CENSUS 1971 SERmS-20 TRIPURA PART X-A & B ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES, TOWN AND VILLAGE DIRECTORY AND PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT WEST TRIPURA DISTRICT A. K.BHATTACHARYYA OF THE TRIPURA CIVIL SERVICE DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS, TRIPURA 1971 CENSUS PUBLICA nONS SERIES 20-TRIPURA GOVERNMENT OF INDIA PUBLICATIONS Portrait of Population Part I-A General Report Part I-B General Report Part I-C Subsidiary Tables Part II-A 1 General Population Tables and I Part II-C (i) Distribution of Population by Mothertongue and J Religion, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Part II-B (i) 1 Part II-B (ii) l, Economic Tables and I Part II-B (iii) J 1 Part II-C (ii) • Social and Cultural Tables Migration and Fertility and •~ Tables J Part I1-D Part III Establishments Report and Tables Part IV Housing Report and Tables Part V Special Tables and Ethnographic Notes on Sche­ duled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Special Survey Reports on Selected Towns Part VI-C Survey Reports on Selected Villages Part VII-A Administration Report on Enumeration 1 For ~ official Part VII-B Administration Report on Tabulation J use only Part IX Sate Census Atlas Miscellaneous Special Study on Tea Industry of Tripura (Tentative) STATE GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS District Census Handbooks Part X-A & B Village & Town Directory and Village and Urban Block-wise Primary Census Abstract Part X-C Analytical Report, Administrative Statistics and District Census Tables CONTENTS Pages Preface Figures at a Glance IV Alphabetical List of Villages VI Part X-A-ViIlage and Town Directory Explanatory Note on Village and Town Directory 3 Village Directory and Its Appendices Sadar Sub-division 16 Khowai Sub-division 92 Sonamura Sub-division 146 Appendix I Sub-divisionwise Abstract of Educational, Medical & Other Amenities, 1969-70 158 Appendix n Land use data or Non-municipal Towns 160 Town Directory Statement I Status, Growth History and Functional Category of Towns 162 Statement II Physical Aspects & Location of Towns, 1969 162 Statement III Civic Finance, 1968-69 164 Statement IV Civic and other amenities, 1969 164 Statement V Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities in Towns, 1969 166 Statement VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1969 166 Statement VII Population by Religion, 1971 168 Appendix III Constituents of Agglomeration and standard urban area of Agartala Town 170 Part X-B-Village and Urban Blockwise Primary Census Abstract Explanatory Notes to Primary Census Abstract 172 Primary Census Abstract West Tripura District 178 Sadar Sub-division 180 Khowai Sub-division 236 Sonamura Sub-division 272 PREFACE The compilation and publication of villagewise data for the rural areas and blockwise data for the urban areas were first introduced in 1951 Census as a part of Census Publication Programme. The 1951 Census in Tripura was conducted under the general supervision of the Census Superintendent of Assam and no District Census Handbook was puolished in respect of Tripura. It was for the first time during 1961 Cemus that a separate. Census Superintendent was appointed for Tripura and the operation was com;:lucted by hIm .. As Tripura was then a single district territory only one District Census Handbook wa~ complIed for the entJre territory of Tripura in 1961 Census. The publication of the Distnct Census Handbook of 1961 Census is thus the first such independent publication for Tripura. The District Census Handbook for 1961 was decided to be published in two sectIOns, as the book, if published in one volume would rot at all be handy. It took a long time to pU,blish even Sectiun I of the lJistrict Census Handbook of 1961 which actually came out of the press in the eady part of 1972 only when data for 1971 Census were already at ~ta~d. Hence, on c(Jnsidcration of the fact that the publication of Section II of the Dlstnct Census handbook for 1961 at this stage would be of little use to the Government Departments and others, the publication of the same has been abandoned. The District Census Handbook has proved to be very useful to the various Departments of the State Government. Since its first publication after 1951 Census, the quality of data ilI1U its purview have undergone changes to~ards inprovement in keeping with the needs L.f the data users. 1 am being approachLd Ly various Government Departments as well as private and publIc instttutlOns for VIllage level data of 1971 Census which go to show the importance and urgency of this publlcatlOn. As Tripura has been divided into three administrative districts with effect from 1st September, 1970 three ~eparate sets of Distnct Census Handbooks are being published for the three districts of the State for the first time. The 1961 District Census Handbook was printed ·and published by the ;,tate Government from their OW;l press at Agartala at their own cost on the basis of the manuscript and general printing instructions issued by this Directorate. This time the State Government have agreed. to printt the Handbooks in private press at Calcutta at their own cost. The Distict Census Handbook of 1971 Census consists of the data upto the village level and enumerator's block level in the rural and urban areas respectively. This is for the first time that each handbook contains a gene~al account of the district and its people, tlte area, houses, populatIOn, availability of general amenities and distribution of population by livelihood classes for each village and town. Moreover, a uniform procedure in presenting the different data upto the lowest census unit has been adopted for the first time in this census. The part in which census information of the urban areas has been given, has been named as 'Town Directory' and that of rural areas as the 'Village Directory.' In addition to the list of villages, the names of villages arranged alphabetically have also been included at the very beginning of the Village Directory for convenience of reference. It was first decided to publish the District Census Handbook in three parts, namely:- Part A (I)-Town Directory (2)- -Village Directory Part B Village/Urban Blockwise Primary Census Abstract partC - Analytical Report, Administrative Statistics and Census Tables Three separate volumes of the District Census Handbook were first decided to be published for each district but it was felt that the size of the volumes would be too small if Part A and Part 1) are published separately. As the data for parts A and B were ready almost simultaneously and a combined volume would be quite handy, it has been decided to publish Parts A and B of the DiSlrict Census Handbook in one volume and Part C lI1 a separa[e volume for each district. Accordingly, this combined volume of Parts A and B of the District Census Handbook in respect of West Tripura District is brought out in this book. \ v ) It may be mentioned here, in brief, the various information assembled and presented in this volume of the District Census Handbook Part A consists of the Village and Town Directory.. In this part the various amenities av .. ilable in the village or the town as the case may be, are indicated. In the case of the Town Directory the religionwise population of the town has also been shown. It may be pertinent to state here that a village including small hamlets in the hills known as such by their local names has been taken 'as the lowest Census unit. These villages have no fixed or defined geographical boundary. It has, therefore, not been possible to show the total areas of all the villages in the Village Dircctory. Even in the cases where the areas have been shown, the same is purely guess work or eye estimation and on the basis of the information received from the local knowledgeable sources. The information c911ected for each village within the discrict is presented sub-divisionwise in the Directory. But in the case of towns, the number of towns in eadi district being small, the information in respect of the towns has been shown within the di3trict with sepal ate code number for them under the district. No code number has been assigned to the towns with reference to the sub-divisions. The ddta of Village Directory 'relate to the year 1970-71. The compilation of the' data for Village and Town Directory according to the all-India time schedule was to be completed in th~ fint phase of the census operations, i. e., at the time of the houselisting and housenumbering operations. The entire census operation has been done through the agency of the State Government officials. Due to some objections raised by these officials engaged in -the census work, thi5 work had to be deferred and taken up at the time of actual enumeration in March, 1971. If these data were collected at the time of the first phase of the operation, these would pave related to the year 1969-70 as in other states. In Part b of this volume, i. e. in the Primary Census Abstract, one may have village­ wise or urban blockwise information about the occupied residential houses, number of houses, population, the number of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, literate and educated persons, cat(:!gorywise workers, and non-workers. The data collected by the census enumerators have been scrutinised and compiled in thi~ Directorate. After scrutiny of the Village Directory forms, it was found that filled in forms for many of the villages had not been sent alongwith the census records forwarded by the Sub-divisional Census Officers. Some members of the staff of tRis Directorate had to be sent 'to the sub-divisions for proper filling up of the forms and collecting them.
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