SUBJECT INDEX Activation energy to inhibit flux motion, Bi-layer hydrate phase (of sodium cobalt 1027–1029 oxide), 656–663 Alkaline cobaltite (AxCoO2), 683 – Magnetic susceptibility, 657, 667 Alternative preparation routes for MgB2, – Raman spectroscopy, 660, 662 1056 – Resistivity, 657 Amorphous disorder and superconductivity – Specific heat under various fields, 667 in simple metals, 500–503 – XRD, 657, 663 Amorphous disorder and superconductivity Borides and borocarbides, 46–48 in transition metals, alloys and Borocarbide superconductors, 4 metallic glasses, 503–506 Buffer layer in the processing of coated Angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy conductors, 774–776 (ARPES), 654 Bulk HTS and applications, 885–911 Anomaly (magnetic) at 22K for NaxCoO2, 691 C molecule and lattice models, 235–237 Applications of bulk HTS, 876–878 60 – C molecules, 235–236 – Levitation, 876–878 60 – Model for C solid, 236–237 –, – Fly-wheel energy storage, 878 60 C solid doped with alkali metals, 3 –, – Magnetic bearings, 877–878 60 – Trapped field magnets, 878–882 Calculation of series, 452–454 –, – Experimental magnet system, 878–879 Ce-based HF superconductors, 120–149 –, – Magnetic separation device, 879–880 – A-phase and electronic structure of CeCu Si , 125–126 –, – Magnetron sputtering device, 880–882 2 2 –, – Motors, 881 – Coexistence of superconductivity and Applications of superconductors, 4–6 A-phase in CeCu2Si2, 129–134 Atomic layer controlled thin film deposition – High pressure mixed-valent phase of HTS cuprates, 913–936 transition, 126–127 Auger spectroscopy, 232 – Non-fermi liquid state and quantum critical behaviour, 129 – Quantum critical behaviour and superconductivity in CeCu2Si2 and Basic parameters for practical alloy series CeCu2(Si1–xGex)2, 122–123 superconductors, 621 – Quantum critical points and the B-T BCS theory, 2, 184, 500, 505 phase diagram, 123–125 – McMillan’s extension of, 500 – the almost ideal NFL compound Bean-Livingston type (surface) energy CeNi2Ge2, 123 barrier for vortices, 427 – Superconductivity and quantum criticality Bi-based superconducting cuprates, under pressure in CePd2Si2 and 739–764 CeRh2Si2, 135–139 1094 – Unconventional superconductivity and – Amorphous disorder, 508 the two QCPs, 127–129 – Crystalline, 506–508 Change in c-parameter of MgB2 with SiO2 Crystalline disorder in high Tc cuprates, addition, 637 508–550 Charge/carrier distribution, 278–285 Crystal structure and occurrence of – Bi-2212, 281–284 Rutheno-cuprates, 369–370 α β γ – Bi-2223, 284–285 Crystal structure of , and NaxCoO2, – Cu 1212: CuBa2RCu2O6.93, 279–280 652 – (Cu, Mo)1232: (Cu0.75Mo0.25)Sr2 Crystal structure of A-15 compounds, 507 (Ce0.67 R0.33)3Cu2O11+δ, 280–281 Crystal structure of MgB2, 942–944 – XANES spectroscopy, 278–279 Crystal structure of sodium cobalt oxide, Charge reservoir blocks, 589 before and after water intercalation, Chemical design of copper oxide 655 superconductors, 255–294 Crystal structure of Tl-1223, 836 Chronology of Tc, 937 Crystal structure of YBCO, 509 Close packing model of perovskite ABX3, 837 Coated conductors of REBa2Cu3O7, 765–831 Debye-Waller factor, 503 Cobalt oxide hydrate superconductor, de Haas van Alphen (dHvA) oscillations in 651–681 LuNi2B2C, 400 – Intercalation chemistry of, 652–653 Depairing critical current density, 620 – Physical properties of, 653–655 Dependence of critical field on nuclear Coherence length, 4 magnetization in nuclear paramagnets, Collver and Hammond’s systematics, 91–97 503–504 – Al, 92–93 Comparative superconducting properties of – Au-Al2, 92 pure and substituted Tl-1223, 855–858 – AuIn2, 94 Conduction blocks, 589 – In, 94–96 – Rh, 96–97 Critical current density of MgB2, 1011–1047 – Sn, 94 – TiH2+y as a future candidate, 97 Critical current properties of MgB2 thin films, 967–968 Deposition techniques for MgB2, Critical temperature for ternary Nb-based 1076–1078 alloys, 702–703 – Ex-situ high temperature annealing in Mg Cryomagnetic stabilization of vapor, 1076 Ag/YBCO/buffer/Ni based coated – In-situ deposition under high Mg conductor, 820–822 pressure, 1077–1078 Difficulties encountered in depositing MgB2 Crystal and electronic structure of MgB2, 939–946 thin films, 1074–1076 – Crystal structure of boride compounds, – Low sticking coefficient of Mg, 1075 939–942 – Requirement of high Mg vapor pressure, Crystal characteristics of some Tl-1223 1074–1075 phases, 857 – Susceptibility to contamination, Crystalline and amorphous disorders, 499 1075–1076 – In A-15 compounds, 506–508 Disordered superconductors, 499–454 1095 Distribution of superconducting elements in Experimental findings in superconducting periodic table, 2 fullerides, 234–235 Doping in cuprates, 301–306 Experimental methods at micro-kelvin – Control of doping state, 301–302 temperatures, 73–75 – Doping phase diagram, 302–303 – Measuring the doping level, 303–306 Doping effects of Jc properties of MgB Fault current limiter (FCL), 1050 2, Fermi surface of Na CoO , 653 967–968, 970–971 0.5 2 – Doping at B-site, 969–970 Ferromagnetic resonance (FMR), 350 – Doping at Mg site, 969 Field cooled magnetic susceptibility, 334 – Effective pinning sites in MgB , 968–969 Field emission gun transmission electron 2 microscope (FEGTEM), 630 DTA characterization of MgB2 /Fe wire, 1052 Field independent lattice melting Dynamical mean field theory (DMFT), 238, temperature, 643 239 Fine-structure and superconductivity, 286–287 Fission irradiation methods for Jc Effect of porous microstructure on Jc enhancement, 565–570 characteristics of in-situ MgB2 bulk, Flux creep, 644 966–967 Flux pinning force, 620 Effect of substitution and addition on MgB2 Flux pinning induced by composition properties, 1014–1027 fluctuations in over-doped Cu-rich – Carbon doping, 1014–1015 BSCCO single crystals, 639–646 – Metal- element doping, 1026 FM dot on SC film 433–438 – Nano-SiC doping, 1017–1025 FM-SC bilayers, 438–448 – Oxide and other compound doping, 1026 – Continuum regime, 439–444 – SiC and silicide doping, 1025 – Discrete regime, 444 Effective electron-electron interaction, 232 Four phased of NaxCoO2, 684 Electronic structure of cuprates, 300–301 Fp-h curves at 77K for YBCO with Electronic structure of MgB2, 944–946 nanoparticles, 628 Electron irradiation, 556 Fullerenes, 3 Electron-phonon coupling, 234 Future prospects in bulk HTS applications, Electron-phonon coupling in MgB2, 882 953–958 – Calculated phonon modes, 953 – dHvA effect, 954–955 Gamma ray irradiation for Jc enhancement, – Inelastic neutron scattering, 956–957 555–556 – Inelastic X-ray scattering, 956–957 Gap coefficient, 501 – Isotope effect, 953–954 General features of crystal structure of – Raman spectroscopy, 955 Bi-based cuprates, 741–744 Electron phonon interaction strength, 501 Growth of BSCCO single crystals, 744–749 – Growth of Bi 2201, 745 Energy parameters for C60 solid system, 233 EPMA, 685 – Growth of Bi 2212, 745–746 ESR (EPR), 350 – Growth of Bi 2223, 746–747 Evolution of organic superconductivity, – Growth of (Bi, Pb) 2223 by VA-TSFZ 183–186 technique, 747–750 Excitonic mechanism of superconductivity, Hc2 (upper critical field), 4, 5 184 Hc2(T) for YNi2B2C, 410 1096 Heat capacity of borocarbides, 403 Impurity phase Co3O4 in single crystals of Heavy substitutional disorder, 295 sodium cobalt oxide, 685 Heterogeneous magnetic superconducting Inequivalent CuO2 planes, 286 systems (HMSS), 425–457 Influence of YBCO bulk size and shape on High pressure effects on superconductivity, levitation properties, 902–905 459–497 Influence of substrate properties on RE-123 High temperature cuprate superconductors, growth, 917–919 2, 6–32 – Influence of strain on growth, 919 – Basic physics of, 19–29 – Influence of vicinal angle on structural – Metallurgical aspects of, 9–14 defects, 918 – Structural aspects of, 8–9, 11 – Influence of vicinal angle substrates on – Superconductive coupling in, 17–19 the growth mode, 917–918 – Symmetry of superconducting order Integrals of Bessel functions, 449–452 parameter for, 15–16 Interplay between ferromagnetism and – Technical applications of, 30–32 superconductivity, 425 Heavy fermion quaternary borocarbide: Interplay of hyperfine enhanced nuclear YbNi2B2C, 403–404 magnetism and superconductivity, Heavy fermion (HF) superconductors, 3, 98–104 35–38 Interplay of magnetism and – Ce-based, 39 superconductivity, 365 – Rare-earth skutterudites, 43–44 Interplay of van Vleck paramagnetism and – U-based, 40–42 superconductivity in Pr1–xLaxTe, 98 HMSS theory, 427–433 Ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD), – Finite systems, 433 800–801 – Periodic systems, 432–433 Ion irradiation for Jc enhancement, – Two dimensional textures and vortices, 558–560 429–432 – High energy ions, 561–565 – Three dimensional systems, 428–429 – Low energy ions, 560–561 HTS bulk synthesis, 886–888 Irradiation of HTS for enhancement of Jc, HTS maglev measurement system, 891–894 555–588 HTS maglev test vehicle, 905–910 Isotope effect, 234 – Guidance force of HTS maglev vehicle, 906–908 – Levitation force of HTS vehicle, 905–906 – Long term stability of HTS maglev Jahn Teller coupling, 237, 240 vehicle, 908–910 Jahn-Teller phonons, 236, 240 Hyperfine enhanced nuclear magnetism, 73, Jc enhancement of MgB2 by irradiation, 98–104 1038–1044 – Electrons, 1042 – Heavy ions, 1042–1043 Images of diffraction pattern from the – Neutrons, 1038–1040 vortex lattice in YNi2B2C under – Protons, 1040–1041 magnetic field, 407 – U/n method, 1043 Impact 0f hyperfine enhanced nuclear Jc-H behaviour, 624, 626, 627, 632, 634, magnetism on superconductivity of 638, 641 Pr0.50La0.50Te,
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