• I I YEAR BOOK OFTHE American Clan Gregor Society CONTAINING THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRTIETH ANNUAL GATHERING THE AMERICAN CLAN GREGOR SOCIETY JOHN BOWIE F ERNEYHOUGH, Editor Richmond, Virginia CoPYRIGHT, 1940 BY J. B OWI E FERNEYHOUGH, Editor Cussons, May & Co., Richmond, Va. OFFICERS, 1940 .. H EREDITARYC H IEF SIR MALCOLM M ACGREGOR OF M ACGREGOR, BARONET L ochearnhead, Scot/and WILLI AM :MARION M AGRUDER _.._. ._Chieftain 456 Roselane, Lexington, Ky . K E N N ET H D ANN MAGRUDER....... .. Rankillg Deputy Chieftain 5562 Squirrel H ill, Pittsbur gh, P a. H E N RY MAGRUDERT AYLOR __ __ .. .. __ .Scribe 28 \Villway A venue, Richm ond, Virginia M RS. O. O. VAN DEN'BERG.. .... .. .. __ .. .... .. R egistrar 2122 California St reet, N .W ., W ashin gton , D. C. MISS MARY THERESE H IL L.._ .. __ __. .._ __ Historian 221 Seaton Pl ace,N. E., W ashington , D. C. J OH N E DWI N M UNCASTE R . .. __ .. .. .. .. .. Treasurer " The Ridge," R. F . D., Derwood, Maryland J OH N B OW IE FERNEYHOUG H _ __ __ . .. • Editor P . O. Box 1458, Richm ond , Virginia R EV. ENOCHM AGRUDER THOMPSON _ __ _ .Cluiplain ALEX AN DER M UNCASTER .. .. .. __.. ._. .. _.. _._.. __Chancellor DR.S TEUART B ROW N M U NCA ST ER.. .. Surqeon MRS. CLEM E NT W . S H ERI FF.... Deputy S cribe FORMER CHIEFTAINS EDWARD MAY MAGRUDER, M. D . (D eceased) CALEB CLAR KE MAGR UDER, M . A., LL. D . J AMES MIT CHELL MAGRUDER, D. D . EGBERT W ATSON M AGRUDER, PH. D . H ER BERT THOM AS MAGRUDER THE COUNCIL C AL EB C LARKE M AGRUDER, Ex-Officio R EV. JAMES M IT CHELL MAGRUD ER, D. D., Ex-Officio E GBERT WATSON M AGRUDER, Ex-OjJicio H ERBERT THOM AS MAGRU DER, E.>:-O fficio MRS.P HILIP HILL SHERI FF DR.R OBERT E . FERNEYH OUG H MAJOR JOSEPH HENRY WHEAT MISS R EBECCA M . MACGREGOR R OBERT L EE MAGRUDER E . H. DEJARNETTE WILLIAM \VOODWARO FRANK C ECIL MAGRUDER DEPUTY CHIEFTAINS DR. THOMAS V. MAGRUDER .••__ __ __ _._.._.._._.. .A labama MRs. GEORGE S . REES_ __ .........•_ _ _ __ _ California' MISS RUTH BEALL. __ __ _.••. __ Colorado MRS. PHILIP H . SHERIFF..••_ _. .. Distric t of Columbia MISS EMMA B EALL.. __ __ __ . __ .. _. District of Columbia IVIRS. J . W . QUILLIAN .. __ .. __ .. __ _ .. Florida MRS. CORNELIA MAGRUDER SESSIO NS _ . Florida MRS. NELSON B . DAVIS __ ._.. _ __ . Georgia MISS H ELEN ELIZABETH BOND Georgia MISS KATHERINE KELLOGG A DAMS.. .Illinois MRs. J . C. LEWIS..... __ .. .. .. .1ndiana MRS. J OH N E. YONKER S __ . __ _.. __ _ .1owa MRS. NANN ABELLE H OOVER __ __ .•.. __ . __ __ __ Kentucky T H OM AS MAGRUDER V VADE.. __ .. Louisiana MRS. MARY SPRIGG BELT MAGRUDER W ADE.. _ M aryland MR. \ VILLIAMM . BROOKS ..... __ __ Moryland FORREST DODGE BOWIE __ . Maryland CALVERT MAGRUDER . __ _ _ Massachusetts D R. HAZEL D . EIDSON .. .. __ .. M ichiga n W I N BOURN E MAGRUDER D RAKE. __ .. Mississi ppi M ISS GERTRUDE OWEN PENDLETON __ .. .. Missouri DONALD DILWORTH MAGRUDER _ _.. .. _.. N e1.U York DR. MARION MYRL HARRISON _ Ohio HAROLD NAPOLEON MAGRUDER __.. .. __ __Oklahoma \ VILLIAM LLOYD \ V OL FE .. _.. _ _.. __ . .. ? ennsyluania WILLIAM HADEN FLINT __ _. .. __ .. South Carolina M ISS MYRTLE D RAN E .. __ .. __ T ennessee \ VIL i IOITE CARPENTER BARRICKMAN _. __ . Texas WILLIAM THOM AS K ILLAM __ . Texas MISS lVIARY M AYNE.... .._ __ . __ . ..... _Utali M RS. W ILLIAM H E N RY STEWART_.._ .. .•. .Virq inia MRS. \ VILLIAM L. KEYSER _.. _ ..._.. Virginia W ILLIS GREEN M U NCY _.._ . Virginia Mss. GRAY SILVER __ __ ._ __ _. West Virginia SPECIAL COMMITTEES-1940 PROGRA M Mrs. O. O. van den'Berg, Chairman, H enry Magruder Taylor, Forrest Dodge Bowie, Herbert Th omas Magruder, Doctor Egbert Watson Magruder, Kenneth Dann Magruder, Joseph H . Wheat. PINE Robert R. Stabl er, Miss Emma Muncaster. H OT EL ARRA NGE:\fENTS Frank Cecil Magruder, Mrs. Frank Cecil Magruder. R E GI STRATION Mrs. Joseph H . Wheat, Miss Emma Beall. D ECORATION OF H ALL Mrs. Philip H. Sheriff, Miss Rebecca Mason MacGregor, Miss Mary Therese Hill, Miss Mary Magruder. G E N EALO GI CAL RESEARCH Mrs. O. O. van den'B erg , Chairman ; Mrs. Joseph H. \Vh eat, Assistant Chairman; Miss Mary Magruder, Miss Hel en W olfe, Miss Juliet Hite Gallaher, Dr. George Mason Magruder, Kenneth Dann Magruder, Dr. M. M. Harrison, Caleb Clark Magruder, Robert Lee Magruder, Wi lhoite C. Barrickman, G. Brick Smith, Herbert Thomas Magruder, Rev. James Mitchell Magruder, W . M. Drake, Mr s. E sther Pitts Stockham. CONTENTS P AGE LIST OF OFFICERS........... ................................... 3 COMMITTEES 5 PROCEEDI NGS, 1939........................................................................................................ 9 PROCEEDI NGS OF C OU NCIL............ ................................... ........... ........ ..•.................... ... 13 ADDRESS OF WILLIAM MARION MAGRUDER, CHIEFTAIN _ 16 ADDR ESS OF CHIEFTAINATA NCHOVIE HILLS Z2 R EPORT OFK ENN ETH DA NN MAGRUDER 24 REPORT OF MRS. O. O. VA N DE N'BERG, R EGI ST RAR 26 N EW 11EM BERS FOR 1939 26 R EPORT OF J OH N E. M U N CASTER, TREASURER 28 R EPORT OF MISS MARY T H ERESE HILL, H ISTORIA N 30 LIST OF P ERSON S R EGI STERED, 1939 30 HISTORI CAL SKETCH OF S AI NT PAUL ' S C HURCH-The Rev. Walter Arch- bold, D. D 33 WILLIAM PIN K N EY MAGR UDER-Caleb Clarke Moqruder, Jr 36 C LEMENT WILLIAM SHERI FF-Miss Ma ry Th erese Hill. : 43 MRS. WILLIAM PINK NEY BROOK s-Mrs. Susie May von dcn'Berq 45 MRS. NA NCY KATHERINE (WADE ) S OWELL-Miss Mary Kimbro S owell 47 WILLIAM SASSER HILL 49 MRS. J ULIA TAYLOR BF..ALL. 50 LIEUTENANT LEWIS S . MAGRUDER 50 "FOR A ULD LANG SY NE"-Herberf Th omas Mtiqruder 51 HISTORY OF "THE AMERI CAN 'S C REED" -I-lOll. William Tyler Page 60 OLD BOOK s-Forrest Dodge Bowie 65 SOURCE S OF I N FOR~IATIO N, F ROM PAPER OF E LEA NOR B F.ALL EWELL 66 CONTROVERSIAL I SSU ES OF SCOTTI SH HISTORy-William H. Gregg 68 FROM THE HEATHER TO T HE BLU EGRASS-IV. C. Barrickman 73 BRIGADIER G EN ERAL BRUCE MAGIWDER : 77 ADMIRAL HILARY P . JON Es-James Nevin Miller in th e Star 78 DR. S . B. M U N CA STER I S" PAST 49" 79 N EW S OF CLAN M EMB ERS ·.. · 79 LIST OF 11EMBERS ·· ·· · 81 INDEX .._ _. __ __..__ __ .. -------------.------ ---- ..--.-------- 97 PROCEEDINGS OF THE T H IRTIETH ANNUAL GATHERING OF THE AMERICAN CLAN GREGOR SOCIETY FRIDAY, O CTOB ER 20, 1939 The Society was called to order by the Chieftain, Wi lliam Marion Magruder at 3 :10 P. M. in the Hotel W illard, Washingto n, D. c, with thirty-four members pr esent. The Chaplain delivered the in­ vocation. Reports were rendered by the officers as follows: The Deputy Chieftain. The Scribe, who stated that the notice of the Gathering was mailed to all members about two weeks before the Annual Gath ering, and copies of the program were mailed to all offi cers several days before the Gat hering. All members were urged to report corrections in addresses. From the Registrar, the Hi storian, and the Treasurer. The above reports were accepted and a vote of thanks ext ended to each officer. T he editor reported that the 1938 Year Book was printed and mailed to all members during J uly. The following committee report s were then received: Program: The printed copies which have been distributed in­ dicate the good work of this committtee. Pine: The pine for this Gatherin g came from Anchovie H ills. H otel: Arrangements for the Gathering were made by Mr. Frank Cecil Magruder and Miss Emma Muncaster. Decoration of Hall: T his committ ee received a rising vote of thanks for its excellent work. Genealogical Connnittee : T his committee reported some pro­ gre ss in gett ing the blanks filled by some members, but stated that many members had not returned them to the committee. The mem­ bers were urged to comply with the request of this committee . The H istori an requested Mr s. Isabelle Hill Geddes Smith to read memorials for members who had passed away . The Chieftain requ ested all members to stand in silence in mem­ ory of those members who had died since the last Gat hering. The Gathering recessed at 4 :00 P. M. 10 AMERICAN CLAN GREGOR SOCIETY EVENING Approximately fifty-five members were present for the buffet supper, during which old friendships were renewed. The Society was called to orde r at 8 :15 P .M. with sixty-seve n members present. The Chaplain offered prayer. Miss Emma W aters Muncaster led in the singing of "America". T he Chieftain then delivered his ann ual address, after requesting Egbert Watson Magruder, a former Chieftain, to preside. Mr. Duncan Carmichael T hompson accompanied by Mrs. Frank Rafferty, stirred the blood of all present with his inspiring singing of "MacGregors' Gathering".H e then graciously sang several other Scotch songs, and was thanked by a rising vote of thanks. A number of dances were then presented by Mary O'Meyer, Beatrice Conrath, Margaret" Gourlay, Myra Mae Pittenger, and Martha Jean Crawfo rd, all in costume, and accompanied by our friend of many years, James Garriock, piper.
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