The Kansas Sentinel is an authorized, official pub- lication of the Kansas Army National Guard. The Kansas Sentinel is published to provide command and public information to specific audiences about the Kansas Army National Guard and its Soldiers at home and deployed abroad. It is published by the 105th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment (MPAD) in Peck Selected ................... 3 Topeka, Kansas. Views expressed herein are those of the authors and Inauguration: Behind the do not necessarily reflect the official view of or is en- Scenes........................................... 5 dorsed by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense or the Department of the Army. This publi- Tafanelli takes command............ 7 cation does not supersede any information presented in any other official Army or Department of Defense Kansas Winter Storms............... 12 publication. Kansas Sentinel reserves the right to edit all mate- Tactical Combat Casualty rial. Published works may be reprinted, except where Care ............................................. 13 copyrighted, provided credit is given to the Kansas Sentinel and the authors. Distribution of the Kansas ADT #2 Returns ......................... 14 Sentinel is electronic. Assistant Adjutant General-Land Component: Kansas Soldier help Sailors find Brig. Gen. Eric Peck land legs ...................................... 18 Publisher: Through the Lens: Inaugural Maj. Michael Wallace, Canons ........................................ 20 105th MPAD, Commanding Editor: Sgt. 1st Class Phillip Witzke, 105th MPAD, First Sergeant Spc. Jessica Zullig, 105th MPAD Graphic Design and Layout: Maj. Michael Wallace Sgt. 1st Class Phillip Witzke Spc. Jessica Zullig Proof and Editor-at-Large: Jane Welch On the Cover State Public Affairs Office As the snow piles up in blizzard conditions, Spc. Ben Pitts, loader and Staff Sgt. Kevin Newell, Articles, photos, artwork and letters are invited gunner, fire a salvo during the 19-gun salute to and should be addressed to: Editor, Kansas Sentinel, newly inaugurated governor, Sam Brownback 105th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment, 2722 SW during inauguration festivities Jan. 10, on the Topeka Blvd, Topeka, KS 66611. Telephone: 785- south lawn of the Kansas State House in 274-1902, or by email at: Topeka. [email protected] or [email protected] Page 2 Volume 1, Issue 11 February 2011 Kansas Sentinel Command News PECK SELECTED FOR NEW ROLE IN KANSAS GUARD Brig. Gen. Eric Peck has been named as com- mander of the Joint Forces Headquarters Kansas- Staffs from 1993-1997. He was the commander of the Land Component (Kansas Army National Guard). He Army's Operational Support Airlift Command from will also continue in his role of overseeing the Great 1997 -1999. Plains Joint Training Center, Salina. Peck returned to Kansas to serve as the state "General Peck has demonstrated his leadership Army aviation officer for the KSARNG. He also skills during numerous assignments at home and served as the 1st Battalion, 108th Avia- abroad," said Maj. Gen. (KS) Lee tion Regiment commander from 1999- Tafanelli, the adjutant general. 2001. Peck was the Kansas Army Na- "Those skills will prove extremely tional Guard chief of staff from 2003 valuable as the missions of the Kan- through 2006 when he became the chief sas National Guard evolve in the of the Joint Staff for the Kansas Na- coming years." tional Guard. He commanded 1-6th "The many mentors and leaders at Kansas Agribusiness Development all levels, current and past, who al- Team during their deployment to Af- lowed me the opportunity to build ghanistan from October 2008 through the experiences leading to this se- March 2010. He was promoted to briga- lection remain as influential as ever dier general and assigned as commander in the challenges we will face to- of the Great Plains Joint Training Cen- gether," said Peck. "I appreciate the ter in October 2010. confidence and support of General His military education includes the Tafanelli in allowing me to serve Medical Service Corps Basic Course, the outstanding troops of the Kansas Brig. Gen. Eric Peck, Commander, Joint Forces Land Component Aviation Officers Advance Course, National Guard." Command and General Staff College, Peck has served at all levels of U.S. Army War College, the Aviation Safety Officers command from detachment through battalion and has Course, USAF Joint Firepower Control Course and been assigned to the Department of the Army and Na- the Army Essential Medical Training Course. His ci- tional Guard Bureau staffs. vilian education includes a bachelor of science degree He started his military career in the Kansas Army in journalism and mass communication from Kansas National Guard as a UH-1 crew chief in a Combat State University and master's degrees in computer and Engineer aviation section in 1974. In 1978, he com- information systems management from Webster Uni- pleted the Warrant Officer Candidate/Aviator Course versity and in Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army and became a line pilot in the 920th Medical Evacua- War College. tion Detachment, Kansas Army National Guard. Peck's military decorations include the Bronze Peck received a direct commission to second Star, Meritorious Service Medal with four oak leaf lieutenant in 1983 in the Medical Service Corps. He clusters, Army Commendation Medal with two oak served as a section leader, assistant operations officer leaf clusters, the Army Achievement Medal, Army and instructor pilot in the 920th. Peck served as assis- Reserve Components Achievement Medal with seven tant flight simulation branch chief, flight operations oak leaf clusters, Afghan Campaign Ribbon with officer, training officer, and cargo/utility branch chief bronze star, National Defense Service Medal, Global at the Eastern Army National Guard Aviation Train- War on Terrorism Ribbon, Armed Forces Reserve ing Site at Fort Indiantown Gap, Annville, Pa. He was Medal, Army Service Ribbon. He has earned the then assigned to Fort Rucker, Ala., as the deputy di- Combat Action Badge and the Army Master Aviator rector (ARNG), Directorate of Evaluation and Stan- Badge. dardization in May 1992. Peck is married to the former Lillis Heldenbrand Peck served in various staff positions on both the of Manhattan, Kan. They have two children, 2nd Lt. Georgia Schafer and Ely. Kansas Sentinel February 2011 Volume 1, Issue 11 Page 3 Command News: Army National Guard to Transition to GoArmyEd Effective June 2011, United States Army National October 1, 2011–All ARNG Soldiers and Army Guard (ARNG) Soldiers will begin the transition to education personnel begin using GoArmyEd to man- GoArmyEd, the Army‘s enterprise education system age TA for courses that start on or after 1 October serving both components as a Virtual Gateway to 2011; schools using GoArmyEd receive TA requests, Education–Anytime, Anywhere. process grades, and submit invoices for courses that GoArmyEd currently supports Active Duty and start on or after October 1, 2011; the current Army Reservists as a one-stop Web site that allows National Guard education system is used only for Soldiers, Army Education Counselors, and schools to grade reporting, invoicing, and recoupment process- conduct business for all education needs in a seamless ing for courses that started prior to October 1, 2011. Soldier-centric environment. June‘s transition real- If you currently have an active GoArmyEd account izes the Army‘s vision for an enterprise system serv- simply continue to use the system based on your cur- ing all Army components. rent eligibility. GoArmyEd will give you 24/7 online access to reg- ister for classes, access to your counselor, school, or the GoArmyEd Helpdesk, and many self-service fea- National Guard Association Annual tures that put you in the driver‘s seat as you plan for and pursue your education goals. You will be able to Meetings, Family Program Banquet identify courses that advance you toward your degree and view your tuition assistance (TA) balance for the This year‘s National Guard Association meeting will year. You‘ll also be able to review your individual be held in Lawrence, March 25-27 at the Lawrence degree plan, student record, course history, grades, Holiday Inn and the University of Kansas Student and other information necessary to reach your goals. Union. In addition, the GoArmyEd portal will enable you to More information about the annual meetings can be withdraw from classes or request military withdraw- found on the Enlisted Association of Kansas website als, resolve recoupments and holds, and request reim- at www.EANGKS.org. bursements for courses not offered through the por- Likewise, the Family Program Banquet and the Na- tal… all online. tional Guard Association of Kansas will hold their So, what do you need to do? At this time, nothing is annul meetings in conjunction with the EANGKS required of you other than reading this message, conference. which is intended to give you advance notice of the Space is limited and registration is highly encour- exciting changes affecting the way you access your aged. Childcare is available for children 5 years old TA benefits. GoArmyEd will be sending out invita- and younger. The National Guard Youth Coordinator tions for you to set-up an account in June 2011, has organized a great day of training for children which will include detailed directions to support your ages six to 17. transition. Key milestone dates to be aware of are: For additional information or to register for the an- June 4 2011–Schools with historical ARNG en- nual meetings, be sure to go to the EANGKS web rollments set-up in GoArmyEd; ARNG Soldiers be- site or the NGAKS web site at www.ngaks.org. gin setting up accounts in GoArmyEd; after complet- For those members wanting to participate in the an- ing their account set-ups, ARNG Soldiers will be re- nual golf outing, registration is now open. The stricted from requesting TA in GoArmyEd until Au- event will be held at Alvamar Golf Club, 1800 Cross- gust 1, 2011.
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