THE WEATHER Cloudy with snow flurries to­ day; clearing, much colder to­ night; cloudy tomorrow'. 8etM,nit mall matter, January 31, 1925, at the Uoat office at lCliznbeth, New Jersey, under the Act o f March 3. 1879 VOL. XXIV, No. 1213 i>i Aiti.ismi. HILLSIDE, N. J„ THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1948 OFFICIAL NKW8PAPKH Or I11IC TOWNSHIP OF HILLSIDE PRICE FIVE CENTS Strong America Essential To World Peace, Case Asserts State Prison Term Dress Rehearsal Tonight Given To Di Maio For Senior Play, "Stardust” Police Seek $500 By BEA LEV\ j Having rehearsed for - several 111 Cop’s Shooting Cynthia KeenC; Martin Borsky as weeks the ei lit member- in the John\ Redman; Arnold Porges as Thonfd- P. Di . Maio, 24. of 209 j east of ‘ Stardust" will be ready to Living Cost Bonus ~ r' 1.• i? avenue, last Thursday Rpimund Brown; Betsy Corzilious Step in their roles tomorrow nigh as Stella Brahms; Norm i Ka.sofT as Elizabeth was sentenced by Com- and Saturday night for the two Miss Freeman; Joyce Persclay as Cite Increases In m n Pleas Judge Edward A. Mc- peiyoimanecs of this year's senior OraUi to servo concurrent terms ,,f Miss Jones, and Beatrice Levy as Costs Since 1945 Pay play. The cast will have a final Miss Robinson. Farrell Reviews ID In lit years in State Prison on in­ dro-s rehearsal* tonight. / Raise By Referendum For a long time before the actual dictments lor assauft with intent to T "kots for admission are selling A A written request lo the Town­ kill and attempted robbery. He was performances, the various commit­ at 75 cents for adults and 40 cents ship Committee to include in its a member of a holdup trio involved for students. Hillside students will tees which take a large part in ar­ Siam! Favoring A ible forin the shooting of Patrolman Eu- j be eligibleible forforin admission by pre ranging and producing the play, .1948 budget an appropriation for a gene J. .Callan during an abortive Dentation of paid-up S.G.A. tickets, have been busy working. Also im­ blanket bonus of $500 to all 28 portant is the work ol the two robbery attempt last June 10 of I Janet Gentile, senibr, who is in Municipal Field members of th ■ police department, prompters who are Vilma Dunlap the Hilltop Tavern. 1555 Summit I charge of the^ticket sales', has dis- Francis L. Farrell, m cm ly tin was made Hist night by Ernest avenue? ■, tributed them throughout the stu­ and Lorraine Seiffert. £ Board of Education and ehuirmn Voelk. president of the Hillside nt Maio. who pleadea guilty D c -; 1<?nt body. There will also bo a 1'lav Advisors cumber 2!) on both indictments, was j general sale this week at the high Advising the seniors in this pro­ cf its Athletic Commit tec. and lead-jPBA Voelk said that while living "<.is.(! by Prosecutor Edward I scbool. ject are: Miss Phoebe Ilaviland and mg exponent ot a municipal roerea- costs have risen at least 20 percent Leonard Morris, tickets; Mrs. Doro­ Cohn as the leader ."of the three-' Robert Tabit. senior class prosi- Hon are opp : (1 to a field lim- Hiring the last several years, the thy Callander, publicity; George man gang and also tlie driver of the clont, stated that no one will be ited to ol list th is week aim polvc payroll has renlalned the “g'etnway" car. According to the permitted to reserve seats for Sickel.s, scenery and lighting; Hor­ ace McNab, properties; Miss Bar­ mar the reasons for Ins pn, i- une since the 1945 raise. Accord­ prosecutor, Anthony Pisano, 43. of people' coming later. Both perform­ in', in'Voelk,.a recent survey taken bara Doltish and Miss Alice Barden, lion in tli,1m following statement to Orange, and Samuel Appice, 33, of ances will begin at 8 p.m. in the by the P B.A. in neighboring com­ make-up; Mrs. Augusta Walters, 1'he Tiines: VoVona, the pair charged with firing auditorium of the high school munities revealed that police in art; Leonard Slrnssman, music;^u1 "First, il must he elo.uly under the two shots which wounded Cal­ Miss Olive Rapp, speech and hu-e towns received more remun­ Constantine Harper, poster*- stood that a new fo itball lit Id inns lan., named Di Maio as their ac­ dramatics instructor, has directed eration in 1947. through bonuses The stage and lighting committ. be provided eventually for the high complice aftef their arrest in New­ the three-act comedy whose setting and pay increases, than the Hill­ is the Actidemy of Dramatic and consists, of chairmen Robert Davis I schoi team because the present ark. Pisano and Appice ave serv­ field has a limited seating capacih side department last year. ing two to five years, and four V Allied Arts. The satire on theatri­ and Lawrence Peterson, with Joan Berish, Walter Borneman. David and. in addition, the sidelines an Properly Offer Rejected 10 years. respectively, in State cal schools tells the story of dra­ Brindle. Barbara Cuozzi. Marcia dangerously close to the playing An offer of $5,000 by Peter Ar- Prison for a Newark armed robbery. matic students who try "to live” lauekas. president ol the Aztec their art. Complications arise when Moress, Barbara Steinberg, and field. It is obvious, too, we need a Detainers have been filed against William Tozer. ifiunieipal field because >nt/ghb-ii-- A.A. For the. purchase o f the town­ Speaking at the testimonial pro- ( maintain th® peace w« now haw by skit entitled “Strolling Through the both men. a “normal” ^ Broadway actress ar­ Angela Casciano and Lois Schaef­ hood objection and school laws and ship property on Central avenue jiam designated as “ Purple Heart keeping ourselves invincible. 'Uni- I Park One Day Met*In Prison rives to star in the school’s next and Conant street as the site of a production. fer. chairmen of the make-up com­ cu. t. ins make it -difficult, if not im­ Shght." sponsored by Iiurden- versal, military. training will protect | The Ess >-et dancing According to Cohn, Do Maio met mit tee, have chosen Joan Berish. possible, to make the maximum use proposed $75,000 athletic stadium to 1 | , | , ,, j • , Ill.ihis lVoInH dlUvoaides 111in OUllvState Prisoni l 1MJ11 whilp\\ 11 11 v L e a d i n g Characters ^ LouKer Post No. 50, American Le- us ftum wir Sidney Kiley, Ann Stoskus and of school facilities for community lie constructed by his club, was and keep peace, else- t>"upo. d.d some outstanding lap | ht. was sorving f.,ur t0 live years for Into the shoes of the leading turned down jion, Friday evening in U*.' high Gloria Tipping to assist them. recreation. where throughout the world.' routines. They also put on a typical j atrocious assault and carrying a characters will step Rita Feldman Acting on the recommendation ol ichool. Congressman Clifford Frederick W. Branca, national as Prudence Mason, the Broadway Working on the property .staff are "It should be made perfectly clear South Sea^ JLsland dance with the concealed' weapon. , dial the development of either aj Fire Chief George P. Dorer. the Dise told the holders of ihfcvJ| field secretary of the American Le­ actress who is a guest at the school; Lorraine Williams. Paul Zeigler, grass skirts and aff 1) Callan, on vacaUSa, was accosted Abe Zupnik. and Katherine Zwei- committee gave permission to David )J Purple Heart and their iff gion, spoke on the Legion rehabili­ Herbert Alexander as Mr. Bach, the municipal or school field will cost "The Bay way Gay Cats." a black at gunpoint by PisTmo and Appice dinger. / the taxpayer:; ;i considerable amount O. Evans, contractor, to install four ind friends, "It is too bad that 1 tation program and its service to eccentric instructor at the univer­ face troupe of eight in a musical as he was leaving the Hilltop Musical interludes for both eve­ of money. Il is foolish to expect 20,000 and one 10,000 gallon fuel oil :annot tell you and you$- children all veterans. Tavern at 1:30 a. m. Refusing l«> sity; 'Angela Car.viano as Janet tanks at the north end of the Evans and comedy act. brought much Ross, a pretty student at the acad­ nings will be presented by several She taxpayers lo assume the finan­ .hat peace is assured. / io u fought Notables Laud Event laughter. comply with the thugs’ order to re­ Terminal near flu- Lehigh Railroad World War II to give us one last emy who plays leading roles; Jack members of the school’s orchestra cial burden of developing both fields. Mayor Raymond R. King made Citation Recipients turn to the tavern, Callan was shot and choir: George vBrazor. Jack TIi'-ieforo. since the money is go­ an North Broad street. thane ■ tx> make lasting p«ace and Sellick as Phil Ford, Janet’s boy­ an address of welcome to the as­ Citations were presented to Sebas­ twice in the chest when he at­ Cohen. Sandford DlUgmu SeynVmr ng to be spent to develop one area The Progress Club, in a com- rou must help us ^ ow to accom­ semblage. King is a past com­ tempted to grapple with the pair. friend, a budding young artist who mifnicallon to lli^^pumicipal body, tian Aljulriello, Pietro 'Bel v iso, doesn't believe In Bach’s teaching Feldman, Ralph. GrassftL Alvin ihe quo.-lion is: "Which is the most plish it. r'ifW . mander of the post.
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