v ,'-r; -wwwvwwk*- •••'¦ ••• Page 4 LyjjKfou ”¦ 0L TV Movies yayy iIL j wi J <s***&! .4 KTVK (3) - KPHO-TV (5) ~s4riz6na Sun ~ — r> _ |<—n )-| II- |—l I—l r THURSDAY, MARCH 8,1962 FRIDAY, MARCH 9 10:30—KPHO < 5 )*-Movietime—“Broadway” Janet Blair, George Raft. Broderick Crawford. Eastlake Schedule 12:00—KTVK ('—Theatre After Dark—“Revolt in the Big House”. G£ne Evans, Robert Blake. 9mlii • Eastlake won the Eastlake Thunderbird, Class C. League by 10 SATURDAY, MARCH : winning all of their games. (s»—Movietime—“Song of - 10:30—KPHO Scheherazade” ~~~ Eastlake 60 Berney 24 Yvonne De Carlo. Jean Pierre Aumont. 1 Eastlake 37 - Valley Christian 11:45—KTVK (3)—Theatre After Dark—“Seven Angry Men” Center 25 - Raymond Massey. Debra Paget. Eastlake 70 - Herrera 30 ; Eastlake 60 - Verde 37 ' SUNDAY, MARCH 11 Eastlake 102, Central 20 Showtime—“Flight to Hong Kong" i 10:00—KTVK (3'—Staggs Eastlake 58 - Green Valley 35 Barbara Rush. Rory Calhoun. 64 - Skiff 22 Hucksters” Eastlake 10:30—KPHO (s>—Movietime—“The Eastlake 55 - Golden Gate 26 Clark Gable, A,va Gardner. This team went on to win over - - 52 MONDAY, MARCH 12 Coefelt 69 49 and Harmon 40 to win a tournament held by the 10:30—KPHO (s)—Movietime—“Lady Be Good”, Powell, Robert Young. two districts. Eleanor This team is coached by Fred- (3 After Dark—“The Persuader.” 10:45—KTVK die < Mohawk) Cole, who is a Junior <¦< . Craig. Talman. I James William '' I at Phoenix Union High School. V..vv. > ¦ | TUESDAY, MARCH 13 Em ¦ Wallace Beery, Leo Carrillo. (s*—Movietime—“Viva Villa” ' 10:30—KPHO ANDERSON, of 2559 East Mobile, is getting prepared lor The Center Story ¦ ¦ (3'—Theatre After Dark—“Tarzan Escapes” JAMES 10:45—KTVK the A.A.U. Summer Boxing Program to be held at the Madison Johnny Weissmuller, Maureen O'Sullivan. Gompers Memorial Re Square Gardens starting March 14. Anderson lias won 6 fights Samuel habilitation Center was built ioint WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14 and lost' 1. Anderson ran out of sparring partners. Anderson’s ly by men and women of ort»» 10;30—KPHO (s>—Movietime—“Road to Denver” manager, Huey Johnson, said Anderson will be Olympic Cham- the nized labor of this area and match I ill being >| Mona Freeman. pion in 1964. The Anderson fight is sponsored by the Team- : A John Payne. „ ng grants from the Federal env (3'—Theater After Dark—“Little Old New \ork 83 of 2602 East Washington. 10:4o—KTVK sters Union Local ernment. Operating revenue comp® Ritz Bros., Alice Faye. health agencies referring patients 9 % THURSDAY, MARCH 15 to the Center and by individual ¦ 10:30—KPHO (s>—Movietime—“Keeper of the Flame” Top In Nation to pay—but no patient ever has 11 Martin Chosen To patients, according to their ability Spencer Tracy, Katherine Hepburn. Guns from Easter Seal Cam 10;45—KTVK (3'—Theatre After Dark—"The Young Tourney the Annual Russ Tamblyn. All Team xjaign individual and group dons» Gloria Talbot, paid mmsm, -vMgsgun tons fees which are bv -'Mrxd ' h been turned away because of inabil mi ' „ Monday just a screen away! Join Jack on CHAN- ity to pay. THE JACK LALANNE SHOW thru TV Challenges Friday (9:00 A. M.) Exercise Eating tips are' NEL 3, KTVK each weekday at 9:00! Legal Defense Fund Suit The Center is medically-orient Hasssgg. ed. There is a Medical Director Segregated Hospital Facilities *£ m with m : Medical Advisory Board Barber Shop Discriminates of local physicians and other re SUPPORT NAACP hospitals receive federal ! habilitation authorities. Patients Because a Negro Student at New York NAACP Legal De- Both funds from the Hill-Burton pro- accepted only upon direct re- Northwestern University was fense and Educational Fund at- I jare gram and tax-exempt. Ap- ferral by a qualified physician or torneys challenged segregated hos- are charged $5.00 for a haircut at a by Negro physicians a co-operating medically-oriented pital facilities this week in a suit plications the w barber ship in Evanston, 111., the hospitals, filed health agency. An Admissions filed in Greensboro, N. C. and dentists to voted in April 1960. were refused by Board composed of a staff physi- the Student Senate to recom- JUDGE HENRY S. STEVENS suit attacks, for the first Cone administrators, and not act- cian-specialists screens all ap- mand a boycott of the barbershop, The eight time, the “separate but equal” ed on by Long officials. plications and works with the an “integration test” of camp- of the 1946 Hill-Burton patient’s own physician in de- us area barbershops by eight teams provisions hospital segregates Ne- Act, which provides for federal Cone yermining the proper therapy to of white and Negro students dis- patients Long hospital assistance to more than 2,000 hos- gro and be administered by the Center. Up- closed that only one barbershop SUPERIOR COURT medical facilities does not admit Negroes at all. on discharge from the Center all discriminated. pitals and iHd | ' : A patient desiring to enter jr , ft;. V" T tf throftghout the South. Negro patients are returned to their ad- McLeod, 20th Anniversary Cone would have to discharge his mitting physician or agency. James C. dean of stu- regular doctor and accept treat- dents,- said .he v approved of the Jack Greenberg, Defense Fund ~ Ji "v and “thoughtful” efforts Director-Counsel, emphasized the ment from a white staff doctor. | — The Center is a “total”or “com- “carefull” r|| facility. of to it. that of the suit, saying “it jp prehensive” rehabilitation the students' to see importance The Defense Fund complaint to as no segregation in bar- to anyone that Services referred care and there was by now obvious ‘ is charges that the Negro physicians physical, bershops. •* separate-but-equal in federal or treatment” include: oc- “are now suffering and will con- speech therapies; law the U. S. Con- cupational and , state violates tinue to suffer irreparable injury audiological services; psychological The Hill-Burton Act has stitution. by maintenance of defendants’ - provision, and by helping to the services; pre vocational evalua- NO such a policy, practice, custom and usage, tions; services; CREDIT NEEDED AT segregation in health industrial blind. perpetuate including loss of earnings and de- training; special for continues to foster the dis- education orth care it privation of the opportunity to Valdez opedically handicapped and deaf second - class treatment Bobby graceful further develop the skills neces- Children: and social services. All given Negro physicians and pati- sary for continued proficiency of One of the top amateur boxers are on an out-patient ents.” their chosen professions.” K&Vvin the nation is Bobby Valdez, basis', l represented the state in Los The suit was filed February 12. According to complaint, Ne- who the Angeles, winning the Middleweight |pf!9f Referrals to the Center are made in the Federal District Court in suffer gro patients “deprivation Championship, and in Chicago, 'by private— physicHnnar private SARWARK'S on behalf of six opportunity of receiving Greensboro of the he won two impressive Health and Welfare Agencies, the “NO CREDIT NEEDED” NO red tape doctors, three dentists and two medical care in the most complete where victories. He fights for the Russ Veteran’s Administration, the Are you new in Phoenix? NO side notes patients who live in the city. The medical facilities available in their jj¦jrli V State of Keeton Team. Division Vocational Re- NO salary loans Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital locality and the use of said faci- habilitation, other Federal, State COME IN & SEE US Community and Wesley Long Hos- lities with the treatment of their or County Agencies and the In- been bankrupt? NO credit needed were Winzell Martin Have you ever pital and their administrators own physicians.” dustrial Commission of Arizona. NO furniture loans named as defendants. NAACP PROBES Diseases and disorders, in ad- COME IN & SEE US The suit asked the court to issue Winzell Martid..6i ft. 5 in. iSouth NO co-signers needed dition to accident or injury cases, s an injunction declaring the se- Mountain HigH scltbol center‘was ; Have you had a repossession? heeded SEGREGATION IN L. I. - for which there are rehabilita- NO collateral parate-but-equal portion of the selected to the ill State All-Tour- IN & SEE US unconstitutional, ! tion programs include cerebral COME We handle your contract. Hill-Burton Act nament team. Martin ended his arthritis, poliomyelitis, and to enjoin the segregation of PUBLIC SCHOOLS | palsy, mus- Have others turned you down? “Easiest place in the city to career at South Mountain with 21 i cular dystrophy, brain injuries and staff members and patients at the Amityville, & US buy a car.” N. Y. Local against other crippling ailments. COME IN SEE hospitals. points Central, and 569 two branches of the National Associa- The Staff of Samuel Gompers tion for the Advancement of Color- point total—the highest total in NAACP Legal Defense and Ed- Memorial Rehabilitation Center is People and Suffolk Arizona. attorneys repre- ed in Nassau headed by an Executive Director WE TRADE FOR ANYTHING OF VALUE m UNITED.» ucational Fund counties, N. Y., have launched senting the are Conrad achievements with a Medical Director assisted plaintiffs survey His scoring include C., and an intensive of educational by a highly trained group of re- O. Pearson of Durham, N. in the Long Island public a 42 point spree against Catalina, j Jack Greenberg, James M. Nabrit, practices habilitation specialists and thera- /o school system to determine the and 38 points against Flagstaff j pists. Down Buys any car on the 111 and Michael Meltsner of New school segrega- As Low As 10° York City.
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