NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ISSUE #22 / SPRING 2014 NONPROFIT ORG 25 WEST FOURTH STREET / SPRING 2014 #22 / ISSUE MAGAZINE NYU ALUMNI SIXTH FLOOR US POSTAGE PAID NEW YORK, NY 10012-1119 PERMIT 295 BURL, VT 05401 www.nyu.edu/alumni.magazine Page 36 Correction *Arctic explorer Frederick Cook was not a fraud * NAME CLASS OF DEGREES OCCUPATION ROLE AT NYU FAVORITE COLLEGE HANGOUT SURVIVAL FOOD COLLEGE SOUNDTRACK MY SCHOLARSHIP… MOMENTUM IS A… WHY SHOULD WE CARE? issuE #22 / SPRiNG 2014 DEPARTMENTS Class notes CONT TS CONT PHOTO PHOTO FEAT co u thE SqUaRE CULTURE rtesy NY u 8 / Global 20 / tElEVISIon ARCH u FoUR SEnIoRS describE It took onlY 20 YEaRS FoR iv ES RES 30 bEInG VIolEtS In thE UaE ClaRk Gregg to becoME an oVERnIGht SEnSatIon #NOWTREndInG 10 / MUSIC CoMpoSItIon YoUR SoCIal MEdIa habItS aRE a Gold MInE FoR polItICal scientIStS a pIano pRodigy wIth qUIncy 22 / thE InSIdER / By lIndsy Van GEldER Jones on SpEEd dIal UnExpectEd SpotS FoR MUSICal MoMEntS 12 / thE Class FilE THiS uNDER THE category “BETTER Late THAN NEvER”: linda MantovANi thIS StUdY abRoad pRoGRaM 24 / Technology (lEFT) AND PatriCiA HANuSik became, iN 1959, THE First FEMAlE undergrad- uates ADMiTTED to NYu’S COllege OF ENGiNEERiNG, located at that TiME kEEpS It REal want to knoCk on dEREk ON THE uNivERSiTY HEights campuS iN THE Bronx. THE school has HAD FivE zoolandER’S dooR? thERE’S homes SiNCE its fouNDiNG iN 1855; SEE THEM All ON page 48. 13 / IntERaCtIVItY an app FoR that how an Itp Class alUMnI pRoFIles resultEd In CoUntless 24 / CREdItS FaMIlY reunIonS wE toot thE hoRn oF oUR 50 / phIl baRan / CaS ’97 awaRd wInnERS a physicist lEFt hIS hEaRt 14 / physics Molecules In Meyer hall 36 thE FUtURE IS (alMoSt) now? hEllo, tRaCtoR bEaM! In pRInt 52 / allI deFRancesco / JanE’S addICtIon CaS ’09 15 / In bRIEF onE aRtISt’S 30-YEaR obsession to GIVE an old CaRoUSEl 26 / FICtIon a toRChbEaRER ConqUERS JUnIoR haCkERS attaCk nEw lIFE UndER thE bRooklYn bRIdGE MR. MaGoo Goes to both CanCER and thE MEtRoTech, FaCEbook hItS waShInGton EnGlISh ChannEl AstoR plaCE, and MoRE 27 / REFEREnCE 56 / EdUaRdo d. RodRIGUEz / 16 / CUttInG-EdGE ReseaRCh bEFoRE thERE waS Girls, dEn ’92 Test-tUbE GoVERnanCE, thERE waS JEzEbEl ReshapInG MEdICal hIStory, ChERIShInG thE planEt’S onE FaCE at a tIME FUtURE VIa thE paSt, and EN 28 / IllUStRatIon thE GIzMo that StRIkes dRawInG lInes whEn It FEaR Into thE hEaRtS oF Comes to oUR Food SEEInG-eye dogs 29 / nonFICtIon 40 19 / Food StUdies ClIMbInG a 1,400-YEaR-old Can kIllER arugula bE FaMIlY tREE In pakIStan 90°n, 0°w GRown bEtwEEn West thIRd FoR nEaRlY a CEntury, ExploRER FREdERICk Cook’S REpUtatIon and hoUSton? waS ICIER than thE noRth polE hE InaRGUablY ConqUEREd / By JEnnIFER bleyer EVERY ISSUE VISIt US onlInE! 4 / presidEntIal paUSE www.nyu.edu/alumni.magazine 6 / ContRIbUtoRS 7 / StaR powER 64 / CRosswoRd COvER PHOTO: COuRTESY THE OHiO STATE uNivERSiTY ARCHivES; BACk COvER: COuRTESY JANE’S CAROuSEl MixED sources: product grouP from WEll-managed forest, controllED sources, AND recyclED wood OR FiBER. NYU ALUMNI MAGAZINE (iSSN: 1938-4823) iS PuBliSHED TWiCE YEARlY iN THE FAll AND SPRiNG BY New york cert. NO. sw-coc-002556. WWW.fsc.org. © 1996 forest stewardshiP couNCil. uNivERSiTY. CONTENTS COPYRiGHT © 2014. All RiGHTS RESERvED. PlEASE ADDRESS All CORRESPONDENCE TO: iN kEEPiNG WiTH NYu’S commiTMENT to SustaiNABiliTY, THiS PuBlicatiON iS PRiNTED ON FSC-certiFiED paper EDiTORS/NYU ALUMNI MAGAZINE AT 25 WEST FOuRTH STREET, SixTH FlOOR, NEW YORk, NY 10012, OR EMAil to: that iNCludes A MiNiMuM OF 10 percent post-consuMER FiBER. (THE FSC trademark iDENTiFies products that [email protected]. NO RESPONSiBiliTY Will BE ACCEPTED FOR uNSOliCiTED MANuSCRiPTS AND ART- contaiN FiBER from WEll-managed forests certiFiED by SmartWOOD iN accordance WiTH THE Rules OF WORk. BYliNED ARTiClES REFlECT THE viEWPOiNTS OF iNDiviDuAl WRiTERS AND ARE NOT TO BE CONSTRuED AS THE Forest StewardshiP COuNCil.) FOR MORE informatiON abouT NYu’S GREEN ActiON PlAN, GO to ExPRESSiON OF OFFiCiAl uNivERSiTY POliCY. MAilED THiRD-ClASS NONPROFiT FROM BuRliNGTON, vT. WWW.NYu.EDu/SustaiNABiliTY. presidential pause lEAN iN YOUR GUIDE TO THE SCHOOL CODES Issue #22 / Spring 2014 THE FOllOWiNG ARE ABBREviATiONS FOR NYu SCHOOlS AND COllEGES, PAST AND PRESENT ROBiN Sayers (SCPS ’94) Our university’s president is famous for doling out hugs Editor-in-Chief aRtS - University College Gallatin Division nYUad - NYU Abu Dhabi College, formerly School of NicolE PezolD (GSAS ’04) of Arts and Science (“The Commerce; and College of Busi- to anyone and everyone—from the trustee after whom a GIph polY Executive Editor Heights”); used for alumni - Global Institute of - Polytechnic Institute ness and Public Administration through 1974 Public Health of NYU; no longer exists but is building is named to the security guard working the front RENéE AlFuso (CAS ’06) used to refer to alumni from tSOA - Tisch School of the Arts, Managing Editor CaS - College of Arts and Sci- GSaS - Graduate School of 1975 to 2013 formerly School of the Arts door. These are among the lucky legions who have been JOHN klotniA / Opto DesiGN ence (“The College”); refers to Arts and Science Creative Director the undergraduate school in arts SCpS - School of Continuing waG - Robert F. Wagner treated to a Sexton Squeeze… RON lOuiE and science, from 1994 on hon - Honorary Degree and Professional Studies Graduate School of Public Art Director Service, formerly Graduate JENNiFER THAi CIMS - Courant Institute of IFa - Institute of Fine Arts SSSw - Silver School of School of Public Administration Designer Mathematical Sciences Social Work Joseph MANGHiSE ISaw - Institute for the Study wSC - Washington Square Copy Chief dEn - College of Dentistry of the Ancient World StEInhaRDT - The Steinhardt College, now CAS; refers to arts DAviD COHEN School of Culture, Education, and science undergraduates who Research Chief EnG - School of Engineering LAW - School of Law and Human Development, studied at Washington Square ANAiS VaillANT (SCPS ’13) and Science (“The Heights”), formerly School of Education Campus through 1974 Editorial intern now NYU Polytechnic School lS - Liberal Studies Program Jason HOllANDER (GAl ’07) of Engineering; refers to alumni StERn - Leonard N. Stern wSUC - Washington Square Editorial Director through 1974 and from 2014 on MEd - School of Medicine, School of Business, formerly University College, now CAS; formerly College of Medicine the Graduate School of Business refers to alumni of the undergrad- University leadership GAL - Gallatin School of Administration; Leonard N. Stern uate school in arts and science MartiN lipton (lAW ’55) Individualized Study, formerly nUR - College of Nursing School of Business Undergraduate from 1974 to 1994 Board of Trustees, Chairman JOHN SExTON President lYNNE P. BROWN Senior vice President for university inbox Relations and Public Affairs DEBRA A. laMORTE Senior vice President for university Just hit Send Development and Alumni Relations Something you liked (or not) in this alumni Relations issue? let us know! BRiAN PERillO Associate vice President Cli P hotos nton JOHN SExton embraciNG AlY WOlFF-MillS (TSOA ’11) [email protected] (ClOCkWiSE from top RiGHT): : S : © B © Director, Alumni Communications E stuDENT MARiya FEklistovA l obby F JOHN PiNE i E (POlY ’13); graduate © J © B Director, Outreach and Programs AN students ERiN AND JossiE NYU Alumni Magazine OHN k; iN HiS First SElFiE attempt; Sarah SHANAHAN S A E ll 25 West Fourth Street x ton ANTHONY GRieco (ARTS ’60, others Communications Specialist JOSEPH REAUME ; MED ’63); HiS HAvanese, Legs; Legs Class of ‘98 Sixth Floor Oscar WiNNER lukE Matheny © NY © 917.312.9176 © Mi © alumni association (TSOA ’10); PresiDENT OF [email protected] New York, NY 10012 u CHAE P TAiwan MA YiNG-Jeou (lAW PHYlliS Barasch (STERN ’81) hoto A NYU Alumni Helping Fellow NYU Grads Find A Home In NYC. l N l ’76); students at NYu President Bu ag SHANGHAi’S grouNDBREAkiNG; l Rocco ANDRiOlA (lAW ’82, ’86) REA 406 West 45th St. apt. 5A /NYuAlumniMagazine E ; S ; AND former u.S. PresiDENT This is a stunner of a 1BDR in a renovated 1905 carriage house u HANGHA Scott Dwyer (STERN ’01) Bill Clinton (HON ’11). with beautiful open city views and N/W exposures. Jeffrey S. GOulD (WSuC ’79) $3,400 Web ID:1663204 i © J © i BEvERlY HYMAN (STEiNHARDT ’80) @NYuniversity onathan RONAlD G. RapatalO (CAS ’97) vice Presidents B 575 Madison Avenue • New York, NY 10022 rown Larry Mantrone (SCPS ’10) www.elliman.com THE FiNE PRiNT: Please include your mailing address, phone number, 2012 Douglas Elliman Real Estate. Equal Housing Opportunity. All material presented herein is intended for information purposes only. While, this i Secretary NG information is believed to be correct, it is represented subject to errors, omissions, changes or withdrawal without notice. All property information, school, and class year. And remember, correspondence becomes the ; ; including, but not limited to square footage, room count, number of bedrooms and the school district in property listings are deemed reliable, but should be verified by your own attorney, architect or zoning expert. If your property is currently listed with another real estate broker, please disregard this offer. It is not our intention to solicit the offerings of other real estate brokers. We cooperate with them fully. property of NYu and may be edited for length and clarity. 4 / SPRiNG 2014 / NYu NYu / SPRiNG 2014 / 5 PHOTOS CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: COURTESY PORNDEBATE.COM; © NYU PHOTO BUREAU: ASSELIN; © JOHN HARRIS; COURTESY CREATIVE WRITERS HOUSE; © RAY YAU RAY © HOUSE; WRITERS CREATIVE COURTESY HARRIS; JOHN © ASSELIN; BUREAU: PHOTO NYU © PORNDEBATE.COM; COURTESY TOP: FROM CLOCKWISE PHOTOS ANTI-PORN pastor Craig Gross (LEFT) AND PORN legend RON JEREMY LED A debate organizED by THE PRICE OF LIFE: THE Roots’ TARIK Trotter (AKA CONTRIBUTORS NYC, A “CITY-WIDE, campus-based, faith-INSPIRED campaign addressing HUMAN trafficking IN ALL its forms.” “Black THOUGHT”) rapped philosoph- ical at THE Albert Gallatin Lecture.
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