itri CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THIS BOOK IS ONE OF A COLLECTION MADE BY BENNO LOEWY 1854-1919 AND BEQUEATHED TO CORNELL UNIVERSITY Date Due d«»M---1962-G^ P. -cJW- ^b^^^W ^r^? MO^-t'T^e^.f. PRINTED IN U. 5. A OJ CAT. NO. Z3233 PQ 2285rH8l"l87r"""'"^ Cornell University Library The original of tliis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924027291099 By Order of the King. GWYNPLAINK AND DEA. \_Fn7itispiece. : By Order of the King. VICTOR HUGO. THE AUTHORISED ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF VICTOR HUGO S "L' HOMME QUI RIT." ILLUSTRATED. LONDON BRADBURY, EVANS, & CO., lo, BOUVERIE ST. 1871. ^9 ^^ /\.6^fy?- CONTENTS. PRELIMINARY CHAPTER.— URSUS I ANOTHER PRELIMINARY CHAPTER.'—THE COMPRACHICOS . I9 Part I. BOOK THE FIRST. Nigtt not so ISIacIt as fElan. CHAP. PAGE I.— PORTLAND BJLL 3I II. —LEFT ALONE 36 IIL —ALONE 39 IV. —QUESTIONS -43 V.:—THE TREE OF HUMAN INVENTION 45 VL—STRUGGLE BETWEEN DEATH. AND NIGHT . 49 yiL —THE NORTH POINT OF PORTLAND 54 BOOK THE SECOND. ffifie J^oofter at Sts. I. —SUPERHUMAN LAWS S8 II. —OUR FIRST ROUGH SKETCHES FILLED IN . .60" vi CONTENTS. PAGE CHAP. ^A TROUBLED SEA ..•••! 111. —TROUBLED MEN ON THE ENTERS ON THE IV.—A CLOUD DIFFERENT FROM THE OTHERS 68 SCENE . 76 V. —HARDQUANONNE VI.—THEV THINK THAT HELP IS AT HAND . 1° "9 VII. —SUPERHUMAN HORRORS 82 VIIL —NIL ET NOX SEA 84 IX.—THE CHARGE CONFIDED TO A RAGING . 86 X.—THE COLOSSAL SAVAGE, THE STORM °9 XI. —THE CASKETS XIL—FACE TO FACE WITH THE ROCK 9' XIIL—FACE TO FACE WITH NIGHT 94 XIV, —ORTACH 95 XV. —PORTENTOSUM MARE 9° SILENCE . .101 XVI.—THE PROBLEM SUDDENLY WORKS IN . XVII. —THE LAST RESOURCE 'OJ XVIII.—THE HIGHEST RESOURCE I06 BOOK THE THIRD. L —CHESIL 112 II.—THE EFFECT OF SNOW I16 HI. —A BURTHEN MAKES A ROUGH ROAD ROUGHER . 120 IV. —ANOTHER FORM OF DESERT I24 V. —MISANTHROPY PLAYS ITS PRANKS I28 VI.—THE AWAKING I40 — CONTENTS. vii Part 1 1. BOOK THE FIRST. ®f)c Wisnlsstins ^^rescnce of t&e i|ast. Matt tcflects IHait. —« CHAP. PAGE I. —LORD CLANCHARLIE I44 II.—LORD DAVID DIRRY-MOIR 154 III. —THE DUCHESS JOSIANA I59 IV. —THE LEADER OF FASHION I66 V.'—QUEEN ANNE I72 VI. —BARKILPHEDRO . '. '. 1 78 VII. —BARKILPHEDRO GNAWS HIS WAY 183 VIH. —INFERI 188 IX. —HATE IS AS STRONG AS' LOVE ' igO X. —THE FLAME WHICH WOULD BE SEEN IF MAN WERE TRANS- PARENT 196 XL ^—BARKILPHEDRO IN AMBUSCADE 202 XII. —SCOTLAND, IRELAND, AND ENGLAND 205 BOOK THE SECOND. 6&>sn]ilatne anH Hea. I. —WHEREIN WE SEE THE FACE OF HIM OF WHOM WE HAVE HITHERTO SEEN ONLY THE ACTS .... 213 II. —DEA 217 IIL —"OCULOS NON HABET, ET VIDET " 220 IV. —WELL-MATCHED LOVERS 222 V. —THE BLUE SKY THROUGH THE BLACK CLOUD . 224 VI. —URSUS AS TUTOR, AND URSUS AS GUARDIAN . 22? VIL^BUNDNESS, GIVES LESSONS IN CLAIRVOYANCE .. 23I VIII. —NOT ONLY HAPPINESS, BUT PROSPERITY . 234 IX.—^ABSURDITIES WHICH FOLKS WITHOUT TASTE CALL POETRY 239 VIU CONTENTS. OH*P. ""AGE X. —AN outsider's VIEW OF MEN AND THINGS . 244 XI.—GWYNPLAINE THINKS JUSTICE, AND URSUS TALKS TRUTH 248 1 Xn.— URSUS THE POET DRAGS ON URSUS THE PHILOSOPHER . 255 BOOK THE THIRD, Wtit 3St5mnmc[ af tlje JFfesuw. I. —THE TADCASTER INN 258 IL —OPEN AIR ELOQUENCE . 261 III. —WHERE THE PASSER-BY REAPPEARS 265 IV.—CONTRARIES FRATERNISE IN HATE 270 V. THE WAPENTAKE . — ... 274 VI. —THE MOUSE EXAMINED BY THE CATS 277 VII.^—WHY SHOULD A GOLD PIECE LOWER ITSELF BY MIXING WITH A HEAP OF PENNIES 1 ..... 284 VIII. —SYMPTOMS OF POISONING 29O IX, —ABYSSUS ABYSSUM VOCAT 294 BOOK THE FOURTH. zit ectii of ffiottaw. I. THE TEMPTATION — OF ST. GWYNPLAINE 302 II.— FROM GAY TO GKAVE 308 III.—LEX, REX, FEX IV. —URSUS SPIES THE POLICE 316 V. —^A FEARFUL PLACE 320 THE KIND VL— OF MAGISTRACY UNDER THE WIGS OF FORMER DAYS . 322 VII. —SHUDDERING 32s VIH.—LAMENTATION 327 — CONTENTS. IX BOOK THE FIFTH. Wije Sea aria JFate uxt tnobeD ig if|c same JSreatf;. CHAP. I'AGE I.^THE DURABIWTY OF FRAGILE THINGS .... 339 II. —THE WAIF KNOWS ITS OWN COURSE 347 III. —AN AWAKENING 358 IV.—FASCINATION 360 V. —WE THINK WE REMEMBER ; WE FORGET .... 365 BOOK THE SIXTH. Mtsm taiavc ttSmnt Ssttects. I. —WHAT THE MISANTHROPE SAID 372 II. —WHAT HE DID 375 III. —COMPLICATIONS 385 IV.—MCENIBUS SURDIS CAMPANA MUTA 388 v.—STATE POLICY DEALS WITH LITTLE MATTERS AS WELL AS WITH GREAT 393 BOOK THE SEVENTH. Z\!t Wtaneas. — I.—THE AWAKENING 4OI IL—THE RESEMBLANCE OF A PALACE TO A WOOD . ... 4O3 in. —EVE 407 IV.—SATAN 413 V. —THEY RECOGNISE, BUT DO NOT KNOW, EACH OTHER . 422 CONTENTS. BOOK THE EIGHTH. Kit Capitol ant( tljinp aroutiB it. PAGE CHAP. ... I.—ANALYSIS OF MAJESTIC MATTERS 'Hi ^^ II. —IMPARTIALITY • 443 III.—THE OLD HALL . 44° IV. —THE OLD CHAMBER ...••.•• 452 V. —ARISTOCRATIC GOSSIP VL-7-THE HIGH AND THE LOW 459 OCEANS VII.—STORMS OF MEN ARE WORSE THAN STORMS OF . 463 GOOD VIII —HE WOULD BE A GOOD BROTHER, WERE HE NOT A SON 478 BOOK THE NINTH. In l^uins. 1.—IT IS THROUGH EXCESS OF GREATNESS THAT MAN REACHES EXCESS OF MISERY 482 II.-^THE DREGS 4^^ CONCLUSION. ®Ije §,isijt aria ti^e Sea. I. —A WATCH-DOG MAY BE A GUARDIAN ANGEL . , 5°^ II. —BARKILPHEDRO, HAVING AIMED AT THE EAGLE, BRINGS DOWN THE DOVE , 504. HI. —PARADISE REGAINED BELOW SII IV, —NAY ; ON HIGH ! 516 ILLUSTRATIONS. GWYNPLAINE AND DEA Frontispiece. THE TREE OF HUMAN INVENTION 47 "LET Us PRAY" Ill THE DUCHESS JOSIANA 1 59 URSUS HARANGUING THE CROWD 261 THE PERFORMANCE IN THE COURTYARD OF THE TADCASTER INN 268 THE WAPENTAKE ARRESTS GWYNPLAINE 3 12 URSUS WATCHING THE PROCESSION OF JUSTICE .... 320 GWYNPLAINE AND BARKILPHEDRO 363 GWYNPLAINE IN THE HOUSE OP LORDS 466 " "I come; DEA, BEHOLD, I COME ! 521 BY ORDER OF THE KING. ^ 3^omance of (!Hnfllt0|) ll^tstoirg. PRELIMINARY CHAPTER. URSUS. Ursus and Homo were fast friends. Ursus was a man, Homo a wolf. Their dispositions tallied. It was the man who had christened the wolf: probably he had also chosen his own name. Having found Ursus fit for himself, he had found Homo fit for the beast. , Man and wolf turned their partnership to account at fairs, at village fetes, at the comers of streets where passers-by throng, and out of the need which people seem to feel everywhere to listen to idle gossip, and to buy quack medicine. The wolf, gentle and courteously subordinate, diverted the crowd. It is a pleasant thing to behold the tameness of animals. Our greatest delight is to see all the varieties of domestication parade before us. This it is which collects so many folks on the road of royal processions. Ursus and Homo went about from cross-road to cross-road, from the High Street of Aberystwith to the High Street of Jed- burgh, from country-side to country-side, from shire to shire, from \ town to town. One market exhausted, they went on to another. Ursus lived in a small van upon wheels, which Homo was civilised ' enough to draw by day and guard by night. On bad roads, up hills, and where there weit too many ruts, or there was too much mud, the man buckled the trace round his neck and pulled fra- ternally, side by side with the wolf. They had thus grown old together. They encamped at hap-hazard on a common, in the glade of a wood, on the waste patch of grass where roads intersect, 2 BY ORDER OF THE KING. at the outskirts of villages, at the gates of towns, in market-places, in public walks, on the borders of parks, before the entrances of churches. When the cart drew up on a fair green, when the gossips ran up open-mouthed and the curious made a circle round the pair, Ursus harangued and Homo approved. Homo, with a bowl in his mouth, politely made a collection among the audience. They gained their livelihood. The wolf was lettered, likewise the man. The wolf had been trained by the man, or had trained himself unassisted, to divers wolfish arts, which swelled the re- ceipts. " Above all things, do not degenerate into a man," his friend would say to him. Never did the wolf bite : the man did now and then. At least, to bite was the intent of Ursus. He was a misanthrope, and to italicise his misanthropy he had made himself a juggler. To live, also ; for the stomach has to be consulted. Moreover, this juggler- misanthrope, whether to add to the complexity of his being or to perfect it, was a doctor. To be a doctor is little : Ursus was a ventriloquist. You heard him speak without his moving his lips. He counterfeited, so as to deceive you, any one's accent or pro- nunciation. He imitated voices so exactly that you believed you heard the people themselves. All alone he simulated; the murmur of a crowd, and this gave him a right to the title ,of Engastrimythos, which he took. He reproduced all sorts of cries of birds, as of the thrush, the wren, the pipit lark, otherwise called the grey cheeper and the ring ousel, all travellers like, himself: so that at, times when the fancy struck him, he made you awareeither of a public thoroughfare filled with the uproar of men, or of a meadow loud with -the voices of beasts—at one tune stormy as a.
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