Public Document Pack Head of Corporate and Customer Services/ Pennaeth Gwasanaethau Cwsmeriaid a Chorfforaethol Trevor Coxon LLB (Hons) Birm Solicitor Guildhall, Wrexham, LL11 1AY Neuadd y Dref, Wrecsam, LL11 1AY DX: 721924 - WREXHAM 4 Fax/Ffacs: 01978 292207 BT Text Phone: 01978 292067 www.wrexham.gov.uk www.wrecsam.gov.uk Your Ref/Eich Cyf Our Ref/Ein Cyf Date/Dyddiad Tuesday, 22 July 2014 Ask for/Gofynner am Ken Bickerton Direct Dial/Rhif Union 01978 292242 E-mail/E-bost [email protected] Dear Councillor You are requested to attend a MEETING of the PLANNING COMMITTEE of Wrexham County Borough Council to be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, GUILDHALL, WREXHAM on MONDAY, 28 JULY 2014 at 6.30 pm for the transaction of the business specified below. Yours faithfully Head of Corporate and Customer Services A G E N D A 1 Apologies for Absence 2 Confirmation of Minutes To receive and confirm the Minutes of the following meetings: (i) Planning Committee held on 7 July 2014 (Pages 3 – 15 ) (ii) Planning Committee held on 18 July 2014 (Pages 17 – 22) 3 Declarations of Personal Interest, if any 4 Development Control Applications To consider the report of the Head of Community Wellbeing and Development (Pages 23 - 144) 5 Any other item s which the Chair decides are urgent TO: MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE Councillor Andrew Bailey Councillor M G Morris (Chair) “ I David Bithell, MBE “ Paul Pemberton “ Mike Edwards (Vice-Chair) “ Ronnie Prince “ Terry Evans “ John Pritchard “ A Keith Gregory “ Mrs J M B Roberts “ D J Griffiths “ Graham Rogers “ Kevin Hughes “ Paul Rogers “ J A Kelly KSG “ Barbara Roxburgh “ David Kelly “ Malcolm Taylor “ Bernie McCann “ Andy Williams Agenda Item 2 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE HELD AT THE GUILDHALL, WREXHAM ON MONDAY, 7 JULY 2014 MEMBERS Councillor M.G. Morris, Chair Councillor Mike Edwards, Vice-Chair Councillor Andrew Bailey Councillor * Paul Pemberton “ I. David Bithell, MBE “ Ronnie Prince “ * Terry Evans “ John Pritchard “ Keith Gregory “ Mrs J.M.B. Roberts “ D.J. Griffiths “ Graham Rogers “ Kevin Hughes “ Paul Rogers “ David Kelly “ Barbara Roxburgh “ J.A. Kelly, KSG “ Malcolm Taylor “ Bernie McCann “ Andy Williams * Absent Also Present: Councillors R. Alun Jenkins, O. Arfon Jones, Joan Lowe, Mark Pritchard, Lead Member for Planning and Housing, Carole O’Toole MBE and J.R. Skelland. 6. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Terry Evans and Paul Pemberton. 7. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting held on 2 June 2014 were submitted. RESOLVED – That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 2 June 2014 be received and confirmed as a correct record. 8. INSTALLATION OF SOLAR PANELS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT TO ENABLE ENERGY GENERATION AND CONNECTION TO NATIONAL GRID ON LAND EAST OF BRONWYLFA RESERVOIR AND NORTH OF LEGACY SUBSTATION, ABEROER ROAD, ABEROER, WREXHAM (APPLICATION CODE NO. P/2014/0207) The Head of Community Wellbeing and Development submitted a report (HCWD/20/14 pages 25 – 39), together with a further addendum report in respect of the above-mentioned application. Mr Ken Rowlands (representing local resident) spoke against the application. RESOLVED – That a Site Visit be arranged for Members of the Committee to view the application site prior to determination of the application by the Committee. Page 3 Reason for Visit: To consider the visual impact of the proposed development upon the landscape and its relationship to neighbouring development. (Councillor D.J. Griffiths declared a personal but non-prejudicial interest in this matter, as the person speaking against the application was known to him, but stayed in the meeting and took part in the consideration of the application). 9. ERECTION OF DETACHED GARAGE AT PEAR TREE COTTAGE, MILL LANE, HORSEMAN’S GREEN, WREXHAM (APPLICATION CODE NO. P/2014/0293) The Head of Community Wellbeing and Development submitted a report (HCWD/20/14 pages 40 – 44), together with a further addendum report in respect of the above-mentioned application. Mr M. Faulkner (local resident) spoke against the application. RESOLVED – That a Site Visit be arranged for Members of the Committee to view the application site prior to determination of the application by the Committee. Reason for Visit: To consider the impact of the proposed garage on the street scene. 10. PLANNING APPLICATIONS The Head of Community Wellbeing and Development submitted a report (HCWD/20/14), for Members’ consideration of planning applications and attention was drawn to his addendum report where relevant. ____________________________________________________________________ APPLICATION NO: LOCATION: DATE RECEIVED: P/2014/0112 2 Briar Close, Cross Lanes, Wrexham 27/02/2014 LL13 0QB COMMUNITY: CASE OFFICER: Sesswick DESCRIPTION: SEH Change of use of existing Garage to WARD: Granny Annex and raising of Garage AGENT NAME: Marchwiel Roof to incorporate an Ensuite Mr B Smith Bedroom in the Roof Space APPLICANT(S) NAME: Mr A Greenhalgh ____________________________________________________________________ RESOLVED - That permission be GRANTED. Conditions 1. The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before the expiry of five years from the date of this permission. 2. No facing or roofing materials shall be used other than those detailed on the application form and within the approved application documentation. Page 4 3. The development shall only be carried out in strict accordance with the amended plans. 4. The existing vehicular parking area fronting the site shall be permanently retained and kept free of any obstruction and shall be made available solely for the parking of motor vehicles at all times. 5. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any order revoking, re-enacting that Order with or without modification), no buildings (to include garages, sheds, greenhouses, outbuildings etc) shall be erected, or placed within the curtilage of the site under Class E of Schedule 2 Part 1. Reasons 1. To comply with Section 91(3) of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990. 2. To ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance of the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area. 3. To ensure that the development fully complies with the appropriate policies and standards. 4. To provide for the parking and turning of vehicles clear of the highway and to ensure that reversing by vehicles into or from the highway is rendered unnecessary in the interest of traffic safety. 5. Due to the restricted application site and its relationship with adjoining properties it is considered important to ensure that no additional development as described in the condition is carried out without the permission of the Local Planning Authority. Notes to Applicant 1. All works relating to this development which are audible beyond the site boundary should be carried out only between 7.30 hours and 18.00 hours Monday to Friday, and 08.00 hours to 14.00 hours on a Saturday, and at no time on a Sunday or a Bank Holiday. Outside these times, any works which are audible beyond the site boundary have the potential to cause unreasonable disturbance to neighbouring premises. 2. The applicant is advised that the Council has the option to control construction noise by serving a Control of Pollution Act 1974, Section 60, Notice where deemed necessary, and failure to comply with such a Notice can result in prosecution. 3. The applicant should adhere to the times given above wherever possible. For further information and advice regarding construction noise please contact the Council's Housing and Public Protection Department on 01978 315300. 4. The proposed development lies within an area which could be subject to current coal mining or hazards resulting from past coal mining. Such hazards may currently exist, be caused as a result of the proposed development, or occur at some time in the future. These hazards include: · Collapse of shallow coal mine workings. · Collapse of, or risk of entry into, mine entries (shafts and adits). · Gas emissions from coal mines including methane and carbon dioxide. · Spontaneous combustion or ignition of coal which may lead to underground heatings and production of carbon monoxide. · Transmission of gases into adjacent properties from underground sources through ground fractures. Page 5 · Coal mining subsidence. · Water emissions from coal mine workings. Applicants must take account of these hazards which could affect stability, health & safety, or cause adverse environmental impacts during the carrying out their proposals and must seek specialist advice where required. Additional hazards or stability issues may arise from development on or adjacent to restored opencast sites or quarries and former colliery spoil tips. 5. Potential hazards or impacts may not necessarily be confined to the development site, and Applicants must take advice and introduce appropriate measures to address risks both within and beyond the development site. As an example the stabilisation of shallow coal workings by grouting may affect, block or divert underground pathways for water or gas. 6. In coal mining areas there is the potential for existing property and new development to be affected by mine gases, and this must be considered by each developer. Gas prevention measures must be adopted during construction where there is such a risk. The investigation of sites through drilling alone has the potential to displace underground gases or in certain situations may create carbon monoxide where air flush drilling is adopted. 7. Any intrusive activities which intersect, disturb or enter any coal seams, coal mine workings or coal mine entries (shafts and adits) require the prior written permission of the Coal Authority. Such activities could include site investigation boreholes, digging of foundations, piling activities, other ground works and any subsequent treatment of coal mine workings and coal mine entries for ground stability purposes. Failure to obtain Coal Authority permission for such activities is trespass, with the potential for court action.
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