TM August 2012 Newsjournal of the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware • www.baptistlifeonline.org INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Southern Baptist Convention makes historic move ...............8 SPECIAL SECTION: U.S. Elections ................................11-14 Dixon (above) reflects on NAAF leadership ........................15 Lessons Learned: Taking Gospel to schools IS legal ..........16 Christian Jail Ministry sets hearts free .........................18-19 PERSPECTIVE BY DAVID LEE Let’s make a difference s followers of Christ we Pray for them. Help meet financial needs. Loan them some of are taught to respond your leaders and members for a while to help them return to to the hurting people the critical mass necessary to revitalize their ministries. Share Aaround us. Our Lord possessed facilities with them. Encourage the pastor and his family. that kind of heart. Despite Partner with them in a Vacation Bible School, an outreach distractions and barriers, he ministry effort, a mission trip. continued to connect with To be successful the relationship must be mutual. Avoid those who needed him. paternalism. Journey together. Pray for one another. Serve one I want to challenge another. Give God the glory for the results. churches to expand their As we move forward in Great Commission effort, we are sensitivity to include hurting going to need each other more than ever before. The stronger of churches around them. Daily us should join hands with those who need help. Jesus reminded David Lee I see churches struggle. With all faithful stewards, “To whom much is given, much is BCM/D Executive someone to come alongside required!” Director them, many of these could start Interested? Want to share your blessings with another the journey back to health and church? Are you struggling and open to receiving help from impact. a fellow church? Contact me. We will help make those Adopt a church. Literally, find a church that is in need of connections. help and see if you can become an ongoing partner with them. Together we can make a difference. PERSPECTIVE BY BOB SIMPSON How important is a birthday? ome birthdays seem to have more significance than others. Spiritual Revival and National I once asked my paternal grandfather, who was in his late Renewal.” (Read more about it eighties at the time, “Pop, do you mind getting old?” He on page 14 in this issue). It can quipped,S “No, considering the alternative!” Birthdays are im- be used by an individual, a small portant (especially that they keep coming). We often tease each group, an entire church, or even other by asking, “Is this the big one?” or “Is this the big 40 (or 50, a larger group of churches. Here’s or 60, etc.?).” how: First, decide to use the But some milestones of age are very noteworthy. As I write “40/40 Prayer Vigil” as a personal this today it is July 4, 2012. If you do the math, our country is guide and pray for 40 days from 236 years old. I believe that this particular birthday of America any starting point. Secondly, may be one of the “big ones!” I say that because our country is decide to use the Guide as a call certainly in a mess. Things are chaotic in the economy, in politics, to prayer leading up to the elec- in culture, and, too often, even in our churches. tion on Nov. 4. You can choose Bob Simpson Yes, this is an election year. Dr. Fred Luter, our newly either the ‘40 days’ (praying each BCM/D Chief elected SBC president, has recently said, “I am convinced that day between Sept. 26 and Nov. 4) Operating Officer and the downward moral decline in America will not change because or the ‘40 hours’ (praying for 40 Editor of BaptistLIFE of who is in the White House. I truly believe the moral decline hours between 4 p.m. on Nov. 2 will only change because of who is in God’s House!” until 8 a.m. on Nov. 4). Thirdly, you can create a sign-up list and After the death of Moses, the Lord spoke to his successor, ask others to join you in the prayer time. And fourthly, you can Joshua. It was a highly momentous time. The Lord said, “Above register your commitment to join the vigil at the 40/40 Prayer all, be strong and very courageous to carefully observe the Vigil web site (www.4040prayer.com) to let others know you are whole instruction My servant Moses commanded you. Do not joining the national movement to seek God for personal spiritual turn from it to the right or the left, so that you will have success revival and national renewal. wherever you go. This book of instruction must not depart Can a ‘re-birth’ day be as significant as a ‘birth’ day? Let’s from your mouth. For then you will prosper and succeed in find out as we commit to pray for ourselves, our families, our whatever you do.” churches, and for our great nation! I highly commend to you the “40/40 Prayer Vigil for Resolutions for the BCM/D Annual Meeting, Nov. 11-13, 2012 Those who would like to submit resolutions for consid- the committee before the first session. Other resolutions may eration to the BCM/D annual meeting Nov. 11-13, 2012, at be referred to the committee by the general body.” Global Mission Church, Silver Spring, Md., may send them Resolutions coming from the floor must be ready to copy to: Resolutions Committee, 10255 Old Columbia Road, and distribute. They should have a valid reason for not meet- Columbia, MD 21046-1716. ing the 45-day rule. The BCM/D Constitution and Bylaws state that “only All proposed resolutions must be received via email or resolutions presented to the resolutions committee at least 45 dropped off at the Baptist Mission Resource Center to Misty days in advance of the annual meeting will be considered by Pearson by Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012. Page 2 August 2012 PERSPECTIVE BY KEN STALLS Typoglycemia! f you spend any time on the internet, you probably have run Consider two passages: “In across a strange type of an article. For lack of a better term, I Him, we have redemption like to use what one author called “Typoglycemia”. It is truly through His blood, the forgive- Ifascinating, but believe it or not, you can eventually read it. Here ness of sins in accordance with is an example. the riches of God’s grace that He lavished on us with wisdom and “I cdn’uolt blveviee that I cluod alulcaty uesdnat- understanding.” (Eph. 1:7-8, nrd waht I was rdanieg. The phanonmneal pweor NIV) and “We know also that of the hmaun mnid aocdcrnig to rscheearch taem at the Son of God has come and has Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in what given us understanding, so that order the ltteers in a word are, the olny iprmoatnt we may know Him who is true.” tihnig is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the (I John 5:20, NIV). rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you Our Lord has made it pos- can siltl raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae sible for us to understand that Ken Stalls the haumn mnid deos not raed ervey ltteer by which is totally incomprehensi- BCM/D President and istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Scuh a cdonitoin is ble for those who do now know Pastor of South End arppoiately cllaed Typoglycemia. Amzanig, in’st it? Him as Lord and Savior. He has Baptist Church, Yes and you awlyas tghuoht slpelnig was ipmorantt.” enabled us to comprehend that Frederick, Md. which is necessary for eternal life For some unknown reason, both the spell check and gram- and the abundant life here in this world. Rather than feel proud mar check on my computer just suffered a major heart attack. or be boastful, why not tell others so that they too can enjoy this As amazing as this is, remember that our Lord has done amazing gift. something far greater for all of us who are called by His Name. Thanks for the privilege of continuing to serve as president of our blessed BCM/D. May His greatest blessings be yours as you continue to serve Him. Christian families needed: Opportunity to minister to Japanese August - October Events boys this December in Bel Air, Md. (www.bcmd.org/calendar or 800-466-5290 + ext. below) By Sharon Mager, BCM/D Correspondent August ___________________ 2-5 Boys Camp, Camp Wo-Me-To (x226) BEL AIR, Md.—Oak Grove Baptist Church is of- 9-10 Willow Creek Association Global Leadership fering a holiday international mission trip that comes right to your door. The church is partnering with American Conference, Riva Trace Baptist Church Home Life International to host 120 ninth grade boys (x219) from Hakodate, Japan, Dec. 7-15. The boys need host 11, 18 ESL Training for new teachers, First Baptist, families – Christian families willing to take the youth in Laurel, Md. (x226) for the week and share their day-to-day walk with Christ. “We spend so much money to send folks to other September ___________________ countries. This is different, the people are paying to come 3 Labor Day - Offices are closed here. It’s a brief introduction to missions and a wonderful 7-8 Youth Evangelism Conference at Global cultural experience,” Douglas Brooks, Oak Grove Church’s missions coordinator, said. Mission Church (800-536-6759 x110) Brooks said when the opportunity presented itself, 9 Asian Concert of Prayer at Hanuri Korean his first thought was about the logistical issues, but he Baptist Church (410-977-3816) began to envision the possibilities, the ministry doors that 25 Children’s Ministers Seminar, BMRC (x218) could open for families and the blessings that the boys 27 Stewardship Training for Church Planters, could take home with them, especially during the holidays BMRC (x222) when they could hear the Christmas story and experience 28-29 Breathless: A Gathering for Women, Faith worship with their host families.
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