MANCHEST1:R HI-RAI.D, lYiilav, R T I APARTMENTS STORE/OFFICE MISCELLANEOUS CARS FOR RENT FOR RENT I MISCELLANEOUS I j SERVICES FOR SALE m TAG SALE FOR SALE 6 room heated apart­ liolisf^ ment. $800 with secur­ GSL Building Mainte­ MOVING-ln basement FORD, 1971, Maverick. ity. Na pets. 646-2426. nance Co, Commerci- sale. Freezer, kitchen Needs body work. ELLINGTON al/ResIdentlal building E N D R O LLS Runs. $99. Call 647-1824. W e e k d a y s , 9-4.________ 21'h" width — 5041 set, braided rugs, and MEADOWVIEW repairs and home Im­ D c lit! other Items. December CHEROKEE Jeep, 1977. ONE bedroom apart­ provements. Interior 13" width — 2 for SOC ment. $550 monthly, ye­ PLAZA 9, 10-2, 125 Grissom With 1985 motor. $3,500 and exterior painting, Newsprint end rolls can be Road.______________ or best otter. 646-2358. arly lease. Security light carpentry. Com­ picked up at the Manchester deposit, references re­ plete janitorial ser­ Herald ONLY befu'e 11 a m. IN-DOOR Estate Sale-58 DODGE - Omni, 1984. One 1000 sq. ft. Monday through rhuraday. owner. Air condition­ quired. No pets. Peter­ vice. Experienced, rel­ CARPENTRY/ ELECTRICAL Waddell Road, Man­ man Real Estate. 649- Busy Rte. 83, now 1000 sq. ft. iable, free estimates. chester, Saturday, De­ ing, A M /FM Cassette, 9404. rental area. In attractive 643-0304. REMODELING cember 9th, 9:30-3:00. cruise, sunroof. $2375. shopping plaza. Ideal for re­ Furniture, Christmas 646- 5652.________ MANCHESTER - 4 room tail, office, professional, serv­ DUMAS ELECTRIC apartment. Applian­ HANDYMEN/CARPENTERS Service changes, CLYDE Items, hearing Im­ 1979 concord. 2 door, ice. paired articles, books, excellent, fully loaded. ces, heat, hot water, C all Cleaning, Hauling, Caiponlry, Remodelling additional wiring and CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. n n h o lid a y/ m I s c . Good Radial tires, new cable. 649-5249.______ Reasonably Priced repairs on existing ROUTE 83, VERNON James J. Gessay L U SEASONAL F-ee Estimates bargolns! 11__________ brakes. $1500.00. 649- MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ 84 Line. Conlinenlal $9,995 All Cans Answered homes. Quality work at 4931._______________ room townhouse with 875-0134 Rick's Handyman & ONE OF THE good habits CUT your own Christmas affordable prices. 84 Buick Centu7 Wbg $5,995 1980 DATSUN 210, four fireplace. All applian­ Carpentry Service thrifty people have deve­ ces, heat, hot water, tree. $12. Saturday and Entirely owner operated. 84 Bonneville 4 Dr. $6,895 loped Is dally reading of door sedan, 113,000 carpeting, air condi­ MANCHESTER Sunday, 9:30-3:00. Villa 646-1948 27 years exp. Call 85Electra4Dr. $9,995 the ads In classified. miles. Clean, excellent tioning. Call 649-5240. Business Zone II Louise Road In Bolton. Joseph Dumas 85 Caprice Wagon $6,895 That's where they find condition. $400. Call Business residential 646-525? 85 Buick Somersel 4 Dr $7,295 value buys. 647- 9382 anytime. MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ combination 5 room office PAINTING/PAPERING 85 Celebrity Wagon $6,695 room townhouse. All or retail suite, plus 5 room MANCHESTER PONTIAC, 1980, Gran Prlx-6 cylinder, excel­ appliances, heat, hot 3 bedroom apt. LIVING CHRISTMAS 86 Honda Civic 2 Dr. $5,695 I WANTED TO water, carpeting, air G. and S. Associates McHugh Himself "EASY DOES IT" Is the 86 Delta 88 2 Dr $9,995 lent condition, original conditioning. Call 649- 643-2121 TREES IBUY/TRADE owner, garaged. Call Painting & wallpapering at way to describe placing a 66 Bonneville 4 Dr $6,995 5240.________________ want ad. Just call 643-2711 568-4269. CUT YOURS FRESH 86 Century V/agnn $7,495 f u r n it u r e Wanted- its best Free Estimates. Fully and we do the rest! MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ Mahogany bedroom WANT ADS are worth room luxury town- I INDUSTRIAL $23 any tree Insured. Establisheed 1974. 86 Chevrolet Celebrity $7,195 66 Chevrolet Nova 4 Dr $6,395 set or equal. Dining looking into when you're house. All appliances, PROPERTY room set and crib. 19 Lewis St. 643-9321 66 Chevrolet Spectrum $4,995 looking tor a place to heat, cable, carpeting, MISCELLANEOUS 524-8824. live...whether It’s a home, air conditioning. Call MANCHESTER-2 large (off Spring SI., rear of barn 86 Chev Cavalier 4 Dr $6,895 647-1595. garage.) SERVICES an apartment or a mobile garage bays and office. YOU CAN enloy extra 86 Pont Grand Am SE $8,495 home. EAST HARTFORD - one 1,100 sauore feef. 647- OPEN SATURDAY & vacofion money by ex­ I CARS and two bedroom 9976. changing idle Items in 8 7 2 - 9 1 1 1 FOR SALE SUNDAY 10-4 apartments. Heat, hot your home tor cash ... SNOW PLOWING ITRUCKS/VANS water and parking CLEANING 647-9546 with on ad in classified. Commercial and Residential FOR SALE $425-$500-$5S0 month Call 643-2711 to ploce your Snow blower services available. C A R D I N A L Call after 6pm 528-6616 SERVICES ad. BOB RILEY Call Mike 649-4304 BUICK, INC. FORD 1985 - F150, long M ANCHESTER-2 bed Mon-Sat 9am-9pm 1989 Century Coipe $11,960 Hlanrhpatpr Ip ra li POLISH woman will OLDSMOBILE bed, V6, standard. 6IK, room oparfments. Ap 1968 Skylark Sedan Special $8,590 pllances. $500-$525 plus clean your house. For ANTIQUES/ WDGLFS PAMTWG CO. Cap. Excellent condi­ more Information call LOW RATES 1988 Chev S-10 Em Cab P/U $10,960 259 Adams St., tion. 646-2439. utilities. Security and Quality work at a 1988 Buick Park Ave. $13,960 644-2835, 644-4663. l ii J COLLECTIBLES reasonable pricel Manchester references. 643-5372, Need repairs oround the 1987 Odsmobile Firenza $6,490 DODGE - 1986. ‘150’, 318 9am-5pm. RAINBOW Carpet Interior & Exterior 1987 Buick Riviera T-Type $10,980 649-1749 CID, automatic, bed ANTIQUE glass Kero­ Free Eatimates home" Call an expert. 1987 Buck Regal $8,695 Cleanlng-$19.95 per 1st sene lamps for the You’ll find the help you liner, tool box, 50K, room. Call 291-8185. Call Brian Weigle 1967 CMC S-ISSpt P/U $6,380 1987 Dodge Shelby 2 $7,995 $5500. 742-8669. Saturday, Dec. 9„ 1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents home. 646-4177. need In Classified. 643- 1987 Chev S-10 P/U $6,260 Free estimates. 645-8912 1989 Olds Trole-0 $17,995 2711. 1967 Cadillac Brougham $13,960 1987 Ford Mustang GT $11,995 TRUCK, 1977, GMC. $300 1986 Corvene Loaded SPEO AL or best otter. Road I HOMES 1987 Olds Calais $6995 1986 Buck LeSabre Coupe $7,960 1987Chevy S-10 Blazer $9,995 worthy. Coll 643-1901. J FOR RENT PAINTING/ LAWN CARE 1986 Buck Cemury Sedan $6,995 CONCRETE 1986 Chev Monte Cano $7,480 1985 Ford LTD $4,995 MAZDA-1987 Pickup B- Easf Hartford/Glaston- L L J FURNITURE 1986 Merc. Grand Marqu's $8,960 1986 Olds 98 $9,995 2200. Bedllner sport bury line-7 room Cape, 1986 Dodge 600 Sed $5,895 1986 Cadi Fleetwood $13,995 package, A M /FM ra­ PAINTING Interior. Get that chimney r^aired new Interior, 1 car Reasonable rates. Free 10 Pl®ce lying room set, YARD MASTERS 1986 Pontiac Trans Am 26K $8,995 1986 Porsche 944 $16,995 dio. Sliding rear win­ garage, screened estimates. Excellent dark p ne with sleeper, before winter! Call now LEAVES RAKED &REMOVEC 1986 Buck Cemury Sedan $7,960 1984 Audi 5000S $6,995 dow. Asking$4,500. Call Major Moscow meeting porch, washer/dryer for a free estimate. Fully Trees cut, yards cleaned. 1985 Buck Skylark $4,995 1986 Chevy Eurosporl $6,995 otter 5pm at 632-9826. work performed. 646- 1985 Buck Riviera Loaded $8,795 1986 Chevy Monte Carlo $6,995 hookup. $900 per month 2149 after 5pm. insured. Lawns, Brush removal, 1984 Buck Century $5,960 plus utilities, security 1987 Pont. Bonneville $9,995 TALAGA MASONRY gutters cleaned, driveways 1964 Chevrolet Celebrity $3,995 deposit. Call 649-5400 CARS sealed. 1962 Ford Mustang $3,495 1986 Pontiac 6000 $4,995 I CARS days, 647-9040 643-8209 61 Adams St., Manchester 1986 Olds Della Sedan $7,995 FOR SALE Party under pressure evenings. I CARS FOR SALE 643-9996 ' FOR SALE 649-4571 6 room apartment In slde- to end its supremacy bv-slde Duplex. $650 plus utilities and secur­ ity. Available Febru­ 1990 VOLKSW AGEN ary 1st. Send replies to J E H A G L By Ann Imse Box W, c/o The Man­ 4 door, 5 speed The Associated Press chester Herald. "COMPARE" MOSCOW — The Communist Pbrly Central Commit­ STORE/OFFICE tee meets today amid rumors of Kremlin personnel chan­ FOR RENT $ 10,244 ges, an impending general strike, a growing split in the parly and the first crack in its total dominance of Soviet Lower Payments. "G.M.A.C. SMART LEASE life. OFFICE Space-330 In Leningrad, an estimated 40,000 rank-and-file Com­ square feet, $302 per month, all utilities In­ ORDER YOURS TODAY munists rallied this week to support President Mikhail S. cluded, 1 mile to 1-84, 1990 VOLKSW AGEN Gorbachev against what they said was a bid to oust him. Peterman Real Estate. The sueet meeting of Leningrad progressives was held 649-9404.____________ FOX PAYMENTS." TRADE MORE OFTEN" 2 door coupe Wednesday night to counter a Nov. 22 rally by conserva­ M ANCHESTER-MaIn tives. Several banners at that meeting were critical of Street. Store tor rent. ____4Bi_JLj s - .. NEW 1990 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE Cal I 529-7858 or 563-4438.
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