SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL PLACE REPORT TO CITY CENTRE SOUTH DATE 12.07.2010 AND EAST PLANNING AND HIGHWAYS COMMITTEE REPORT OF DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ITEM SUBJECT APPLICATIONS UNDER VARIOUS ACTS/REGULATIONS SUMMARY RECOMMENDATIONS SEE RECOMMENDATIONS HEREIN THE BACKGROUND PAPERS ARE IN THE FILES IN RESPECT OF THE PLANNING APPLICATIONS NUMBERED. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS N/A PARAGRAPHS CLEARED BY BACKGROUND PAPERS CONTACT POINT FOR ACCESS Lucy Bond TEL NO: 0114 2734556 Chris Heeley 0114 2736329 AREA(S) AFFECTED CATEGORY OF REPORT OPEN 2 Application No. Location Page No. 10/01688/CHU Unit 16 Clarence Works 7 Effingham Road Sheffield S4 7YS 10/01614/LBC (Formerly PP- Leopold Square 00710293) Sheffield 15 S1 2JG 10/01597/ADV (Formerly PP- Leopold Square 00682433) Sheffield 22 S1 2JG 10/01552/CHU Swit Swoo 831 Chesterfield Road 25 Sheffield S8 0SQ 10/01523/FUL (Formerly PP- Ali's Mini Market 01080007) 233 Abbeydale Road 32 Sheffield S7 1FJ 10/01437/FUL 985 Ecclesall Road Sheffield 39 S11 8TN 10/01398/FUL King Edward VII School Glossop Road 45 Sheffield S10 2PW 10/01383/FUL (Formerly PP- 31 Wicker 01069139) Sheffield 59 S3 8HS 10/01381/FUL Land North West Of 11 And 13 Archer Drive 65 Sheffield 3 10/01333/FUL (Formerly PP- Lajawab Indian Restaurant 01950723) 386 Handsworth Road 81 Sheffield S13 9BY 10/01309/FUL The Sloan Practice 249 - 251 Chesterfield Road 110 Sheffield S8 0RT 10/01236/FUL Land Between Arundel Gate Clay Lane And Eyre Lane 119 Charles Street Sheffield 10/01055/REM Ringinglow Road Fire Station Ringinglow Road 155 Sheffield S11 7TA 10/00993/CHU Ground To Second Floor Offices 447 Glossop Road 173 Sheffield S10 2PR 10/00918/OUT (Formerly PP- Sheffield United Football Club 01019928) Land On Corner Of Shoreham Street And John 182 Street Highfield Sheffield S2 4RD 10/00868/FUL (Formerly PP- Buildings Adjacent Manor Oaks Cottages 01015951) Manor Lane 206 Sheffield S2 1UL 09/03967/CHU Dore Moor Coffee Shop Dore Moor Nursery 213 Brickhouse Lane 4 Sheffield S17 3DQ 09/03455/FUL 1 Grange Mill Lane Sheffield 225 S9 1HW 09/03207/CAC Land At Crookes Road And Taptonville Road (Site Of Tapton Hall Of Residence And 30, 38 243 And 46 Taptonville Road) Sheffield 07/01380/FUL Land At Crookes Road And Taptonville Road Crookes Road 248 Sheffield S10 2AZ 5 6 SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL Report Of The Head Of Planning PLACE To The CITY CENTRE SOUTH AND EAST Planning And Highways Committee Date Of Meeting: 12/07/2010 LIST OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR DECISION OR INFORMATION *NOTE* Under the heading “Representations” a Brief Summary of Representations received up to a week before the Area Board date is given (later representations will be reported verbally). The main points only are given for ease of reference. The full letters are on the application file, which is available to members and the public and will be at the meeting. Case Number 10/01688/CHU Application Type Planning Application for Change of Use Proposal Change of use to gym (Use class D2) Location Unit 16 Clarence Works Effingham Road Sheffield S4 7YS Date Received 24/05/2010 Team CITY CENTRE AND EAST Applicant/Agent CS Surveying & Architectural Design Ltd Recommendation Grant Conditionally Subject to: 1 The development must be begun not later than the expiration of three years from the date of this decision. In order to comply with the requirements of the Town and Country Planning Act. 2 The development must be carried out in complete accordance with the following approved documents; Plans CS0846-1 and CS/0846/2 dated 24th May 2010. unless otherwise authorised in writing by the Local Planning Authority. In order to define the permission. 3 The application site shall only be used as a gym within Use Class D2 of the Town and Country Planning Use Classes Order (1987) (as amended). In order to define the permission. Attention is drawn to the following justifications: 1. The decision to grant permission and impose any conditions has been taken having regard to the relevant policies and proposals form the Yorkshire and Humber Plan, the Sheffield Development Framework and the Unitary Development Plan set out below: IB5 - Development in General Industry Areas IB9 - Conditions on Development in Industry and Business Areas CS67 - Flood Risk Management SDF Core Strategy and guidance within PPS25 The development complies with the relevant policies and proposals, and would not give rise to any unacceptable consequences to the environment, community or other public interests of acknowledged importance. This explanation is only intended as a summary of the reasons for grant of planning permission. For further detail on the decision please see the application report at www.sheffield.gov.uk/planningonline or by calling the Planning Help Line at (0114) 273 4215. 8 Site Location © Crown copyright. All rights reserved. 10018816. 2005 9 LOCATION AND PROPOSAL This application relates to Unit 16 at Clarence Works, which is a traditional two- storey industrial workshop complex that has been separated into individual units. Clarence Works is constructed in red brick with recessed metal windows that are presently coated blue. The Works form a courtyard complex with a frontage to both Effingham Road and Foley Street with a curved brickwork frontage at the junction of these two roads. Vehicular access to the site is secured via either Effingham Road or Foley Street with access into a shared parking area within the courtyard. Unit 16 is a 135 square metre ground floor premises situated in the part of the building at the junction of Effingham Road and Foley Street. It is positioned below Unit 14, which is occupied by Sheffield Thai Boxing. The main entrance into the unit is provided within the courtyard with pedestrians able to enter from either Effingham Road or Foley Street. The applicant has advised that the unit was formerly used as a workshop but is presently vacant and has been for some time. A range of other uses within Clarence Works includes a joinery and the boxing gym. The surrounding area is entirely commercial in character and includes various business and commercial units. This application proposes the change of use of Unit 16 from vacant workshop (Use Class B2) to a gym within Use Class D2. The applicant does not propose any external changes to the building and minimal changes are proposed to the interior of the building as the Unit already incorporates a small office area and a W.C. RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY There is no planning history directly relevant to this application. SUMMARY OF REPRESENTATIONS The application was advertised by means of neighbour notification. No letters of representation have been received. PLANNING ASSESSMENT This application proposes the change of use of a vacant workshop unit within Clarence Works to a gym within Use Class D2. The principle issues to consider in the determination of this application include the following: (i) Principle of development – Policy and Land Use; (ii) Flood Risk; (iii) Amenity considerations; (iv) Highways. The Council is also required to consider any representations received as a result of the public consultation exercise. 10 Policy and Land Use The application site is designated for General Industry within the Sheffield Adopted Unitary Development Plan. Policy IB5 of the UDP relates to development in General Industry Areas and advises that General Industry (Use Class B2) and Warehousing (Class B8) are the preferred uses. A number of other uses are also deemed acceptable, including leisure and recreation facilities (Use Class D2), as proposed in this instance. Indeed, the supporting text to Policy IB5 states that uses like sports facilities can help to meet the needs of workers. The principle of the proposed change of use if therefore in accordance with Policy BE5. However, it is also relevant to acknowledge Policy IB9 of the UDP, which relates to conditions on development in Industry and Business Areas. It advises that in Industry and Business Areas, new development or change of use will be permitted provided that (as relevant to this application) it would (a) not lead to a concentration of uses which would prejudice the dominance of industry and business in the area or cause the loss of important industrial sites; (d) not harm the quality of the environment to such an extent that other new industry and business development would be discouraged; and (e) be adequately served by transport facilities and provide safe access to the highway network and appropriate off-street parking. In this case, the application site is located within a general industrial area where employment uses remain dominant. Although there is another gym within Clarence Works (Sheffield Thai Boxing), which has been within the premises for many years, this building and the surrounding area largely remain within the preferred uses. In addition, the change of use of 135 square metres of floorspace at Unit 16 from vacant workshop space to a gym is not considered to harm the quality of the environment to such an extent that other new industry and business development would be discouraged in the future. Therefore, on balance, the proposal will bring about the re-use of a vacant unit and is considered acceptable in accordance with Policies IB5 and IB9 of the UDP. Finally, it is relevant to note that Planning Policy Statement 4: ‘Planning for Sustainable Economic Growth’ identifies that main town centre uses include ‘more intensive sport and recreation uses’ such as health and fitness centres. Accordingly, a gym within Use Class D2 is essentially a town centre use, albeit that PPS4 refers specifically to ‘more intensive uses’ rather than small businesses such as the applicant’s. The objective of PPS4 is to help achieve sustainable growth and to encourage development towards the town centre in the first instance, through a sequential approach to development and an assessment of the impact of the proposal.
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