A Brief History of Science, Part 15 Rebirth of Science in India Soumitro Banerjee∗ Introduction embrace Islam. But by then, Islam also had lost its character of patronage for science We have seen earlier that India had a great and was on the way to becoming another scientific tradition, created mainly in the bastion of blind faith and superstition. Siddhantic period (around 6th century BC Thus, India lost touch with the science to 11th century AD). Indian contribution to created on its own soil. science was focused on astronomy, medical science, metallurgy, and branches of math- In the 17th century, the Europeans — ematics like arithmetic, algebra, number Portuguese, Dutch, French, and British theory, and trigonometry. We have dealt — set foot on Indian soil as traders. in details with these contributions in an Out of these, the British slowly gained earlier issue (Vol. 17, No. 3, February ground by utilizing the internal contradic- 2015). tions between the Indian rulers, and the We have also seen that, starting from British East India Company occupied vast about 9th century AD science in India stretches of land by defeating the Mughals. declined, and after 12th century AD, practi- The other European powers became limited cally nothing was left (except for the Kerala to a few pockets like Pondicherry, Goa, School of Mathematics, which flourished Daman, Diu, Chandannagore, etc. Even in the 14th-16th centuries). India lapsed though the East India Company was a into a “dark age”. The cultural conditions private enterprise, it represented British prevailing during this medieval period has colonial interest in the subcontinent. In striking similarity with that during the order to perpetuate its rule, the Company Dark Ages in Europe. Beliefs and super- installed a postal system, railways, road- stitions ruled the Indian mind. There was ways, courts, tax collection departments blind faith in the scriptures, and answers and other arms of administrative machin- to all questions were sought in the writings ery. of ancient sages. Casteism was practised By 1818, the revenues from India rose in a virulent form, which relegated a con- to about one third of the total revenues of siderable section of Indian people — the the British government. Such exploitation lower castes — into the wretched life of of the wealth of India required a large untouchable community. The oppressive manpower, but the British citizens sta- casteism in the Hindu society induced a tioned in India were a mere handful in large section of the lower caste people to number. Thus, the East India Company had to install an education system to train ∗Dr. Banerjee is a Professor at the Indian Institute of Science Education & Research, and General Secre- some Indians to serve the British in various tary of Breakthrough Science Society . capacities of the administrative machinery. 14 Breakthrough, Vol.19, No. 3, July 2017 Series Article (1772-1833). He was an extraordinary scholar, well versed in many languages, and exposed to the highest traditions of the Hindu, Muslim and European literature. He realized that the way forward was to usher in the ideas of European enlighten- ment. But that was not what was in the minds of the rulers. So he engaged in a struggle with the British, making a strong case for a modern scientific education sys- tem. We get a glimpse of his opinions from a letter he wrote in 1823 to Lord Amherst, the Statue of Raja Rammohan Roy in Bristol, where then Governor General of India. Ram Mo- he spent the last 3 years of his life in an han expresses his utter dismay that instead effort to influence the British parliamentarians of installing an education system based to support his reform movement. on modern science, “we now find that the Government are establishing a Sangscrit school under Hindoo Pundits to impart One would have expected that they would such knowledge as is already current in install an education system similar to that India. This Seminary (similar in character in Britain, where science is given due to those which existed in Europe before the importance. But, no. Their intention was time of Lord Bacon) can only be expected to not really to enlighten the Indian people. load the minds of youth with grammatical The British rulers’ outlook towards educa- niceties and metaphysical distinctions of tion was to train up a sufficient number little or no practicable use to the possessors of clerks and lower level administrators or to society. The pupils will there acquire who would help a smooth running of the what was known two thousand years ago, Government machinery. They carefully with the addition of vain and empty sub- avoided dissemination of the modern ideas tleties since produced by speculative men, born through the European renaissance. such as is already commonly taught in all For this, the existing model of education parts of India.” — the learning of ancient texts through the medium of Sanskrit — suited them “If it had been intended to keep the fine. By promoting Indian beliefs and social British nation in ignorance of real knowl- practices, British rulers actually tried to edge, the Baconian philosophy would not foster traditionalism. have been allowed to displace the system of the schoolmen, which was the best calcu- Raja Ram Mohan Roy lated to perpetuate ignorance. In the same manner the Sangscrit system of education But through the British, the English lan- would be the best calculated to keep this guage entered India, which opened a win- country in darkness, if such had been the dow to the ideas born in the European policy of the British Legislature.” He urged enlightenment. One of the first Indians the government to “promote a more liberal to absorb these ideas and to appreciate and enlightened system of instruction, em- their importance was Raja Ram Mohan Roy bracing mathematics, natural philosophy, Breakthrough, Vol.19, No. 3, July 2017 15 Series Article chemistry and anatomy, with other useful knowledge) at a very young age. He was sciences which may be accomplished with also well versed in English, science, and the sum proposed by employing a few gen- familiar with various schools of philosophi- tlemen of talents and learning educated in cal thought of the West. Most importantly, Europe, and providing a college furnished he was completely free of the prejudices of with the necessary books, instruments and his time and was the first representative of other apparatus.” secular humanism on Indian soil. It is to be noted that Ram Mohan was well Vidyasagar joined the Sanskrit College in aware of the various shades of philosophy Calcutta in 1846 as Assistant Secretary, at current in Western thought at that time. the age of 26. At that time the curriculum Out of these, he wanted the introduction comprised mainly Sanskrit grammar and of a particular line of thinking, based on specialized in the scholarship of Indian tra- Baconian philosophy (for an exposition, see dition, philosophy and religion. He immedi- Part 5 of this series in Vol.16, No. 4, ately proceeded to prepare a blue-print for January 2014) which was, at that time, drastic reform of the curriculum, proposing recognized as the philosophical grounding to introduce science and mathematics as behind the development of science. developed in the West, and to make English We are fortunate that Ram Mohan suc- compulsory. The proposal received a hostile ceeded in persuading the British to accept response from the then Secretary of the his views, at least partially. But what College, Rasomoy Dutta, who refused to was installed was a mixture of Sanskrit forward it to the Government’s education scripture based oriental education and a bit department. Vidyasagar resigned from the of English literature and arts. College, and took up writing and publishing However, Ram Mohan tried to bring in independently. social reform through a religious reform, by What did he write on? One of his books, trying to make the practices of the Hindu Jeevan Charit, focused on the life strug- religion more humane and rational. To gles of scientists like Copernicus, Galileo, achieve that, he preached a monotheistic Herschel, Newton, Linnaeus, etc., in sim- form of religion, called Brahmo Dharma, ple, elegant Bengali language. Another based on Vedanta. In this we see an one, Bodhodaya, discussed the basics of apparent contradiction: while Baconian zoology, physiology, botany, mathematics, philosophy urged people to observe the physics, chemistry, geography, etc. These material world intently and to derive its books were an instant success, as they laws by applying inductive logic, Vedanta introduced the Bengali readership to the considered the material world as maya or highest products of the European renais- illusion, and urged people to look away sance and enlightenment. He also wrote from it. Ram Mohan was aware of this books like Varna Parichay as a primary level contradiction, but somehow lived with it. textbook for learning reading and writing Bengali. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar Meanwhile, a small number of English- In the next stage, the fight was taken men who understood the value of this man up by Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar (1820- prevailed upon the Education Department, 1891). He was an erudite scholar in San- and Vidyasagar was brought back to the skrit grammar and literature who earned Sanskrit College as Secretary. He imme- fame (and the title Vidyasagar — ocean of diately proceeded to implement his plan of 16 Breakthrough, Vol.19, No. 3, July 2017 Series Article to the great thinker’s work in its original. Ballantyne had argued that along with the work of other philosophers, the ideal- ist philosopher Bishop Berkeley’s writings should also be a part of the curriculum. Vidyasagar’s remark on this point deserves special attention: “With regard to Bishop Berkeley’s Inquiry, I beg to remark that the introduction of it as a class-book would beget more mischief than advantage.
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