THE LEDGER INDEPENDENT | WEDNESDAY, 05.2.2012 WEDNESDAY,WEDNESDAOBITUY, 05.2.201205.2.2ARIE012S | A5 DEATHS LOCALLY DEATHS ELSEWEHRE Medical examiner at JFK assassination dies in Iowa MELANIE S. WELTE “We had the routine the bullet was a described Associated Press in place to do it ... it was — that it hit Kennedy and important for the chain of then hit Connally,” she DES MOINES, Iowa | evidence to remain intact,” said. In the turbulent hours Rose said. “That didn’t Rose conducted Os- following President happen when the body was wald’s autopsy, as well as As far as I know, he defi nitely felt John F. Kennedy’s as- taken to Bethesda.” those for Jack Ruby, the sassination, many were Rose’s widow, Marilyn Dallas nightclub owner it was a lone gunman and that uncertain about what Rose, said her husband who killed Oswald two MRS. MOSS to do, but medical ex- wasn’t angry about what days after Kennedy was the shots came from behind MAYSVILLE | Sandra D. aminer Earl Rose knew happened at Parkland Me- shot, and J.D Tippit, a Pollitte Columbia Moss, 75, one thing: The shooting morial Hospital but did his police officer believed to and that there was no second an art teacher and resident happened in Dallas, and best to follow the law. have been killed by Oswald of old Washington, died it was his job to do an au- “At that point, there was shortly after the assassina- gunman on the grassy knoll. He Monday, April 30, 2012, topsy on anyone slain in no federal law on the as- tion. at Meadowview Regional the city. sassinations of presidents,” A native of South Dako- felt the trajectory of the bullet Medical Center after a Rose stood in a door- she said. “If the autopsy ta, Rose earned his medical short illness. way at the hospital where was done in Texas, it would degree from the University was a described — that it hit Sandra was born in Har- Kennedy’s body was have followed the law.” of Nebraska. He moved lan, on July 12, 1936, the taken on Nov. 22, 1963, The Warren Commission his wife and six children Kennedy and then hit Connally.” daughter and only child of in a vain attempt to block concluded in 1964 that Lee from Dallas in 1968 to take MARILYN ROSE, WIDOW the late James J. and Jen- Kennedy’s aides as they Harvey Oswald acted alone a position as a forensic nie Jo Hughes Pollitte. She removed his coffin. The in shooting Kennedy. It pathologist and professor was the granddaughter of Secret Service and first found Oswald likely fired at the University of Iowa the late Edd D. and Mabel lady Jacqueline Ken- three shots, one of which Medical School. Anno Pollitte of Mason nedy prevailed, and the struck Texas Gov. John He died at an Iowa City County, and late Ben and president’s body was Connally after hitting the retirement community. Gladys Rodman Hughes of flown to Bethesda Na- president. His wife said he was di- Franklin County. val Hospital, where an Marilyn Rose said her agnosed with Parkinson’s Sandra was proud of autopsy was done by pa- husband agreed with that disease and then developed 2 Rooms 3 Rooms 4 Rooms her family heritage, which thologists James Humes assessment and began dementia. & Hall & Hall & Hall reached back to Kentucky’s and Thornton Boswell. speaking publicly about Along with his wife, he is $ $ $ 95 earliest settlers through Their findings have been the assassination after the survived by five daughters several branches. She was used to support an array release of Oliver Stone’s and 12 grandchildren. His 79 89 99 an eighth-generation Ma- of conspiracy theories 1991 film “JFK,” which son died in 2005. son Countian. Mrs. Moss about Kennedy’s death. promoted the view that the Marilyn Rose said a me- (937) 378-6721 graduated from Henry Clay Rose, who died Tues- president’s death was the morial will be held June 11 or 1-800-772-6795 High School and attended day at age 85, believed result of an elaborate con- in Iowa City. (937) 213-1889 Emergency Service University of Kentucky. many of those theories spiracy. “We don’t soak your carpet or you” She was an art teacher at wouldn’t have gained “As far as I know, he Carpet Cleaning & Restoration, LLC St. Patrick School. For traction if he had been definitely felt it was a lone FUNERAL IICRC Certified Serving the area since 1963 many years she worked able to do his job. He told gunman and that the shots Quality Cleaning Free Deodorizer & Mircroban as a draftsman for local The Associated Press in came from behind and that DIRECTORY at Quality Prices! civil engineering firms. 2003 that he and his staff there was no second gun- Complete Fire, Smoke and Water Restoration Professionals She also did independent should have done the man on the grassy knoll. For your convenience art work, including pen- exam. He felt the trajectory of KENTUCKY and-ink drawings of many local schools, and local BRACKEN County designs and logos, includ- ing that used by the City of METCALFE- Maysville. In 2011, she was FUNERAL SERVICES HENNESSEY presented an Outstanding Funeral Home Community Service Award TODAY -- 1 p.m., Antioch Church, 301 East 4th. St., Augusta, KY to the City of Maysville John Warren Hanley Meigs Township, Ohio. 606-756-2270 by the Rotary Club of — 2 p.m., Kentucky Vet- www.mhfuneralhome.com Maysville. eran Cemetery, Greenup. SATURDAY AGING EYEWEAR & HEARING Sandra often described Tammy L. Jones MOORE & PARKER herself as “a draftsman, | 1 p.m., Thompson- Harley Dennis Rein FUNERAL HOMES Long Term 305 Elizabeth S., Augusta, KY not an artist,” but she had a Meeker Funeral Home, — 1 p.m., Lafferty Funeral Care Insurance gift for seeing and appreci- West Union, Ohio. Home, West Union, Ohio. 606-756-2101 ating art in the natural and Wendell Lee Ruark | www.mooreandparkerfh.com HEARING AID CENTER material world and a talent 2 p.m., Oak Ridge Baptist Free Hearing Tests & Evaluation THURSDAY Hwy. 10, Brooksville, KY Tom Clarke for helping a generation of Church, Tollesboro. 119 Sutton St. • Maysville, KY 103 E. Second St. Across From Domino’s Pizza students develop their own Earl Clay Sanders 606-735-2114 606-564-5527 artistic gifts. THURSDAY 2 p.m., Grace Baptist www.mooreandparkerfh.com 1-800-686-7410 or 564-3512 She was a member of Church, Flemingsburg. APPLIANCES & FURNITURE the Church of the Nativity Orpah Mae Osborne HAIR SALON and taught Sunday School | 11 a.m., Barbour and Palmer for over 30 years and was Son Funeral Home, Funeral Home McRobert’s a former member of its Tollesboro. Hair Designers 6264 Brooksville Germantown Rd. vestry. Germantown, KY Furniture Mart Survivors include her FRIDAY 606-883-3182 www.palmerfh.com 16 W. 2nd Danita’s Coiffeurs husband of 21 years, James HAIR SALON & BARBER SHOP C. Moss; a son, James (Me- Sandra Columbia LEWIS County Evening & Saturday’s lissa) Columbia of Mason Moss — 11 a.m., Church 564-9848 208 Market St. Maysville County; three daughters, of Nativity, Maysville. Barbour & Son BANQUETS 606-564-0078 Dana Latham (Billy Crop- Tony Junior Myers per) of May’s Lick, Cathy Funeral Home The Limestone Jewelry (Chris) Spencer of Frank- MAYSVILLE Tommy Barbour Billy Barbour Center CONVENIENT Rt. 10, Tollesboro, KY fort, and Laura Reed (Rob DIRECTORY Knox) of Maysville; a step- NO RENTAL FEE! exquisite art treasures 606-798-3241 with catering purchase son, Michael (Christine) 1321 Suite B US. Hwy 68 46 W. 2nd St. Moss of Janesville, Wis.; Maysville, KY Bernard Coughlin Blvd. MASON County Maysville, KY grandchildren, Christo- 606-564-3635 1-800-785-8639 pher Gallagher, Isaac Reed, Hours: Wed. 9-5, Tues., Brell & Son [email protected] Jennie Spencer, Morgan Thurs., Fri. 9-6; Sat. 9-4 Funeral Home 606-564-5578 Reed, Kyle Moss and Em- FLOWERS Maysville’s Only CATERING www.eatgallery.com ily Moss; and her first & PLANTS Locally Owned & Operated husband, Robert (Elnora) freshly cut and arranged MAYSVILLE Funeral Home LAUNDRY Columbia. by these fine florists Marketsquare 606-564-3641 She was preceded in AUGUSTA 606.759.5038 MODERN LAUNDRY death by a son-in-law, HRS: Mon.-Fri. 10a.m.-7p.m. Palmer & DRY CLEANING CO. Randy Reed. Amy’s Sat. 9a.m.-6p.m. Sun. Noon-5p.m. Funeral Home Creative Catering -OUR 118th YEAR- Services for Sandra Co- 6264 Brooksville Germantown Rd. for all Occasions! Try our “Super Shirt” Service lumbia Moss will be con- Blue Daisy Germantown, KY Box Lunches • Drop Off Catering Bring your Dry Cleaning ducted at 11 a.m., Friday, 128 Main Street •Sit Down Dinner •Corporate Catering with your shirts. (606) 756-2821 606-883-3182 606-564-4250 May 4 at the Church of the Shoppes of Maysville www.palmerfh.com 31 East 2nd St. www.amysbluedaisy.com [email protected] Nativity in Maysville with 223 Wal-Mart Way Maysville, Ky • 564-5561 Rev. Michael Henderson ROBERTSON County EWING 606-759-0100 CHRISTIAN STORES officiating. M-F 9 -9 •Sat 9-6 •Sun 12-5 ROBERTSON LODGE Burial will follow in Grimes the Olivet Church Cem- Greenhouse COUNTY etery. Pallbearers are Ben Nursery & Florist Funeral Home Eagle’s Lodge Hughes, Rodman Hughes, 122 Metcalfe Rd. Hwy. 62, Mt. Olivet, KY 49 West Second St. 139 East 2nd Ronnie Anderson Jr., Ty (606) 267-3141 Maysville, KY 525 Tucker Drive 606-724-5000 Maysville, Ky Newdigate, Corey Newdi- 1-877-476-0222 Tues.-Fri., 9-5 • Sat., 9-1 gate, Craig Chamberlain [email protected] 606•759.0405 and Michael Moss.
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