C!)t CllswortI) American. Vol. LYI. 1 ViZm "“•[ ELLSWORTH, MAINE. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 27, 1910. !! No. 30 «6Brrtiirmrnt». AFFAIRS. mother, Mrs. Mafia L. Bartlett, in Ella- HMKTtiwmcRt*. LOCAL worth. NEW ADVERTISEMENT* THIS WEEK. A socialist address was given last even- NATIONAL BAN IX ing in postofflce square by a speaker from Admr notice—Eat Charles E Osgood. - the a Mr. a Maine- UNION TRUST COMPANY ELLSWORTH, ME. -FV Theodore H Smith, Albert R Buck—Com- Southwest, Simonton, BURRILL missioners’ notice. born man. He was listened to attentively Eben W Mayo, Frank P Greene—Commis- OF ELL8WORTH. sioners' notice. by quite a crowd. HOW MUCH BETTER State assessors’ | notice. The Salvation have O W Tapley—Insurance and real estate. army headquarters It Is to use a check In paying ae- Ellsworth Greenhouse. been removed from Odd Fellows block to Capital.$100,000 counts than It Is to count out the Bangos, Mb: the building at the corner of School and Eastern and Undivided Profits cash. Your check is bound to be Maine State fair. Church streets formerly used by the Free Surplus 68,000 and right It Is a receipt that cannot Will Baptist society. OFFIOBRS l>e denied. SCHEDULE OF MAILS AT BLLSWORTH FOSTOFFICB. Herman S. Austin, who is just out of JOHN A. PETERS. President HENRY W.CUSHMAN. Vice President In effect June JO, 1910. the Bar Harbor hospital after an opera- LEONARD M. MOORE. Treasurer HENRY H. HIGGINS, Asst. Treasurer OPEN A CHECKING ACCOUNT tion for abscess of the bowels, is spending MAILS BBCBIVBD. here two weeks with his mother, Mrs. Clifford Dl RIOTOUS and disputed payments will Fbom Wbut—*8.66 a m; J12.Q7, 4.86,16.89, ‘8p m. be O. Royal, in this city, while recuperating. things of the past. Besides, your From East—11 a m; 12.20, 5.60 and 11.07 p m. William F. Campbell L. Elrie Holmes \} Fred a. Chandler J. K. Holmes rash Is safer here than In MAIL CLOSBS AT FOSTOFFICB. The schooner Melifcsa Trask, Capt. A. W. your safe. Henry W. Cushman Arno W. King | Going Wbut—10.80 11.60 a m; 2, *5.80, *9 p m. Hutchings, is loading staves and heads A If re I R. Crabtree Elias P. Lawrence Going East—8.80 a 4 Lucilius A. Albert E. Mace We liberal Interest on m; and 5.80 p m. for N. for C. J. Emery pay such accounts Newark, J., Treworgy. John R. Graham Leonard M. Moore i 1 4 per cent on savings. Write or call for ! ‘Dally, Sundays Included. tTrain stops Capt. Hutchings has been in Millinocket Myer Gal'ert Frank C Nash H. John A. for a few with his Henry Gray Peters \ particulars. Sundays only. IDaily except Monday. days family, returning Etmere Hale Bion M. Pike i No mail dispatched to or received from the home Monday. W. A. Havey Henry W. Sargent if east Sundays. Frank L. Hodgkins Elmer P. spofford Ellsworth has been made the telephone Barney B. Havey John O. Whitney O. W. Tapley toll centre for Northeast, Southwest and Mrs. Grace W. of Hill, Wellington, Seal Harbors. With this increase in busi- For nearly a quarter of a this bank has occupied a is visiting relative# here. century Maas., ness Ellsworth has become one of the prominent place in the commercial life of Hancock and Washing- Mrs. William P. Clough, of Dorchester, largest toll centres in the Bangor district, ton counties, being a successor to the First National Bank of Ells- is in Ellsworth for summer. worth which was established in 1887. It offers to the the the says New England Telephone Topics. public advantages of its large experience, strong associations, ample W. II. Dana and of are wife, Boston, Morris W. Knowlton, of Washington, resources and complete equipment, and solicits business on the guests of O. W. Tapley and wife. D. C., joined his wife and little daughter basis of mutual advantage. ; Fred I. Moor and wife, of Lynn, Mass., here Saturday, to spend a month’s vaca- 4 IDEAL MONEY FOR TRAVELERS. are visiting relatives in Ellsworth. tion with his parents, John F. Knowlton and wife. Mr. Knowlton is a it Heady funds in any part of tin* world art* assured to holders Mrs. Maude Presby Snow, of Harrisburg, stenog- for the interstate commerce com- in the Ellsworth court Bar Harbor Horse Show. X of our Lettera of Credit or Travelers’ Cheques of the American is the guest of Mrs. Henry E. Davis. rapher raigned municipal of w Bankers' Association. It is mission. Monday, charged with threatening the At a meeting the Bar Harbor Horse vitally iiuporiant to travelers to Mrs. G. A. who has been visit- Parcher, Show 1 have their funds in safe and L. H. Cushman life of his wife, Abbie Willey, who lives association yesterday, the dates for absolutely secure form,*yet in- ing in Cberryfleld for the week, is home. Early Sunday morning | 1 in Ellsworth. The were married the show were fixed as 24 and 25. *Uotly convertible into cash; the Letters of Credit and discovered a fire started under one corner Willeys Aug. 23, fjf. Mrs. E. M. Moore, who has been quite about fifteen but did not Charles B. Pineo was elected and Travelers’ Cheque*-we issue these conditions of the shed of the Burnham tenement on years ago. they secretary rJi satisfy ideally, ill at her home on Pine street, is improv- “live ever afterward”. In two or J. L. and V with least bother or expense. Write or call. Third street, occupied by Mrs. Abbie happily Ketterlinus, Philip Livingston ing. Willey. Mr. Cushman and Edward Par- three years Mrs. Willey secured a divorce. Arthur B. Addison, executive committee. EASTERN TRUST & Mrs. Edward T. of There was a reconciliation and Mrs. Edward T. and Edward Beal f BANKING CO. BANGOR, ME. Irwin, Westerville, sons extingushed the fire before much later, Stotesbury Branch.. mt is her William E. a a of McLean were added to the board of di- Old Town and Mach la, O., visiting brother, damage was done, without turning in an Willey says remarriage by justice Whiting. alarm. The fire is believed to have the peace in Portland. There were fre- rectors. and to last There is indication that the com- Harry M. Bellatty, foreman of the Pitts- been started by an incendiary. quent quarrels separations up every December, since which time Mrs. Willey ing show will be the biggest and best in field Advertiser office, made a short visit In the crowd brought to Ellsworth by has refused to return to her husband. She the history of the association. There are home last week. the President’s visit Saturday were some testified that he continued to annoy her said to be more fine horses on the island M. H. Clement will this week open the undesirable guests of the light-fingered and had threatened her life unless she than ever before, many of the former ex- restaurant at the corner of Main and variety. These mingled with the crowds W. returned to him, and she was afraid of hibitors having added to their stables, and O. TARLEY, Hancock streets. w hich greeted the President, and in the him. The court placed Willey under there will be a number of strings shown Mrs. C. Woodward and little crush plied their profession most success- Harry bonds in the sum of flOO to the peace by new comers. Several new features will cases of keep FIRE IN8URANCE REAL E8TATE. of are fully. Many pocket-picking daughter Margaret, Salem, Mass., for one year. He was committed to the be added. relatives here. have been reported. One Ellsworth man ELLSWORTH, ... MAINE. visiting county jail in default of bond. lost over $30, and others report smaller State Assessors in Hancock Co. John H. Vose and wife, who have been losses. The state assessors announce that they visiting here for two weeks, have returned ELLSWORTH FALLS. will be at Ellsworth on Saturday, Aug. 13, to their home in Portland. Bids for tbe removal of tbe building and at Bar Harbor on 15. next to the have been asked for Flood is home for a Monday, Aug. Hancock Mrs. Ella of her postofflce Percy E. visit with County Lord, Bangor, with by the treasury deparment, and it is C.W.GRINDAL his parents, Asa C. Flood and wife. little Anna has granddaughter, Torrens, understood that C. W. Grindal was COMING EVENTS. been Miss Mildred Fernald went to visiting Mrs. Fred L. Kent. tbe successful bidder. He intends to Monday Bar Harbor, where she has employment. ELLSWORTH. WATER STREET Savings Bank, Mrs. C. M. Holloway, of Brockton, move the main building to a lot on Water Friday, Aug. 26, at school build- Mass., is visiting her sisters, Mrs. Lewis street next to his present storehouse. It Mrs. William P. Dorr went to Lewiston high ing, Ellsworth, beginning at 8 a. m. — MAINE. A. Joy and Miss Arvilla Thomas. is expected that as soon as the lot is Monday for a visit of several weeks with ELLSWORTH, Teachers’ examination for State certifi- of cleared, work on the erection of the relatives. Myer Gallert, formerly Ellsworth, cates. Kerosene Oil The bunk commimiorer ot the State of com- by now of New York, is in the city. His addition to the postofflce will be D. E. Loweree and wife were in Bar Maine hat* the officers Wednesday and 28 and recently requested many friends her# are glad to greet him. menced. Harbor several days last week, returning Thursday, Sept. of each bank and trust ot home 29—Annual fair North Ellsworth farmers’ savings company Miss Annis of Rev.
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