2 BACK STAGE/Frid8y, April 29, 1994 DAJLY SUNDIAL BACK STAGE'JFrid8y, April 29, 1994 3 ........................................................... !)A~ 6+A3e I ............................................................. -Dylans, Kin Missile... k Texas, The Crow. Exclusive Back Stage! Interview "Crow" Creator Uses Personal Tragedy to Inspire Art £oncert 8 y CH l I y l s... R F A T y creating "The Crow" purged aleridar Staff Writer "Oh no. It's going to be a O'llarr of hi s own angst? " I Kung Fu movi e and go thought ii would be a catharsis Tragedy is no siranger 10 10 write this book. but actually Week of JamesO' llarr.comic book art · straight to vi deo." when I was done. I was an- ....... isl and creator of "The Crow... 1. BadGtns grier hecausc I realized I had May 1-7 2. Four Weddings and a which has hecn adapled for James O'Barr upon heari ng that Brandon Lee hlocked out all of these emo- had been cast for the lead in The Crow over Funeral !he screen and will open May 1inns. Essenliall y . w hen I - Christian Sl ater 1 3. The Paper II would sit down to do a page in TilC ~vi e· sdarkncss. angst 4. The Inkwell the book I fe lt like I was c ul - MAYDAY and violence made headlines S@. O' llarr commands a h ie I>ravt.:n. a character who 5. Cops and Robersoos ling m y wrist and ktting hlnod in 1992 when ii eeril y crossed great "cnsc of humor. rt· turns fn1m his un1imclyclea1h now nn the page. II was a Whisky 6. Mighty Ducks 2 over into rea l life. lls star. Upon first hearing that I.cc 1n scarch of justice hcfon.: he really painful book 10 do and I 7. Threesome Brandon L"". was accidentall y had hecn cast for the lead in l .J n finally rest in pcaci:. no. I don't at all fed healed in 8. Major League 2 ki ll ed on !he film 's set. Tir e Crow over C hristi an ll' Ilarr said. any way 3 9. White Fang 2 "The Crow" was born ou1 Slater. he said he thought. "Oh "i--k' s wL"cping in one sce ne On the comple!cd screen Battle of the 10. Brainscan ofO'llarr'sown personal grief. no. 11·s going lo he a Kung r u .md in lhl.'. fll'Xl sn·nc hi: 's like w rsion o f Th e Cro1L O ' Barr Bands He began writing the comic mov ie aml go stra ight 10 !!u s hHal killing machine." said ht.: cou ldn' t be happier Albums t~:H.1k in 198 1 a.'i a reaction 10 vidl'O " I r Darr said. dt.:scribing l.ec·s ··on L'very level. it exceeded Roxy his upbringing in orphanages O'Oarr expressed his frd- ,,1111nwnd of Dravcn. think it is 1. The Division Bell my L'."'<.pl'Clalions. I and what he wi ll only brie fl y ings ahuu t 1hc loss of Brandon ( l' 13arr says the hulk of 1he ahsulutdy beautifu l. I think il Pink Floyd describe as "a tragic CX(X!ri - Lt.-c. who be...:a mc a special 111 111 was completed at the time IS a mastl'.rpl CCC 4 2. The Sign ence with my first girlfriend." frii:nd to him. ··1 got tu ht.' ,·,! I .L'e' s d eath. hul the TI1csedaysO'Barr is work - Seaweed Ace of Base II is nearly impossible to reall y. reall y good friends wi1h , , 1um.11rack was alli:n:d due to in g on his ne xt comil: hook Duane Mar1in and Larenz Tate in "The Inkwell" 3. Abbve the Rim' look at O'llarrwi1hou1 feeling Brandon. I mi ss him like a !lh.: sc n ~ i tivity surroumJing the calkd "Gothic." whkhhc saicl Troubadour Soundtrack Movie Revjew hi s torment. He is a striking hrnther. I loved the guy and I loi 'iS 1if l.ec. In panicular. a is five times more d ispari ng 4. Not A Moment Too man. whose piercing deep hluc still have difficult y with it. \1'i1ers o f Mercy contrihution and violent than ''The Crow.'' Soon eyes pull you right in to hi s He was just so alive all thL" l.illcd "Under the Gun" was With a slight smile. O'llarr 5 lnkwel is No ''Whars Happening'' sensitive sou l, fu ll of intensity ti1:1c." Lui . Tim McGraw O'Darr said prom i sed 10 do a co medy Queen Latifah and pain Lee completely became the o f sooner nr la1cr 5. August & Everything B Y SUSAN AllAM smile and meaningless chatter So has experience The late Brandon Lee in The Crow draws the attention ofthe island Palace After / Staff Wri ter Album Review Counting Crows shrink . UlC local hombshell and Up and Comina 6. Chant Too bad director Matty neglected housewife. As ii turns 5 Benetlclilllj Monks Rich's latest film 771e /11 kwell o ul . it's UlC hes! 14 clays of King Missile Fires Round After Round of Dudley Nonsense is nothing like the trailers on Drew's young life. Off Q & A With The Dylans 7. Longing in Their Etta James television, which doccpl.ivcly Best known for his highly Hearts look like something fro m the acclaimed dchul Stmiglll Out Bv C ~llYl SAIFA TY stream of consciousne&'i. B y Al A N M1 l l f R nan1c thal we cho~ ht..>t.:ausc 11 rlov.·s House ofBlues · BonnleRaitt seventies sitcom, "Whal' sHap- of Brook/)"· Rich's directing Staff Writsr The album's biggest naw Entertainment Editor well off the tnnguc 8. 12 Play pening." Sure. the huge Afros style is as innoccnl a'i Drew's lies in !he structure and point Hott·is your oib1un gmng w stand R.Kelly arc in place. as well as the poly- character. almost toa fault. lllc King Missile h __, prema- of lyrics like "Sock s," Wilh the English i•wasir'n in ow to rcoJlege .\·tiulents 1nrlr sonum.\ 6 9. Music Box "''lcrpant suits and cht.-csydisco discussion about condoms he· turely launched iL' follow-up Tongue," and " Happy Note." full dfet1 UlC challenge 10 stand other nlhum.s goi11,'! ow 1/Jese day5? Rickie Lee Jones Mariah Ganey music, hul where arc Rerun. 1wccn Drew and hi s cousin is 10 1992's "Happy Hour," 11 is hard not to wonder if Hall DUI is hL'Conling more and more I think our lrack listi ngs arc really 10. The Colour of My Roger and Dwayne when you most surprising in a film made which contained !he novelty is just trying 10 fill up music ttil'ficult. Tiic Dylans have chosen different. M ost litlcs arc like " I Ld1 Wadsworth Love rcally need Uicm '! in the 9()' s. 11losc moments arc tune "Detachable Penis." space to meet his recording to use humor and talent to stri vr My Hean in San Francisol·· anU Celine Dion Departing from UlC harsh. rare however. and there arc scv- C~UN studems may recall cont ract obligations when he atxwe their p.:crsandmakeit big in ··why Docs Hc l .llW Mc." The tillcs rcalily-bascd urhan dramas thal LTal prohlcms withthe story lir..:. thai the band ployed on cam- sings, "Look at all my sods/ lhc stales (Sl."t: review on page ·H t11l 11ur alhum are like ··(;rnnge" and 6 havcplagucdUlCatcrs lately. 77ie primarily wiU1 Uic "coming of pus las1 year a long with Oh so many many sock>/ 1 Dack Stagecaught up with Uicm on "Children of UlC ~lame . ·· C1, llege Under Tow Coll•c• /11kwell clocsaccomplishsome- agc" theme whichoocc again in Jawt<J' and School of Fi>h can't even believe 1l/Can )OU !he fir.a day of UlCir press tour sludcnts wlll bl: able 10 rda1L· to this Ulinguniquetofilm by focusing movie talk means gelling laid. King Missile 's perfonnam:c imagine hav ing .'>O man ) through America. album. It' ,... 111tdli - Roxy - Slncles on an in.o;;titution long-ignored: Also misleading is 1hc con- proved '-''" ak . hut mil fo ll ow- socks?" Whm haw! \'Ou gen1 and .'\ IUdc:m~ 1. The More You Ignore The nuclear African American llict helwcen Drew's parcn1s er..; of the hand .,ay they arr 1f ) ou an.: ;i mcmhcrol K 1n ~ bt1e11 doing 1;ad- arcu.SC..'hlll'i1ng1hcir Me... family and UlC hard,hips en- and his hourgeoisaunt anduoclc mu 1: h 'i trn n~cr 1n .... mall vc n Ml'\,1k ', cul1 hllltl\\lll ~. hu\ i11x up 10 this al- brains" 6 Morrissey du red 10 preserve ils cohesion. who refuse to cal grits hccausc uc., I.kc Tlw Ko q or Tlw thc;Jlhu m Y ou\~lllproh . 1h h b1un ." What l omt's Burning Spear 2. RetUm to Innocence Yet lhat'sUiconly fac1orwhich it's "plantation food." Rich Wtu .... h.y - llnd .'>Omc1l1111!! ... ah .1~.1hk Jlld We've hecn ~ acmssgoo,/111 co1i- Enigma distinguishes this film from never quilc achieves the tension K111 g M1 ~ ... 1h " ~L· ll LlllL"ll maybe L'' en \.'.llJU) Jhk ,1., ~nu wriling a lot. go- cert thm pt'opfr Palace 3. No Excuses ovcrclooc comi ng-of-agc sto- nccdcd for t1i s audience 10 un - third release on Atlan11c (lhL' listen to it ing to puhs. ca11 '1 getoff tlwal- ne.'\ ' b1tm ? Allee-In Chains dcrsland what's wn1ng wi1h the group 's s ix.th ovcrnll) has But for those who appn.: t·1· bullshit1ing a lot.
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