NKI*TUNE t im e s a n d . 108 Years Old Public Legal j ..» and NEW Notices | Every Thursday j Page 8 OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSH1POF NKt*x IJNE. N E^JER SEY , THURSDAY, SEPT. 7, 1978 K I F T E E N CENTS End of Season Rensselaer Student’s Engagement Told In Auditorium (Report of the Swim Meet Cancel Plans Program For Aldersgjate OCEAN GROVE — Hie annual Committee end of the season swim meet for Ocean Grove swimming lesson students and OCEAN GROVE — ijast Sat­ Camp Meeting Assn. swim team members was held last urday, the Board of Trustees of Tuesday morning-at the North End Aldersgate at Ocean Grove voted Pool. It was an ideal day for swim­ to terminate the life care facility ming, warm and sunny, even at planned for the site of[the for­ 9:00 AM. m er North End Hotel. All funds deposited by applicants who The first event, for ages 5 and un*r, free style half-ay across signed up on the priority list will the pool, was won by Althea Thomp­ be Immediately returned! In full. son, 2nd Terry McKean and 3rd The action taken by th e Alders­ Kaaren Sutherland. Also swimming gate Board was prompted by the were Tamara McNaughton, Mark failure of sales to reach targeted Lihiano, and Eddie Noxon. goals during the 1978 Summer season. , For 7 and under boys, there was a tie for 1st place between Michael A recommendation will be Rongetti and Michael Nowak, 2nd piade to tho Board of [’Brustees Jim Kushmerick, 3rd Lance Libi- of the Ocean Grove Camp Meet­ ano. ing Association to continue the' THE. ItEV. DR. ROBE'.’.T J.' BEYER (left), superintendent of the Methodist churches ill this area, will.be the morning preacher this 7 and under girls — 1st Peggy search for and study- of (alternate interim and long tend uses of closing Sunday on the Ocean Grove Auditorium. TIIE REV. HAR­ McKean, 2nd Lorie Fulton, 3rd Jes­ VEY E. Van SCIVER, pastor of thc First Methodist Church/ sica Cubberly. the site. Asbury Park, will bring the evening message. This Sunday ends 9 and under boys — 1st Paul Ocean Grove’s 109th season. Dr. Uever is also a trustee of the Methodist Homes of New Jersey. Rev. VanSciver has also served Elyseev, 2nd David Sutherland. churches in Red Bank, Atlantic Highlands, Bridgeton, Millville and 9 and under girls — 1st Megan Customers May Atlantic City. By the Rev. Dr. Floyd George Burley, 2nd Kim Kushmerick. Vice President, Program 11 and under girls 40 yd. free— Expand Use [ 1st Georgia Wallace, 2nd Jill Hehn, Night At Wall Stadium As we reflect on the Program of 3rd Martha Herr. • | the 1978 summer season, we ex­ 13 and under boys 40 yd. free— Of Natural Gas perienced1 mixed emitions—we are- 1st Andy Wallace, 2nd Anclre Ely­ ASBURY PARK—Citing the im­ thankful for the great things God seev, 3rd Robby Knust. proved supply situation, New Jer­ has done, the lives that have been- 3 and under girls 40 yd. free — sey Natural Gas Company has an- changed and the spiritual enrich­ 1st Susie Gerber, 2nd Jennifer Cav- nounfced.that it will. permit the ment of all who have been involved anaugh, 3rd Heidie Werner. 10.000 existing customers who have in the services of worship and de­ 11 and under girls backstroke— been waiting to expand their gas votion. • : • 1st Georgeanne Elyseev, 2nd Geor­ use to install additional., gas ap­ We are particularly grateful for gia Wallace, 3rd Megan-Buriey. pliances. the coming of our Camp Meeting U and under boys backstroke —- Hie announcement came after preachers, Dr. Frank Thewlis and 1st Paul Elyseev, 2nd David Suth­ the company received permission NEPTUNE — Karl E. Hannon, Both of the young people are Dr. Ira Galloway. Through their erland. from the Board of Public Utilities 133 Overlook Drive, has announced members of the junior class at messages many came into a 13 and under boys backstroke — to sell additional g^S to existing the engagement of . his daughter, Rensselaer Polytechnic Instititute, | deeper fellowship with Christ and' 1st Robby Knust, 2nd Andre Ely­ customers who have heen on a Miss Alice June Bannon, to Mr. .Troy, N.Y. Miss Bannon, a grad- a renewed understanding of the* seev, 3rd Peter Herr. priority waiting Bst. meaning of Christian discipleship. .13 and under girls backstroke— Scottylfc^w elj jjRobie of Ipswich, uate of Neptune High School ir “Further than that, James T. Needless to say, we were most 1st Maribeth Kiely, 2nd Heidi Wer­ j S p & l n p ■ j 1976, is studying electrical engi­ Dolan, Jr., President of New Jer- disappointed in the numerical re> ner, 3rd Susie Gerber. n e bride-to-be is: also the daugh-ineer>ng and Mr. Robie, a grad- Ijsey Natural Gas .sand, “we expect sponse to the services due to ob­ Unlimited girls backstroke — 1st ter of the late; Mary J. Bannon., uate of Ipswich High in 1975, is within the next 12 .months to.-'be vious and frequently referred to Holty Minnis, 2nd Lynne Morrison, Her fiancee as the son of Eugene 1 studying mechanical engineering, able to satisfy the requests of ‘the reasons. However, we would not . 3rd Wendy Morrison. and Marjorie Robie, 12 High St., ‘ No date has been set for the wed: 3.000 potential .Mifetomers who hide behind excuses but face up !**. —13-and-under-boys-backstroke— Ipswich,-Mass. , i x i; ... ding. v 'v . ■ ji-’-:? J have asked for gufe:,and-are on to the need for a greater spiritual 1st A»dy Wallace, 2nd Peter Herr, our -waiting list. These are pri­ impact on our own community as 13 and under girls breaststroke— marily individual home owners,1 . well as the surrounding area. It 1st Maribeth Kiely, 2nd Jennifer Demonstration At The Dblphin some of.'whom have been waiting !was disconcerting to observe so- Cavanaugh, 3rd Marjorie Burley. as long as five or six years. many in attendance were from 11 and under girls breast— 1st "We are pleased that we are fi­ outside the Ocean Grove gates and Georgeanne. Elyseev, 2nd Martha nally in a position to provide them many, even the most vocal com­ Hew. with gas and are lok'ing ’beyond munity residents, being among tho Unlimited girls breast — 1st that to be able to eventually ac­ i absent. Holly Minnis, 2nd Wendy Morrison, cept requests from other individ-1 Dexter DaVison has done a good 3rd Michelle Kiely. uals, builders and commercial es­ job in promoting and advertising Unlimited bbys butterfly — 1st tablishments who -will want to take . 'S 3 i the Auditorium services. Certainly" Jeff Barley, 2nd Andy Wallace, 3rd advantage of the benefits of na­ ’sm 5S ' no one could claim ignorance of' Andre Elyseev. tural gas as an energy source:” what was going oh. Window cards: Unlimited girls butterfly — 1st Dolan said the company has been by the hundreds, hand bills by the Lynne Morrison, 2nd Michele Kie­ increasing its sales to existing ■cus­ thousands, press releases in the ly, 3rd Maribeth Kiely. tomers and this latest order will ! Ocean Grove Times, the Asbury; One of the highlights of this event permit it to “totally meet the de­ 'Park Press and several metropoli­ is the Mothers Race, which the mand of our present customers, tan newspapers told the story of children really look forward to. With the exception df a few large our program. Three newspapers With their enthusiasm, they were industrial consumers.7’ He said carried full page coverage of Ocean able to convince 9 mothers to par­ notification to he 10,000 waiting Grove—its traditions and its on­ ticipate. First" place went to Sally customers will be-glti immedH McNaughton (the second year in going ministry. For this we are ately and within a week aH of them grateful. a row fir Sally), 2nd place — Pat should receive word they may pro­ ROBERT ECCLES (left), representing the Neptune Lions Club, The Youth Program, though get- Noxon, and 3rd place — Doris ceed with their additional gas in­ and Sirs. Thomas Nicol, owner of Wall Stadium, presented David (Page Eight, Pleas«)< Thompson. Also trying real hard stallations. ' V. Carter (right), vice pre«ident and director of Jersey Shore Med­ were Joan Knust, Martha Gerber, Three prime reasons were cited ical Center, with a check forSl,100. The money was collected dur­ Mary Ann McKean, Giris Fulton, ing Jersey Shore Sledical Center Night at the auto racing stadium. hy the company for the improve­ Linns Club members donned white physicians’ jackets and passed . JoAnn Elyseev, and Beth Yeisley. ment in the supply situation—addi­ through the audience for donations. Refurbish Signs Each year the members of the tional pipeline gas from its sup­ swim team vote for a most, valu­ pliers, successful expl°ration ac­ For Ocean Grove able swimmer — this year’s award SIXTY LADIES enjoyed the Greek salad preparation demonstra­ tivity by the company in conjunc­ Bermuda Cruise In the Offing went to Paul Elyseev, one of the tion last Saturday afternoon at the Dolphin Restaurant on Main tion with other producers and the , OCEAN- -——. GROVEv.w — Theiuc signs5igiu> at youngest team members who usu­ Avenue, Ocean Grove, reports Nick Kallerges (left), owner. His obtaining of a large storage comr <JCEAN GROVE—Holland Amer- can go ashore whenever you please, the Main Avenue and Broadway ally had to do double duty at every daughter, Mrs.. Florence Laros (right) and her husband, Theo, gave the demonstration and served samples. They ateo performed mitment from Consolidated Gas ica Cruises and Garden State Sen- For information and reservations, gates of Ocean Grove, have been swim meet because of the lack of a Greek dance for the happy gathering.
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