Minutes Arlington City Council Council Briefing Room Regular Meeting 101 W. Abram St. 3rd Floor January 30, 2018 6:30 PM The City Council of the City of Arlington, Texas, convened in Regular Session on January 30, 2018, at 6:30 pm in the Council Briefing Room, 3rd Floor, 101 W. Abram St., with the meeting being open to the public and notice of said meeting, giving the date, place and subject thereof, having been posted as prescribed by V.T.C.A., Government Code, Chapter 551, with the following members present, to-wit: Mayor J. Williams Councilmember C. Parker Councilmember K. Wilemon Councilmember L. Wolff Councilmember R. Shepard Councilmember V. Farrar-Myers Councilmember M. Glaspie Absent: Councilmember S. Capehart Councilmember R. Thalman Trey Yelverton, City Manager Teris Solis, City Attorney Mary W. Supino, City Secretary I) CALL TO ORDER Mayor J. Williams called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. II) INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO U.S. AND TEXAS FLAGS Chaplain Don Coker, Arlington Fire Department, gave the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. and Texas Flags were recited. III) SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Chief Don Crowson, Arlington Fire Department, with Assistant Chief Jim Self, Assistant Chief David Stapp and Fire Marshal Darin Niederhaus, introduced Phillip Bradley, Manager ISO, who presented the ISO rating certification to Mayor J. Williams. Chris Connealy with the State Fire Marshal's Office, presented the State Fire Marshal's Office recognition of the ISO rating achievement by the City of Arlington. IV) APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS V) SPEAKER GUIDELINES AND GENERAL DECORUM Mary W. Supino, City Secretary, recited the speaker guidelines and general decorum. VI) APPROVAL OF ITEMS FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION Councilmember K. Wilemon made a motion to approve the following items listed on the Executive Session Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilmember L. Wolff, the motion carried with 7 ayes and 0 nays. 6.1. Consent to Partial Assignment, Tenth Amendment, Ratification and Revivor of Oil and Gas Lease - Total E&P USA Barnett, LLC and Total E&P USA, Inc.; Lease No. 07-011 A resolution authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute a Consent to Partial Assignment, Tenth Amendment, Ratification and Revivor of Oil and Gas Lease between Total E&P USA Barnett, LLC, Total E&P USA, Inc., and the City of Arlington relative to a Restricted Surface Use Oil and Gas Lease in approximately 469.8107 acres of land being the Arlington Municipal Airport, Fish Creek Linear Park, Cravens Park, McFarland Park, Southeast Branch Library, the Animal Services Center, Blackland Prairie Preservation, and Other Tracts, City of Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas. RESOLUTION NO. 18-007 6.2. Consent to Partial Assignment and Fourth Amendment to Oil and Gas Lease - Total E&P USA Barnett, LLC and Total E&P USA, Inc.; Lease No. 10-051 A resolution rescinding Resolution No. 16-020 and authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute a Consent to Partial Assignment and Fourth Amendment to Oil and Gas Lease between Total E&P USA Barnett, LLC, Total E&P USA, Inc., and the City of Arlington relative to a Restricted Surface Use Oil and Gas Lease in approximately 17.27 acres of land being a portion of Jake Langston Park, Pleasant Ridge Road and Park Springs Boulevard Rights-of-Way, 3601 Little Road and Little School Road Right-of-Way, City of Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas. RESOLUTION NO. 18-008 6.3. Consent to Partial Assignments and Amendments to Oil and Gas Leases - Total E&P USA Barnett, LLC and Total E&P USA, Inc.; Lease Nos. 06-008, 08-023, 08-036, 10-019, 10-028, 10-029, 10-058, 10-061, 10-063, 10-066, 11-002, 11-006, 11-008, 12-001, 12-003, 12-005 and 14-002 A resolution authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute a Consent to Partial Assignment of Leases and Amendments to Oil and Gas Leases with Total E&P USA, Barnett, LLC, Total E&P USA, Inc., and the City of Arlington, relative to the production of natural gas under approximately 469.70214 acres of land subject to no surface use oil and gas leases. RESOLUTION NO. 18-009 6.4. Stormwater Mitigation Project - All Cash Contract of Sale -George L. Gustafson and Julie A. Gustafson - 3401 Doty Lane; Project No. PWDR17001 A resolution authorizing the City Manager or his designee to execute an all cash contract of sale with George L. Gustafson and Julie A. Gustafson for the purchase of fee simple property rights in land being Lot 24C, R.P. Estes Subdivision, an addition to the City of Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-57, Page 435, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas; with a physical address being 3401 Doty Lane, City of Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas, and authorizing acceptance of the conveyance of fee simple property rights. RESOLUTION NO. 18-010 6.5. Bethesda 24-inch Water Line Extension (Mansfield Cardinal Road, Hudson Cemetery Road and Eden Road) - A.B. Manis; Project No. WUOP16006 A resolution authorizing a settlement for the acquisition of a water line easement for public use in, under, over, across, and through 18,754 square feet of land located in the L. Bower Survey, Abstract No. 159, and conveyed to A.B. Manis by Deed recorded in Volume 8436, Page 439, Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas, (DRTCT); otherwise known as 7909 US Bus 287 Hwy for the public use of constructing, reconstructing, maintaining and using a water main and all necessary appurtenances for the Bethesda 24-inch Water Line Extension (Mansfield Cardinal Road, Hudson Cemetery Road and Eden Road) project. RESOLUTION NO. 18-011 6.6. Abram Street (Cooper Street to Collins Street) - Mark A. & Belinda J. Gist; Project No. PWST10009 A resolution authorizing a settlement for the acquisition of temporary construction easement, in, over and through land being a portion of Lots 8 and 9, Block 2, Cravens Addition, an addition to the City of Arlington, otherwise known as 505 and 507 East Abram Street, City of Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas. Councilmember K. Wilemon made a motion to approve a resolution authorizing a settlement for the acquisition of temporary construction easement, in, over and through land being a portion of Lots 8 and 9, Block 2, Cravens Addition, an addition to the City of Arlington, otherwise known as 505 and 507 East Abram Street, City of Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas. Seconded by Councilmember L. Wolff, the motion carried with the following vote: Mayor J. Williams, Councilmember C. Parker, Councilmember K. Wilemon, AYES: Councilmember L. Wolff, Councilmember V. Farrar-Myers and Councilmember M. Glaspie NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Councilmember R. Shepard RESOLUTION NO. 18-012 6.7. Eden Road (U.S. 287 Highway to Calender Road) - Thomas G. Farrier (Parcel 5A); Project No. PWST16008 A resolution determining the necessity of acquiring 45,117 square feet of right of way easement rights for public use in, over and through land being a portion of Lot 1, Block 2, Ridgepark Addition II, an addition to the City of Arlington, Tarrant County Texas, according to the Plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 3292, Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas; otherwise known as 3823 Curry Road, City of Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas. RESOLUTION NO. 18-013 6.8. Eden Road (U.S. 287 Highway to Calender Road) - Thomas G. Farrier (Parcel 5B); Project No. PWST16008 A resolution determining the necessity of acquiring 27,801 square feet of right of way easement rights for public use in, over and through land being a portion of Lot 2, Block 2, Ridgepark Addition II, an addition to the City of Arlington, Tarrant County Texas, according to the Plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 3292, Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas; otherwise known as 3821 Curry Road, City of Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas. RESOLUTION NO. 18-014 6.9. Eden Road (U.S. 287 Highway to Calender Road) - Thomas G. Farrier (Parcel 6); Project No. PWST16008 A resolution determining the necessity of acquiring 26,419 square feet of right of way easement rights for public use in, over and through land being a portion of Lot 3, Block 2, Ridgepark Addition II, an addition to the City of Arlington, Tarrant County Texas, according to the Plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 3292, Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas; otherwise known as 3819 Curry Road, City of Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas. RESOLUTION NO. 18-015 VII) APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7.1. Afternoon Meeting, January 9, 2018 Evening Meeting, January 9, 2018 Councilmember V. Farrar-Myers made a motion to approve the minutes from the January 9, 2018 Afternoon and Evening meetings. Seconded by Councilmember L. Wolff, the motion carried with 7 ayes and 0 nays. VIII) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA - MINUTE ORDERS Councilmember L. Wolff made a motion to approve all items from the Consent Agenda, with the exception of Item No. 8.16. Seconded by Councilmember K. Wilemon, the motion carried with 7 ayes and 0 nays. 8.1. Purchase of Furniture for the George W. Hawkes Downtown Library, Bid Project 18-0084 (MO#01302018-001) Authorize the City Manager or his designee to approve the purchase of furniture for the George W. Hawkes Downtown Library with Krueger International, Inc., (KI) of Dallas, Texas, through the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) in the estimated amount of $106,593.72, and execute any and all documents necessary to carry out such purchase. Funding for this purchase is provided through the Library Capital Campaign fundraising efforts and is budgeted in Library Renovation Gift Account No.
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