*1? iWM it V ' ‘VI THURSDAY, MAY 11,1967 __ I__’ PAGE TWENTY-FOUR iiattrh P 0tifi* lEttf tttttg 1 !| m l& M ay Is Month - - Help ice Up M anchester 0 0 •amtr- About Town Broad St, Manchester Average Daily Net Press Run Miss SaiMy Hoops o f 50 Vir- (The Weather g:iiMa Rd., a ^ i o r a* CJhambeir- ITor The Week Ended Jaync Junior Coll'ege, Boston, Open Daily 10 am. to 10 p.m. May 6, 1967 Fair, cold tonight, chaiuM t i ' Mass,, was one of a group of frost; Increasing cloudiness to­ students who recently flew to Montreal, Canada, for their Plenty of Free Parking All Around 15,189 morrow, chance of aftemooB Senior Prom and to visit Expo SELF-SERVICE DEPT STORE showers, high 50-66. " ^Manchester— A City of Villago Charm '67. (Classified Advertising on Page 21) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Peter Pantaluk, .non of Mr. VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 189 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1967 and Mrs. Peter W. Pantaluk o f‘ 40 Foster St., recently ^>CTforTn- A Bouquet of Care-Free Fashions, at King's Low Prices! ed on the trumpet in a-concert of original works, composed by ertudcnits, at the Berklee 'School Gold Phone of Music. Boston, Mass, LANSING, Mich. (AP) — A J600 - gold - plated tele­ Red Mortars, Rockets David Michael Malausky, "s,.:! of Mrs. Gertrude Pagand of 16 A phone will be installed in Gov. George Romney’s Eldridge St., was recently tap­ .............. Gifts for Mother’s Day Bloomfield Hills home. ped for membership in the Hon­ orary Leader.ship Society at Up­ Heads PTA Romney, a possibility for per Iowa College, Fayette. the Republican pre.sidential Mrs. David Whitaker of 55 nomination in 1968, received Norman S- Slade of 101 E. Teresa Rd. was installed as the special phone yesterday Attack, Viet Airfields Middle Tpke. is a member of president of the Nathan Hale from the Michigan Beli Telephone Co., as he par­ the National Guild of Piano FT’A Tuesday at a meeting at Cool Teachers which is sponsoring ticipated in a celebration auditions of Hartford area piano the school. ’ 3 Piece marking installation of the students this week at the Other officers arc Mrs. Mer- SEERSUCKER 100 millionth telephone in 6 U.S. Dead; YWCA, Ann St., Hartford. win Meridy, ‘ first vice pre.si- the United States. dent; Mrs. John Fitzgemld. sec" "BOY SUIT" Nine governors, members Two delegates from the ond vice president; Mrs. Ches­ of the executive committee 100 Injured Ladies Aid of the Lutheran ter Flurkey, secretary; Mrs. \ of the National Governors Women’s Missionary League of Frank McQuade, treasurer; and Conference, talked with Zion Evangelical Lutheran Mrs. Paul Maloney, John Mc­ Culotte President Johnson on a na­ By Barrage Church are attending a conven­ Clain, and Mrs. Adcle Blazczak, Week-ender tionwide hookup marking tion of Atlantic District, Luther­ delegates. Mrs. Hugh Swiui.si>n. the ceremony. SAIGON (AP) — Com­ an Women’s Missionary League a pa.st president, in.stalled the munist ’rockets and mor­ today and tomorrow at the officers. ♦ tars raked two airfields Statler Hilton Hotel, Boston, Following a busine.ss meeting the Grade 6 Glee Club entertain­ 78 near Saigon today, killing Mass. They are Mrs. Louise A. 2 Kinif'i 23 Arrested six Americans, wounding Mertans of 10 Wetherell St. and ed about 175 parents and teach­ Ia}\c Loxjb Price 100 and destroying or dam­ Mrs. Anne Grimason of 194 ers with a mu.sical pix)grani, Price *» ' A ^ School St. Mrs. Ema Lashinske and parents were invited to At Pentagon aging 25 planes. ■* ^ '' ''' / of 87 Campfleld Rd. is an al­ visit clas.srooms. Far to the north, two U.S. ternate. Nathan Hale’s annual spring- Wash 'n Wear War Protest Marine positions just below the fair will be held &iturday at 55 % Acetate, demilitarized zone came under Fireman Gary E. Chidester of the school playground. There Tailored Boy Jacket, enemy barrages. These were at the U.S. Navy, son of Mr. and will be a variety of plants and 45% Cotton WASHINGTON (AP) — A G o Linh and Con Thien, where Mrs. James Chidester of 91 flowers from Woodland Gar­ A-Line Skirt and group of 23 antiwar protestors Leathernecks and Army artil- Baldwin Rd„ is home on leave dens, games for childj-en, a Carefree button- were arrested today in the Icrjrmen jO'in to counter enemy until May 24 when he will leave Jamaica Shorts white elephant booth, bake sale front step-in in fourth day of a demonstration at threats from across the demili­ for Saigon. He is a 196,’) grad­ The Duke and Duchess of Windsor (left) are shown as they arrived at Waldorf tarized zone. and refreshments. Toys and A complete fun-time wardrobe! charcoal or blue the Pentagon. uate of Howell Cheney Technical white elephant items are being Tower.s last night. At right is Queen Elizabeth who ended the long ban against Neatly tailored boy jacket to team and white stripes The demonstrators, making AP correspondent Peter Ar­ School. accepted by Mrs. Chester Flur­ the Duchess with an invitation to a public ceremony June 7. (AP Photofax) with the matching A-line skirt or with embroidered an attempt to enter the building, nett reported from the scene key of 59 Philip Rd. jam aicas. The freshest of spring pockets, tie belt. were carried bodily onto a U.S. that Gio Linh was hit by from 10 The Manchester-Bolton Com­ to 15 rounds of mortar or artil­ floral prints in assorted colors on Sizes 10 to 18 marshal’s bus to be taken to munity Association of the Con­ lery fire hourly all through the necticut Association of Connec­ Junior Girl Scouts of Ti-oop white gro' -Hs. Sizes 8 to 18. and 14'/i to 22’/i. federal court in nearby Alexan­ 697 w'ill spon.sor a Bake Sale of •iieen Ends 31-Year Ban dria, Va. aifltcrnoon. One explosion set off ticut Valley Girl Scout Council a fire among a stack of white will meet Monday at 8 p.m. at homemade pies, bread, cakes, The demonstrators had been brownies, fruifobars and cookies told shortly before they would phosphorus shells. The blaze Mott’s Community Hall. Re­ was brought under control after freshments will be served at Saturday at 9:30 a.m. at the be subject to airrest if they con­ one hour. 7:30. The meeting is open to Stop and Shop, W. Middle Tpke., tinued their protests on the Beds rest amid rubble of building that served as barracks for air police at Bien and Grand Way at the Manches­ On Duchess of Windsor The number of oasuailties at all registered Girl Scout adult building s grounds. Con Thien, seven miles west of Hoa airbase following Communist rocket and mortar attack. Of the six Ameri­ volunteers, including members ter Shopping Parkade. The young men end women, Gio Linh, was undetermined. cans killed in the raid, two died while asleep in this area. (AP Photofax) of commietteecs and leaders. LONDON (AP)—Queen ing of the rift, a luvai spokes­ the Duchess would not be ad­ mostly in their late teens and Helicopters mode 24 medical Mrs. Leroy Parker, new Associ­ Mr. and Mrs. Harris Gibson man replied: “ Peopre can read dressed as “your royal hlgh- early 20s, agreed among them­ Elizabeth II has ended a eva cuatSon flights from that out­ ation chairman, will preside. of 46 Turnbull Rd. will have an 31-year boycott of the what they like into it.” hess." At present, the court In­ selves to remain and continue Open Hou.se Sunday from 3 to Asked where Duchess formant said, she is entitled their attempts to enter the post. Duchess of Windsor by A ddspatch from thr Marine One Rioter Killed The Senior Citizens Center, 7 p.m. to celebrate their 2.’)th Dramatic Fashion Colors! would stand in ttfe receiving line only to be addressed as “ Du­ building and get into the super- asking her and the Duke to headquarters at Da Nang said Ky Will Run Myrtle and Linden Sts. is open wedding anniversary. The event Gift-Boxed at the ceremony, one authority chess.” secret War Room. is open to all friends and rela­ join Britain’s royal family on court procedure said: “ It is As they walked across a park­ one enemy shell hit a Marine Friday nights for members to The ceremony wiill take place DALAT, Vietnam "(AP) tives of the couple. in a public ceremony in highly unlikely that the Duke ing lot toward the entrance, a helicopter flying between Gio play cards. A committee is ar­ at Malborough House, Queen —Premier Nguyen Cao Ky London June 7. „ will be treated In o le fashion solid line of uniformed guards Linh and Dong Ha, eight miles Jackson QuieU Alert ranging a program of evening Nylon Tricot Mary’s London residence after announced today he is a 'The executive board of Jun­ Seamless Nylons A palace spokesman said the and theDuchess in an» ‘ber. But waited for them. The luotesters to the south, -and four Marines activities at the center. the death of George V in 1936. candidate for president in ior Century Club \ri-lJ meet to­ 69-yea.r-old Duchess, now in I do not think any change will then sat down In the road. Mar­ were injured. The plaque marks the oen- the national election to be night at 8:30 at the home of New York with the Duke, ac­ be made In the form of address­ shals and guards moved in and The guerrillas used the big­ tenairy of her birth.
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