The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project ALOYSIUS M. O‘NEILL Interviewed by: Charles Stuart Kennedy Initial interview date: August 19, 2008 Copyright 2009 A ST TABLE OF CONTENTS Background Born in South arolina Raised in South arolina, Illinois, Delaware and Florida University of Delaware, University of Heidelberg US Army, (ietnam (ietnam e)perience: (1,-.-1,012 Entered the Foreign Service in 1,0- State Department: FSI: onsular and 4orean language training 1,0--1,00 Seoul, 4orea: onsular Officer5Staff Aide to Ambassador 1,00-1,0, President Park hung-Hee 4orean entral Intelligence Agency (4 IA2 Economy Politics (isa fraud Student visas North 4orea threat Ambassador 7illiam 8leysteen Relations President arter policies North 4orean infiltration US military presence Soviets shoot down 4orean airliner ,01 President arter:s visit De-militarized Zone (DMZ2 >4orean Hands? 4orean-Japanese relations State DepartmentA FSI: Japanese language studies 1,0,-1,.0 Marriage Tokyo, JapanA Staff Aide to Ambassador 1,.0-1,.1 1 Bokohama, Japan: FSIA Japanese language studies 1,.1-1,.1 Tokyo, JapanA Political Officer, E)ternal affairs 1,.1-1,.C Ambassador Mike Mansfield Japan54orea relations Embassy5US Military relationship Relations Trade barriers Polaris missile mishap Nuclear weapons issue Okinawa Emperor US Military Presence Prime Minister Basuhiro Nakasone Foreign (isits of 4orean hun Doo-hwan Soviet shoot-down of 4orean airliner ,01 (1,0.2 Japan breaks relations with North 4orea President Reagan visit Mike Deaver Reagan visit security Japan5Philippine relations Japan5Soviet relations Japan5 hina relations Japan views of 7orld 7ar II Japan5South 4orea relations State DepartmentA Office of Strategic Technology Affairs 1,.C-1,.- Bureau of Political-Military Affairs oordinating ommittee for Strategic Technology ontrols ( O OM2 Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI2 Defense Department influence Singapore Japan and hi-tech military sales India and IBM supercomputer European views of sales to USSR US-8erman Agreement French Intelligence operations European Space Agency Soviet Military Power publication Rangoon, BurmaA hief onsular Officer 1,.--1,.. Environment Medical problems and facilities Buddhism ommunist Party 1 8overnment hairman Ne 7in President San Bu USAID projects Foreign embassies Nationality laws (isa issuance Tourism International School American Ambassadors Aung San Suu 4yi urrency demonetization British Airways Plane crash victims Riots and demonstrations Burmese Army Natural resources International Aid Programs Burma, a >Eeast Developed ountry? Seoul, 4oreaA Political Officer, E)ternal Affairs 1,..-1,,1 US Delegation to Olympic 8ames US Ambassadors Olympic 8ames 8overnment Historic elections North5South 4orea relations Foreign diplomatic representation 4orean foreign relations ombined Forces ommand North 4orea:s armed forces 4orean political opposition National Security Eaw Political impact of fall of Berlin wall 4orea unifications Neutral Nations Supervisory ommission (NNS 2 US PO7s 4orea and the Middle East Desert Storm Seoul5 hina5Taiwan relations 4orea5Japan relations (see also pgs. 1C--1C02 Seoul5US relations 4orean import restrictions Family activities State DepartmentA Deputy Director, Philippine Desk 1,,1-1,,3 US Military base closures 3 ory AGuino Military Assistance Initiative (MAI2 State DepartmentA Deputy Director, Office of Philippines, 1,,3-1,,C Indonesian, Malaysia, Brunei H Singapore Affairs (PIMBS2 President Mrs. orazon AGuino Philippine Social 7eather Stations Embassy staff reductions Secretary of State 7arren hristopher Moro National Eiberation Front (MNEF2 New People:s Army ommunists Non-8overnment Organizations N8Os Human Rights Malaysia Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad East Asia Economic aucus Singapore:s Eee 4uan Bew Singapore:s government Michael Flay flogging case Sukarno overthrow Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN2 Aceh rebellion Indonesia Okinawa, JapanA onsul 8eneral 1,,C-1,,0 Relations with Tokyo US military and dependents Okinawa:s history Okinawa Area oordinating ommittee (OA 2 Eocal government Environment ommemorating 7orld 7ar II US military installations Japan5 hina relations Japan5Russian relations US military rape case Okinawa Peace Movement enter demonstration US military base negotiations Special Action ommittee on Okinawa (SA O2 (isit of President linton U.S.-Japan Joint ommittee Okinawa Area oordinating ommittee Ambassador 7alter Mondale Manila, Republic of Philippines: Political ounselor 1,,0-1000 US military bases C President Fidel (aldez Ramos (isiting Forces Agreement ((FA2 Philippine onstitution President Joseph Ejercito Estrada US Naval visit Operations under (FA Philippine military orruption Presidential ommission on 8ood 8overnment Embassy composition 8uerilla movements Mindanao Philippine foreign policy ASEAN Relations with hina and Taiwan Presidential elections, 1,,. Relations with Japan Retirement 1000 Post Retirement 1000-1001 4orean Peninsula Energy Development Org. (4EDO2 Senior Policy Advisor (1000-10012 State Department: 4orea Desk Officer 100C Army 7ar ollege: Eecturer, Asian studies 100C-1000 Additional activity in the private sector 1000-100, omments on US relations with North and South 4orea INTERVIEW ": Today is the 19th of August 2008, and this is an interview with Aloysius M. O'Neill) the M standing for* O:NEIEE: Moultrie. ": This was Carolina, South Carolina. O:NEIEE: harleston. ": This is being done on behalf of the Association for Diplomatic Studies, and I am Charles Stuart Kennedy. And you go by Al. I O:NEIEE: Bes. ": Let's start. .hen and where were you born* O:NEIEE: I was born on October 11, 1,CI in harleston, South arolinaA hence, the middle name. ": There's Fort Moultrie. Moultrie was a Revolutionary .ar hero.1 .as he the one who flew the Palmetto flag* O:NEIEE: That battle is the origin of the palmetto in the South arolina state flag. In 100- the British tried to invade harleston which was the main port in the south of the colonies at that time. 7hat was then called Fort Sullivan at the entrance to harleston Harbor was the main obstacle to the British landing. It was, I think, the first victory by the colonists against the British in the war, June 1., 100-. The commander of Fort Sullivan was olonel 7illiam Moultrie. The fort was built of palmetto logs which absorbed the British cannonballs and its guns drove off the British landing force and fleet. The fort was renamed Fort Moultrie and it played a big role in the ivil 7ar. My grandfather O:Neill was born on June 1., so my great-grandfather Dennis O:Neill gave him the middle name Moultrie in honor of that day. ": Let's tal3 about the O'Neill side of the family and we'll tal3 about your mother's side. .hat do you 3now about when and where did they come from* O:NEIEE: Everybody in my family is Irish. The great-grandfather that I was talking about, Dennis O:Neill, was born in 1.CI in Ireland. He came to harleston at least by 1.I3. ": .as the potato famine part of that* O:NEIEE: I:m sure it was. He was born the year that the potato famine broke out. He came, I:m sure, with his father J my great-great-grandfather Michael O:Neill J and probably with a brother named Edward. I don:t know anything about Dennis O:Neill:s birth mother. She either died in Ireland or died on the ship because my great-great- grandfather remarried in harleston in 1.I3. That:s how I know their appro)imate arrival time. My family:s been in harleston ever since. ": Do you 3now what brought them to Charleston* So many of the Irish were heading to New 4or3, Boston, New Orleans and Canada when the potato famine bro3e out but Charleston seems to be at the end of the line. O:NEIEE: It may be because my great-great-grandfather:s older brother who was also named Dennis was already in harleston. But you:re right: The Irish tended to go to the main northern cities or to New Orleans although the Irish atholic diocese of harleston - was founded in 1.10, so there was a substantial Irish atholic community there earlier and, in fact, an even earlier Irish Protestant community ": .hat were the O'Neills doing in Charleston* O:NEIEE: I don:t know what my great-great-grandfather was doing. My great- grandfather Dennis O:Neill enlisted at the age of 1- in the Irish (olunteer ompany of an infantry unit called the harleston Battalion in 1.-1. He was discharged about two years later. After the war, he had an auction and commission business, mainly selling houses and property. He was also in politics from time to time, both as an alderman in harleston and as mayor pro tem later in the 1..0:s. He was also an officer in the post- war South arolina militia, first a captain and then a major. He was active in a number of Irish organizations in harleston including the Irish Rifle lub and a book society and things like that. During the Spanish-American 7ar he was apparently an >assistant captain? of the Port of harleston. At his death in February 1,00, he was not Guite II years old. ": How was he earning his money* O:NEIEE: His principal business was that auction and commission company, and he had a part interest in a boot shop with his cousins and his uncle. ": .e're up to your grandfather now* O:NEIEE: Bes. He was Aloysius Moultrie O:Neill, Senior. He was about nine when my great-grandfather died in 1,00 leaving Guite a number of children. My grandfather had various jobs in harlestonA he was among other things a timber inspector, timber and lumber being a big business in South arolina in those days. He didn:t serve in 7orld 7ar I because an older brother was in the Navy and he was the main support of his mother. Eater he was the secretary and treasurer of the Hibernian Mutual Insurance ompany in harleston which as you can imagine was an Irish business.
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