~ 14 ~ ВІСНИК Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка ISSN 1728-3817 19. Wood, G. S. The Idea of America: Reflections on the Birth of the 10. ONUF, P. S. (2007). The Mind of Thomas Jefferson. Charlottesville: United States / G.S. Wood. – New York: Penguin Press, 2011. – 335 p. University of Virginia Press. 20. Wright, L. B. Thomas Jefferson and the Classics / L.B. Wright // 11. PETERSON, M. D. (1998). The Jefferson Image in the American Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. – 1943. – Vol. 87, Mind. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press. No. 3. – Pp. 223-233. 12. RICHARD, C. J. (2009). Why We're All Romans. The Roman Contribution to the Western World. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield References: Publishers, Inc. 1. DZHEFFERSON, T. (1990). Avtobiografiya. Zapiski o shtate 13. RICHEY, T. L. (2009). An Historical Inquiry into Thomas Jefferson's Virdzhiniya. [Autobiography. Notes on the State of Virginia]. 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Press of the American Institute of Architects. 5. CATLET, L. B. (2004). Thomas Jefferson: A Free Mind. Victoria: 17. WOOD, G. S. (1990). Classical Republicanism and the American Trafford Publishing. Revolution. Chicago-Kent Law Review, 66(1), 13–38. 6. GROSSBERG, M. & TOMLINS, C. (Eds). (2008). The Cambridge 18. WOOD, G. S. (2009). Empire of Liberty. A History of the Early History of Law in America. Vol. 1: Early America (1580-1815). New York: Republic (1789-1815). New York: Oxford University Press. Cambridge University Press. 19. WOOD, G. S. (2011). The Idea of America: Reflections on the Birth 7. HOLOWCHAK, M. A. (2017). Thomas Jefferson, Moralist. Jefferson, of the United States. New York: Penguin Press. North Carolina: McFarland. 20. WRIGHT, L.B. (1943). Thomas Jefferson and the Classics. 8. LEHMANN, K. (1947). Thomas Jefferson, American Humanist. New Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 87(3), 223–233. York: The Macmillan Company. Надійшла до редколегії 20.11.18 9. MECKLER, M. (2006). Classical Antiquity and the Politics of America: From George Washington to George W. Bush. Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press. M. Bazaieva, Student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine THE INFLUENCE OF ANTIQUITY ON THE VIEWS FORMATION AND ACTIVITY OF THOMAS JEFFERSON The article is dedicated to the influence of antiquity on the formation of Thomas Jefferson's system of philosophical, political, scientific and artistic views. Specificity of philosophical and cultural space of Europe and North America is considered, as well as conditions of education and personal development of Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson's works are analyzed, direct citations and references to antique philosophers and writers are noted, likewise political ideas of Thomas Jefferson, that are grounded on antique history. Tendency to identification antique history, philosophy and literature as sample and guidance in publicistic and literary works of Thomas Jefferson is pointed out. In the article are revised influences of antiquity on the following spheres of Thomas Jefferson's activity: organization of education, law, governance, architecture. In the educational development Thomas Jefferson propagated broad studying of antique history and classical languages that might be the basis for education and personality development. Antique examples were the foundation of Thomas Jefferson's ideas about citizenship, nation and slavery, principles of the classical republicanism and organization of public administration are grounded on the same samples. Thomas Jefferson's personal ambivalence in the questions of patriotism as dualism in relations "citizen of the state – citizen of the USA" is noted. Some attention is paid to the architectural works of Thomas Jefferson. He followed the best antique masterpieces in his own architectural projects and laid the foundation of American classicism in the architecture of 19th century. Key words: antiquity, Thomas Jefferson, Roman republic, classical republicanism, education, citizenship, slavery, American classicism. УДК 97(477):94(439) https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2640.2018.139.02 B. Varga, Dr. Habil. (History), Associate Professor University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary ROLE OF HAJDUKS AND COSSACKS IN THE 16TH AND 17TH CENTURY HUNGARIAN AND UKRAINIAN SOCIETY The intent of the research is to determine viewpoints for the comparative analysis of the Hungarian Hajduks and the Ukrainian Cossacks. During the period spanning from the end of the 15th century up to the 1570's, Cossacks, similarly to Hajduks, began to take shape as a new social phenomenon, yet legally they still did not exist. Registered Cossacks and royal Hajduks as such were legally recognised, thus they gained a distinguished position in contemporary society despite the fact that hard as they tried, the title of nobility was yet unavailable to them. After comparing the position of Ukrainian Cossacks and Hungarian Hajduks in society, it can be stated that they constituted an "intermediate" social category between nobility and villeins, and they became a mass phenomenon in society only at the end of the 16th century. Keywords: Hungarian Hajduks, Ukrainian Cossacks, historical parallels, intermediate social category, Royal Hungary, Transylvania, Rzeczpospolita. Hungarian historians [7, p. 16-21; 11, p. 153-180; 17, 45, p. 20; 46, p. 33; 48, p. 19; 56, p. 36; 57, p. 178-179], p. 193; 18, p. 22; 20, p. 42; 24, p. 38; 25, p. 16-19; 31, which period coincides with the emergence of the p. 31-47; 36, p. 174-180] repeatedly voiced special Hungarian Hajduks. It unequivocally turns out from concern for the fact that, similarly to the Hajduks, bonnet- previous sources that Hajduks in large numbers had laird communities fulfilling military service were formed in already been members of György Dózsa's army in the Polish-Lithuanian state, too, known as the Cossacks, 1514.Social identification of Cossacks can be considered who took up arms against either internal feudal oppression as a heterogeneous composition, as in addition to runaway or external enemies, primarily the Turks [25, p. 196]. The villeins settled at the southern border of the Polish- Cossacks of Ukraine, as a new social and political factor, Lithuanian state, the so-called "no-man's-land", had evolved in the second half of the 15th century [16, impoverished city-dwellers and outcast gentry were present p. 191; 26, p. 108-109; 38, p. 251; 43, p. 303; 44, p. 183; in their ranks, who recognised the king of Poland as their © Varga B., 2018 ISSN 1728-2640 ІСТОРІЯ. 4(139)/2018 ~ 15 ~ only lord. Hungarian historiography has still not reached a p. 176; 39, p. 185]. As the King of Poland, between 1576 unanimous consent regarding the exact proportion of various and 1586 Stephen Báthory experimented with several social strata constituting the ranks of Hajduks [18, p. 19; 25, methods to regulate unregistered "free" Cossacks, using p. 23-24]. However, comparing the origins of Hajduks and intimidation [1, p. 32; 3, p. 69] and executions to restrain Cossacks doing military service, it can be stated that they Cossacks. Also, he hired some of them for serving the can by no means be considered as a homogeneous state. Although 300 "free" Cossacks had already sworn to formation in society, yet from the beginning they came into be loyal to the last Jagiellonian monarch previously, in fact being as a differentiated social category. Moreover, it was Stephen Báthory who, in accordance with his statute although they had been able to gain members from diverse of September 1578 titled "Agreement with Sich social classes, the majority of them were still villeins. Cossacks" [1, p. 337] created the institute of registered Initially, Hajduks did not form a separate social Cossacks. This act of Báthory's basically meant providing category as a detached body. It was only at the end of the to initially 500, then in 1583 to 600 state-registered 15th century that they began to take shape [8, p. 7], and Cossacks [51, p. 92-93] tax exemption, exemption from after 1526 they were obviously considered as not only church and landlord taxes. In addition, they gained raiding troops, but armed groups who, yet disorganised at independence from the scope of authority of local Polish the time, principally fought to protect their home authorities, which is they acquired the right to act as a local country [6, p. 25], and from 1552 onwards they already government [56, p. 9]. However, formally the Polish- established an independent military group which aimed to Lithuanian government acknowledged privileges of only conduct systematic struggle against the Turks to replace registered Cossacks in state service [41, p. 57-64] and occasional raids [2, p. 106]. officially Sich Cossacks were regarded to be outlaws. Still, In the meantime, Polish monarchs, similarly to despite this, the Zaporozhian Sich actually functioned as a Hungarian authorities, attempted to hold the restless "state within the state" in the framework of the Cossacks off by issuing a series of threatening Rzeczpospolita. The central power reluctantly tolerated its decrees [35, p. 4, 12, 28, 33, 44, 84, 130, 190, 200, 253], existence due to its determining role in defending the yet with little success, since they mostly did not possess borders; however, no official recognition came along.
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