HOWTOaiTTHlLfADM Just Fill in the Form On Page S And Return It to Us! —Serving the Town Since 1890— Thursday, January M, 19»3 232-4407 FORTYCENTS TRAFFIC CONCERNS, 'WRONG MESSAGE' FOR CHILDREN CITED Town Councilmen Unanimously Turn Down Application for Liquor License in Building Which Currently Houses Costume Corner Store Operator Wanted to Expand Party-Rental Business by Offering Alcoholic Beverages; Competing Licensee's Attorney Proposes Other Vendors Fund Retirement of 'Pocket' License By ROBERT B. FA5ZCZEWSKI not been used since 1991, to the op- According lo Mr. Campbell, he late afternoon and evening after the Sptcially Wriumfor Tht Wtstfuld Uadtr erators of the costume stare. wanted to make Ihe conversion in children had come home from school. Following the expression of a large The operators of the store, which order to make liquor available to "We don't want some drunk pull- amount of community opposition at rents costumes for parties, Mr. and cusiomersof his party-rental business, ing out of the store's driveway and FOR PEDESTRIAN SAFETY.MIMIMW J.Darfcaa, kft, the President of th« Tuesday's Town Council meeting, Mrs. Bruce Campbell of Scotch the Party Slop, which is located down hitting our kids," Mrs. Schacfer re- New Jersey Automobile ClublaFbrluuaPirJ^nMatefocltUwiHorWMirkM the council voted unanimously to turn Plains, sought to convert the current the street from Ihe costume facility. plied, "and we are not asking the with the American Automobile AMOCt«lo«'*fakftrlu Safety CtUUoarorrfx shop in the front of the building into years without a pedtttrbi fatality. Accepttaj toe award tt a recent luncheon, down the application of the owner of Residents of Central Avenue and town to police our children, only to shown, left to right, ares WtitrkU Polka Captain Owm M. McCabe, Mayor the Costume Comer on Central Av- a liquor store andtomovethecoslume prove Street contended, however, the answer our concerns." Garland C. "Bud" Boothc, Jr, WntfleM Police Servant Cart V. Gel* and enue and Grove Street to transfer the store to what currently is a garage in increased traffic would pose a hazard Noting her concerns for safely and Westfleld Patrolman William J. Murphy. Pleaae uc a ttory on Page3. Drug Fair liquor license, which has the rear of the building. to school children crossing at the that the store might become a target intersection, and the location of a for robberies because it was on an liquor store in the building would easy escape route" from town, Mrs. "send ihe wrong message" to children Juanita Allen of Central Avenue said Board of Adjustment Denies an Application that the consumption of alcohol the store would create a bad image should be associated with parties. forWcstfield. Mrs. Connie Schacfer of Floral Mrs. Allen's sentiments were ech- Court said the Costume Comer was oed by a retired Weslfictd police of- To Extend Side Porch on Knollwood Terrace "a great place for children to go for C0MMIDWMK7 fun and games," because it does sell LIQUOR STORE APPLICANT Proposal Would Have Brought Home to Within 11.6 Feet of Home Next to Residence of Applicants some children's gadgets and rents some children's costumes, but the WILL NOT APPEAL VOTE location of the liquor store in the Bruce Campbell, the owner of By PAUL J. PEYTON granted permission to construct a board seeking approval to enlarge a before Ihe board to extend a kitchen building would give children the idea Sptcially Writl4nfor Th Wfa plastic-covered greenhouse. detached garage. Mr. Neumann noted out eight feet into the front contrary the Costume Corner, who had "they can have more fun and games sought to open a liquor store in the The Board of Adjustment Monday Mr. Williams told the board the since his last appearance before the io the town's ordinance requiring a with alcohol." greenhouse was needed due to board he had reduced the size of ihe 40-foot front setback. The addition building but was turned down on denied an application byaKnoHwood She also noted Lusardi Liquors was Tuesday night by the Town Coun- Terrace couple to extend a side porch weather conditions including rainand garage lo fall within the 22.6 percent would brinp the setback to 30 feet. located less than an eighth of a mile frost which had damaged some plants permitted building coverage. The addition also extends the cil, told The Westfield Leader which would place the home within away from the proposed facility, and Wednesday morning he would not 11.6 feet of the property line contrary at the facility. The structure would be He said two cars currently parked building coverage lo 21.9 per cent, the new store would drive business within 25 feet of the parking lot for short of the 22 per cent maximum appeal the decision, but instead to a town ordinance requiring a 15- in the street would be garaged. He away from ihe other store. would expand hiscostumebusiness foot sideyard setback. the nursery. said the current dimensions of the allowed. Mr. Maines said, "Prior to Brian W. Fahey, the Westficld at- his purchase of the home in 1984, a and go into theatrical costumes and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Todaroof 758 He said the dimensions would be garage are 18.5 feel by 14.35 feel. torney representing Mr. and Mrs. other "farn!*)/-related" items in Knollwood Terrace supplied infor- 63 feet by 96 feet. Only peaks of the The new widih will be 22 feet. The previous owner had placed two ad- Campbell, replied the liquor store ditions on the rear of the house." order to comply with community mation 10 the board with sideyard top of the juncture would be visible application was approved unani- would netopen until around 10 a.m., sentiments expressed at ihe coun- ocauiremenu of nearby homes in from the street. -. mously by the board. The application was approved lo after the children had gone to school, cil session. support of the application. Mm. Kerbwkh noted ihe applica- " Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Maines were'' the board and its busiest time would be in the Tnc Todaros' next door neighbors, tion would have to adhere lo whatever Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Baton of 762 recommendations might be required Knollwood Terrace, also presented by the Union County authorities since the board with information on sur- Ihe facility is on a county road. Town Officials Tour Trash Incinerator Site; rounding homes. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Cass of 826 Mr. Todaroexplained it was not his Summit Avenue were before the board or Mrs. Todaro's intent to infringe on seeking approval of thcirapplicaiion iheirneighbors by reducing the space toconsuuetan addition to their home. Operation of Plant Is Explained in Detail between the two homes. In an effort to fall within the 22.6 per He said the couple originally cent tot coverage allowance, the wanted to extend the kitchen and couple agreed to remove a garage Resource-Recovery Facility, Which Cost $157 Million Is More Than Halfway on the Road to Completion install sonic new windows. However, and shed from their property. their contractor said the project only "It's really the deck that's too big, Townofficials on January 18 loured chamber that will burn it at 1,800 turbulence and burnout of any hot stituentsofthe flue gases. Spent lime could be accomplished by extending not the house," Mrs. Herberich said. the SI57 million Union County re- degrees Fahrenheit and, according to combustion gases that form in the collected in the fabric filler baghouse, the house out an additional two-and- Board member Thomas C. Phclan source-recovery facility in Rah way, Ogdcn Martin, assure complete furnace, No. 12. No. 18, will be directed via fly ash u-half feel on the side of the house. noted the deck already was on ihe construction on which is more than combustion. The furnace waits and the division conveyors, No. 21, to a residue dis- The plans called for a side porch to house when the Casses bought the halfway completed. During the burning process, the walls between the boiler sections, charger, No. 22, and transferred via be enclosed and widened. The couple house. According to a spokesman for forced-draft fan, No. 9, will supply No. 13, arc of solidly-welded mem- conveyors, No. 23, to the enclosed testified last month the room would The board unanimously approved primary air via the undcrgratc air brane design. residue storage area before final dis- be u combination kitchen and family the application. zones, No. 10, to the burning refuse In ihe third pass of die multi-pass posal at a sanitary landfill. room. Mr. and Mrs. David Larson of 535 layer on the stoker gate. boiler, a convection section, No. 14, The garbage will e reduced to an The main objection of the Eaions Clark Street had thcirapplicaiion for garbage coming intothcplantwillbc Secondary air, No. 11, injected at will cool the flue gases so gasscs and inert ash residue which will be about was the Toilaros' house would be a side addi lion approved by the board. examined for any recyclable or un- the front and rear walls, will provide fly ash are reduced in temperature lOpercenlof its original volume, the closer to ilieir home. The Larsons changed iheii construc- desirable materials after the garbage when entering ihe horizontal super- Ogdcn Martin spokesman said. "1 think the Todaros should be tion plans to adhere to the to wn's 22.6 is dumped into a 44-foot deep refuse heater pass. High-tcmpcraturesteam produced commended for trying to increase the per cent building-coverage storage pit — No. 3 on the above PROPERTY TAXES DUE This pass contains vertical super- in the boiler will be used for power value ol'ihcir home, but we think it is allowment.
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