Los Angeles Sunday Herald ' . \u0084••--• Jl mm mas C . PARIS FASHIONS Filmy Black Gowns, in End- less Variety, Popular This Season & <* A.T. ASHMORE. are seasons when black | and white are immensely fash- ionable, and aga Q, other seasons ' I liJlj,; l J^k *__\ BB 'BiS"^ mmmW $ l 1 W SS fcl-* \u25a0 'll WS" \u25a0 when the all bl ok and the all * THEREwhite gowns ate not nearly so smart as the colored ones. This, season, while gowns of the pastel shades j well the vivid colors are style, \u25a0'JETj Sflßj?^# _^^^^BK9 as as in \i \ r- Bv^BiWv fe »: / / fBH -r* "J&bbß *^W. H_y there are many more white and black iv- -v^^*'fl __________H^___Hrll! sf -$* / flfl -*11§*B_____bB being made than has been the case for the last few winters. And the thin black gowns are especially smart, so varied in design and texture as to make it easily : ____________________________B_ll_>*\u25a0 fix!_____> /y^' _.^_____^^^^^^BBP^^___^___B_^_____fl possible ' for the woman who prefers \ i^SS^BS mSw W2l ' s* # _\u25a0 f/ *!**!*'•» sa always to wear black to be able to have an endless variety. Voile de soie is a most popular ma- terial in the order of chiffon and mousse- line de soie, which it closely resembles la its light transparency, but, as its name in- dicates. It is silky and more lustrous. It is lki_P9« IBPfl^BH^V^__/X^ll«0/^/^_^^^ H» F^fr-"?'* flflfli H3Aftjftfa: Jmß a most exquisite fabric, and whether plain or embroidered works out well In any of the present models in afternoon or evening gowns, although it is a ma- terial that seems far better suited to summer than to winter wear. There are Black Silk Voile Gown with Bands V by Of Embroidery in Gold and Color I Ikj^ >' r-. ~-~>>!> Maison HonUouff.ft. , j. vefciS^ flßjflH Hfl^V' \fl 38? BR*X~l**^ a ; fy'-'^ in *'--'y -'/"\"v^ft —^^ PhotoThoto Copyright byhy ReatllngcrRputltnger /wk/^BBffe' Bf jjfaff *B lw*H? Sf^lm K^^BlPV^B -^* Exclusive Copyright New York Herald ,-,-&/& \u25a0 Jsi&&£'^77, Wj_\t HUB-JEm. __». V^x'vJs. CflH Bflr**,<w_Hl___&*__. BEfl HHbkß IB V—-' a^&£g2%zZ7~r7£gk^ m^r ' *EmWL •*&* ™' vr* '*^"^^^^-~sv:_!;'• ft"*** V\^v*S\ -«BEB____^Bft' ,liH ""fftJL^^ " Satin Gown with Black Chiffon \u25a0 • 1 Black Silk Voile Gown Over Pink Satin %|||4^=> \u25a0 'j I and, n7vdletVelvet TuricTunic - V^'% Maison,soa RoufE % M& r"« LiningLin!ng I, Black Silk Voile Gown Embroid- MaisouMataoa KoirftKouff $"M^W&mit>*l"^flEhfcv \- \k. Photo Copyright b.vby RcutlingeiReutlingei ' ered and Tet Pink rho'toTho'to Copyright byby Reutlinger 'i^*** % ii \u25a0s£%%&%a/i»h%, ered with Pearl and Over Pink mmW Exclusive Copyright New York Herald a VSSt^S Jet Exclusive Copyright fievt i, Copyright ScM' « _____fl_____i_____________Kr^^^M4B___HM^__________Sft^. V * !>.\u25a0-\u25a0 Exclusive New York H«»MHerald tt' ' \ J^^«\W Lining liaisonMaisoD fiTuffRouff • '" Photo Copyright by Reutlinger ' It B \ >C W RExclusivetclSve toC^CopyrightP ydghhttNeNewW YolkYork Herald thought select becoming tilings for her- ''o&M^'^'^^.m \ S^^^^^F^ 2^* self even in these extravagant days. Gowns for Home Wear. There are straight garnitures of em- invested to better advantage than at the Gowns to wear nt home in the after- Ibroidered net that cover the front of the present moment. noon or for informal luncheon and card i waist and then fall straight in panel or Excessively—it might be said aggress- parties are made of the black voile de effect gown. Istole down the front of the ivelyplain and simple in effect are many soie in many instances. Open at the lln this does sound very description not of the most expensive gowns tiiis season, throat in a short V shape or with the V new on same as sea- and is the lines last their cost, so it is said, being due to the filled in with transparent yoke, the waist son, but there is a most marked, differ- | originality of design and the models made in soft surplice folds of the material ence apparent to any one who examines it i designed by an artist. The whole over softer folds of tulle and edged with closely—difference enough to make a last so an velvet, a most attractive one. year's gown look up to date if freshened is harmonious that even amateur the model is recognizes instinctively But there is another model that is in by the new trimming. .'. The ' new garni- in such affairs ithe beauty of the gown. But it is not a great demand—the full blouse waist and tures, as they are called, are bewilderingly the tunic skin, slightly gathered with vel- beautiful, and both in- tulle and are I fashion to be copied rashly. A machine net vet belt, fastened with two fancy buckles. in an of worked garniture over a good fitting last embroidered endless variety de- The are elbow length over longer signs.. Jet and steel, jet and'silver, jet year's gown will turn out far more satis- sleeves of tulle or net and are also finished factorily than a copy of the severely plain Sleeves and gold, jet and diamante effects j a ribbon. The simple gown the of which counts ij with band of velvet and all are fashionable; while in all jet and cost description docs, give the impression different effective easily figures. To the lover ofI: not numberless and most three of how charming is this simple but ex- designs are worked out by combining dif- clothes, the woman whose taste has been |Itremely smart model, which has some of ferent kinds of jet— cut beads, the educated and, incidentally, satisfied by I the lines of tlie long Russian blouse, so spangles, the nail heads and the paillettes. an unlimited allowance for gowns the : extremely becoming to a slight figure. The' finest ure extremely costly, as well more attractive, ' ' The introduction of color into the thin gowns this season are gown cleverly worked out they may be, for both material iblack is most and than she has ever known. She recog- I this season, not only in the linings anil workmanship are of the highest order, nizes at a glance the fine quality of the bodice, as previously described, but in the but for the benefit of womankind in the material, the exquisite coloring and the i trimmings on the waist. An openwork on an black satin majority there are many, quite as many, wonderful beauty of line that exists under Iembroidery of jet all patterns in machine as in Ibrocade gown will belaid over pink satin, different hand the apparently clumsy draper}', and she of which just the edge of the satin will work, and at a tenth part, at least, of the Iselects quickly what is becoming; for the Ishow. This can be intensified by the to- the cost. The woman who buys what woman who is not becomingly gowned | troduction of coral beads through the jet Iembroidery or a large on the she knows is the best without troubling this winter has either poor taste, no j in ornament as to price instinctively chooses the hand these Ifront of the waist, but it is not necessary | vanity or no money; and while jto even work in the color in such fashion, work and the cut beads, but while the wonderful specimens of dress maj- be the touch of pink satin under the jet 1 jfor best is the best never was there a season .only for the wealthy, the womato of lim- will be quite sufficient to relieve the all when a limited amount of money could be ited means can by spending time and. black FASHION DETAILSTHATEVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW afternoon gown of soft silk and Clinging and unlined skirts require a [incut trims the cuff of the short sleeve. wool material or crepe would appear at A chemisette of soft white mull, having be double effect to make them a frilldown the centre, may be worn with SNcharming made like the model their best. This design reaches up to the shown "herewith. It emphasizes the bust line in what looks like an apron tunic effect, which continues in favor shape, and meets a rather elaborate yoke, !_flfl_A lgJSßtl^^BlWßr^^ WtiLmY"'JKzmmf Mm »W WSaWS^J j__aK_flft '-ik 'J& 'eB '*J partly on account of its adaptability to or underbody, fashioned of lace. the present fashion of materials and Rands of passementerie or braid finish partly on account ol Its gracefulness. the lower edge of the tunic and outline it where it almost meets the hem of the underskirt in the buck. The same trim- ming ornaments the armholes, which are cut out quite widely., An effective and simple banding to use is made of net dyed to match the cloth and embroidered in a heavy fibre floss of the same shade. With I/\u25a0«' 'ft. ;__ft' rrl Black Silk Voile Gown with Pink *j plenty of filling the design could be made J^^W* 111 • WHS^T- 'll to stand out boldly and handsomely. Liberty Sash '*< Lace tunics that are sold separately and Copyright by Reutlinger £ ' Photo Reutlinger .Muiwu-Maisou RoulC,Huull, __,^^^ M*<* M can be worn with different costumes are Exclusive Copyright New York Herald ''mm! '* I"M I^»f^ 'V a novelty of tlie season aDd will be found '* helpful in remodelling a pass<! frock or in giving a little vuriety to one that has seen a great deal of service even though it is many new fashions in regard to the man- still good style.
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