 322 -5681. TWX 801- 521 -2365. KONI July 24, 1960: 1480 kc; 1 kw -D. RFD Arch Screen Gems Bcstg of Utah Inc. (acq 1959). See G. Webb, pres & gen mgr; Carolyn Clark, #1. Box 80 -A. (84660). 489 -5166. Pioneer Bcstg Screen Gems Stns. prog dir; David B. Affleck, coml mgr & news dir; Co. Joseph F. Critchlow, prom T. William E. Wright, stn & coml mgr; Bill Terry, mgr; Samuel Spec prog: C &W 100 %. Stephens, engr. prog dir; Joe Lee, news dir; Gary Horrocks, chief chief George K. Culbertson, pres, gen mgr & chief °KWCR -FM May 21, 1966: 88.1 mc; 10 w. De- engr. engr; Mrs. Charlotte L. Culbertson, prog dir. partment of Speech, Weber State College (84403). KCPX-FM 1947: 98.7 mc; 1.2 kw. Ant 2,970 ft. 394 -3491, ext 346. Weber State College Board Same licensee as KCPX. TOOELE (801) Tooele county KCPX -TV affil. of Trustees. KDYL July 3, 1956: 990 kc; 1 kw -D. Box 449. KLUB Aug 1, 1938: 570 kc; 5 kw, DA -1. 1550 Spec prog: Fr 2 hrs wkly. (84074). 882 -1441. Tooele County Radio and W. 22d -7794. KLUB Bcstg Co. R. Earl Sanders, dir of bcstg; Donald G. S. (84110). 359 TV Bcstg Inc. (acq 10- 18 -61). Net: MBS. Rep: McGavren -Guild. Godfrey, gen mgr; Dennis A. DeBoer, prog dir; Net: Western States Radio Empire. Rep David Frank C. Carman, pres & gen mgr; Allan Hepworth, news dir. Adam Young; Feltis /Dove /Croghan; Bob Hix. Thomas, VP & coml mgr; Frank C. McIntyre, VP Wendell Winegar, pres & gen mgr; Richard PRICE (801) Carbon county & prog dir; Delbert Williams, engr. chief Hales, coral mgr and prom mgr; Jack Tranter, KOAL October 1936: 1230 kc; 1 kw -D, 250 KLUB -FM Feb 1, 1961: 97.1 mc; 4.8 kw. Ant dir; Lynn Smith, chief engr. w -N. Box AC. (84501). 637 -0407. Eastern Utah minus 380 ft. Prog sep from KLUB. Stereo. Bcstg Co. KMOR (See Murray.) VERNAL (801) Uintah county Net: ABC; MBS; IMN. Rep: Petry. KNAK February 1945: 1280 kc; 5 kw -D, 500 KVEL Jan 19, 1947: 1250 kc; 5 kw -D. 120 Jack Richards, pres; Thomas B. Anderson, gen w -N, DA -N. 1042 S. 6th W. (84104). 364 -3685. E. Main. (84078). Phone 494. Uintah Bcstg & & coml mgr & prog dir; Pat Meanea, chief engr. Granite District Radio Bcstg Co. TV Co. Rep: Avery Knodel. PROVO (801) Utah county Howard D. Johnson, pres & chief engr; Wil- °KBYU-FM May 5, 1960: 88.9 mc; 570 w. Ant liam B. Hesterman, gen & coral mgr; Gary minus 1,320 ft. Stereo. Harris Fine Arts Center. Waldron, prog dir; Mel Remy, news dir. VERMONT Brigham Young U. (84601). 374 -1211. Brigham KRSP: 1060 kc; 10 kw. 1130 West 5200 South.

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