PAGE 4 / Sunday, January 1, 2012 Tallahassee Democrat / TLH Film society co-founder got his start as an extra #Z3BOEJ"UXPPE Region’s 4QFDJBMUPUIF%FNPDSBU n 1961, when Tallahas- I see Film Society found- er John Fraser was a child in Miami, a mov- ie called “Angel Baby” Fraser convinced began filming a block Amtrak and Leon Coun- ONLY away from his house. His ty to support his idea, and parents, who always had now TFS shows movies been movie buffs, took almost every weekend at their 9-year-old son to the the All Saints Cinema, as set be an extra. has become known. “The movie starred “It seats about 70 peo- source of George Hamilton and ple, and we also offer pop- Mercedes McCambridge, corn and soda conces- but it’s really known for sions, just like any movie being Burt Reynolds’ film +PIO'SBTFSTJOUFSFTUJOSBJM theater,” says Fraser. “We investigative debut,” says Fraser. “They SPBETMFEUPIJTJEFBUPIPME like to think it’s a nice, hired a bunch of us kids NPWJFTDSFFOJOHTJOUIF pleasant way to have night to eat corn at a fair. The "NUSBL4UBUJPO out downtown.” camera does a pan and Plus there’s an added journalism. scan, and you can actu- French film called “The bonus that you don’t get in ally see me. I remember Girl on the Bridge,” at the other movie theaters. my parents going to the Miracle Theater. “When the train comes movie when it came out TFS was itinerant for by, the whole building just to see their little boy several years, holding vibrates,” laughs Fraser. in it for all of about three screenings at the R.A. “The horns are blowing seconds.” Gray Building, in the Leon and the building shakes Fraser never lost his County Community Room, — it actually has a lot of interest in films. He came and at various outdoor charm to it.” to FSU to get his master’s spots such as Wakulla There are other things The largest news organization in degree in public admin- Springs. Then in 2005, one Fraser does to make the istration and now works of Fraser’s other interests movie-going experience Tallahassee consisting of 54 passionate as a systems analyst for led him to a big idea. better for his audience. the Florida Department Fraser always had a For example, TFS often professionals covering what matters most. of Financial Services. keen interest in the his- has “bird nights,” when But soon after he arrived, tory of railroads, and has they show films involv- Our Tallahassee. he and a small group of himself ridden most of the ing different bird species friends began getting Amtrak routes in the Unit- (past films have featured together to watch films ed States. He had a par- kestrels, red tail hawks that didn’t make it to the ticular fondness for Leon and owls), and St. Fran- big screen in Tallahassee. County’s Amtrak Station, cis Wildlife Association “For eight years a group which was built in 1858 brings in live specimens of us met every six weeks and is Florida’s oldest so the audience members in my living room, and we operating railroad depot can see them up close and took turns picking films building. personal. and bringing desserts,” he “I used to go to the sta- “St. Francis has been remembers. “It was sort tion a lot because of my really good to us,” says of like a book club, only it interest in trains, and Fraser. “I think the audi- was a film club.” Amtrak has been a spon- ence enjoys seeing the In 1999, Fraser and one sor of the Film Society birds as much as seeing of the other club mem- from the very beginning,” the films.” Tallahassee.com bers, Dan Wester, decid- says Fraser. “When they Fraser also has creat- ed that it was about time stopped passenger service ed a partnership with the IN PRINT DAILY | ONLINE 24-7 to expand their group into in November 2005 because Gulf Wind Chapter of the JUST $20/MONTH* something bigger. That of Hurricane Katrina, I National Railway Histori- To subscribe call 800.999. 2271, or go to tallahassee.com/subscribe was the beginning of the looked around at the wait- cal Society, named for the Tallahassee Film Soci- ing room and thought, Gulf Wind passenger train ety. In 2000 they showed ‘This would make a great *Your EZ Pay subscription includes 7-day print delivery, 24/7 access to e-Edition and Tallahassee.com their first public movie, a theater.’ ” 4FF'3"4&3 1BHF TLH / Tallahassee Democrat Sunday, January 1, 2012 / PAGE 5 Fraser You can spot former commissioner at 'SPN1BHF Legion Hall or monster truck show that provided service for many years between Jack- 4QFDJBMUPUIF%FNPDSBU sonville and New Orleans. “We try to do have a A few artful questions train night every year and from COCA for former show a railroad-related City Commissioner John film,” he says. “My favor- Paul Bailey. ite was a little film called Q: Can you play a musi- ‘Who Is Bozo Texino?’ cal instrument? thing you made by hand? about a guy who painted A: I played drums for A: I built a wooden stor- more than 250,000 box- many years, but I no lon- age shed and raised wood- cars with his graffiti tag. ger play. en flower beds for my That one was really fun.” Q: Do you own any orig- mother. TFS’ best-attended inal art? Q: When was the last event is the evening of A: I collect interest- time you were on a stage? Oscar shorts, when the 5IF5BMMBIBTTFF'JMN4PDJFUZXJMMTDSFFOi#FJOH&MNP w ing campaign signs (e.g., A: A charity fundraiser group shows all the Acad- XIJDIUFMMTUIFTUPSZPGQVQQFUFFS,FWJO$MBTI “Vote Often for Crofton”). — a celebrity auction — at emy Award nominees for Q: What was the first The Moon. Best Live Action Short turned the character of concert you ever attend- +PIO1BVM#BJMFZQMBZFE Q: What artistic talent Film and Best Animated *':06(0 Elmo into an international ed? LFUUMFESVNTJOUIFPSDIFT do you wish you had? Short Film. 8IBUi#FJOH&MNP" icon. The documentary is A: The first concert USBEVSJOHIJHITDIPPM A: The ability to write “People thank me 1VQQFUFFST+PVSOFZ w narrated by Whoopi Gold- I attended was during creatively. every year for that,” says QSFTFOUFECZUIF5BMMBIBT berg, and offers a behind- high school when I played A: “Saving Private — Visit COCA’s websites at Fraser. “They say ‘We TFF'JMN4PDJFUZ the-scenes look at Sesame the kettle drums in the Ryan,” because it was a www.cocanet.org and www. always watch the Oscars, 8IFSF"MM4BJOUT$JOFNB Street and the Jim Henson orchestra. realistic portrayal of the morethanyouthought.com. and until you started JOTJEFUIF"NUSBL4UBUJPO Workshop. Q: What book is on your hell our greatest genera- Send suggestions for artist doing these screenings, 8IFO+BOBUQN Fraser is looking for- nightstand right now? tion experienced to save profiles, news items, story we never got to see the +BOBUQN ward to the screening, A: “Being George our free republic. ideas or fun facts to COCA at short films. Now we under- "ENJTTJPOHFOFSBM and says he is not worried Washington: The Indis- Q: What was the last [email protected]. stand what’s going on.’ ” BENJTTJPO TUVEFOUT about movies becoming pensable Man, as You’ve In essence, that always BOE5'4NFNCFST extinct, even in this day Never Seen Him,” by has been Fraser’s purpose %FUBJMT7JTJUXXXUBMMB and age. Glenn Beck. with the Film Society — to IBTTFFmMNTDPN “Sure, DVDs have Q: When was the last bring films to Tallahassee affected how many people time you danced? that audiences here would go out to the movies, but A: Last week at the 8ő 4-*# otherwise have no oppor- he says. “There are a lot there are always going to American Legion Hall. tunity to see. of quality small films to be be viewers who want to Q: What was the last ĂĂĂ6YÎÆÛµ6YÎÆÛµ YÖÆÏœ YÖÆÏœ ĖYÖěĖYÖě wåÖwåÖ İĖŃĂ “What I tell people is shown.” experience a film on a big live performance you that we book what we Next up for TFS is the screen with a live audi- saw? think are good films, but independent film “Being ence,” he says. “And it A: Monster trucks at small films — films you’re Elmo: A Puppeteer’s Jour- doesn’t hurt to have the the Civic Center. not going to see at Gover- ney,” the story of Kev- building shake when the Q: What movie has nor’s Square or the AMC,” in Clash, the man who train comes by.” most affected you? Academy members: Your Oscar ballots are in the mail 5IF"TTPDJBUFE1SFTT Crystal returning as host. the silent film “The Art- ney’s “The Descendants” Among this season’s ist,” the Deep South drama and Steven Spielberg’s epic LOS ANGELES — Acad- best-picture prospects are “The Help,” George Cloo- “War Horse.” emy Awards season is officially on. Nomination :n ¨||nÏ [¨·nÝn |nÏÝÝö [AÏnb ballots for the 84th Oscar ·Ï¨óene ¨[Aö £ A [¨|¨ÏÝAQnb [AÏ£ n£óϨ£n£Ý½ show have just gone in the mail. 2¨ nAÏ£ ¨Ïnb }£e "nô ¨£ ¨Ï óÓÝa Oscar organizers mailed ôôô½nÏÝÝönAenÏÓ½[¨ ballots Tuesday to 5,783 < 0> J 1# voting members of the "nô nAenÏÓ Academy of Motion Pic- nÝݨ£ -A[n 0¨·Ó ture Arts and Sciences. MQ¨ón ¨¨e ¨Ï¨æÓ ¨¨eM £ Ballots are due back Jan. õ·nÏÝ nÓ£ A£e /n·AÏ nÏÝÝö A£e 13, and Oscar nominations nAæÝ|æ ÓÝAÝn I ¨£Ó£n£Ý nônÏö £e¨[Ï£¨¨ö will be announced Jan.
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