Marshall University Marshall Digital Scholar The Parthenon University Archives Fall 11-21-1969 The Parthenon, November 21, 1969 Marshall University Follow this and additional works at: https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon Recommended Citation Marshall University, "The Parthenon, November 21, 1969" (1969). The Parthenon. 910. https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon/910 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Marshall Digital Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Parthenon by an authorized administrator of Marshall Digital Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. i 1 1 • 1 1 WINDY AND COLD w•ther the last few days have made going rough for pnUy coeds and especially bas played havoc with umbrellas as evidence bytheaepbotographsbyPartbenon pbot.ograpbers Bob Campbell and Charlie Titlow. ., ,,,,-----------------------(Big---------------------------------- Green Day) ,.. The Parthenon Friday MARSHALL UNIVERSITY STUDENT NEWSPAPER N0.. 43 VOL. 70 Huntington, W. Va. Herd ·streak faces OU incentive By TIM BUCEY 24; Peno State, 3-42, and ~ game and Snyder the loss of quarterllack Sports editor Bowline Green, 16-23, and is a r-.1 fine receiver: Cleve Bryant who under­ Ohio Unhersit;y bas its the tie was with Bfc Ten Tolley said. -Snyder has went knee surpry a few . incentive and the Thunder­ foe Minnesota, 35-35. been catcbinr his share of weekaaao. ing Herd has its winnmr •Actually, they're bett9r puaea and our job wm be Hi• nplacems.t ... streak on the line in Sat­ than a team that baa won to allut oll all the Giber beast.v.Sldww_, ... urday's HUOD finale at four games.• Tolley re­ ncelwn because Snyder pined 556 yards In 7t j Fairfield Stadium. lated, •and they're one of is going to catch his share. passing attempts, hitting The incentive is the Bob­ the best teams we play. •w, can't put a la& d. on 44 J)el' cent d. -Ilia paa- cats will.either flnilb with , •They p1ay :, a touptr ellll)hia-.11 1111· him.• Toll-, j a winninl or loainr record schedule than any other replied wbenaskedlfbebad ~':.He'• not -the runner depending on the outcome team we play and anytime any special plans for the Bryant was.• Tolley re­ of Saturday's pme and the you face teams like Penn All-llAC receiver. •If you lated, •but be throws welL forces of Rick Tolley will State and Minnesota you're do, they'll hurt you some­ He doem't looklikeaquar­ be out to win its fourth playing good football,• the where else so we're not terback that bas just ltep­ straight and keep the streak coach added. going to devote all our time ped in. He looka like be for next year. lo the Dine pmes this to him and leave ourselves bas been in there all along.• •0ne big thing they have seaSOD Coach Bill Hess's open somewhere else.• Skiver guided histeamto going for them is they'll Bobcats have averaged 24 Snyder has moved into its biggest offensive out­ be shooting for a winning points a pme and op­ the top 14 in the NCAA put of the year last Satur­ record,• Tolley said. ponents, 21, Pro prospect careet receiving depart­ day apinst Cincinnati wblD Ohio, 10-0, last seaSOD Todd Snyder bas led the ment with 134 catches for they amassed 483 taa1 bas won four, lost four and way in scorinr with 54 2,126 yards and 15 touch­ yards and scored 46)JOilla. tied one so far. polnta and fullbacks Dave downs. He needs only five Previously, the biggeatclQ' The Bobcats'bavebeaten LeBeck and tailback Paul _ receptions in his final col­ was against Minnesota. Kent State, 35-0; Xavier, Kapostasy have led the lege game Saturday to •we've been hittlnl and ll'0IIDd pme, avenginc maybe we can 31-6; Western Michigan, crack the top ten in re­ outbitu.n_• JOHN HURST 22-17, and Cincinnati, 46- 4.2 and 5.3 yards respec­ ceiving. Tolley surmised. •Mycaa• 6. Losses have been to tively. The big story in the Bob­ cem for us is to be -- outgotnr captain Toledo, 9-34; Miami, 21- •They have a real fine cats disappointing year was (Continued on page 7) Grid letter contents to be kept secret Contents of a letter from many players had signed the His primary concem rilbt DOW' ever, I c1on•t think that it rep­ new coaching stair, you're not some Marshall football play­ letter, Yost declined to an­ is a united effort to get the resents a division ol the foot­ gotnc to have 33 individuals ers sent to Gov. ArcbA. Moore, swer sa.Yinl, •re1eastnr this job done and get the game won ball team or anything of the who all think the same way,• which reportedly supports the would not be good for anybody against Ohio Universit;y. sort,• Moreh!)uae continued. Morebouseadded.•Iqreewith reinstatement of Perry Moss coocenl8CI. • •1n view of all this contro­ •1 don't reprc1 this thine as Coach Tolley that this matter as head football coach will not Moss and probably the acting versy, it is understandable that seriws. After all, the team should not interfere with an be released to the public, ac­ bead coach Rick -Tolh,y are petitions might get started and has gone through a lot with all out eaort apinst Ohio Uoi­ and brand cordtnr to the pvernor's ad­ candidates for the: pe:,nanent emotions might run hleh; how- six straight losses a wrslt;y. • ministrative assistant, Nor­ job as head coach. Moss is man Yost. expected to be interviewed by •He is not pine to release a screenina committee next the contents of the letter, and week for the job. Greelcs unite to elect queen ActIJw Coach Tolley, said, if be does it would be very un­ tion all candidates would be be cboaen as NIJl"e&entati,es. usual,• Yost said. •1t will be • I know some things about the By MOLLIE YOUNG Staff voted on by fraternit;y msn wbo But If this should happm they who wrote letter, but they aren't impor­ reporter up to the ~e It would choose the four repreNll­ would still be wholly slllll)Ol"1ad to release it. Releasuw this tant to me. This is somethhw A plan to unite sororit;y and tatives for the entire Greek by the Greeks. would be a complete breach of that we're not gofnl to worry frateroit;y members behind system. They would be prueat­ protDcal.· about. I have no idea what was For the past two )91'1 the Greek candidates for Home­ ed then as candidate• to the title Mi11 Manball has been A Huntinlt,on newspaper in the letter or who sent it comtnr wa1 approved Wednes­ and I c1on•t care to know.• entire student boclJ. won by independents and this quoted Gov. Moore as aaylns day by Panbellenic Council. Summen and Donna Sweeney, ,-r only one Greek candidate be would make the letter pab­ Gene Morehouse, sports in­ · The proposal was brouiht Lindenhurst, N. Y., sophomore WU in the Queen's court. lic •arter the pme Saturday.• formation 4irector. aid, •1 forward by Jim Summers, and secretary '1 Panbellenie Accordinc to Patt;y McClure, •To my knowledge. be did don't kDoW who sent the lettar Charleston senior, in a letter are now worki111 on nde1 that Charleston senior and presi­ not even discuss this with the or whJ it was sent. I person­ will govern the new election dent of Panhellenic, •The slrl• tp all sororities. It proposed proce81. , , press,» Yost related. ally have talkedtoaeveralplay­ that each IICll'Orit;ynominate four selected wm be ex~and Tbe 80"8fflor, accordinr to •s who support Coach Tolley, c:andidates: Mill Mu-sball, )m­ Acc:ordioc to the letter pre­ well npresentaUve oftheGriNk his administrative asaistaat, but the coach would prefer no ior, •opbomore and fresbmaD. sented by Summers, it is pos­ system. Thia meuve wfildlf• received the letter sometime more petitions be slped wheth­ sible but -.ery tmlikely thatfour inltely fm'ther stnncthen the last week. When asked bow er they support him• or not. After this preliminary elec- ,trla from one sororit;y would Greeks.· PAGE TWO THE PARTHENON NOVEMBER 21, 1969 'Sesame Street' begins •sesame Street,• the pro­ gram designed to see if tele­ vision can teach as well as it Senators up for ratification entertain, will start Monday, according.to WMUL-TV, Chan­ The appointments of two new senators to fill recent vacancies nel 33 officials. In the transient constituency were expected to be placed before "Sesame Street• is aimed at Student Senate for ratification Thursday night. the pre-schooler (between the A~cording to Student Body President Jim Wooton, David Brooks ages of three and five).' It is and Ted Tweel, Huntington )uliors, were nominated to the seats estimated there are 12 million by a caucus ·d. the transient senators Wednesday afternoon. pre-schoolers in the United States· today. ··· Qualifying exam Saturday According to Channel 33 the program will teach skills which Quali.fyi~ Examination in English Composition will be given at children will be able to use 9 a.m. Saturday in Science Hall Auditorium. at school. This . exa111ination is a requirement for graduation for any student who' has a •o• in English 102. Students with junior status "One of the ways that the are e{igible and, in the two year programs, those who have 45 program will teach will be or more hours. Students will need ID card, dictionary, line­ through the use of short car­ guide, ~ pen or ballpoint.
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