Send your friends or rela* If you know an Item of ttves The News. It’s Uko news send It In. The News a letter from homo and will la Your Paper. Use It. reach them regularly ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1926. VOL. XXXIV—No. 8. $2.00 A YEAR. Says ‘'Family Pact” Agricullore Closure Dole Foils Seven limes a Widower Final Matclies Women's leslilete Fx-Clengarriae Agriculture is the Most Useful, The Fory DIockade London, Ont., March 3.—Nearing 82 The regular meeting of the Ma.x- Exists in Kenora : years of age, seven times a widower Fouflilers' Irophy villc Branch of the Women’s Institute Dies in Fhe West faiost Beautiful and the Most Noble Ottawa, March 3.—Amid tumultuous and father of a family of twenty was held on Saturday afternoon, Feb. At the Curling Rink on Monday and ME. RODERICK FRASER ^‘The disfranchising of the people Employment of Man—Washington demonstrations from Liberal and Con- children, Alexander “Sandy” Mac- 27th. Committees in charge of the Tuesday of this week the final games The many friends of the late Rod- in seven constituencies in Ontario is servative members alike, the Govern- Donald is recuperating from acciden- bazaar work reported, and also the for the Founderers’ trophy were play- erick Fraser, Creston, Washin^on, will one of the most disgraceful conditions ment early today carried three divi- tal gas poisoning at the home of Mrs. splendid work being done by the child- ed off before a large gallery of curl- regret to learn of his death, which oc- ever witnessed in the political life of Agriculture is the art of cultivating sions—on closure, the Bird motion of M Johnston, this city, and contem- ing enthusiasts who turned out in ren taking the sewing course. Canada/’ was the statement of Peter the soil so as to produce the largest plates another venture into matrimony In connection with the latter it was curred at 9.45, Monday evening, Feb- “the previous question, ” and th-e .spite of the storms aud snow drifts ruary 8th* at his residence, after an Heenan, M.P., (Labor-Liberal, Kenora- crops at the smallest cost and the main motion for adoption of the Ad- just as soon as he is sufficiently re- knowing that the games would be reported that the department at Tor- Kainy Eiver), in an interview with illness of several months of pernicious least injury to the soil. It also in- dress—and Parliament at 12.30 a.m. covered. fought to a finish. In the finals were onto would seyid an examiner here in The Globe at the Carls-Rite Monday. April, who will award diplomas to all anaemia. cludes the raising and feeding of adjourned until March 15. The lady of his choice, who lives the teams of Dr. J. T. Hoj>e and Don- Commenting further, Mr. Heenan stock and whatever relates to the in Glengarry county, paid a visit to the children who have successfully Mr, Fraser was able to be up until Closure was carried on Mr. La- ald J. Macdonald winners of their res- said: There is no reason, except for farm buildings and domestic economy him in Victoria Hospital during the completed the first year’s work. All the evening before he died. Althougli pointe’s motion at 3.15 o’clock, Tues- pective groups and as called for by his death was expected for weeks be- political reasons, why the by-elections —the care and improvement of ^he weeks he spent, there as a result of his the rules, these teams had to meet the contestants will be entertained •could not have been brought on and land. He who thus cultivates the soil day afternoon by a vote of 108 to 95, the members of the Institute on the fore, he stoutly refused to take to hia a majority of 13, the largest accorded accidental inhaling of gas from a stove, twice once on the north ice and once the seats filled long before the session is a farmer. The farmer who under- and he looks forward to his eighth day of the examination. bed. He was a patient in the Sacred the Government this session on the south ice, with fourteen ends Heart Hospital, Spokane, January last', was called.” stands his business is of great impor- wedding in the near future. to each game. The teams were even- Mrs. A. D. McDougall gave a splen- Referring to the Kenora District, The Bird motion was carried at mid- and not being content was taken home tance and is entitled to high honour. “Only for this accident I would ly matched and had both gone through did talk on “Stumbling; Stones in In- one of the disfranchised constituencies All lawful pursuits are noble and night by a vote of 108 to 102, a ma- have been married again by now,” he stitute work.” The speaker said that where he could be with his family jority of 6, and at 12.20 a.m. the the season with only one loss and they and friends. Rev. P. A. Flavin, his and Mr. Heenan’s former Provincial ennobling—but if any distinction is said. “If the Lord spares me, I in- each lined up Monday evening confid stumbling stones are things we fall riding, he said: ”The Provincial Gov- main motion for the adoption of the pastor and^ friend, visited him almost to be made, that is most noble and tend to establish a home again soon.” eut of success. over aimlessly or carelessly. In con- ernment had been approached by wo- most ennobling which is most useful. Address in reply to the Speech ^fro.m 0 nection with Institute work one of daily since his first illness last June. the Throne went through Parliament The first half of the battle, on Mon- The news of Mr. Fraser’s death men ’s organizations in Kenora dis- For this reason agriculture has been day evening was closely contested. To- the stumbling stones we meet with is trict, who had urged the Premier by by 111 to 102 evoked expressions of sorrow and re- placed at the head of all human em- MY IRISH ROSE wards the end, however, the team of lack of loyalitÿ and lack of interest, resolution, which was made public to see gret from his wide circle of friends aud ployments. It is certainly the basis 0 Skip Donald J Macdonald drew away instead of us asking the question, What A comedy-drama of Irish life in acquaintances in the Big Bend coun- that their district was represented at of the rest, without which they could from their opponents and on the thir- is the Institute doing for the Com- this present session. Apparently the not stand for a day. ‘three acts, brimful with amusing situ munity? Let us make it a personal try where he was one of the best ations, entitled “My Irish Rose” is teenth end were five up. At the four- known wheat ranchers. Government would rather take the ad- “There seems to be” says Frank- matter aud ask What am I doing for Carriage Factories to be produced in Alexander Hall, on teenth end, however, the team of Skip vice of their own followers in that end liu, “but three ways for a nation to the Community through the Institue? He was endowed with an exception- the evening of St. Patrick’s day, Hope, determined to even the score, of the Province, and so deferred the acquire wealth. The first is by war, Do we pay our fees promptly and at- ally brilliant menïory which he re- For the year ended July 31, 1925, March 17th and the following night. kept, placing their irons close to the by-eloction until some one, through as the Romans did, in plundering their tend the meetings regularly, do we en- tained through his long illness. the annual financial statement of Car- It is under the auspices of Glengarry tee with the result that when Dr. political patronage, would feel strong- neighbors—this is robbery. The se- courage the officers and other members The deceased was a direct descend- riage Factories, Limited, to be pre- Council K. of G. and the all-local cast Hope tapped out on Macdonald’s iron er than he did just after the Federal cond is by commerce, which is fre- by giving practical demonstrations of ant of Canada’s oldest and most illus- sented to the shareholders at the an- includes several old time favorites. All from the two foot ring on his last shot election. quently cheating. The third, by agri- our faith in our motto for Home Und trious. settlers, Simon Fraser, of Re- nual meeting on March 12, shows an seats are reserved at the moderate he gave his team four points and made ”In the meantime that important culture, the only honest way wherein operating loss of $113,925* which, add- Country. The^e are those who - cry volutionary fame. He was born June price of fifty cents* tax extra. The the final score of the evening Donald district is left unrepresented and in man receives a real increase of the down any civic or philanthropic pro-' 2nd, 1851, at Lot 4-2 Con. Kenyon, ed to adjustments of $5,532,. makes a plan of hall will open at Miss Cud- J. Macdonald 12, Dr. J. T.' Hope 11. the hands of those who created a con- seed thrown into the ground in a kind ject as too big or two useless, an Alexandria, and was the son of Coliu total loss of $119,457.
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