1 www.fsutorch.com Single Issue Free, Additional Copies 25 Cents October 21, 2015 Ferris State University TORCH NewsNews page 4 LifestylesLifestyles page 7 Truth,Truth, fairnessfairness andand Orange is the New Black author Students create new a capellacapella comescomes toto FerriFerriss accuracyaccuracy sincesince 19311931 RSO,RSO, Acaholics BEST IN THE LAAND see page 10 for story 5,218 rushing yards Photo By: Aubrey Kemme | Photographer 2 2 News October 21, 2015 Ferris State Torch News Editor Devin Anderson [email protected] NEWS I’ve learned to cherish life more. “ ” Ferris State Torch - James Chappell See below for story Rolling in style Wheelchair basketball event breaks disability stereotypes Mari Ann Loucks stereotype that people with Ferris State Torch physical disabilities cannot play sports, be active or live fulf lling Ferris has built a strong ath- lives,” Alexander said. “These letic reputation already this players are quite athletic de- year, but asking our athletes spite the fact that they do not to compete in wheelchairs run up and down the court. The is another game entirely. Grand Rapids Pacers seem to The Ferris State basketball have a great time when they play teams played the Grand Rap- and they will tease and trash ids Pacers wheelchair bas- talk just as any athletes will.” ketball team last weekend at This is the fourth year that Wink Arena to raise awareness Ferris has held the wheelchair for those with disabilities and basketball game. This is the to break the stereotypes sur- only sporting event at Ferris rounding disabilities in sports. that focuses on the inclusion All of the players, including of people with disabilities. Ferris players, played in wheel- “I appreciate those guys for chairs. The Ferris team put being around and telling their up a good f ght, but was ulti- stories,” Chappell said. “I was in mately bested by the Pacers. awe from some of the things they James Chappell, a criminal said that they’ve been through. justice senior at Ferris, played I’ve learned to cherish life more. in the basketball game for the I really appreciate them com- second time. ing out and playing with us.” “Playing in a wheelchair is sig- “It is often surprising to peo- nif cantly more diff cult than play- ple how much athletic ability ing without it. After playing in the is required for wheelchair bas- games, I have learned to have a ketball and how enjoyable it different outlook on life because is to watch,” said Alexander. the Pacers are very active, very Raff e tickets were sold at positive, and just having fun the game, raising $100 for playing basketball. They are nev- a scholarship for a student er down on themselves, and they with a disability through the taught me to be more positive.” off ce of Educational Coun- s Julie Alexander, an educa- seling & Disabilities Services. tional counselor at Ferris’ of- “We wanted to show people f ce of Educational Counseling that even if you have a disability & Disabilities Services said the you can still be active,” Chappell g game is meant to show students said. “You can cherish the stuff s that individuals with disabili- you do have because some peo- w ties are just like anyone else. ple don’t have that. Just be the Photo by: Katie Tobak | Photographer “The goal is to challenge the best you can be and be grate- Ferris State basketball’s James Chappell looks for an open lane at last week’s wheelchair basketball event. ful.” Clean One Bedroom Apartment Science on tap In Town Big Rapids Ferris offers degree concentration in beer making $500/month Includes Heat & Water Kip Biby offers industrial chemistry as an conducted research with Thom- Ferris State Torch associate degree, but chemistry son. They measured pH in every NO PETS professor Mark Thomson is in stage of the brewing process the process of expanding the and added specif c amounts of 231-796-8142 Craft beer enthusiasts at program to a bachelor degree. calcium carbonate to batches. Ferris have something to look “I’m really excited about the “To learn this stuff through forward to this year as the in- fermentation science program a chemistry perspective was dustrial chemistry program now because it builds on a long his- pretty neat,” Cronk said. offers fermentation science tory that Ferris has had in in- Students not in the fermen- as a degree concentration. dustrial chemistry,” said Thom- tation science program who are Students in this program will son, who has brewed beer at interested in the science behind take classes along with indus- home for more than 30 years. fermentation in wine, cheese trial chemistry major courses “We’ve been doing industrial and bread are not left without such as fermentation chemistry, chemistry at the associate’s the opportunity learn. For years, fermentation analysis, beverage level for more than 60 years.” Dr. Michael Ryan management and principles of Ferris environmental biolo- food science. Ferris currently See Beer gy junior Symon Cronk recently on page 3 3 News 3 Ferris State Torch October 21, 2015 Skateboarder runs into car, student hit by car TORCH A roundup of this week’s crime at Ferris State University. Devin Anderson sisted McNerney Hall staff with a suspended license. NEWS BRIEFS News Editor a marijuana complaint. The inci- dent was handled by hall staff. Don’t tweet me bro Bumper cars Oct. 12, 12:15 p.m., off cers Devin Anderson Oct. 6, 3:35 p.m., off cers re- The bash brothers investigated the complaint of a News Editor sponded to a two-car accident in Oct. 9, 11:20 p.m., off cers threat via social media. A sub- Lot 1. investigated two disorderly sub- ject was identif ed and referred Andrew Huang Concert jects outside of Clark Hall. The to the Off ce of Student Conduct. Musician Andrew Huang will perform at Ferris at 7 p.m. Getting towed two were arguing loudly outside on Thursday, Oct. 22, in University Center room 202. Oct. 8, 12:30 p.m., a vehicle and were separated. Gassy encounters Huang is known for his video content and blending many in Lot 68 was impounded for Oct. 12, 11:10 p.m., off cers genres of music. This Entertainment Unlimited-coordinat- having multiple unpaid tickets. Party hardy discovered a vehicle with a leak- ed event is free to attend. ing gas tank in Lot 3. The owner Getting rowdy in Hallisy removed the vehicle from cam- History presentation by Dr. Christian Peterson Oct. 8, 7:40 p.m., off cers re- TORCH pus. As a part of the history department’s Passion for the sponded to a disorderly subject Past Series, history professor Christian Peterson will complaint in Hallisy Hall. The Remember middle school? speak at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 26, in University Cen- subject was referred to the Of- ON THE Oct. 14, 1:35 a.m., a student ter room 202. Students can hear about historical topics f ce of Student Conduct. pulled the f re alarm in Travis and their importance while enjoying pizza and soda. RECORD Hall. There was no f re and the Lake Orion theft student could not be located. Interactive theater performance Oct. 9, 11:30 a.m., off cers The Social Work Association will host an event about assisted Lake Orion police with Suspended license current social issues by a North Carolina theater group an investigation involving theft Oct. 10, 12:50 a.m., off cers Oct. 14, 4:50 a.m., off cers called Theater Delta at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 29, in from their jurisdiction. A Ferris assisted the city police in re- performed a traff c stop on University Center room 202. The group will perform and student was identif ed and inter- sponding to a large party on Ives 215th Avenue. The driver of the interact with the audience, discussing racism and sexism. viewed. Avenue. vehicle had a suspended license and was ticketed. Skater hits stopped car, ouch I just came to say hello... Oct. 9, 11:40 a.m., off cers re- Oct. 10, 2:25 p.m., off cers Student hit by car sponded to a vehicle and skate- responded to a harassment Oct. 14, 12:48 p.m., off cers boarder crash on Campus Drive. complaint in Brophy Hall, where assisted the city police with a The skateboarder was being a female student reported un- car accident on Ferris Drive. A towedt by a bicycle. When the bi- wanted texts. The male subject pedestrian crossed the street Follow us on cycle swerved around a stopped was advised to end communica- without paying attention, was vehicle, the skateboarder did tion. hit by a car and crashed through not and hit the vehicle’s fender. the windshield. He was trans- Both the cyclist and skateboard- Stop it like it’s hot ported to the hospital and tick- Twitter @fsutorch er were gone upon off cers’ ar- Oct. 11, 4 p.m., off cers per- eted. rival. formed a traff c stop on State Street for disregarding a traff c DPS issued 305 parking and That smelly smell control sign. The driver of the ve- traff c violations between Oct. 9 Oct. 9, 3:25 p.m., off cers as- hicle was ticketed for driving on and Oct. 15 totalling $5,250. BEER from page 2 Fermentation a new concentration at Ferris has organized a biology class in Italy each summer, in which Ferris State Torch students witness the pro- duction of food and drink. Corrections “The goal of the course is to provide some scientif c back- ground so that students under- On page 1 of last week’s issue, stand such things as making wine and cheese,” Ryan said.
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