Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 909–922 www.elsevier.com/locate/jstrugeo High strain-rate deformation fabrics characterize a kilometers-thick Paleozoic fault zone in the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas, central Argentina Steven J. Whitmeyer*, Carol Simpson Department of Earth Sciences, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215, USA Received 7 August 2001; received in revised form 5 July 2002; accepted 9 July 2002 Abstract High strain rate fabrics that transgress a crustal depth range of ca. 8–22 km occur within a major Paleozoic fault zone along the western margin of the Sierras de Co´rdoba, central Argentina. The NNW-striking, east-dipping ‘Tres Arboles’ fault zone extends for at least 250 km and separates two metamorphic terranes that reached peak temperatures in the middle Cambrian and Ordovician, respectively. Exposed fault zone rocks vary from a 16-km-thickness of ultramylonite and mylonite in the southern, deepest exposures to ,5 km in the northern, shallower-level exposures. Three transects across the fault zone have been examined in detail. In the deepest section, newly crystallized sillimanite needles define the foliation and wrap garnet and feldspar theta- and delta-type porphyroclasts in a biotite-rich ultramylonite. Geothermometry and preserved microstructures in feldspar and quartz indicate deformation at temperatures .520 8C. Reaction-enhanced grain size reduction and grain boundary sliding were the predominant deformation mechanisms in these high strain rate rocks. Ultramylonites in the intermediate depth section also contain evidence for grain boundary sliding and diffusional mass transfer, although overprinted by late stage chlorite. In the shallowest exposed section, rocks were deformed at or near to the brittle–ductile transition to produce mylonite, cataclasite, shear bands and pseudotachylyte. The overall structure of the Tres Arboles zone is consistent with existing fault zone models and suggests that below the brittle–ductile transition, strain compatibility may be accommodated through very thick zones of high temperature ultramylonite. q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Sierras Pampeanas; ‘Tres Arboles’ fault zone; Amphibolite facies dutile deformation 1. Introduction mylonite. However, with increased depth and temperature, this model predicts that shear resistance in the host rocks An extensive body of research exists on experimentally decreases, resulting in more homogenous strain fabrics and naturally deformed mylonitic and ultramylonitic rocks. across a thickened deformation zone (Sibson, 1977, 1986; The bulk of this work has concentrated on greenschist- to Scholz, 1990). The implication is that deep-crustal shear lower amphibolite-facies deformation (e.g. Bell and Ether- zones should feature impressive thicknesses of amphibolite- idge, 1973; Tullis, 1977; Knipe, 1989), and only recently to granulite-facies deformation fabrics, in distinct contrast has field-based research broadened to include higher-grade to the well-documented, localized greenschist-facies mylo- zones of ductile deformation. A result of this historical nites of higher structural levels. preoccupation with low-grade mylonites is the common There are relatively few documented examples of perception that ductile deformation is concentrated into kilometer-scale shear zones consisting almost exclusively narrow, strain-localizing zones. This interpretation is of amphibolite and higher-grade mylonite and ultramylo- supported by the brittle–ductile transition region of nite. In the Archean–Proterozoic tectonic belts of North Sibson’s continental fault zone model (Sibson, 1977, America, greenschist to granulite facies ductile shear zones 1986), where shear zones are described as planar, parallel- separate the three principal belts of the 0.9–1.5 Ga sided strain-concentrating bands of protomylonite to Grenville Orogen, which stretches 2000 km from northern New York to Labrador (Davidson, 1986). In the Grenville * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1-617-358-1108; fax: þ1-617-353-3290. E-mail address: [email protected] (S.J. Whitmeyer). Front tectonic zone, granulite to amphibolite facies 0191-8141/03/$ - see front matter q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0191-8141(02)00118-9 910 S.J. Whitmeyer, C. Simpson / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 909–922 S.J. Whitmeyer, C. Simpson / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 909–922 911 mylonites and ultramylonites predominate along the kilo- grade schists and gneisses yield ages of 460–485 Ma meters-wide boundary between the Grenville Province and (Camacho and Ireland, 1997; Sims et al., 1997, 1998; the Superior Province to the NW (Davidson, 1990; Gower Stuart-Smith et al., 1999; Gromet et al., 2001; von Gosen and Simpson, 1992). Granulite facies mylonite belts reach a et al., 2002; Gromet, personal communication). thickness of 5–10 km in Archean cratonic sutures within the Ordovician to Devonian ductile faulting occurred in Snowbird tectonic zone (Hanmer and Kopf, 1993; Hanmer meter- to hundred meter-scale shear zones throughout the et al., 1995). However, Paleozoic and younger high strain Eastern Sierras Pampeanas. Many of these mylonite and zones of continental-scale importance are generally exposed ultramylonite zones thrust sillimanite grade gneisses, at higher structural levels than those in the older rocks, and migmatites and schists westward over biotite to chlorite thus the preserved deformation features that have been grade phyllites. The most significant of these ultramylonite studied from large high strain zones were generally formed zones, called here the ‘Tres Arboles’ fault zone, juxtaposed at greenschist and lower metamorphic facies. the Cambrian and Ordovician metamorphic terranes and In this paper we present data from an extensive early now extends NNW along the western margin of the Sierras Paleozoic ductile shear zone located in the Eastern Sierras de Co´rdoba for at least 150 km (Fig. 2), locally reaching Pampeanas of central Argentina, where migmatites and 16 km in thickness. The zone is tilted down along strike to sillimanite-grade metasedimentary rocks are juxtaposed the north, as are all structures within the Sierras de Co´rdoba against lower-grade metapsammites and metapelites across (Cerredo, 1996; Otamendi and Rabbia, 1996; Northrup et al., a zone of amphibolite to upper greenschist facies ultra- 1998), which exposes a section of approximately 10 km mylonite and mylonite. The significance of this 16-km-thick depth through the fault-related rocks. Descriptions of the zone of high strain and high strain-rate rocks is examined in macro- and micro-fabrics from within each of three terms of the dominant deformation mechanisms and the structural depth sections of the fault zone follow. implied tectonic environment. 3. The Tres Arboles fault zone 2. Tectonic setting 3.1. Deepest section (Merlo region) The Eastern Sierras Pampeanas of north-central Argen- tina, comprising the Sierras de Co´rdoba in the east and the Hanging wall rocks east of and proximal to the Tres Sierra de San Luis to the southwest (Fig. 1), are a system of Arboles fault zone in the vicinity of Merlo (Fig. 2) include north–south basement uplifts separated by deep, asymme- biotite þ sillimanite þ garnet ^ cordierite schists and trical, sediment-filled valleys. Exposure of Cambrian I-type gneisses with large areas of interfingered potassium plutons and associated metasedimentary rocks in the uplifts feldspar-rich migmatite (Figs. 2 and 3). Schists and gneisses occurred on high-angle, Tertiary to Recent reverse faults outside the high strain zone contain abundant quartz and (Jordan and Allmendinger, 1986). The metasedimentary pegmatitic stringers that are typically folded and boudi- rocks are interpreted as originally part of an early Cambrian naged (Fig. 4a). Small-scale, tight, west-vergent folds are accretionary prism that formed along the western Gond- locally apparent, but have not yet been found on the regional wana convergent margin (Dalla Salda et al., 1992a; Dalziel scale. Zones of migmatitic granite are intermingled with et al., 1994; Dalziel, 1997; Lyons et al., 1997; Northrup gneissic xenoliths and are thought to result from localized et al., 1998; Rapela et al., 1998a). Rapela et al. (1998b) and in-situ melting at 2nd sillimanite grade. Within the Gromet and Simpson (1999) obtained ca. 520 Ma ages for migmatites, peak metamorphic temperatures and pressures migmatization in the Sierras de Co´rdoba, which represents of 650–950 8C and 6.5–8 kbar (Gordillo, 1984; Otamendi the peak metamorphic event within the Co´rdoba ranges (see et al., 1999) were reached at 520–535 Ma (U–Pb ages for also Pe´rez et al., 1996; Rapela et al., 1998a; Stuart-Smith metamorphic monazite; Gromet and Simpson, 1999). et al., 1999). The footwall of the Tres Arboles fault zone comprises Oblique convergence along the developing PaleoPacific mainly quartz þ feldspar þ biotite psammites, with associ- margin of Gondwana facilitated the accretion of the ated biotite þ muscovite schists and phyllites (the Conlara Laurentia-affiliated Precordillera terrane outboard of the Metamorphic Complex of Sims et al. (1997); Figs. 2 and 3). Sierras Pampeanas during the Ordovician Famatinian Footwall foliations are oriented roughly parallel to NNW- Orogeny (Dalla Salda et al., 1992a,b; Pankhurst et al., striking, east-dipping axial surfaces of regional folds. The 1996). Ordovician peak metamorphism and plutonism is psammites contain an early pressure solution cleavage and documented across the central and eastern
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