City Council Meeting Minutes Thursday, July 23, 2020 1:30 PM VIA VIDEOCONFERENCE The Indian Wells City Council welcomes and encourages participation at meetings. The Council requests speakers present their remarks in a respectful manner, within the 3 minute time limit, and focus on issues which directly affect the City or which are within the subject jurisdiction of the City . Please fill out a blue Speaker Request form and give it to the City Clerk, preferably before the start of the meeting. Any public records, relating to an open session agenda item, that is distributed within 72 hours of the meeting is available for public inspection at City Hall reception, 44-950 Eldorado Drive, Indian Wells during normal business hours. City Council Meeting Minutes July 23, 2020 1. RECONVENE THE CITY COUNCIL, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND ROLL CALL Mayor Peabody reconvened the City Council of the City of Indian Wells at 1:30 p.m. on July 23, 2020 via videoconference. Present: 5 - Mayor Peabody, Mayor Pro Tem Reed, Council Member Balocco, Council Member Muzik, Council Member Mertens 2. APPROVAL OF THE FINAL AGENDA A motion was made by Council Member Balocco, seconded by Council Member Mertens to Approve the Agenda as Submitted. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 - Peabody, Reed, Balocco, Muzik, Mertens NOES: 0 3. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS A. Introduce New Employee Dina Purvis, Assistant Engineer City Manager Christopher Freeland introduced new Assistant Engineer Dina Purvis whom has 13 years of government experience. Ms. Dina Purvis expressed contentment of being a part of the Indian Wells team. B. Introduce New Riverside County Sheriff Captain Dean Agnoletto and SET Officer Joseph Gebhardt City Manager Christopher Freeland introduced new Riverside County Sheriff Captain Dean Agnoletto and SET Officer Joseph Gebhardt. C. Introduce New Riverside County Emergency Service Coordinator Michael Ornelas This presentation was delayed for a future meeting. D. Fiscal Year 2020-21 Indian Wells Marketing Update Presentation by Chief/Marketing Officer Coleen Pace with the Greater Palm Springs Convention and Visitors Bureau Greater Palm Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau Chief Marketing Officer Coleen Pace gave an overview of the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Indian Wells Marketing strategies and time frames. E. 2019 Indian Wells La Quinta IRONMAN 70.03 Triathlon Economic Impact Presentation by Coleen Pace with CVB Greater Palm Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau Chief Marketing Officer Coleen Pace outlined the marketing strategies for IronMan Event in San Diego and Los Angeles areas. She stated a series of social media advertisements and blogs were conducted to promote the event. She stated an outside company named Tourism Economics was hired to conduct an economic impact at the request of the City to measure the impact of the event. She stated the total event economic impact was $10 million for the IronMan event. Page 1 City Council Meeting Minutes July 23, 2020 F. 2020 Indian Wells La Quinta IRONMAN 70.03 Triathlon Safety Racing Guidelines due to COVID-19 Presentation by Paul Huddle and Sabrina Houston Mr. Paul Huddle, Senior Regional Director for Southwest IronMan Group stated the presentation will outline the event operation during the COVID restrictions. He stated currently the IronMan group is customizing the even guidelines around its exiting operational plans and once approved guidelines will provided to the communities and stakeholders. Ms. Sabrina Houston IronMan Race Director outlined six best practice procedures for event which include, enhancing hygiene by providing sanitizing stations throughout the event, screening and hygiene education for staff and volunteers, density reduction throughout the venue and eliminate gathering points, touch-point minimizations by staff, volunteers and athletes, athlete self-reliance encouraging athletes to take responsibilities for themselves and become self-reliant, and community partnership with cities and stakeholders to implement new guidelines. 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Luanne Arias and Ms. Betty Ehzery, residents, submitted comments expressing concerns relating to Spectrum internet services in the City. Mr. Brad Anderson, Rancho Mirage resident, submitted public comment expressing concerns relating to Coachella Valley Mosquito & Vector Control abatement procedures to reduce and eliminate habitats for mosquito's. 5. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Member Balocco requested to pull Consent Item #4D and #4G for further discussion. Mayor Peabody requested to pull Item #4I for further discussion. A. Review Existence of the Local Emergency It was determined to CONTINUE the existence of the Local Emergency declared on March 16, 2020 ratified on March 19, 2020, and continued on May 5, 2020 and June 4, 2020. This Recommendation was Approved. C. Voting Delegate to Annual League Conference It was determined to DESIGNATE Council member Dana Reed as the Voting Delegate and Mayor Ty Peabody as the Alternate for the 2020 League of California Cities Annual Conference scheduled for October 7-9, 2020. This Recommendation was Approved. Page 2 City Council Meeting Minutes July 23, 2020 E. Ordinance Amending the Indian Wells Municipal Code to Establish Additional Purpose and Procedures for the Planning Commission, Dissolve the Architecture and Landscape Design Review Committee (ALC), and Appoint the Two Remaining ALC Members to Planning Commission to Complete their Terms It was determined to ADOPT Ordinance No. 727 to read as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 727 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF INDIAN WELLS, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING the INDIAN WELLS MUNICIPAL CODE To ESTABLISH ADDITIONAL PURPOSE AND PROCEDURES FOR THE PLANNING COMMISSION, DISSOLVE THE ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE (ALC), AND APPOINT THE TWO REMAINING ALC MEMBERS TO PLANNING COMMISSION TO COMPLETE THEIR TERMS. This Ordinance was Adopted. F. Construct and Operate New 1,927 Square-Foot Golf Training Facility within the Existing Golf Driving Range at the Vintage Club (APN 623-030-024), and Finding the Project Exempt Under CEQA It was determined to FIND the project to be exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) pursuant to Section 15303(c) of CEQA Guidelines, New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures; and ADOPT Resolution No. 2020-41 to read as follows: RESOLUTION 2020-41 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF INDIAN WELLS, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING MODIFICATION TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2-78-7 TO CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE 1,972 SQUARE FOOT GOLF TRAINING FACILITY AND VEHICLE CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN EXISTING GOLF COURSE PROPERTY AT THE VINTAGE CLUB (APN 625-030-024) AND FINDING THE PROJECT EXEMPT FROM CEQA GUIDELINES PER SECTION 15303, NEW CONSTRUCTION OR CONVERSION OF SMALL STRUCTURES. This Resolution was Adopted. Page 3 City Council Meeting Minutes July 23, 2020 H. Extension of Certain City Agreements with the Indian Wells Tennis Gardens It was determined to APPROVE the Extension of Certain City Agreements with the Indian Wells Tennis Gardens relating to the cancelation of the 2020 BNP Paribas Open and corresponding extension of the term of various agreements; and AUTHORIZE and DIRECT the City Manager to execute agreements for same. This Recommendation was Approved. J. 2020 City Council Strategic Goals Update It was determined to RECEIVE and FILE this Strategic Goals informational update. This Recommendation was Received and Filed. K. City Treasurer’s Report for February 2020 It was determined to RECEIVE and FILE the City Treasurer’s Report for February 2020. This Recommendation was Received and Filed. L. City Treasurer’s Report for April 2020 It was determined to RECEIVE and FILE the City Treasurer’s Report for April 2020. This Recommendation was Received and Filed. M. City Treasurer’s Report for May 2020 It was determined to RECEIVE and FILE the City Treasurer’s Report for May 2020. This Recommendation was Received and Filed. N. City Warrants and Demands Information Item June 12, 2020 through July 10, 2020 City Warrants and Demands. Information Item. O. FAMD Warrants and Demands Information Item June 12, 2020 through July 10, 2020 FAMD Warrants and Demands. Information Item. Approval of the Consent Agenda A motion was made by Council Member Mertens, seconded by Council Member Muzik to Approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 - Peabody, Reed, Balocco, Muzik, Mertens NOES: 0 Page 4 City Council Meeting Minutes July 23, 2020 B. Urgency Ordinance Extending a Temporary Moratorium on Evictions for Nonpayment of Rent During COVID-19 Pandemic Mayor Pro Tem Reed stated he would recuse himself from this item as he owns rental property in the City that would be affected. It was determined to APPROVE the extension to the Urgency Ordinance imposing a temporary moratorium on evictions (Ordinance No. 724) due to the COVID-19 Pandemic until October 31, 2020. A motion was made by Council Member Mertens, seconded by Council Member Muzik, that this Recommendation be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 4 - Peabody, Balocco, Muzik, Mertens NOES: 0 RECUSED: 1 - Reed D. Amending the City Council Policy Manual Council Member Balocco requested staff to redefine the Council nepotism policy to be more inclusive. It was determined to DIRECT staff to re-draft the Council Nepotism Policy; and ADOPT Resolution No. 2020-35 to read as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 2020-35 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF INDIAN WELLS, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL POLICY MANUAL. A motion was made by Mayor Peabody, seconded by Council Member Muzik, that this Resolution be Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 - Peabody, Reed, Balocco, Muzik, Mertens NOES: 0 G. Revision to Indian Wells Golf Resort Agreement Relating to Golf Fees Ms. Donna Griffith, submitted a statement in opposition of the approval of the golf agreement and requested the agreement be further discussed. Council Member Balocco suggested further review be provided of the golf agreement. Mayor Peabody requested Council submit comments and suggestions to staff relating to the agreement and provide options at the October Council meeting.
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