The Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoDoOo Volume 4, Number 4 oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoDoOo January 1989 From the January issue of Greg Nicholl’s fascinating personalzine FIVE CENTS’ NORTH: 'Ne just got the word that no less than The Ra«ones...are gonna cut the title tune to the forthcowing big-screen splatterflick PET SEMATARY, based on Yes, the January issue of the SFCB is quite late. Blase the novel by Stephen King.' (Greg’s zine is available for it all on this editor’s recent ill health, ftlas, this is one U/year frow 3200 Linden Drive, Lawrenceville GA 30244.) of the drawbacks of running a *one-«an (er, woman) show". Sorry, folks. -- PLCM As reported in the March STONE HILL LAUNCH TINES: •SUBTROPICAL SPECULATIONS, an anthology of Florida science Congratulations on their sarriage go to Gary Robe and fiction to be published by Sarasota’s Pineapple Press, is Corlis Finley Robe of Bowling Green, KY. Gary is chairsan of accepting subwissions fro« Florida writers until June 1, 1989. Concave, the annual relaxacon held at the Park Mammoth Resort The stories should include Florida as an integral part of the in Kentucky. Also, effective with sailing I 43, Gary assuses story, and writers «ust be Florida residents. All subwissions the position of Official Editor of KAPA (the Kentucky Asateur should be typed, double-spaced, include a SASE, and be sent Press Alliance). He succeeds G. Patrick Molloy (the SFC’s to: Rick Nilber I Richard Mathews, Editors, SUBTROPICAL Veep) who, after serving for 29 or so bi-sonthly sailings, SPECULATIONS, USF Box 3182, University of South Florida, Tawpa feels the need to decrease his fanac —as well as give sooeone FL 33620. else a chance at the job. Edited by SF writer Rick Nilbur and SF critic L biographer Richard Mathews, the anthology will include classic The proposed BEMS North in Evansville, Indiana (clone of Florida SF stories as well as new material. Additionally, the popular Nashville BEMS club) reported in our last issue Hugo- I Nebula-winning author Joe Haldeman will judge a seens to have died aborning. SFCB has no details. But that contest aimed at previously unpublished Florida writers. At still leaves the possibility of 'franchising' SF clubs open. the discretion of the editors, the winner or winners will have stories included in the anthology, scheduled for publication As reported in the BRUZZFUZZEL NENS Dec ’88/Jan ’89 in early 1990.' issue: 'On October 13th the Board of Directors of the BRSFL, Inc. voted unanimously to sell its annual sf convention, The initial formation of the Deep South Costumer’s Guild SwampCon to BRSFL members Carol DeNitt It Marine Fourrier. The in Birmingham, Alabama led to the establishment of its Middle club retained most assets, money, and itews paid for by the Tennessee Chapter. DSCG supports the friendly exchange of convention which bear the BRSFL insignia while the new owners ideas and information among all costumers, from the first- retained the display panels used in the art show, all itews timer to the Norld Con winner. They believe in the bearing the SwampCon logo, and the liabilities of the encourageaent of new and/or young costumers, even though some convention. Fourrier and DeWitt plan to incorporate as a non­ of them will eventually 'beat our booties off' in competition. profit organization and intend to seek IRS tax-exempt status. Its goals include making positive changes to benefit all For now the club and the convention will continue to share the costumers, Con chairs, and fans of the Masquerade. Middle same P.O. Box. The new owners sought total autonomy in Tennessee DSCG members have targeted for improvement planning It running the convention; lost of the club reasonable, basic needs that affect everyone. During the membership, while willing to help out with the actual first year they participated in various activities including operation of the convention, preferred not to be involved with panels and demonstrations on better costuming, ran or assisted the boring planning meetings.' in running masquerades, provided knowledgeable judges, acted < continued next page > oCoOoOoO SFC Bulletin OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO page 1 OoOoOcOoOoOoOoOoO Volume 4, Number 4 OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo The Southern Fandom Confederation Bulletin ofloOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo Volume 4, Number 4 oOoOoOoOoOoOoOofloOoOo January 19B9 NEWS & OTHER INFORMATION... (continued} as masquerade "gofers', and provided printed inforaation 1991 DSC Bids Run Rampant! sheets, entry foras, and quality Award Certificates. For aore info on the Middle Tennessee Chapter, contact: Naurine Dorris, 410 N. 16th St., Nashville TN 37206. The parent chapter in Birainghaa, though slow in taking off due to aundane personal aatters, has run or assisted in NASHVILLE FOR DSC IN 1991: Kubla Khan’s Chairman Ken masquerades, provided and judged Hall Costuae Awards, Moore is bidding for 1991’s DSC 29. Of this first-ever presented programs, and is working up a survey of Hall Nashville bid for a DSC, Khen says if he wins the bid KUBLA Costuaers. THE MIGRATORY SEQUIN, zine of the DSC6, is KHAN would coincide with the DSC, it being unthinkable to put available bi-monthly. Subscription: $6/year; Guild on two such large cons in such a short period of time. Membership: $12/year. Send membership and subscription requests to: D.L. Burden, 1649 28th Ave. S., Homewood AL NEW ORLEANS FOR DSC IN 1991: Tom Hanlon of Baton Rouge 35209. reports a bid for a New Orleans DSC named: RECONSTRUCTION in '91. This bid is NOT affiliated with the chaotic 1988 As reported in the January NASHVILLE SF CLUB NEWSLETTER: worldcon, NOLACON II. For more information 4 further details, "Susan Stringer of Chattanooga has begun a separate costumer’s write to: Tom Hanlon, 13833 N. Amiss Road, Baton Rouge LA Guild that includes the Middle Tennessee area. Sharon’s 70810-5044. (Non-collect phone calls to (504) 769-3766.) effort will he directed toward affiliation with the International Costumer’s Guild. For aore inforaation, contact Other Odds and Ends her at: 101 Culver St., Red Bank TN 37415.' The Acme Science Fiction Company sponsors the annual New PHOENIX QUILL editor Brenda Sinclair Sutton finally Orleans Science Fiction and Fantasy Festival. All aspects of admits that her 'newsletter* is actually a ’zine. Film at fandom are represented; a previous Festival featured six add eleven. [Just kidding, Brenda! Don’t hit ae! —PLJ on literary guests and forty panels. Tentative date for 1989 is the weekend of June 24th; guests TBA. For more At the ChattaCon aeeting of the board of directors of information, contact convention chairman Tom Hanlon via Acme NorldCon Atlanta, Inc., Vice Chair Ron Zukowski resigned due SF Co., P.O. Box 791089, New Orleans LA 70179-1089 or to personal health reasons. The Board has not as yet telephone (504) 769-PONER ON 1769-37661. appointed a new head of the Projects Subcoaaittee. In the interia, grant requests should be sent to Chairaan Ron Butler. Reliable sources indicate that SFC Prez P.L. Caruthers- (See NAI Press Release elsewhere in this issue for address.) Montgomery will be Fan Guest of Honor at 1990’s MIDSOUTHCON in At that saae aeeting Saaanda Jeudi, speaking for Memphis, Tennessee. This’ll be her first appearance as a Fan ELECTRICAL EGGS, INC., announced that E’EGGS is disassociating GoH, and coinciding with her twentieth active year in fandom. itself with NOREASCON 3, the 1989 NorldCon, due to lack of (Memphis is P.L.’s hometown. The Memphis concern is already cooperation. proving extremely courteous and helpful; P.L.’s younger sister lives a mere three blocks from the con hotel!) The sixth annual CLARION NEST SCIENCE FICTION & FANTASY NRITING WORKSHOP June 18 - July 29, 1989 at Seattle Central THE SCIENCE FICTION ORAL HISTORY ASSOCIATION (SFOHA), Coaaunity College, with writers-in-residence: Orson Scott established in 1977, has as its purpose preserving science Card, Karen Joy Fowler, Lucius Shepard, Connie Millis, Shawna fiction’s heritage through seeking out 4 duplicating McCarthy, 4 Roger Zelazny. audio/video recordings, such as interviews with sf pros 4 Applications now being accepted. Approxiaately 20 fans, as well as programming at conventions. For more students will be selected froa the applicants. Tuition until information, write to Jean Barnard, 1810 Charlton, Ann Arbor, March 1, 1989 is $995. Late applications considered until MI 48103. April I, 1989, at a tuition of $1095. College credit 4 dormitory lodging available, but not covered by tuition. THE MTSFA COOKBOOK is still available from the Middle Limited scholarships available. Request scholarship fora in Tennessee Speculative Fiction Association for $6 by sail. It advance 4 return it with your application. features recipes from such notables as: David Cherry, Vincent To apply, submit 20 - 30 pages of aanuscript (1 or 2 Di Fate, Stephen R. Donaldson, Charles L. Grant, Jodie Offutt, short stories or a novel excerpt with outline) with a cover Gerald N. Page, Julius Schwartz, Sharon Nebb, Anna 4 Timothy letter describing your background 4 reasons for wanting to Zahn, 4 a host of others. By the way, Ken Moore reports that attend Clarion Nest, 4 a $25 application fee payable to the recipe for swill is incorrect, 4 if you try to use it as Clarion Nest. Send to: Clarion Nest, 340 15th Avenue East, published 'you will die.' MTSFA, P.O. Box 121761, Nashville, Suite 350, Seattle NA 98112. TN, 37212 < continued next page > oCoOoOoO SFC Bulletin OoOdOdOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO page 2 OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO Volume 4, Number 4 OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOouo GREAT ATTRACTION! The L & N Presents a worthy bid for the 52KD WORLD SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION -----------------------*---------------------- The Proprietors KHEN MOORE • STEVE FRANCIS • SUE FRANCIS have procured First Class Accomodations at the magnificent OPRYLAHD HOTEL in historic Music City NASHVILLE. TENNESSEE Rich and Rare Times may be expected by all, as the hotel is one of the largest in the Nation.
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