• An Independent JournAl of CommentAry • DECEMBER 2015 • VOLUME 47 NUMBER 12 • $5.00 SPECIAL DELIVERY Video Messages From Incarcerated Parents Brighten Holidays For Oklahoma Children How Oklahoma Messages Project Transforms Lives And Helps Break The Family-Prison Pipeline – Page 12 Observations www.okobserver.net Idiocy VOLUME 47, NO. 12 It’s difficult to pick Oklahoma’s dumbest public policy decision in re- PUBLISHER Beverly Hamilton cent years. There are so many choices. The series of income tax cuts and corporate welfare schemes now EDITOR Arnold Hamilton crippling state services rank near the top. So do the litany of unconsti- DIGITAL EDITOR MaryAnn Martin tutional measures that violated church-state separation and reproduc- tive rights. FOUNDING EDITOR Frosty Troy The most egregious, though, may be the state’s refusal to accept Med- ADVISORY BOARD icaid expansion, a classic example of cutting off your nose to spite your Marvin Chiles, Andrew Hamilton, face. Matthew Hamilton, Scott J. Hamilton, It’s nothing short of criminal that the state’s physical and economic Trevor James, Ryan Kiesel, health is at risk because of political pettiness – Gov. Mary Fallin’s and George Krumme, Robert D. Lemon, Gayla Machell, Bruce Prescott, the elected Republican leadership’s loathing of President Obama. Robyn Lemon Sellers, Kyle Williams Without Medicaid expansion, an estimated 150,000 working poor re- main without basic healthcare coverage. Rural hospitals teeter on the OUR MOTTO brink of collapse because of uncompensated care. And a staggered oil- To Comfort the Afflicted and Afflict the Comfortable. dependent economy sorely needs the 12,000-15,000 jobs that Medicaid expansion was projected to create over 20 years. OUR CREDO Sadly, there is no sign that Fallin and Co. will come to their senses So then to all their chance, to all their anytime soon, even though other “red” states are. shining golden opportunity. To all the right to love, to live, to work, to be Louisiana just elected a Democrat, John Bel Edwards, who favors themselves, and to become whatever Medicaid expansion. Alabama’s GOP-dominated leadership also is re- thing their vision and humanity can ported to be reconsidering its opposition to Medicaid expansion. Even combine to make them. This seeker, Kentucky’s newly elected Tea Party governor, Matt Bevin, wants to nego- is the promise of America. - Adapted from Thomas Wolfe tiate with the feds, rather than simply end Medicaid expansion. Fallin and Co.’s anti-Obama, anti-fed ideology rings especially hollow FOUNDING PUBLISHER when considering this: Millions of Oklahoma tax dollars sent to Wash- Helen B. Troy 1932-2007 ington are making a significant difference in the health and well being of taxpayers in other states that accepted Medicaid expansion. [ISSN 0030-1795] The state is stuck with Fallin for three more years. But voters in 2016 The Oklahoma Observer [USPS 865-720] is published on the first Wednesday of each CONTINUED ON PAGE 43 month by AHB Enterprises LLC, 13912 Plym- outh Crossing, P.O. Box 14275, Oklahoma City, OK 73113-0275. Periodicals postage paid at Edmond, OK and additional entry office. POSTMASTER Send address changes to The Oklahoma Observer, P.O. Box 14275, Oklahoma City, OK 73113-0275. SUBSCRIPTIONS 1-Year [12 issues] $40. Send check to The Yes! Please send me a one-year subscription for only $40. Oklahoma Observer, P.O. Box 14275, This special offer includes my certificate for a free book courtesy Oklahoma City, OK 73113-0275. Online: Visit of Full Circle Bookstore [a $20 value]. See page 41 for details. www.okobserver.net to use a credit card. UPDATE ADDRESSES Please notify us at least two weeks before your move to ensure uninterrupted service. E-mail address changes to subscriptions@ okobserver.net or mail to P.O. Box 14275, Oklahoma City, OK 73113-0275. LETTERS TO EDITOR E-mail to [email protected] or mail to P.O. Box 14275, Oklahoma City, OK 73113- 0275. 2 • DECEMBER 2015 Observerscope Laurel: To Oklahoma County Sheriff John Whetsel, urging more investment in early childhood ed- ucation – arguably the best anti- crime tool available. We note the passing of inveterate Observer reader, yellow dog Demo- crat and staunch union man Guy Free, father of our dear friend Ka- lyn Free. Dart: To GOP Rep. John Bennett, the state’s Islam-Hater-In-Chief, demanding the governor seal the borders and investigate Syrian refugees already here. He needs to read the red letters in the Bible. Laurel: To Albuquerque, NM, of- fering cash-paying beautification jobs to the needy twice weekly, plus providing transportation to and from worksites. OKC lead- Please keep The Observer atop Laurel: To Oklahoma Democrats, ers seeking to ban panhandling your holiday gift-giving list. Your formally opening their primaries should adopt the common sense generosity keeps the presses run- to registered independents, about solution. ning and the truth alive all year 13% of the electorate. The first long. See inside back cover for de- statewide opportunity for I’s vote Laurel: To Jalal and Mohammad tails. is the March 1 presidential prima- Farzaneh, honored with the Inter- ry. faith Alliance Foundation of Okla- Laurel: To the Oklahoman’s Rick homa’s annual Harley Venters Hu- Green, for an excellent story ex- Sen. Patrick Anderson, R-Enid, manitarian Award. Bravo! posing Attorney General Scott wants to ban state-funded athletic Pruitt’s “small government” hy- scholarships to out-of-state stu- Aaarrrggghhh! Last month’s Ob- pocrisy. Pruitt’s office has grown dents at two-year colleges. Imagine server goofed on the email address significantly while other state how that was received at Northern to inquire about the Creek County agencies downsize. Oklahoma College-Enid, with its Democrats’ two $750 scholarships. rich athletic tradition. Correct address: creekcountydem- The Bedlam score isn’t the most [email protected]. important fact. This is: OU gradu- Dart: To Rep. Doug Cox, R-Grove, ated 65% of its football players ripping Tyson Foods for importing Dart: To the Daily Disappoint- within six years, OSU 54%. There’s “cheap Muslim labor from Africa” ment, disguising press releases/ much work to be done. for its Noel, MO plant. This has ads as “news” under the moniker nothing to do with religion – it’s “Brand Insight.” Even Eddie Gay- Dart: To Gov. Mary Fallin, play- about worker exploitation. lord didn’t stoop to such shenani- ing politics with her attack on gans. Planned Parenthood’s alleged bill- Oklahoma’s tax amnesty pro- ing errors. This stunt is about bol- gram paid huge dividends, recover- Oklahoma education lost a pow- stering her anemic poll numbers. ing nearly $130 million in past-due erful voice with the passing of taxes – with promises to pay $16 teacher union leader Mike Barlow. Feel the Bern? A YouGov poll million more. The plan, waiving A longtime Observer reader, he found 26% of those 18-39 have a penalties and interest, originally was inducted into the Oklahoma favorable view of socialism, nearly was projected to collect about $35 Educators Hall of Fame in 2010. double [15%] those 65-plus. million. CONTINUED ON PAGE 44 THE OKLAHOMA OBSERVER • 3 Letters media is able to diagnose people after they kill. Very strange. With so much of tax money squandered by the Legislature, are real services actually conveniently available to the people who are vol- untarily seeking them? Mary K. West Oklahoma City Arnold Hamilton replies: Ms. West offers a classic Straw Man, seeking to refute arguments I did not make. First, Ms. West contends that “most” of those behind bars “com- mitted crimes” and “the biggest factor” in criminal behavior is “substance abuse.” Neither of her declarations refutes the fact that jails/prisons have become the state’s largest mental health fa- cilities. Second, Ms. West may wish to Editor, The Observer: ma Open Records Law. look up the definition of slander. In the November article “Black Kent Frates Mental illness and substance Parenting Matters,” I very much Oklahoma City abuse often go hand-in-hand, but agree with some of the advice giv- not always. It’s hardly slanderous en and just as strongly disagree Editor, The Observer: to discuss mental health sepa- with some of it. All young people In response to Arnold Hamil- rately from drug and alcohol mis- should be taught how to respond ton’s article on page five of the use. when stopped by the police. No November issue of The Observer, I Third, Ms. West asserts that I one should reach into their pock- wish to say that most of the people promoted a police-state notion of ets or be disrespectful. who are in jails and prisons have rounding up those suspected of Policemen have a difficult job committed crimes. And the big- mental illness and forcing treat- to do. They want to ensure public gest factor in committing crimes ment upon them. If she believes safety and that includes keeping or otherwise getting into jails and offering more options to “desper- themselves safe. Their job is im- prisons is substance abuse. It is ate families scrambling to find possible without public support. slander for your newspaper to fail help for troubled loved ones” is It is wrong, as the article stated, to separate alcoholic and drug ad- a threat to individual liberty, she to refuse to answer questions. dicted mental health clients from has spent far too many hours Many times those questions are those who have never participated glued to Fox News. asked to eliminate suspects, get in chemical recreation. Fourth, Ms. West states flatly help to those in most need quick- The article also suggests that Nolen is a criminal – then implies, ly, assess the danger someone may recent tragedies could have been in effect, I had practiced psy- be to themselves or others, etc.
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