Page 2 - The Denver Catholic Register, Wed., January 2, 1985 Archbishop St 'doing well' Archbishop James V Casey is " doing very well. 011 He's still tired but everything looks very positive," according to Bishop George R. Evans at press time. The archbishop was released from St Joseph's Hospital Dec. 22. He was put back in the hospital Dec. fOI 12 to receive treatment for hepatitis. According to Bishop Evans. a series of tests done on the archbishop before he was released showed no signs of any other problems. 'Pa1 Bishop Evans added that the archbishop, who is recuperating in his southwest Denver home, has been able to take walks outdoors Archbishop Casey has been recuperating from an for abdominal anuerysm that ruptured Oct 27. T, Permanent diaconate turned Metzge regular orientation program brain d An orientation program for the permanent diaconate No formation class will be held Jan. 5, at St. ThorMs' Seminary, even h, in Bonfils Hall, from 1:30 to 4 p.m. undersJ Father Marcian O'Meara, director of the Permanent 'One c Diaconate, along with other members of the formation team will be present to explain the four-year formation come 1 progr'arn leading to ordination as permanent deacons. Wives age:·c of men interested in the permanent diaconate are also apartrr: welcome to attend. age lhE Five candidates for the Denver archdiocese, along with LOI three candidates for the Pueblo diocese, are now in for­ the c·ou mation on the Western Slope, and 18 candidates for the ftrsl t:'> Father Bliss, center, is shown walking with Jesuit Father Robert Hagen ,n Rome during the worldwide retreat for Denver archdiocese, along with two candidates for the priffta and deacons In October. toe. s Colorado Springs diocese, are in formation in the Metro Mt! Denver program. wtthou be ng1 Father Anthony J. Bliss Th, regular Official accora 'My calling is to be a caring person' "T ARCHRISHOP'S OFFICE slunul. A Mass of Christian Burial was offered Dec. 22 at St. In his 12 years of s~rvice to the Denver archdiocese, 200 Josephine Street 'Patte-1 Denver, CO 80206 Joseph's Church in Fort Collins for Father Anthony J BllSS, Father became well known for his work with youth. Br pastor, who died Dec. 19 at Northern Colorado Medical As a result of his assoc1al1on with an organization called tng, Center in Greeley following a stroke. Partners. which pairs troubled youths with adults for com­ SCHEDULE A<:h1ev Bunal was in Sunset Memorial Cemetery in Greeley panionship and friendship, and an effort by the Weld County BlSl{OP GEORGE R. EVANS ly-thre following a noon comm1tal service at St. Mary's Church Department or Social Services to find homes for foster Tuesday, Jan 15 9 a m Catholic Pastoral Center, Priests' PersoMel 8':lard Met.'ltnl anolhe there. A Mass was also offered Dec. 21 at St William's children. Father Bhss became the roster father to four sons Th Church in Fort Lupton, where Father had previously served Wednesday, Jan 16. 10 a m • Temple Emanuel, Den~er during his years in Fort Lupton. Interfaith Clerey Meeting lht• pul as pastor for six years. " My interest in working with kids goes back to when I Wednesday, Jan 16. 2 30 pm. Calhohc.- Pastoral Center. Sll itJ st The 39-year-old priest suffered the stroke Dec. 18. was a kid feally." Father Bliss said in a June 1981 interview Counc.-11 ror Religious Meeting \\alkm Born Dec. 4. 1945. in Rapid City, S.D . to Cortis and with the Denver Catholic Register. " I'm not the only priest tlt'grt•t• Mary Bliss, Father Bliss was graduated from Greeley who has had a foster child Jesus had a foster father. .I see some. Central High School in 1964 and enrolled at St Ambrose·s the time I spend helping this foster child as time I'm Pa College in Davenport, Iowa. He entered St. Thomas' Semi­ spending serving my parish ... As a priest my calling is to be \\ 1th lt nary in Denver the following year, where he earned a a caring person. I feel time spent with a kid 1s never The Denver Catholic Register Tlw le degree bachelor 's in philosophy m 1968 and a master·s m wasted ." (USPS 557-0301 throug theology in 1972. He also studied at the University of Denver. Father Bliss is survived by his mother. Mary, of The Most Revereno James V c... y . 0 O . Pubhst,er c-h1ltl u He was ordained to the pnesthood May 27, 1972, by Greeley. Father C 8 Woodrich E•11Cut1ve Ed11or begin l Archbishop James V Casey. In a recent interview, Father Bhss told · The Mustard James F1e0ter • Ed,tor Julie Asn.r . Anoc,ate E01tor lnforn Father's first assignment was to St. Anthony's Church in Seed, the newsletter of Greeley Catholic School, that the Linus Riordan , • Contribuhng Editor Sterling, where he served as assistant pastor until June 1975. most rewarding part of being a priest "wllhout a doubt is the Jtm Pierson • . Bu11nese Manager Th, n named chaplain to Central Catholic High School, the pr1v1lege to preside al the Euc_harisl." Frank Vecch1arelll • Adve,t1s1ng Oirec1or brtn~u Patric,■ Hillyer E01tor1a1 StaN priest served the high school until August 1978 Father Bhss also said the year he spent at the Greeley Jame, Baca . Stall Photog,apher ch1hlr1: He was named pastor of St. William's Parish and took school m fifth grade was "a major turning point in his life" Lorne Krege, • Ctrcutat,on put tnl care of the Fort Lupton church and the m1ss1ons of St. and started him on the path to his vocation. Please 0orect an inqu rios regarding changes of eddrn1 subsc,Jp. tng '"' Nicholas, Platteville, and Our Lady of Grace, Wattenberg, t1on1 etc, to thO Circuletl<>n Ofhce Denver Catholic Reg<Stllf 200 The priest was a great supporter of Catholic education Jo&ephlne StrMt Denver, 110206 Phone 3811-•l-411 Exl 270 her.ell until June 1984. In June he was assigned to St. Joseph's in because he saw it as "an important work of the Church." :\b Fort Colhns. Ed•tot1el oNicee located et 200 J01eph1ne, Denver, II020e gram. In October of this year, Father joined 10 priests and Subacr1plJOf'l1 St2.75 per year behind permanent deacons from the Denver archdioceses to travel In his memory Foreign countrlel Including Phlllpp1nea. $25 per year, "T to Vatican City for the first worldwide retreat for priests The Elementary Education Fund <EEF) has received Rt Rev Matthew J Smith, Ph O , Founding Edlto, sh<• wa and deacons. an anonymoui. $500 contribution in memory of Father Bhss Register System ol Catholic N-•pepera 11113.1900 an tnsl That retreat was reported to be the largest gathering of because of his dedication lo Catholic schools. Edited m Den.,.,, Colorado. Pr,nted weelt/y Hcept ,.. , wHlr ol Cindy clergy in the h1stor1 of the church More than 6.000 Other contr1but1ons to the EEF in the priest's memory O.Cember by Sen//,,./ Puo11&h1no Co Second class poatege paid Th el 0.n•er, ~redo PuN,.hed by the Archd,oce,e ~, 0.nver cardinals, bishops, priests and deacons from 101 different can be sent to Elementary Education Fund, P .O. Box 6916, enllllltJ countries participated in "A Call to Holiness." or 200 Josephine St., Denver. Colo. 80206. Differ \\ ··\\c ~ wanlt>< - throug - someb WI tlw nur Cindy' "J Iv." ~1 Jesstc1 Th marn made togeth< The Denver Catholic Register, Wed., January 2, 1985 - Page 3 She has just one chance for a future 'Patterning' hope for Jessica Metzger By Julie Asher Register Staff Two weeks after their daughter's birth. delight turned into despair for parents Cindy and :\lichael :vletzger Spinal meningitis. contractt:d after Jessica·s regular check-up. lert their healthy baby with severe brain da m age. Now J essica is two years old She cannot sit up or even hold up her head. Her head 1s small. her chest is undersized and her arms and legs are thin. 'One of every 100' ··They say that one out of every 100 children who come down with spinal meningitis suffers brain dam• age." Cindy explained in an interview in the coup1e·s tiny apartment in a Wei.tminster complex " With brain dam• age the severity doesn·t show up immediately.·· Looking down at little Jessica asleep beside her on the couch. the young mother explained that her daughter first experienced se1tures ··She trembled from head LO toe, .. she recalled Med1catton keep:-. the seizures under control. but without daily physical therapy. Jess1ca·s tiny body would be rigid. The prospects for Jessit·a 's future are grim w1lh only regula r the ra py: it's doing all it can for her right now. accoraing to Cindy. " To get her reh1xed lakes all day II gives herd llllle st1mula11on bul 1t bn'l nearly enough ... she sc11d Photo by James Baca 'Patterning' Michael and Cindy Metzger with daughters Tiffany, left, and Jessica. But there is one hope for Jessica lt"s c·c11led "pattern· mg... a technique developed al the lnst1tu1es for the Achievement of Human Potential m Ph1ladelph1a Twen­ "',\,e couldn't have made 1t through w11huut fcuth.·· Ano Lht:n 1hcre are the plane t1cket.s to and from Ph1ladel­ ty-three-yec1r-old Cindy learned of the progrc1m through Cmdv said. "The fm.,t vear we re..ili\ worrted about her phta and the costs of staying there. another mother of a severely brain-damaged child and ho~)ecl the Lon.I w,;1uld pul her ·111 a nicer place.
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