34678 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 115 / Thursday, June 15, 2006 / Notices DEPARTMENT OF STATE statements which, as required by law, 7342(f) of Title 5, United States Code, as Federal employees filed with their added by Section 515(a)(1) of the employing agencies during calendar [Public Notice 5435] Foreign Relations Authorization Act, year 2004 concerning gifts received from Fiscal Year 1978 (Pub. L. 95–105, Office of Protocol; Gifts to Federal foreign government sources. The August 17, 1977, 91 Stat. 865). compilation includes reports of both Employees From Foreign Government Dated: May 17, 2006. Sources Reported to Employing tangible gifts and gifts of travel or travel Henrietta H. Fore, Agencies in Calendar Year 2004 expenses of more than minimal value, as defined by statute. Under Secretary for Management, The Department of State submits the Publication of this listing in the Department of State. following comprehensive listing of the Federal Register is required by Section AGENCY: WHITE HOUSE OFFICE AND THE NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL [Report of Tangible Gifts] Gift, date of acceptance on behalf Name and title of person accepting of the U.S. Government, Identity of foreign donor Circumstances justifying the gift on behalf of the estimated value, and current and government acceptance U.S. Government disposition or location President ........................................ Artwork: 9″ x 7″ bull moose antler The Right Paul Martin, P.C., M. Non-acceptance would cause em- sculpture of an Eskimo in a P., Honorable, The Prime Min- barrassment to donor and U.S. kayak beside an igloo and a ister of Canada and Mrs. Martin. Government. whale. Recd—January 12, 2004. Est. Value—$350. Ar- chives Foreign. President ........................................ Baseball caps (2): navy blue and His Royal Highness Prince Ban- Non-acceptance would cause em- silver wool Dallas Cowboys dar bin Sultan, Ambassador of barrassment to donor and U.S. baseball caps embroidered with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Government. a star and a NFL patch. Recd— January 15, 2004. Est. Value— $40. Archives Foreign. Clothing: Dallas Cowboys navy blue polyester pullover embroi- dered with a ‘‘D’’ on the front and ‘‘Cowboys’’ on the back. Recd—January 15, 2004. Est. Value—$70. Archives Foreign. Clothing: navy blue wool Dallas Cowboys Varsity jacket with brown leather sleeves and Super Bowl patches sewn on each. Recd—January 15, 2004. Est. Value—$200. Archives Foreign. President ........................................ Desk accessory: 10″ x 2″ sterling His Excellency Recep Tayyip Non-acceptance would cause em- silver pen and ink container Erdogan, Prime Minister of the barrassment donor and U.S. with intricate engravings on the Republic of Turkey. Government. lid. Recd—January 28, 2004. Est. Value—$350. Archives Foreign. President ........................................ Hardcover book: 12″ x 161⁄2,″ The Honorable Giuseppe Pericu, Non-acceptance would cause em- brown leather bound book, ‘‘I Mayor of Genoa, Italy. barrassment to donor and U.S. palazzi di Genova (The Palaces Government. of Genoa),’’ by Peter Paul Rubens. Recd—January 30, 2004. Est. Value—$325. Ar- chives Foreign. President ........................................ Household item: 10′ x 14′ brown, His Excellency Zine El Abidine Non-acceptance would cause em- tan, sage and ivory wool rug Ben Ali, President of the Re- barrassment to donor and U.S. with an intricate geometric pat- public of Tunisia. Government. tern. Recd—February 18, 2004. Est. Value—$6300. Archives Foreign. President ........................................ Consumables (12): bottles of His Excellency Mikheil Non-acceptance would cause em- Georgian dry red wine. Recd— Saakashvili, President of Geor- barrassment to donor and U.S. February 25, 2004. Est. gia. Government. Value—$144. Handled pursuant to Secret Service policy. VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:20 Jun 14, 2006 Jkt 208001 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\15JNN2.SGM 15JNN2 jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES2 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 115 / Thursday, June 15, 2006 / Notices 34679 AGENCY: WHITE HOUSE OFFICE AND THE NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL—Continued [Report of Tangible Gifts] Gift, date of acceptance on behalf Name and title of person accepting of the U.S. Government, Identity of foreign donor Circumstances justifying the gift on behalf of the estimated value, and current and government acceptance U.S. Government disposition or location Miscellaneous: 4″ gold-tone rose figurine; mounted on a 31⁄2″ x 21⁄2″ x 1″ green marble base with a plaque engraved ‘‘Revo- lution of Roses in Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili.’’ Recd— February 25, 2004. Est. Value—$50. Archives Foreign. Artwork: 37″ x 26″ multicolored oil painting on canvas of a Geor- gian town in the mountains; held in a 37″ x 26″ gold-tone wood frame. Recd—February 25, 2004. Est. Value—$100. Ar- chives Foreign. Athletic equipment: 11″ Softball, signed by Georgia’s Junior Baseball League. Recd—Feb- ruary 25, 2004. Est. Value— $40. Archives Foreign. President ........................................ Household item: 10″ Waterford His Excellency Bertie Ahern, TD Non-acceptance would cause em- crystal scalloped bowl ‘‘Kings Prime Minister of Ireland. barrassment to donor and U.S. Bowl’’ etched ‘‘Presented to Government. George W. Bush, President of the United States of America, On the Occasion of St. Patrick’s Day 2004, By The Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, on Behalf of the People of Ireland.’’ Recd— March 17, 2004. Est. Value— $550. Archives Foreign. President ........................................ Hardcover book: ‘‘Botero: New His Excellency Alvaro Uribe, Non-acceptance would cause em- Works on Canvas,’’ an interview President of the Republic of barrassment to donor and U.S. with Fernando Botero and ‘‘One Colombia and Mrs. Lina Government. Hundred Years of Solitude,’’ by Moreno de Uribe. Gabriel Garcia Marquez, held in a 201⁄2″ x 12″ x 3″ wooden box engraved with the authors sig- natures on the lid. Recd— March 23, 2004. Est. Value— $180. Archives Foreign. President ........................................ Desk accessory: 31⁄2″ x 2″ oval His Excellency Indulis Emsis, Non-acceptance would cause em- golden amber paperweight. Prime Minister of the Republic barrassment to donor and U.S. Recd—March 29, 2004. Est. of Latvia. Government. Value—$650. Archives Foreign. President ........................................ 25″ x 52″ 19th century hand- His Excellency Imad Moustapha, Non-acceptance would cause em- painted Syrian cabinet doors; Ambassador of the Syrian Arab barrassment to donor and U.S. held in a 33″ x 621⁄2″ gold-tone Republic. Government. shadowbox frame with a plaque engraved ‘‘Syrian Hand Painted Cabinet Doors, CA: 1800’s.’’ Recd—March 31, 2004. Est. Value—$1200. Archives For- eign. President ........................................ Household item: 47″ x 78″ multi- His Excellency Mohamed Hosny Non-acceptance would cause em- colored silk rug with intricate Mubarak, President of the Arab barrassment to donor and U.S. floral and bird designs. Recd— Republic of Egypt. Government. April 12, 2004. Est. Value— $2400. Archives Foreign. VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:20 Jun 14, 2006 Jkt 208001 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\15JNN2.SGM 15JNN2 jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES2 34680 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 115 / Thursday, June 15, 2006 / Notices AGENCY: WHITE HOUSE OFFICE AND THE NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL—Continued [Report of Tangible Gifts] Gift, date of acceptance on behalf Name and title of person accepting of the U.S. Government, Identity of foreign donor Circumstances justifying the gift on behalf of the estimated value, and current and government acceptance U.S. Government disposition or location President ........................................ Miscellaneous: 8″ x 10″ gold leaf Her Excellency Wu Yi, Vice Pre- Non-acceptance would cause em- vase, by Jinli Shen, comprised mier of the State Council of the barrassment to donor and U.S. of Chinese jingdezhen ceramic, People’s Republic of China. Government. Fuzhou lacquer and Cloisonne enamel; mounted on a 12″ x 12″ x 6″ wooden base with intri- cate gold feet. Recd—April 21, 2004. Est. Value—$350. Ar- chives Foreign. President ........................................ Miscellaneous: Phoenix Pro Max The Right Honorable Paul Martin, Non-acceptance would cause em- Model 2020 black leather pro- P.C., M.P., Prime Minister of barrassment to donor and U.S. tective rodeo vest embroidered Canada. Government. with the American and Cana- dian flags on the front. Recd— April 30, 2004. Est. Value— $290. Archives Foreign. President ........................................ Desk accessory: 51⁄2″ Mont Blanc His Majesty King Abdullah II of Non-acceptance would cause em- sterling silver pinstriped foun- the Hashemite Kingdom of Jor- barrassment to donor and U.S. tain pen with 18k gold trim and dan. Government. engraved with the donor’s sig- nature. Recd—April 30, 2004. Est. Value—$675. Archives Foreign. President ........................................ Accessory: Wyler Vetta limited His Excellency Silvio Berlusconi, Non-acceptance would cause em- edition (8/275) Moby Dick watch President of the Council of Min- barrassment to donor and U.S. with white and black alligator isters of the Italian Republic. Government. leather bands. Recd—May 19, 2004. Est. Value—$3004. Ar- chives Foreign. Clothing (6): a variety of E. Marinella silk ties. Recd—May 19, 2004. Est. Value $810. Ar- chives Foreign. President ........................................ Miscellaneous: 7″ Kessaris ster- His Excellency
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