CADE-18 Workshop: Problems and Problem Sets Contents: John Harrison Invitedtalk: Extracting Test Problems from Real Applications Jurgen Zimmer, Andreas Franke, Simon Colton, Geo Sutcli e Integrating HR and tptp2X into MathWeb to Compare Automated The- orem Provers Jieh Hsiang, Yuh Pyng Shieh, YaoChinag Chen The Cyclic Complete Mapppings Counting Problems John K. Slaney A Benchmark Template for Substructural Logics Zack Ernst, Branden Fitelson, Kenneth Harris, William McCune, Ran- ganathan Padmanabhan, Rob ert Vero , Larry Wos More First-order Test Problems in Math and Logic Ko en Claessen, Reiner Hahnle, Johan Martensson Veri cation of Hardware Systems with First-Order Logic Johann Schumann Invitedtalk: TBA Organizers: Geo Sutcli e, Je Pelletier, Christan Suttner 1 2 EÜØÖacØiÒg Ìe×Ø ÈÖÓbÐeÑ× fÖÓÑ ÊeaÐ AÔÔÐicaØiÓÒ× ÂÓhÒ ÀaÖÖi×ÓÒ ÁÒØeи ÍËA jÓhÒh@ichiÔ׺iÒØeкcÓÑ Ab×ØÖacغ Ìhe ÀÇÄ ÄighØ ØheÓÖeÑ ÔÖÓÚeÖ ha× a ÒÙÑb eÖ Óf aÙØÓÑaØed ×Ùb×Ý×ØeÑ׸ eºgº¸ a ÑÓ deÐ eÐiÑiÒaØiÓÒ ÔÖÓ cedÙÖe fÓÖ ¬Ö×Ø ÓÖdeÖ ÐÓgic ÛiØh eÕÙaÐiØݸ aÒd aÖiØhÑeØic ÔÖÓÚeÖ× fÓÖ ÐiÒeaÖ aÒd ÒÓÒ¹ÐiÒeaÖ aÖiØhÑeØicº Ìhe ×Ùb¹ÔÖÓbÐeÑ× ØhaØ aÖe deaÐØ ÛiØh bÝ Øhe×e cÓÑÔ ÓÒeÒØ× caÒ ea×iÐÝ b e eܹ ØÖacØed ØÓ giÚe a gÓ Ó d ×eÐecØiÓÒ Óf Øhe ÖeÐaØiÚeÐÝ ea×iÐÝ decidabÐe ÔÖÓbÐeÑ× ØhaØ aÖi×e iÒ \ÖeaÐ" aÔÔÐicaØiÓÒ ×¸ ×Ùch a× fÓÖÑaÐiÞiÒg ÑaØheÑaØic× aÒd Ô eÖfÓÖÑiÒg iÒdÙ×ØÖiaÐ ÚeÖi¬caØiÓÒ׺ Ìhe×e caÒ ØheÒ b e 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