Rustenburg RUGBY FEATURE INSIDE Hope doppies vir ‘wiele’ Die Laerskool Vastrap se Graad Een-leerders het onlangs, net soos met die Waternoodprojek aan die Wes-Kaap vroeg verlede jaar, in nog ‘n besondere uitreikprojek skoonskip gemaak. Dié uiters verdienstelike projek waarin daar gepoog is om soveel as moontlik plas� ekproppies van koeldrank- en melkbo� els te herwin, is onder leiding van mev Heleen Bezuidenhout van stapel gestuur en met groot sukses afgehandel. Deur middel van projekkoördineerder, Elanie Beukes van Rustenburg, is daar onlangs na ‘n massiewe poging nie minder nie as 196 kg se plas� ekproppies (nagenoeg 71 480 proppies) ingesamel wat aan die Sweetheart Founda� on oorhandig gaan word. Dié s� g� ng skenk ‘n gra� s rolstoel aan ‘n minderbevoorregte persoon in ruil vir elke 450 kg plas� ekproppies wat ingesamel word. Die skenking is verlede week tydens ‘n kort seremonie aan Elanie Beukes oorhandig. Op die foto hierbo tydens die skenking verskyn Lize� e en Elanie Beukes saam met mev Melanie van Zyl se graad een-klas, wat 77kg ingesamel het: Emsie Bouwer, Tenieke Buck, Sharmoné Coetzee, FJ de Kock, Lientjie Engelbrecht, Andries Joubert, Minay Kloppers, Marthinus le Roux, Logan Lindeque, Jeneve Minnie, Keathan Schaap, Mar� n Stander, Chezelle Stokes, Mia Theart, Katelynn Theron, Aiden van Buuren, Clayton van Geems, Chris� aan van Vuuren, Ashleigh von Moltke en Layla Vorster. Karah Gouws, Kaylee Liebenberg, Franko Maree, Werner Scheepers, Duncan van Heerden en Luke van Niekerk was ongelukkig afwesig toe die foto geneem is. (Foto: Cecile Volschenk). Koos Strydom se raaiseldood Laaste kans om R5000 te wen - p5 - p22 13 Coetzer Street, Rustenburg, 0299 www.rustenburgherald.co.za E-mail: [email protected] GPS Co-ordinates: 25° 40’ 31 S • 27° 15’ 28 E Established 1924 27 SEPTEMBER 2019 Tel: 014 592 8329 Fax: 014 592 1869 R5-00 VAT INCL PAGE 2 RUSTENBURG HERALD 27 SEPTEMBER 2019 Tannie Miems Klopper, inwoner Vier geslagte van Rustenburg saam tydens Rusoord het op die doop van Donderdag 19 baba Kara September 2019 Dubber. Hier is haar 101ste Oumagrootjie verjaardag gevier. Joeye ‘n Pragtige Wolfaardt, verjaardagkoek is vir ouma Anet hierdie besondere Oosthuysen, geleentheid gebak mamma Solé en inwoners van Dubber en baba Rusoord het die Kara Dubber. baie spesiale Wat ‘n voorreg geleentheid saam om vier geslagte met Tannie Miems saam te kan hê. Vier geslagte saam gevier. Tannie Miems vier 101 jaar! New Covenant Fellowship International Convocation RUSTENBURG HERALD- RUSTENBURG- The New Covenant Fellowship International invites you to a three day International convocation which will be taking place in Rustenburg at the corner of Beneden and Ridder Street. The theme of the gathering will be “Leadership and church growth” looking at the role of a leader in advancing church growth. The morning service will start at 09:00 and evening services will start at 17:30. For more information on this please feel free to contact 014 596 6262. Huweliksklokkies Cobus en Wilna Combrink is op 31 Augustus 2019 deur ds Theo Möller in die huwelik bevestig. Baie geluk aan hierdie pragtige paartjie en alle voorspoed en geluk word hulle vir ‘n blink toekoms saam toegewens. &RGHRI&RQGXFW 3XEOLVKHU $XGLW 7KLVQHZVSDSHUVXEVFULEHVWRWKH&RGHRI(WKLFVDQG 3XEOLVKHGE\1RUWK:HVW1HZVSDSHUV 3W\ /WG 7KHGLVWULEXWLRQRI 5XVWHQEXUJ &RQGXFWIRU6RXWK$IULFDQ3ULQWDQG2QOLQH0HGLD DQGSULQWHGE\1RUWK:HVW:HE3ULQWHUV 3W\ /WG WKLV$%&QHZVSDSHU WKDWSUHVFULEHVQHZVWKDWLVWUXWKIXODFFXUDWHIDLU DGLYLVLRQRI&73/LPLWHG&RHW]HU6WUHHW$OO LVLQGHSHQGHQWO\ DQGEDODQFHG,IZHGRQ¶WOLYHXSWRWKH&RGHZLWKLQ ULJKWVDQGUHSURGXFWLRQRIDOOUHSRUWVSKRWRJUDSKV DXGLWHGWRWKH GD\VRIWKHGDWHRISXEOLFDWLRQRIWKHPDWHULDO GUDZLQJVDQGDOOPDWHULDOVSXEOLVKHGLQWKLV SURIHVVLRQDOVWDQGDUGV SOHDVHFRQWDFWWKH3XEOLF$GYRFDWHDW QHZVSDSHUDUHKHUHE\UHVHUYHGLQWHUPVRI DGPLQLVWUDWHGE\WKH ID[<RXFDQDOVRFRQWDFWRXU&DVH 6HFWLRQ RIWKH $XGLW%XUHDXRI &RQWDFWXV 2ႈFHURQNKDQ\LP#RPEXGVPDQ &RS\ULJKW$FW1R &LUFXODWLRQVRI 7HO )D[ RUJ]DRUORGJHDFRPSODLQWRQRXU RIDQGDQ\ 1RUWK:HVW 6RXWK$IULFD (PDLOPDLOEDJ#UXVWHQEXUJKHUDOGFR]D ZHEVLWHZZZSUHVVFRXQFLORUJ]D DPHQGPHQWVWKHUHRI 1HZVSDSHUVHZHZZVSDSZVSV $GGUHVV&RHW]HU6WUHHW5XVWHQEXUJ 1RWH&OLHQWVUHDGHUVSDUWLFLSDQWVDQGDGYHUWLVLQJDJHQWVJXDUDQWHHWKDWWKHUHSURGXFWLRQRIWH[WDQGRULPDJHVSURYLGHGWRWKHPHGLDFRPSDQ\IRUDGYHUWLVLQJSXUSRVHVFRQWUDYHQHVQHLWKHUFRS\ULJKWOHJLVODWLRQQRUDQ\RWKHUODZ 27 SEPTEMBER 2019 RUSTENBURG HERALD BLADSY 3 Rustenburg hospitals and clinics visited RUSTENBURG HERALD- RUSTENBURG- Administrators for North West Health , Jeanette Hunter convened a two day Hospital Seminar last week in Rustenburg to understand what hospitals are doing and how they are doing it in an effort to lead required service delivery improvement plan. The objective of the Seminar was to review the transversal issues in the an action plan aimed at improving the status of health facilities. The action hospital component of the service delivery platform of the Department in plan is monitored by both myself and the Administrator, through the ideal order to provide the newly appointed Deputy Director General (DDG) with an health facilities programme which seeks to improve the status of Health overview to base service delivery improvement plan, Hunter said. facilities and the level of health service delivery,” he said. “The management of secondary and tertiary hospitals together with clinical service have been elevated to the level of DDG to lead the required improvements in this area Mr Polaki Mokatsane effective 1 september 2019 Mahumapelo threatens to speak out Mej to drive improvement plan,” she said. RUSTENBURG HERALD - MAHIKENG - The Democratic Alliance (DA) He comes with a good track record of having transformed Klerksdorp- is not surprised to learn that former premier of the North West, Supra Tshepong Hospital Complex into a centre of excellence. Mahumapelo has threatened to speak out against top politicians and Rustenburg The Seminar came after the release of a 2017/18 Report and findings on business people implicated in alleged criminality “at the right time”. the Province’s health establishments for compliance by the (OHSC). The This follows reports in the media over the weekend linking Supra with report is an outcome of the compliance body’s visit to the Province to inspect the assassination of prominent businessman, Wandile Bozwana, in 2015. Herald: the health facilities and identify areas that needs intervention. Joe McGluwa, DA North West Provincial leader says “the truth is not hard A total of 87 out of 329 health establishments were inspected constituting to define, but Mahumapelo’s threat to speak out at the right time placed 9% of all health facilities. In terms of meeting compliance standards, these him as someone with the ability and capability to become the key witness Inskrywings facilities combined scored an average of 48%. and to break the silence on who has killed Bozwana. Supra’s seeming MEC Madoda Sambatha said that a hospital is a last hope for someone unwillingness to speak out is an outrage and we challenge him to speak who is in desperate need for health care, sometimes in an emergency the truth and nothing but the truth. By withholding any information that could sluit situation or a critical state of ill-health and outcomes must be improved. assist in the arrest of the culprits, Supra is defeating the ends of justice”, Mej Rustenburg Herald 2018, Chimonay “We have been saying that leadership, management and governance McGluwa said. Botha. Is jy die volgende skoonheid om dié issues need to be addressed at facility level. The Department has developed “We will therefore write to the National Prosecuting Authority, requesting titel te verower? Skryf nou dadelik in - die them to act against the former premier in terms of Section 34 of the kompetisie sluit Sondag (29 September). Prevention and Corrupt Activities Act, which clearly states that: “any person who holds a position of authority (defined in section 34(4) RUSTENBURG HERALD – RUSTENBURG Election of CPF Executives of the Act), who knows or ought reasonably to have known or suspected – Is jy die volgende Mej Rustenburg that any other person has committed an offence (of corruption) in terms Herald? RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - The Rustenburg Police of sections 3 to 16 or 20 to 21 of the Act or theft, fraud, extortion, forgery Indien jy nog wil inskryf, moet jy gou spring - and the Rustenburg Community Policing Forum (CPF) are inviting the or uttering of a forged document involving an amount of R100 000,00 or inskrywings sluit dié Sondag (29 September) public to take part in the election of the CPF’s Executive Committee. more, must report such knowledge or suspicion or cause such knowledge om middernag. The election will be held on Thursday (26 September) at 18:00 at or suspicion to be reported to any police official.” So, indien jy tussen 17-en 25-jaaroud is, riverside primary School in First Avenue, Waterfall. Community members “We further call on Supra Mahumapelo as a former premier and senior nog nooit getroud was nie, nog nooit kinders should suggest their nominations for representatives to the following member of the ANC, to stop his threats and empty rhetoric, respect the gehad het nie en werk/woon in die fisiese telephone numbers: Constitution and to present himself as the main witness in this case. The verspreidingsgebeid van die Rustenburg * Tienie Bosman (chairperson) 083 625 3556 people of the North West have a right to know what led to Bozwana’s death Herald, nooi ons jou om in te skryf. Behalwe * Lt Col Sebele 082 416 2275 and it is
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