BjsWv KiM. :V- Is fcalMk.. VUM P U- - J mm4 tt VOL. LXXVIII. WOODVILLE, MISS., SATURDAY, ,1ULY 25, 1903. NO. 9. Hot Ttmss Afisadl fse4 and revsreatty kaelt aa4 PROPIttlOKALCAVBS. The clo?ing two weeks of the hinsea the pope's bar 4. State campaign prossbe to be tht Xo word was spoken. Tha only CROSS, Mississippi broke the OR. C C State News warmest ever recorded in the politi- iimn eund which the ailenra ef in cal history death room the rattla of the arau ii. of Mississippi. Hi u i Since the incipiency of the cam- After Remarkable Fight Against of tha acble gwaH. who were sta- Ifififement Between tha Venerea Dentist, tha every pontiff" paign there has been tioned at door of tha County Institute. gins. MUs Emma French; primary a continued Grim Reaper Bead of Catholic private apartments, it being their laa Forces and Rerolntioalata CftDTILLE, MISS. display of high spirit, and deep in- board of education last privileges and under Cp-sU- The State Sharkey Church right the at Cludad Bolivar. Office: ir ic MeGehee BsCdtaf August 24 (1). J. J. Hug-gin- terest has been manifested by Pasa Away. week rae out the announcement of tha to take possesaloa ef tha voters in the chances of their res pec-th- e apartments and usrd body of tie institutes and tie institute con- Y.UOO July tt (2). W. C. Bams. f tht Miss Frances L. candidates, but what has been t pope. ductors appointed for the coming Ellison; primary (2) ALussT vitality. imREIT ViCTCRT FM THE FCHMU. DR. C E. CATCHINGS foljows. Madison August 10 (1). J. A. Huff. displayed is not a marker compared titftmTumi riaal tae ta Death tkiakS They are The Noxubee " August lfl (2), S. P with what is to coma. The final scene In tba daath cham- 1 of the conductors are given Walker, Miss Carrie Foose; Physician anJ Surg too, iddnf primary The fortnight preceding ber was profmiBdly hnpresiT. The Twe Jalaa Wit end of the list. The numbers t ) a the pri- rtiaaifcar wa TeaesaeUa Fleet rt the Final la Dh pope's death baring been expected a Attaeb WOODTILLX, MIS& Winston August 24 Pe-gra- mary, August 6, will be a Foreea la between the dates and naniesrefer to (1). T. E. continual rfaaaalr Imarr! Tcachta since noon, bis deathbed was sur- It taa clash, according to the Kealatlaa(al ResUtlaST OS la ( kwUdlag. the number of weeks the institutes the opinion of rnrrra OSmi All Over tat rounded by practically all the mem- Holmes August 19 (1), W. T. Fos- those who have narrowly watched WrM Fur UfMrw4 aak Sveae Waa run: ter. Sal bers of the sacred roliege now iu Ik Clearaa Awar. the principal contests. is Laot Slaap. Rome court, Pike August 10 (!), H. P. Hughe, Carroll August 17 (2). J. M. Kim-broug- It being Prarrfallr lata and the whole papal DR. L. MAGRUDER, Atkins; primary (2). whimpered about the while the pontiff's nephews remained V. Kim Miss Annie Alexander; pri- that candidates fioledad, Venezuela, SuoJay, Jaly Lincoln August 24 (2), T. P. Scott mary (2). who are now under the fierce lime- Rome, July 20, I p. m. Pope LfO In tbe papal library until they re- Surgcoo IS,--- the Physician and Covington August 10 (2), C. E. Washington August 17 (1). T. O. 3lU., two hundred and fifty ceived word from the doctor which five o'clock this wioroinf Emily Jones; light of public observation are re- the Saunders, Mis primary Griffls. church, anbounced that bis last expiring engagement between the goverav WOOOVILLB. miss. - serving their heaviest, ammunition eighth pontiff of the Catholic (1). Sunnower August 24 (2), J. W. breath wa approaching. Then they icent force and the rcrolutior.!t August 24 (2), J. T. Cal-- Williams. for the last, and rumblings re- died at 4:04 o'clock, just 16 days after Cfflo a Coatcoatxiaa &ow. Lawrence and moved silently within the death ecupyinf Cindsd IVolWar began in aoao. Leflore August 2 (2). O. A. verberation! ha was stricken with pniumotiia. Shaw. that will shake the revola-tion- August 3 (2), J. D. Wallace, Choctaw 17 chamber, some standing, some kneel- two different direction. Tbe i! Amite August (1), A. A. New- - State to ite uttermost coinerg lie 93 , year old and bad Mrs. E. M. Baker; primary (2). ell. ara vn ing, all awaiting the awful moment of opened DR. JOHN F. THERRQs promised. reigned as the supreme bead of the the battle. August 17 (1), T. Ma-lon- e. dissolution. Wilkinson J. Webster August 17 (2), B. H. At six o'clork tbe smoke over Cui-da-d Wallace. Oukroppings of the heavier clash Catholic church Si years. In tbe ante-chamb- er had ewemble Physician and Surgeon I Free-By- , Itolivar we so thick that it wa Adams August 10 (2), T. H. Montgomery August 31 (1), O. B. to come are even now being mani- The announcement of bis death was the high ecclesiastics, member of tha Miss Mary McAllister; primary Taylor. gov- Impossible to tee tbe citj. At seres fested, and movements excited that delayed two hours br the ltalisn diplomatic corps and representative WOODTILLB. Mm Clay August 10 ( ), D. A. Hill. ernment, which demanded full con- of the papal aristocracy, awaiting the o'clock tbe government troop, sfter Urranklln August ,24 (1), W. H. Miss Susie Strong; give indications of a battle that will OS oa Main street at ml elf primary (full firmation before H allowed the nw announcement that the final moment m terrible fight, in which they lost tW Weathereby. time). be memorable in the history of tha be flashed throughout world. August 10 (2), P. P. L. to the had eotnC. more than 100 men. capture! tbe Claiborno Lowndes August 17 (1), E. W. commonwealth. fcell Vatican, Then the great at the Dr. Lapponi, who almost constantly tbe Ven -- McLaoris, Miss Carrie Harrell; prima- Barrington. The cemetery. At elfbt o'clock W. J. STOCKETT, minor candidates are being which rings only to announce the r, ry (1). Oktibbeha August 24 (2), J. H. had hi fingers on the pope's pulse, euelan fleet.consisting of five men-of-wa- August 24 (1), D. almost lost sight of in the prepara- pawing of a pontiff, was sounded, aud Jefferson P. L. Woodard; Miss Wllla Bolton; prima- felt it become gradually weaker and shelled the government building Attorney and Counselor at Lairf HcLaurin, Miss Mary McAllister; pri- ry (2. tions for the more gigantic strug- all Koine knew that the end of Leo weaker, and at tha same time the at Cludad Itolitar. mary (1). Monroe August 17 (2), Claude gles, and hen election day arrives bad cotj.e. pontiff's extremitiew began to get WOODVILLE, KISS. Copiah (2), T. L-- revolutionist Trawick, Clayton, Miss Ruth McFarland; pri- will be That the pop could tint live cold, his lip became blue, bis eyes At ten o'clock tbe T. M. primary it found that public interest Miss Wiener; (2). mary (2). through another day wss announced sank more flag had disappeared from the CSca as Cessarclat ' "(2), E. L, Bally, Miss is almost wholly absorbed by the deeply into the head, his Bh Hindi Itawamba August 17 (2), B. T by the doctors at midnight last night. breathing; became even more difficult, building and at 11 all tha Time Wolfe; primary (2). Schumpert senatorial and gubernatorial lights, His sleep was disturled fivquently, and there were strange rattling la street near that building' were cap- Hancocs August 3 (1), J. T. Con- Calhoun August 10 (2), J. 8. Price, and but little to ACKLAND H. JONES, ' attention paid the and be was almost constantly deliri- his and ceit. , Miss Clara Bigham; primary (2). throat. tured by the goternment forces other contests. ous. aol-die- rs Pearl River Auguet 10 (1), T. A. Pontotoc August 24 (2). M. Rose. The cardinals were summoned Finally, the pope wa asked to ties charge of all the government The be wbeu Attorney and Counselor at Latt Evans. Grenada August 17 (1), L. E. Bates. usual preparations are being to the Vatican to present his nephews and all the others pres- in tbe city was ordered. Marion August 17 (1), 3. T. Con-nel-l. Yalobusha 24 made to get death should claim the pontiff. Ills August (2), W. P. the returns from the ent. He attempted to raise himself, The wounded were then beginning CISTEEVILL5. Dobbins. various counties at the earliest pos- and the extreme emaciation of hi ail, 24 n. to at the government hosp- Jackson August (1), E. F. Leake Augusi 10 (2), J. F. Parkin- r person, covered with a fine arrive Offioe la Qatn BsUdlag. son, sible moment .after the votes are nighthlrt, fight Miss Mary Davis; primary (2). was by itals from all directions, and the August 31 (1), E. F. counted, and preliminary dispatches rendered more pronounced Greene Tate August 10 (1), C. E. Saun the surroundings, was general, but the movements Miss Annie ponald; primary ders. will be sent giving the first indica- . bsamlittb. w. v. rrosaa. It .was a most solemn moment. Thj could not be followed from here ia (11 Panola August 17 (2), C. E. Saun- tions of probable results.- - Jackson 1 Harrison August 11 W. F. head of the pontiff, with its white consequence of tbe smoke caused b TUCKHJ" Ul), ders, Miss Elizabeth Young; primary will of be bramletYe & Bond. (2). course headquarters for skullcap, no whiter thsc the fringe the fire of the artillery of the revolu- , Bus-bee- the returns, and ' Perry August 10 (4),W.
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