f SPORTS WEFKFND PIT S New pacemaker 1 Sox’ horns runs Rockwell lovee offer* an option sink the YanksM director’s role Carpentry: Repoirs of oil Riaars-sandtitO' flaaiy H t« types. Need o bedroom new! Speeiailztntf in okUr n ... paga3 ... paga It When you coll Closslfled and o basement, need a f iaars,rtotui‘ai/tfrttf magazine Inalda to place on od, a friendly closet,or extra shelyln- stoinneif. No w exln« any^ Ad-Visor wflll answer your 0,ottlc stairways? Call more! John v'erMIll*. COH coll and help you word HOMES Bernle M6-3172 until npm. SA5-57S0. RjHI^ your od for best response. FOR RENT Michael Bugnockl Con­ 6 room Colonlol, Will core for your child In tracting - Decks, oddl- K3dpw baths, excellent condi­ m y Bolton home.647-9974. tlons, renovotlons, siding [APARTMENTS No lob too small. Free Afi’t Lf0(0 trucKiAR- tion, nice vord, close to estimates. 646-0976 or 646- Chorter Ook Pork. $800 Relloble doy core service Dumas Electric — HttvBiw cgrrar«,pmc8,#aydMv# FOR RENT offered. M94M71. 5988 evenings. plus utilities. Available Electrical RrobiemsT CIVPflWe JUfm October 1 683-1659. Need 0 large or p sman nftwrd Townhouse-2 bedrooms, After school doy core Repair? We specioilx# in m & iw a . JS m viw v ^V^ boths,electrlc heot- Residential Work. Manchester - 2 or 3 bed­ available In my, licensed b o rtP s f iHaurliFBtrr Hrralft ,central olr condltlonlng- room house for rent, $500 home. Robertson School l o D l f --------------- Dumos. Fully Liceni^. Rbrfctr. » v«M^ «xiMi>; ,loroe living room dining PAPERNK ) Msnr.nRsfer A r,it/ nf VillaqR per month, plus utilities. district, Soint James stu­ Free Estimates. 646-5!>S$. rMMcg rp movfng. 6 4 i8 w area and kitchen. dents welcome! 644-1950. onytlme. Laundry hook-ups, 2 cor Worren E. Howland Inc. ChaSSbyNCA.Mc 643-1108. Name your own price — garage. Control ly locoted Pother and son. FOst, ScrognoP Loam,B(r«v«9- tor elderly couple Refer­ dependable service. ,gracgt04Nf gravgf,sand- House for rent-October iNvrrAnoN t o mo ences required,leose plus 1st,3 bedroom,2 baths- Pointing, Poperhonglng ft ,stong, and fUi. Ear 25 Cents deposit. No pets, 643- Quality Care given to Removal. Coll 872-8237. Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ donvorros cott Oaoroa Sealed bids will be received In the Oeneral Services' office, s , large yord.garage.base- 41 Center St„ Monchester, C T until seFTEM SEh 30, l*S6af 9674,or 643-7135. throom remodeling; In­ ment,washer and dryer pre-schooler or Infant. 6 rlfrM0,Andav«r 7 4 t-7 m . 11 ;00 o.m. for the following: Please coll 289-6345. John Oeerr pointing con- stallation woter hooters, S 3 and 4 room oportments, hook up,stove,refrlgero- garbage disposals; fducot (1) ONE NEW 4-WHEEL ONIVE PICKUP TNUCK tor No pets. $600 plus troctor. Residential, com- bdckhog _____ no oppllonces.no pets.se- repairs. 649-4539. Vlso/M- (2) ONE NEW ^W HEEL DRIVE lO.OOOP OVW DUMP security,references. 643- merclol. Foil ond winter rgnfot, trvtkln^arattioot, TRUCK WITH PLOW ft FRAME curlty.call 646-2426. Week­ CLEANING specials. Free estimates. osterCord occepted. sight work, top bark days 9-5. 6452. (3) ONE NEW 2-WHEEL DRIVE 10,000# OVW DUMP SERVICES 649-3248. mulch, d d ^ g ffy g sfong. TRUCK SN ET strike MISCELLANEOUS Coll Oovls Construction (4) ONE NEW 2-WHEEL DRIVE MINI VAN Two bedroom apartment Won paper hung profes­ SERVICES 1^1400 oiMimo. (5) ONE NEW 4-WHEEL DRIVE 1400# OVW UTILITY for rent. Dishwasher, dfs- Quality Kleen commer­ sionally at reasonable cial and residential clean­ BODY TRUCK WITH PLOW AND PLOW FRAME posol, pool, tennis courts. rotes. Will strip paper and (6) ONE NEW ^WHEEL DRIVE PICKUP TRUCK Neor 84. Call 282-7908 otter Monchester. 4 room farm­ ing services. Free estl- prepare walls. Call B.D. Odd lobs. Trucking. Home house, 2 bedrooms, nice repairs. You name It, we (7) ONE NEW ^W HEEL DRIVE 10,000# OVW DUMP 7 :0 0 pm. or (617) 864-5770 a t e s , Wallpapering. 871-1721. TRUCK WITH PLOW ft FRAME E X4204 do vs. yard, close to highway. references,647-8022. do It. Free estimates. begins after Top Soli. CiMn, rich. $575 per month. Security ft Insured. 643-09D4. (I) ONE NEW 4-WHEEL DRIVE lOJOO# OVW DUMP references required. WANT ADS ore worth ston# free loom, Any TRUCK WITH PLOW ft FRAME Eost Hortford 2 bedroom DON'T KNOW anyone looking into when you're amount delivered! Also (9) ONE NEW 1400# OVW UTILITY BODY TRUCK oportment, newly reno­ Available October 1. Call who wants to buy what General Auto repair. 4cyl, otter 6pm only. 643-9321. looking for a place to 6 cyl, 8 cyl. engines, also fill, grovel, stone (10) ONE NEW 0400# OVW ^WHEEL DRIVE PICKUP vated. Quiet residential you hove to sell? Let a live...whether It's a home, Bark mulch. Con Davis TRUCK WITH UTILITY BODY area. Heat, hot water, wont od find a cosh buyer transmission overhaul­ an apartment or a mobile ing. Reasonable rotes Consfrucflon 872-1400 III) ONE NEW 6100# OVW 4-WHEEL DRIVE TRUCK parking. $480 per month. STORE AND for you! home. anytime. Mike. 649-8309. The Town of Manchester Is on equal opportunity employer, vote on pact Coll 243-1740 or after 6pm m coll 528-6616. OFFICE SPACE ond requires on affirmative octlon policy for all of Its (fon- tractors and Vendors os a condition of doing business with P the Town, as per Federal Order 11246. NEW HAVEN (AP) - Members salary increase over three years to Brand new 3 bedroom In Bid forms, plans and specifications are available ot the Oe­ of the Connecticut Union of Tele­ as much as 10 percent. duplex now under con­ MISCELLANEOUS neral Services' office. struction. Occupancy phone Workers went on strike The raises would be paid in $400 TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CT. against the Southern New England around October lst,1'/j Offlce Space- on busy FOR SALE TAG SALES TAG SALES TAG SALES ROBERT B. WEISS, lump sums each September with baths,carpeting,new ap­ route 83. Manchester- GENERAL MANAGiR Telecommunications Corp. at the remainder of the 2.5 percent pliances. $800 per month- Vernon town line. For­ Spa shells- factory se­ 020-09 12:01 a.m. Saturday, officials said. added to employee salaries. Tag Sole - at 37 West Street Tag sole September 13th ,securltv and references merly Insurance com­ conds or damaged In on Soturdav, September In votes counted Friday, union One union member who was not coll Boland Brothers 649- pany tenant. 646-5707. tronsportotlon. $200 to 13th ot 9am. Many os- ot 20 Oakwood Rd ,Man­ members voted 4.610 to 3,544 to named in a New Haven Register 2947. chester from 10-3. $800 as Is. Call evenings or Tag sale Saturday,Sep­ sorted Items plus good NoncB TO CRiorroRi NOTICE TO CREOrrORE reject a proposed three-year con­ story last month said one reason he Store and offices for rent weekends. 742-6469. tember 13th,8:30-3:00pm. woman's clothing. Sizes E STA TE OF E S TA TE OF tract. said union spokesman Rick did not like the contract was Immedlote Occupancy. 4 available September 131 Edgerton St. 16-18. MARIO MORRA ERNEST ALLISON Melita. room oportment neor bus Ist.good location. Call649- i s n WANTED TO The Hon. Norman J. SHEPHERD, a/k/a because he would get an increase In line. Adults. No pets. 1 cor 5334. Preu**, Judge, of the Court ERNEST A. SHEPHERD Mellta said that after the vote, a pay of $8 a week. He said he would Garage sole-2 family. 6 Family Tog Sale. 29 m j fBUY/TRAOE of Probate, District of An­ porklng, security. 649- Thursdav,Frldav,and Sot­ The Hon. Norman J. union committee that was autho­ have to spend more than that on Mountain Rd, Glaston­ dover of a hearing held on Preust, Judge, of the Court rized to call a strike decided to do 1265. Monchester-prime office One Golden Eagle com­ urdav. 78 Buckingham St. bury neor MInnachaug Sfpf^ihlter 3, 1986 ordered of Probate, District of An­ medical costs. spoce,800 sa. ft. center of Old Electric Trolns. Lio­ that all claims must be ore- so. pound bow, one 'York Tools,books,collectables- Golf Course. Saturday nel or American Flyer ft dover at a hearing held on "The union authorized a strike 3'/? rooms second floor- town. 688-1447. compound center shot ,some antlaues,household September 13th 9-3. SMted to (he fiduciary on or September I, 19E6 ordered "The company was not prepared vote by more than a 5-to-l margin: accessories. High cosh before December 3,19$6or be that oil claims must be ore- ,stove refrlgerotor,no uti­ bow. Roger M-77, 7mm Items. 10-4. barred os by low provided. to move off its last effort." he said I can’t figure out why (hey didn’t lities.Married couples value paid. Call 568-5038 or sented to the flduclo^ on or I^MISCILLANEOUS mag, Leopold 4-12 scope. Cheney Homesteod Tall- 627-9848. Sharon B. Preuss, before December 1,1986 or be of S N E T ’s most recent offer, strike,” he said. preferred. No pets. First Call 649-8875 after 7 p.m. Moving! Big selection 9-1 _. Clerk barred os by low provided. FOR RENT gote Tog Sole. Saturday The fiduciary Is: Mellta said the strike would and last month secur- pm.
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