The Manitowoc Progressive The Voice of the Manitowoc County Democratic Party www.mantydems.com Join or Renew Membership On the Web June 200 6 Bullets from the Chair... MantyDems June Meeting Darrell Heideman [email protected] Tuesday, June 27th (920) 684-6367 7:00 PM • Feingold Endorses Aulik!!! The highlight for me at Francis Creek Sportsman’s Club the 2006 DPW Convention was Feingold’s rallying ad- 9309 Parkway Road, Francis Creek dress delivered on Friday night. He complemented all the fine candidates running, but singled out only one FAIR WISCONSIN for recognition – our very own Jamie Aulik, candidate A guest speaker from Fair Wisconsin will bring us for 9 th Senate District. A tremendous boost for Aulik, who was looking sharp and campaigning hard. And, up to date on the progress of the campaign to those who attended the breakfast put on by WEAC said prevent the insertion of discriminatory language Jamie presented himself extremely well. He is on the into our state constitution. Dems have had a long- way to becoming our next Senator. standing positions against discrimination, and sup- • A special thanks to our delegates in attendance: port the ‘Vote No’ campaign. Anne-Marie and Tom Woznicki, Kate Schuette, Bob Vote No! Vote No! Vote No! Vote No! Vote No! Jome, Bob Kaeiser, Nancy Becker, Keith Wilhelm, Phil and Georgeann Knier, Myron and Anne Halla, Jamie Aulik and Matt Kadow. We enjoyed the rally, the ex- cellent speeches, and hopefully - the enthusiasm will be a national level, we have a ca ndidate, John Curry for the contagious. th 6 CD, who is gaining more confidence with every public • On a personal note , it was not only a great time con- appearance, and deserves your attention. All of our candi- necting with friends I recently made at the Democratic dates need your support. I know I am preaching to the Leadership Institute and the Progressive Majority – choir, but need to stress the importance of contributing to Wellstone Institute Training Seminars, but an opportu- the candidates of your choice with total commitment and nity to synthesize the tons of information I have been extreme generosity. Do it for the children who are being exposed to over the last few months. Unfortunately, saddled with extraordinary debt, loss of services, crippling (and surprising to some) I did not attend any of the healthcare, reduction in quality jobs, the deterioration of Hospitality Suites on Friday night, but hit the hay early the public education system through privatization and un- – a bit exhausted with all the activity this past month. funded mandates, and last but not least - an ever increasing These good intentions were wasted when all of the erosion of freedoms. We must make a change this No- guests at the Holiday Inn were temporarily evacuated at vember. Let’s not place ourselves in the sorry position of about 2:00 in the morning when the hotel got struck by – ‘if only we had done more’. lightening, setting off the fire alarm. Indeed, the at- • mosphere was electrically charged. (OK,OK - too corny!!) Join the Parade. MantyDems, under the direction of Phil Knier, will have an entry in each of the community parades • Less than 5 months to go. Go to page three for a list- throughout the County. Check the calendar (page 4) and ing of our National and State candidates on the Fall show up to help pass out literature, or if you can’t march, Ballot. (Candidates for County offices will be pre- show up to cheer the troops. sented in the next issue.) I am one of those who be- • I end where I began. A special fundraising event is being lieves that this election is the most critical of any in nd which I have had the privilege to vote. Democrats need held for Jamie Aulik on Thursday, June 22 at Gotham to win only 3 additional seats to become the majority City on York Street. Consider this a personal invitation to party in the State Senate, 11 in the State Assembly. On join and support the efforts to bring Jamie to victory. 7:00 PM. See you there! The Manitowoc Progressive Page 1 June 2006 An opportunity for members to voice their personal view on issues, articles may be submitted to the Editor for consideration for publication. organization of physicians, medical students, and other National HealthCare health care professionals that support a national health in- surance (NHI) program. Specifically, we believe that a sin- By Donna Potrykus gle-payer system (where the government finances health Most candidates for public office tout reforming health care, but keeps the delivery of health care to mostly private care in the United States. Most candidates agree some- control) is the only solution to solving the United States' thing really, really needs to be fixed. In Wisconsin, Gov- many health care problems: 43 million citizens with no ernor Doyle has actually done a lot for health care by an- health insurance, many more with only limited coverage, nouncing the state will pay for prescription drugs for sen- skyrocketing health insurance premiums, malpractice costs, iors and keeping SeniorCare alive after Bush’s Medicare long-term care issues, and relatively poor health indicators, plan threatened to kill this popular program. Doyle and when compared to similar industrialized nations. Wisconsin Democrats are fighting for safe prescription "PNHP has already played a critical role in building drugs from Canada, life-saving stem cell research, and to public awareness of the single-payer alternative. We make sure medical decisions about you are your own. published the first major single payer proposal in the But do you hear a loud cry for a national health care pro- New England Journal of Medicine in 1989. Our plans gram? Listen closely...hmmmm, not from politicians. Do for quality improvement, financing, and for reforming they consider it political suicide? Will they be losing long-term care, published in the Journal of the American campaign money if they take a stand? I wonder. Medical Association, sparked discussion and media cov- erage. PNHP members have addressed hundreds of While researching health care for this article, I thought grand rounds and conferences, testified before dozens of about Hillary Clinton and her efforts during President federal and state legislative committees, spearheaded Clinton’s first term in office to establish national health single-payer efforts in several states, and worked exten- care. Then I read some of the history of that time, and sively with the media and local community groups to came to my own, uneducated reason for its demise. Poli- educate the public. Members receive our quarterly tics. The politicians, the press, the congress, and the newsletter, have access to PNHP slide sets and other re- health care industry were using health care for their own source materials, and are invited to participate in policy- political agendas. setting national meetings and to be involved in our over two dozen local chapters. Then a website came up that I found intriguing. Physi- cians for a National Health Program. At the top of their We believe that the current malaise afflicting health pol- home page was this quotation: icy debate will be short lived; that bold and articulate advocacy for national health insurance can coalesce the Health care is an essential safeguard of human broad constituency for change. Please join us in insist- life and dignity and there is an obligation for so- ing that medicine be a public service, not a business." ciety to ensure that every person be able to real- ize this right. --- Maybe we should let health care be about health care and Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, Chicago Archdiocese not about politics. Last month, former President Bill Clin- And at the bottom of the page: ton was in Toronto for the inaugural World Leaders Forum, Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health discussing economics, humanity and Canada’s health care care is the most shocking and inhumane. system. He basically told the Canadian people, who have Martin Luther King, Jr. been considering privatization of their health-care system, not to go there. He told them the program in the United So why aren’t the politicians running on a health care States was a ‘mess’ and very expensive. Can a former plan that would win the votes of level headed American President run for the same office again? citizens? Beats me. The home page of the above site ex- plains it best: Donna Potrykus is a Structural Steel Detailer. She is a Member of LWV, Mensa, Wisconsin Regional Writers Association and numerous Physicians for a National Health Program is a nonprofit ‘Church/State’ organizations. The Manitowoc Progressive Page 2 June 2006 SUPPORT YOUR CANDIDATES! GOVERNOR ATTORNEY GENERAL Jim Doyle – Incumbent Kathleen Falk, Attorney General Doyle for Wisconsin Friends of Kathleen Falk 222 W Washington Avenue Suite 150 PO Box 8832 Madison WI 53703 Madison WI 53708 [email protected] [email protected] www.jimdoyle.org www.kathleenfalk.com (608) 250-5083 (608) 251-2903 LT GOVERNOR Barbara Lawton - Incumbent Peg Lautenschlager – Incumbent Lawton for Lt. Governor Friends of Peg Lautenschlager PO Box 1270 PO Box 1929 Madison WI 53701 Fond du Lac WI 54936 [email protected] [email protected] www.barbaralawton.com www.peg2006.org (608) 255-2006 STATE TREASURER Dawn Sass US SENATOR 3310 West Morgan Avenue Apt. C Herb Kohl - Incumbent Milwaukee WI 53221 825 N Jefferson Street #250 414-647-2961 Milwaukee WI 53202 [email protected] [email protected] www.herbkohl.com (800) 719-5645 (Toll Free) STATE SENATOR (414) 276-KOHL Jamie Aulik Aulik for State Senate P.O.
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