Volume XXII, Issue No. 2 OCTOBER 2012 Special points of interest: PMA Responds to Rumaragasang HABAGAT PMA Marks 109th Foundation Day etro Manila and Distibution of PMA M IDs and Card several areas in Luzon experi- Readers enced heavy floods brought Medicine Week about by moonsoon rains or PMA History.. From the Beginning ―habagat‖ early last month. The Minerva Calimag, continuous rains, which started M.D.—First Eric Nubla Excellence August 6 and lasted for several Awardee days, has resulted in an Ondoy -like situation. To help the flood vic- High flood waters did not deter the PMA volunteer physicians from Inside this issue: tims, the Philippine Medical Association led by Dr. Modesto serving the calamity victims. President 3 Llamas, PMA President and tion Center in Novaliches, Que- ety, Pampanga Medical Soci- Speaks Dr. Hector Santos, chair of the zon City. A total of 4,272 pa- ety, Pasay Paranaque Medical PMA Committee on Emer- tients were served. Society, Pasig Medical Society, Editorial 5 gency and Disaster, organized Volunteers included Quezon City Medical Society, several medical missions which Dr. Ferdinand E. Cercenia. and Taguig Medical Society. As I see It 6 included ―Doctors on Boat‖. PMA Governor for Quezon Medicines were pro- Areas served included Mala- City, doctors and medical per- vided by UNILAB, GSK, Kape- 7 bon, Novaliches, Calumpit in sonnel from East Avenue Medi- Pharex, Pfizer, Pascual Labo- kaperahan Bulacan, Pasig, Apalit and Ma- cal Center and Social Security ratories and Pacific Pharma. Medicine Week 12 cabebe in Pampanga, San System, and PMA members The UST Pharmacy provided Mateo, and Muntinlupa. Relief from Bulacan Medical Society, the much needed anti-fungal Unlad Ka- 21 goods were distributed and Las Pinas Medical Society, creams. Aside from the medi- runungan medical consultations were Makati Medical Society, Mala- cines, UNILAB also provided done. Psychosocial counselling bon-Navotas Medical Society, logistic support like transporta- was also done in Brgy. Sta. Marikina Valley Medical Soci- tion and meals for the volun- Lucia Covered Court, Evacua- ety, Muntinlupa Medical Soci- teers. Page 2 The Physician PMA Marks 109th Foundation Day The Philippine Medical Association celebrated its 109th Foundation Day last September 15 at the PMA Compound in North Ave., Quezon City. The event started with the wreath lay- ing ceremonies, which was followed by celebration of the Holy Eucharist with Rev. Fr. Alfredo Fernando as pre- sider. Cheers to the PMA Former Presidents: Drs. Nena Eng Tan, Nenita C. Lee Tan, Santiago A. del Rosario, Jose Asa Sabili and Gil C. Fernandez led by Dr. Modesto O. Llamas After the fellowship din- ner, the program proper started with the singing of the PMA Hymn led by the An AVP presentation Board of Governors. Gina C. featuring the past presidents Nazareth, M.D, chair of the was shown and this was fol- 106th PMA Annual PMA 109th Foundation Anni- lowed by the traditional Can- versary Celebration, wel- dle, Cake and Wine Ceremo- Convention and comed the participants while nies, the ceremonial toast Scientific Meeting: led by Dr. Llamas and the Albert C. Guevarra, M.D., PMA National Treasurer, ac- dancing of the anniversary knowledged the guests and waltz. As a response from May 14-17, 2013 at dignitaries. the past president, Santiago Manila Hotel del Rosario, M.D., chair of In his message, Modesto the Association of Former O. Llamas, MD, PMA Presi- PMA Presidents, gave the Theme: dent, stated that the guid- highlights of the PMA his- “PMA: Nagkakaisang ance and commitment of the tory. Manggagamot Tungo Association‘s leaders and the support of the members Aside from Dr. Santiago, sa Kalusugang have made the PMA evolve the other past PMA presi- Pangkalahatan” from a group of American dents who were able to at- tend the celebration were and Filipino physicians 109 years ago to a professional Nena Eng Tan, M.D., Nenita Lee Tan, M.D., Gil Fernan- Pre-registration Fee: organization that it is today, Php1,200.00 a respected organization dez, M.D. and Jose Asa Sabili, M.D. (until March 31, 2013) with objectives and respon- sibilities. The task of unify- Marianne O. Dobles, April 01, 2013 onwards ing the members into a solid M.D., PMA Secretary - Php1,700.00 and strong PMA is difficult General, was the Master of and he has requested every Ceremonies while Agnes E. officer and member to move Calleja, M.D, and Arnel M. as one and to reject people Asino, M.D. were the co- who for personal interest, to emcees. try to derail the journey. Volume XXII, Issue No. 2 Page 3 THE PRESIDENT SPEAKS MODESTO O. LLAMAS, M.D, President already apologized to the PRC chair for my answer to the chair My Dear Colleagues, of the Board of Medicine which was magnified and broad- casted as being ―Scolded‖. I Our reform and unifica- was just performing my duty as time, with a glut in building tion programs are proceeding PMA President to also voice spaces. despite some deterrence. Your out the necessity of allowing 5. With the active support PMA Board is very transparent our colleagues who were fully of the Specialty / Subspecialty and fair without any hidden trained but not certified to con- Societies we have adopted the agenda. Every issue is being tinue to practice the specialty categorization of Physicians thoroughly discussed and field. I need SUPPORT not into Specialists / Subspecialists voted upon freely. Allow me to MOCKERY! and Generalists as required by report the following that may be 3. New development plan the PRC Board of Medicine. of interest: of the PMA compound is being 6. Accreditation of PMA as 1. PMA has received the discussed with Filinvest, the the Professional organization 0.5M from the PDIC. The Ex- developer approved by the Re- for Physicians which expired port Import Bank is being bid- gional Assembly in 2010. A last March 2, 2012 is still pend- ded out to two prospective in- ―Build – Operate – Transfer‖ ing approval of renewal, so are terest groups by the Central and a much shorter term than many other professional asso- Bank. In fairness to all, we can- the previous 75 years, with no ciations. The last deterrent fac- not blame any officer of the last disruption of service in the tor, the categorization of Physi- PMA administration for the mis- Doctors‘ Inn (which will actually cians has been settled as we hap, not even the President, be improved), indigency clinic, have submitted the Board despite the principle of administration, and no loss of Resolution adopting the ―Command responsibility.‖ PMA property. Hopefully, in PRCBOM categorization. Monthly financial report is be- time, PMA will be financially 7. The MRA (Mutual Rec- ing discussed by the PMA independent that can translate ognition Agreement) signed by Board including money place- to increased benefits to the the different Asean Countries ments and deposits. Nobody, members. for categorization of Physicians outside of the top men at the 4. For everyone‘s informa- into Specialists / Subspecial- Central Bank and the President tion – the building project initi- ists / Generalists for the pur- of the Republic, will ever know ated by former PMA president pose of reciprocity of medical when a bank will be closed. Dr. H.B. Calleja with me as the practice effective 2015, is the Please be assured that Vice President in 1995 – 1997, basis of the PRCBOM POLICY this will in no way affect the was pursued by my administra- on Categorization. mutual aid benefits to our tion in 1997 – 1999. Unfortu- 8. “Program till 2015 to members. In fact, an increase nately the developer backed pass the certifying examina- in the benefits will be submitted out because it could not secure tion”. Realizing that we have to the Board for approval. a bank loan due to the existing numerous colleagues who 2. Your humble servant Asian Financial Crisis at the were fully trained but not certi- Page 4 The Physician fied, the various Specialty / rique Ona assured us of meas- breast feeding group. Subspecialty Societies have ures being undertaken by Phil- Under Review heeded the request of PMA to health to ensure the payment Stem Cell Therapy absorb this group into their of Philhealth fees to the Physi- Layman‘s Fora to be con- folds and to come up with pro- cians. ducted by the component grams to help them pass the 12. Per arrangement with societies. certifying examination. In fact, Philhealth and with the ap- The Commission (CME) many specialty societies have proval of the Commission on is working on the mod- amended their bylaws just to Professional Specialization/ ules. accommodate the request. Specialty Divisions, Specialists Lifestyle related dis- 9. PMA will seek the ap- and Subspecialists can apply eases proval of Philhealth for im- for Philhealth accreditation di- Prevention of risk fac- proved payment of professional rectly through the PMA. How- tors fees for the ―fully trained but ever, certification of Specialty 16. PMA wants to be strong not certified group‖ if not yet in and Subspecialty society con- and be heard, but not in every place. cerned will be required. issue, every matter nor every 10. PMA will appeal to Con- 13. The Commission on single small thing, irrelevant gress to introduce the following Professional Specialization and to PMA as a national organiza- amendments to the Physicians‘ the Committee on Bylaws and tion of Physicians. We want to Acts of 2012: Administrative Code are look- be heard at the right time on Delete provisions that will ing into the need for Amend- vital and relevant matters. Oth- criminalize the uncertified ment of the Bylaws. erwise, ang labas natin ay medical practitioners in 14.
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